Transcripts For DW Die Anstalt 20240712

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Of us in the free world im burnt off in berlin this is the day. This is the grand National Left what are you sure as a president who is on your list you know it was pretty hard to follow. Me it was this is not as loud as im a grandmother his family is not your family. Cant raise your president ial burn down your stores and kill people little dramas and you seem to be disappointed at how its not because you say it is complete really substantive. B. S. And im not going to give a let me have ended this segment were going to move on to the 2nd segment it was really the joke that experienced this earnest. Also coming up in bill ruse people continue to protest demanding the president resign demanding fair and free elections but the government doesnt want the world to know that foreign journalists theyre being forced to leave. Getting a new cretaceous for extending distant papers is no longer possible theres no outright refusal just the same excuse over and over again the commission in charge they say called get together because of covert. Well to our viewers watching on p. B. S. In the United States and to all of your around the world welcome we begin the day with the debate debacle we cannot begin to list all of the adjectives used today to describe tuesday nights u. S. President ial debate many of the words we cant say on television the child friendly headline it reads the worst debate in living memory the debate between u. S. President donald trump and former Vice President joe biden was a success for no one not the candidates and certainly not for democracy voters in the u. S. Today have been lamenting that the 90 minute televised debate revealed a little about where the candidates stand on the most important issues such as the pandemic the economy and Climate Change here in europe americas allies say the debate was a nasty spectacle and embarrassment for american democracy the official reaction in china is a mixture of communist shodan with we told you so in a moment well go through what was said and what wasnt said and discuss why it matters to the world but 1st here are the highlights from an event that was not one of americas finer moments the fact is that everything he said so far is simply a lie im not here to call out his lies Everybody Knows hes a liar but you know i just want a widget i want to make sure who i did last 1st and i am. I want to make sure i didnt can you let him finish there he dont know how to do that that meeting was an hour a day by me off like well as joe im you know join and it was the most unpopular i asked to vote i mean i got rid of id like i did will president be i wouldnt be a moderator of this to say and i would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer and i laid out again in july what we should be doing we should be providing all the protective gear post we should be providing the money the house has passed in order to be able to go out. And get people the help they need to keep their businesses open open schools that cost a lot of money you should get out of your bunker and get out of the sand trap and get in your golf course and go in the oval office and bring together the democrats republicans and fund what needs to be done now to save lives so you could never have done the job that we did you dont have it in new black you could have never done that you know i know how to do the job i know how to get the job where you dont do very well in swine flu or h one n one you were a disaster your own Church Stands out in a disaster t. V. 1000 people died not 200000 we have know their economic recession or you made a lot of let us know it just made a point by now. We can say thats the under thats this is the end of that ballot count where not only have a day or 2 to be continued as in more debates as we go on President Trump Vice President biden its been an interesting hour and a half i want to thank you both for participating while we want to dive into that debacle tonight to do that im joined here in the studio by julian fundal our strategy and Campaign Consultant who worked with the obama campaigns in 200820125 Jeremy Shapiro hes Research Director at the European Council on Foreign Relations he joins us tonight from london gentlemen to both of you good evening jeremy let me start with you in the u. S. Many are calling it the worst president ial debate in living memory or in u. S. History what a bell on this side of the atlantic what did you think. Yeah ive never seen anything as bad as that in any kind of debate and i think its a sort of symptom of the way that trump has essentially degraded the state of american democracy i think i sort of felt for biden he had no choice but to respond in kind and it its sort of demonstrates that by and that politicians are and in trying to respond to trump. If you dont come down to his level you cant respond but if you do your degrading democracy you know that thats a good point judy as youve been front and center at president ial debates before me can you explain what happened last night. Well i think it was a reflection of where the debate in the campaign overall stands right now i mean everyone is yelling and the whole political discourse in the United States is just yelling over one another theres no real debate and so its just people yelling at each other but theyre not actually connecting or you know listening and talking about the issues i dont think people are talking with each other talking past each other there are several key moments that we want to take a look at tonight the 1st is when Moderator Chris Wallace asked the president would he be willing to denounce White Supremacists and militias such as the Group Proud Boys would you take a listen what he said give me a name give me what you surprise us and like me that can do you proud son right proud of my boys stand back and stand by but ill tell you what ill tell you what somebody has got to do something about anti fair and the left because this is not a right. Is a levy i. Stand by com it was music to the ears of right wing did right wing group for boys you see right there joe bidens twitter feed captured some of the euphoria before it was deleted see right there. Standing by sir that was the reaction after they heard the president say stand by me julies what what would you have advised by or what should have been his response to me it goes back to charlottesville and you know what happened back then remember the press conference that trump gave later after those events took place and he was asked specifically about the proud boys and he said back then you know theyre fine people on both sides he was present at the opportunity to clearly did now its White Supremacy and he passed on it twice yesterday and so i think its just pretty clear where he stands but i do think that it goes back to the strategy of dollar show where he has a clear base plus strategy where he says i want to excite the base as much as i can because i know i cant reach those swing voters and right now there are still 12 percent of the american electorate which is undecided and so i think hes saying i cant reach those voters let me turn up the volume on my own base and expand my trump base the maga the make America Great again base and i think thats clearly a sign of what the strategy is for the Trump Campaign germy youve got a u. S. President who tells militias and right wing groups to stand by i mean this must be like manna falling from the skies for right wing movements here in europe. Yeah i mean i suppose i think at this point its its not even really fair to say that trump has a strategy on this its just sort of the only thing he knows how to do. And so i think that the right wing movements in europe are are a little bit less inspired by trump than they used to be because he seems to be flailing about so much im not really sure. You know julius its its fine to say that theres 12 percent undecided im not really convinced of that i think that a lot of. A lot of the a lot of those 12 percent have really decided theyre just arent telling the polls and i think that what that trump is trump is who he is and so none of his Political Consultants are telling him to give a fillip to the proud boys but hes doing it because its the only thing he knows how to do and in the moment hes very interested and exciting his base im not really sure that at this point that represents any kind of strategy that the european right wing glom onto something thats interesting lets talk about joe biden and what he was criticized most for last night and that was his response to the question would she as u. S. President stack the u. S. Supreme Court Justices to rebalance between liberal and conservative judges take a listen to what he said vote and let your senators know whats going on are you feeling that vote now and in fact sure you in fact let people know senator im not going to answer the question because if you ask. The radical left would you shouldnt mason who is on your list joe. Johns i think this is. Going to get all right jim let me ask you what is the lesson there for those of us outside the United States watching. Well i mean i think it reveals a sort of the lamb that the democrats have even if they should win the presidency which is how much are they going to be sort of take the lesson from the Trump Presidency and particularly from the last 2 supreme the Supreme Court fights over america garland and over the current one to whether theyre going to decide that they want to be norm shatters as well and if they get control on are they going to pack the Supreme Court which is constitutional but not one thing thats been done in in many many decades in fact hundreds of years in well over 100 years and so it would be it would be a real Nuclear Weapon in the political battles and it would sort of reduce the United States yet further into the partisan miasma that its in but i think quite a few democrats and certainly the Democratic Base feels that there are tea in that and theyre already fighting that battle theyre just losing it and so now they have to they want to do that i think its not surprising that joe biden is unwilling to commit to that because. Its a little bit its damaging before the election but he shouldnt be willing to dissuade his base and out at you so theres no way he should answer that question i think he should have answered the question i think he should have said very clearly i will not pack the court i mean what were talking about right here is packing the court adding justices to the Supreme Court turning d. C. Potentially in a state with electoral votes that is what theyre talking about and Chuck Schumer was asked about and he said you know everything is on the table and. And i think this goes back to the strategy of the chum campaign that i just mentioned where you know trump wants to say look there is a radical left element whether thats true or not is a different question but thats what hes talking about when hes trying to excite his own base saying look the democrats want to stack the court theyre. Want to take away your guns they want to pretty much roll back everything that we have fought for over decades and you know joe biden is not willing to commit if i would have been joe biden i would have said clearly look i am a traditional democrat i am not looking to he said i am the Democratic Party that is what he said but it did commit to and has a base well. That they say he needs to avoid he needs to avoid berating that base and i think that base. Because im part of it is very tired of. Not responding to the republicans and kind yeah i think the bad i do not see that take them a krauts lets stay home just because biden were to say i will not extend supreme Court Justices to 11 or 13 all right let me go on here before we run out of time but there does seem to be consensus that the debate fell deeply into the gutter when donald trump began attacking joe biden sons i want you to take a listen to that fiery and Emotional Exchange my son was in iraq he spent a year there he got he brought the bronze star he got a Conspicuous Service medal he was not a loser he was a patriot and the people left behind there were heroes really and i resented talking like you know you took and im talking about my son beau biden your top i dont know i dont know bow i know what you did all grown hunter got thrown out of the military he was thrown out dishonorably discharged not true as it was even years and he didnt have a job until you became Vice President what you know out of that president he made a fortune in ukraine in china and miles that is simply an area not of the playgroups he my son works in general my son and he didnt have a giant son like a lot of people like a lot of people you know at home had a drug problem hes overtaken it hes hes hes fixed it hes worked on it and im proud of him. Why was that millionaire out he wasnt game. Biden could have attacked trumps family at that point but he did. I thought it was a strongest moment of joe biden in that entire debate you saw raw emotions and he was you know on the stand and the stand the bully upset about what trungpa just said i mean i think i could see a politician actually saying to Chris Wallace hold my coat and let me walk over there he didnt fortunately but i thought it was effective i thought we saw clear motions and i thought he connected with voters watching at home jimmy do you think it was that the moment when. Biden emerged as the winner of this debate yeah i guess i agree i think that. What he managed to do in that moment was both show emotion and show control and its always a difficult thing for a president ial candidate you want to show that you care deeply that youre emotionally in touch with these things that you feel things like other people feel things but also that your emotions dont get control of you and that you are able to sort of process them in a way which will be you know amenable to being a leader and i think biden showed that in that moment it was a key moment weve got about one minute left and one as both of you the commission on president ial debates has announced this evening that its going to be changing some things adding tools to maintain order for the next 2 debates jeremy you 1st with that fix this problem. I hadnt heard that im not exactly sure what what rules theyre going to change but my guess is that they will never be able to control trump and. Probably enough ive read this on twitter i think David Axelrod made the point they should add a mute button for the moderators just. That would be one thing but maybe you know in the last couple debates they had on several occasions new multiple moderators maybe that would change something but i think as long as chump decides to continue to run in the republican primary with the bullfight that hes putting on there i dont think theres a way to control them well well see if they if they do go with the mute button itll be interesting to see the whigs this is an excellent discussion gentleman. Veteran of the obama campaigns of 20082012 the london Jeremy Shapiro Research Director at the European Council on Foreign Relations the both of you gentlemen thank you very much. It is what all the currents and dictators do when they dont like the message they shut down or get rid of the messengers and that is exactly what is happening now in bill roofs the coverage of mass protests has gained traction and attention globally to the dismay of president lukashenko the result is now is not good news for foreign journalists connelly joins me in just a moment he was just forced to leave bella ruse but 1st his report on efforts to gag the media and what that means for the protest of weeks of protests capturing imaginations around the world colorful symbols charismatic leaders. Its often turned ugly Security Forces cracking down brutally on peaceful protests and when it did photographers and journalists were there to report. People here tell you one thing time and time again knowing that the world is watching makes them feel safer. They show the outside attention acts as a restraint on the government. But journalists are facing increasing intimidation to photographers spent 15 days in jail for quote organizing an illegal protest they had taken pictures of a demonstration an editor who published an interview in which a victim of torture names his torture also ended up in jail and tire news outlets now stand to lose their media licenses without them their journalists could face arrest at any time. Foreign journalists like me havent so far been subjected to this kind of treatment very soon there may not be any of us left here in pillars getting a new credit taishan or extending this thing papers is no longer possible theres no outright refusal just the same excuse over and over again the commission in charge they say called get together because of covert this in a country where the man in charge president Alexander Lukashenko who claims to have won the disputed election downplays the dangers of the coronavirus he has said that a visit to the sauna is the best treatment for the disease. As independent media here vanishes protesters fear a future in which there is no one left to document what the government does to its opponents. And with me here the big table is the w. s very young economy that just got off the plane from ments niggas good to see you talk to me about what has happened here basically you had a choice right you had to you had to leave the country you didnt have your accreditation anymore well just me this something thats affected basically all the Foreign Press i happen to have this paper. From last year it was running out and every time i tried to renew it i was told unfortunately the commission in charge called me this is. Not a very convincing argument in a country where the president says go to the solenoid if you have coded or write attracted to make yourself healthy again so thats something an excuse thats been peddled is to not just us but to the Main International media and basically in a few weeks on theres going to be no one left with right good theyre just letting everyones accreditation run out and then there be no foreign journalists left that is the plan. What about the local journalists there that you know that youve worked with the mean are they you know are in danger are they even going to be able to make a living with this crackdown why wait is there very definitely in danger i was at one of the womens much as just last weekend and one of the local belarusian journalist was taken in she had an accreditation she was working clearly identifying herself as a journalist wearing a. Jacket and she was given 15 days in jail for quote organizing a space in an illegal demonstration and for not cooperating the police she was a big fine and essentially shes going to lose her accreditation she will be banned from working in her own country the countrys biggest news service to buy has been taken off basically has been blocked for now for 3 months thats a kind of warning shot across the bows and basically its going to be a situation where its going to be state media in the country and the media will be forced into exile as already happened with several outlets were you seeing the pressure here me did you did you feel unsafe. I didnt feel unsafe personally i think as a foreigner we are privileged in situation and i think its kind of difficult to complain when weve seen much worse stuff happen to locals who have a lot more at risk and to the need to carry a living in this country and would you have potentially face exile if this continues i definitely felt that i was being watched we had people walking past making their presence felt just to kind of give us a sense that we were being what was filmed multiplications. That was definitely a stretch to make us feel like we werent. In a free situation to do what we wanted in that about a minute left i want to ask you need years of the opposition. Theyve left the country now weve got Media Coverage thats being stopped me and looks like. Hes not giving an inch definitely he doesnt see anything in it for him to engage in any kind of dialogue but im not sure its totally up to him he has become a liability for the russians the optics are just too toxic at the moment they have him where they want and hes been forced to make concessions in the sense to give up in the us and 70 in return for Russian Support against his own people but i think for me the most going member will thing was the police with all the weapons at their disposal all their massive superiority in terms of power they would not willing to stand on the streets and protect the regime without as soon as the protesters came in ripped off they ran away from the protests that they are not willing to show their face and put their face to that regime so i think he has problems brewing for now he might be safe but he definitely. Has problems and is going to pay a price for this Russian Support well were glad youre safe nic we appreciate your reporting that you come in and tell us about it tonight glad that the flight was safe tonight as well they calmly thank you. Well the fact that our correspondent in belarus was forced to leave the country illustrates a sobering truth the free world has not won the free world is still in a fight for survival sadly that includes the United States the world watched the president ial debate on tuesday descend into something that i cannot say on the air i mean the word is cluster followed by a word that rhymes with luck cluster luck if you will and that is supposed to be american democracy last night the leader of the free world us president refused to denounce White Supremacists instead he told them to stand by he cant even say yes when asked will you accept the results of the november election today the german lawmaker andreas nick described the debate as an embarrassment and he said it is disturbing not only for voters in the us but also for the friends and allies of america its a different story for the free worlds rivals today chinas Main International newspaper an arm of the communist party described the chaos of the debate with unusual glee beijing sees what is happening in washington europeans do as well tonight the atlantic has never seemed so vast america never served distant even if joe biden wins the election there is a debate about whether or not he can repair the damage already done however there is a debate taking place the same cannot be said about american democracy tonight. Well the days almost done the conversation it continues online youll find us on twitter either at u. W. News or you can follow me a brant golf t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Was jems machos a holiday its time for democracy minutemen are not back down in the face of Police Violence cropping up. Authoritarian regime. They continue to demonstrate and demand before socratic president step down the toxic gas when it says look i shall go cut some goods on your. 90 minutes on d. W. Personal drama competition rival marketing numbers atmosphere help fight thats how intuition. Might show united fans friends 5 spam. Old. Because we love football. Play golf on you tube joining us. Ws crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable production. All of a sows are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters to news now. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their homes nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced and the consequences to sisters were documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. What a good thing we dont need and i didnt go to university to kill people. Or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone to get money and if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of the person kristie. My husband went to peru because of the crisis. That if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger. Starts october 16th. This is. The u. S. President ial debate that has the world talking joe biden called performance a national. Has no plan no i didnt he didnt express a single plan he had about how were going to move forward. And it made me realize that just how much is at stake after discussions descended into a shouting match. That the election itself will be anything but peaceful also coming up the death toll climbs in the breakaway nagorno region as armenia and azerbaijan leaders say now is not the time for peace talks and a 5 year battle begins in success and the rainy and canoeist in germany wins his flight to be considered for the refugee team and next years tokyo lympics. Good to have you with us we begin tonight with the fallout from americas debate debacle u. S. President ial. And that it joe biden has described president Donald Trumps performance in tuesday nights televised debate as a National Embarrassment the discussion over issues including the coronavirus Race Relations and the economy quickly descended into a series of interruptions and insults prompting horrified reactions in the u. S. And beyond. Some u. S. Commentators are calling it the worst president ial debate history 90 minutes of interruptions frost talk insults and accusations mostly from the president exchanges like this one were typical for the composition of the u. S. Supreme court and the senate to consider you should go out and vote youre in voting now vote and let your senators know how you get older you feel like lets vote now that a pact they will sure you in fact let people know his or senator i should im not going to answer the question i always answer that because for us to know the new issue to me is us is the rational left would you she was out based on who is on your list you know this we dont you know right gentlemen is i think this is the president actually we have none of so it went for much of the evening trump seeking to distract and disrupt biden with a barrage of interjections yeah people understand the proceeds from supporters watching in a bar in california appear to love it and words he says our president clearly clearly established the advantage over by. No questions that. He knows what hes doing about every aspect of our president s our needs in america i descend audis voter fraud thats what these democrats are looking to do the socialist because they say no to god it is up to the state like the United States like go to communism noticed socialism sure we stand up to fight against that. We had a drive in the battleground state of florida fighting supporters saw their man. Hes doing very good job of getting his point across he has a plan which is. A man when it comes to their his name the economy around a fire is. So i think its tough but hes hes doing very well its very clear that. I think that by that i think that hes a right choice for the country. For years to show if hes capable of doing that job and he proved that he is not the right guy for the for the job. Several snap opinion polls taken immediately after the debate said biden won by a slim margin the next debate is scheduled for october 15th americans will be hoping they dont get a repeat performance. Art lets bring you up to date now with some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world Iraqi Kurdish security sources say paramilitary groups backed by iran have launched a rocket attack targeting u. S. Troops the rockets landed near air b. O. International airport in these simple kurdistan region of iraq local media say sirens were heard inside a military base housing u. S. Troops wildfires ravaging world famous wine regions in the u. S. State of california have spread rapidly in claimed 3 lives tens of thousands of residents have been evacuated in sonoma and napa valley 2 of californias most celebrated wineries have also been destroyed in the blades. The former c. E. O. Has appeared in a munich court were making him the 1st person to Face Criminal Charges in germany over the diesel gate scandal and 3 other defendants are accused of fraud falsifying documents and faults advertize authorities in belarus have suspended the countrys main independent news outlet for 3 months to buy coverage of more than 7 weeks of protests against the bill rusin government frequently went viral in the outlands says it intends to continue operating. French president emanuel has condemned the comments by turkey on the latest flare up in the caucasus as reckless and dangerous now this after turkey voiced its support for iser by johns efforts to take control of nagornokarabakh from armenian separatists International Calls for both sides to work towards a diplomatic solution have so far gone unheeded. This mans heart has been shelled beyond recognition. It now resembles a number of other civilian homes in the disputed nagornokarabakh region. Everythings broken well what else can i say. Officially the separatist region lies within as a by shun but it has been under the control of Ethnic Armenian forces backed by the amenia and government since 1994 fighting has now spread well beyond the borders of the contested xyron like in this bordering town in gaza by shaan and is threatening to spill into one full out war. Despite the growing death toll both military and civilian neither are mania nor azerbaijan appears ready to take steps towards pace or to improve not necessarily hard to talk about negotiations when specific military operations are underway. On baby a is especially concerned about the alleged involvement of turkey which it claims has begun aiding its ally as i shown you that was there is no evidence of turkeys involvement in the conflict and there is no such named the Azerbaijani Army is sufficiently prepared to ensure the protection of its people and its territory we will not although it is very good from both sides have accused the other of initiating the latest hostilities attacking civilian targets and obstructing negotiations the clashes have continued into a full day despite International Calls 1st ceasefire. French president emanuel not kron is planning to hold discussions but both russia and the us on ways to end the conflict can be made meanwhile both on mania and azerbaijan continue to see the citizens queue to enlist in the military and join the battlefield. Poland community is facing growing hostility around a 100 towns and regions across the country have passed resolutions against what conservatives describe as an aggressive ideology promoting homosexuality earlier this week 50 diplomats from around the world published an open letter urging the polish government to stop discrimination against sexual minorities where now the European Union is also ramping up pressure on poland to protect l g b t its. Pictures like these are the reason why i bought stuff is getting death threats. He puts up the sign at the entrance to towns that a socalled algy p. T. Free zones shining a spotlight on the difficulties gay people face in poland. The situation or we are not showing call for all we are in the clothes that where we are at our house thats showing that we are scared of being beaten and scared of being. Scared that somebody will wait for me in front of my house almost 100 local governments have declared themselves free of l g b t ideology these declarations are not legally binding. But Rights Groups say they fuel hunger phobia even outside the zones counter protesters have repeatedly attacked members of the algae bt community as you can see here. I have seen video if it of this fake is. Right we i swear the onto. That its not just life its the people who are trying stones on to us. Polands ruling and Justice Party is behind much of the antigay rhetoric it claims to be protecting traditional family values here we have to defend ourselves against their. People their way of life is the road to perdition it leads to the dismantling of basic social structures in which the family plays the most fundamental role. The European Union has condemned polands treatment of its bt community i want to be Crystal Clear l g b t q i have 3 zones i assure manatee tree zealots and they have no place in ours union in july and the e. U. Commission rejected grants to 6 polish towns that had socalled l g b t free zones. But it wants to see more concrete action. So i expect that European Union obey not the union of empty wars but something more. That the people are equal and theyre taking it until that equality becomes a reality in bobs country he will continue his fight against homophobia. And sports news now in munich and beat to dortmund 3 to win the german super cup their trophy of a stellar year meanwhile the refereeing for the game may be health announced before kick off. She is retiring 6 years before rules state that she has to the 1st female referee in the mens bundesliga says that she will give reasons for quitting at a later date the German Football Federation says it regrets her decision she has been a referee in the bundesliga since 27 to. Brazil football star neymar 34600000 euros in taxes from his time in spain playing for barcelona thats what official documents are now showing the party son jim on forward owes more than anyone else on the list of thousands of names issued by the Spanish Tax Office he is the latest in a long line of Football Players including leo messi and Cristiano Ronaldo to fall foul of the spanish tax system. And iranian canoeist has been boosted in his bid to represent a team of refugees at the tokyo lympics next year saeed finds lula trains that competes here in germany does that after having fled his homeland back in 2015 now after a rules change hes one step closer to his dream. Sayyid is more motivated than ever the iranian refugee now has a clear way forward to next years olympics in tokyo hes hoping to represent the refugee team of 3 youths and from the International Canoe federation. Weve now decided it will support site competing for the i. O. C. As refugees. Fled iran in 2015 after taking this selfie in front of milan cathedral at home that was viewed as him converting to christianity punishable by death germany gave a place to train and compete hes since been working hard both out on the water and in the complicated process of severing ties with the iranian reading team who wants him to avoid a conflict with iran the International Community federation had insisted its rules meant it can grant him Refugee Status even though he has documents proving otherwise. Bass was a hard journey 5 years long i just cry if i want to go to the olympics i have to give 100 percent to be there. Now needs to meet the sporting requirements the selection also really in the hands of the i. O. C. Whoever has such a story behind them clearly deserves the support of International Sporting bodies therefore we hope that common sense prevails. Seek. After the sandbags hopes the federation will keep to its word so he can concentrate fully on his sports. The creator of the comic strip mafalda argentinian cartoon is joachim Salvatore Lovato has died at the age of 88 better known as kino his most all the comic strip was 1st published in the 1960 s. And it grew a dedicated follower reflected the world of adults through the eyes of a group of children with a nonconformist 6 Year Old Girl as the central character with her loathing for super befall the found fans across the world in one its obvious some pay tribute to kino by visiting models of his iconic characters. Youre watching news my colleague monica jones will be up next with a business to show right. People forced to hide in trucks. Since. There are many answers. And there are many stories. Make up your. Made for minds. Big day for boeing the chief of the f. A. A. Tests changes to the airlines grounded 737 max by taking the jet on a 2 hour test flight also coming up former out. Becomes the 1st to go on trial in germany of the diesel gate admission scandal 5 years after Parent Company folks admitted to discount. And facing the music an iconic nightclub in south korea is forced to close its doors permanently because of the program about his plan to. Back up to do business i want to cajones of burley im going to have you with us and we start with what could well be an important milestone for boeing on wednesday federal Aviation Administration chief steve dixon conducted a nearly 2 hour test flight at the controls of a boeing 737 max of the 737 max was one of boeings most popular aircraft until to say 2 crashes triggered an f a a grounding order last year plunging boeing into its worst ever crisis if this test flight goes well the f. A. A. Could lift its grounding order in late november putting the max on a path to resume commercial service potentially before the end of the year. For more lets bring in our financial correspondent quarter in new york yes 1st of all how significant is this test flight for boeing then. It really is another milestone in the head of the f. A. A. After the roughly 2 hour test flight disquieted saying that he like what he saw about the also said that hes not going to unnecessarily speed up the process so what im hearing from aviation experts that actually might take until early next year before those planes are allowed in commercial hughes but we did see the stock price of boeing pop up even if its still. In february and we shouldnt forget the end tire in industry is still in deep crisis that especially true for all the potential boeing customers. Yes well europes obviously been pretty much talking whole day about last nights debate and i think the overall would a verdict and feeling was bewildered and. Hows the debate gone down on wall street. Well i mean clearly all saw traders on wall street are following the elections very closely and it clearly was a pretty unusual debate to him i would say what traders or investors in general are very it most about is that it might be a disorderly that it might take weeks maybe even months theres a u. S. President donald trump stated tuesday night until we finally know who is going to win the election but if you look at the overall performance from wall street well they seem to shrug all the fighting and interruptions all of quite nicely blue chips up by pretty solidly here in the wednesday session even if for the months theyre down a good 2 percent meaning thats the 1st down months for wall street since march and of course the markets have quite a distraction there today we can see there it clearly behind you the big logo palen tear Software Company that floated shares on wall street today tell us more. Clearly a big i. P. O. And this has been actually postponed a couple of times by finally we did get the 1st rate here on wednesday the stop by the end of the session up by a good 30 percent pelletier is a fascinating Company Making mainly a business this was secret service is also wrong to the globe which the u. S. Agencies was the f. B. I. It was the cia was n. S. A. And with ice and now theyre trying to catch more private customers so it is a bit of a secret company and now with the i. P. O. It might have to become a bit more transparent by the way that the company was founded in 2003 it never has been profitable and might not be for quite some time just in the past here make sure they had a loss of almost 580000000 dollars but in times where Central Banks Federal Reserve banks all over the globe so global flooding the market was cheap money investors are grabbing whatever they can even if a company like pollen tear is not profitable at all. Costs in new york thank you so much. And ill briefly look at some of the business stories making. The number of unemployed germans fell for the 1st time since the arrival of the coded 19 pandemic by more than 1000022 point 85000000 in september unemployment is now its 6. 2 percent lower than most industrialized nations due to the governments short work program which is keeping millions employed. The u. K. House of commons has passed the controversial internal market bill which overrides part of the brics a deal with the e. U. West missa says the bill guarantees loose trade between Northern Ireland and the rest of the u. K. The e. U. Says undoing part of the brics a deal will damage Britains International reputation. The chinese economy is recovering steadily in september manufacturers received more export orders after several months of shrinking sales the purchasing Managers Index shows the pm i is seen by some as a more accurate reflection of Economic Activity in china than government data. Now former audi c. E. O. Look at stockleigh has appeared in a new nick courtroom making him the 1st person to Face Criminal Charges in germany over the diesel gate scandal and 3 other defendants including a former porsche board member are accused of fraud falsifying documents and false advertising. Reporters flocked to the scene as the defendants arrived one by one at the Munich District Court former c. E. O. And 3 other former ill be executives were there to face fraud charges including indirect false certification and illegal advertising the accusations stem from the emissions cheating scandal audi v. W. And polish if you calls were filled with illegal Engine Management Software that enabled them to emit much more pollution on the streets than revealed in tests the manipulation was uncovered in the u. S. 5 years ago at 1st just Parent Company v. W. Was involved but gradually it was revealed that audi also built Illegal Software into its diesel engines the v. W. Subsidiaries even viewed as the source of the fraud shatner is now charged with having known of the manipulation by september 2015 at the latest yet he is accused of not having stopped the sales of the affected vehicles until january 2018. I assume we have a good chance of being able to prove it we have reasonable cause for suspicion thats required for the indictment to be affirmed and thats why we assume that we have a good chance that he can be punished. Refuses responsibility feeling himself as a victim producing evidence will not be easy a decision is not expected for at least 2 years. Well change of pace now the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that globally nearly 14 percent of the food produced its lost all wasted along the supply chain the coronavirus pandemic could change the households and restaurants rick reconsider how much food theyve been and studies in parts of europe show that food waste is declining is an example from portugal all thats needed is a small discount sticker on the product and it gets bought instead of ending up on the trash heap many supermarkets in portugal marked goods that will soon expire and reduce the price its an incentive to choose products close to the sell by date i take advantage of the discount whenever possible like yogurt for example but especially the meat with the pink sticker on the package although portugal belongs to the poor countries many people there waste food a 1000000 tonnes of it lands in the dump each year that turns out to be 100 kilograms per person in the country the fight against the waste has become a Broad Movement in portugal this organisation for example collects expired goods from supermarkets to distribute to the needy believe this is very good for our families because restaurants dont donate much food we receive many good products like vegetables fruit and yogurt from our partner supermarkets the National Action plan against food waste has been in place since 28 team and portugal is feeling the effect one year after the plan began 9 percent less food ended up in the garbage dump that adds up to 9000. 00 tons of food that ended up in peoples stomachs rather than the trash. Now for nightclubs around the world when the khurana coronavirus came the party stopped long term closures brought on by lock downs have seen off some venues that were already struggling among the casualties is one of seouls most iconic music clubs. One last dance party to say goodbye to an institution of south koreas nightlife scene for more than 25 years the countrys oldest underground music club closed its doors last week and corona virus is to blame. There was no more on the way when i heard the news i became worried whether this was the start of a decline for the underground music scene club and she has a famous long history. The news that the club closing down made me emotional and heartbroken or all it was going to the. South koreas economy has been spared the double digit contraction is facing many developed countries but industries are still suffering here not least of all Entertainment Venues like m w g night clubs have been forced to close their doors due to government restrictions some for good you know others so its hard to go to feels as if my limbs are being torn from my body right now there are no words to describe how i feel. South korea has seen chrono virus infections jump in recent days ahead of a holiday break where many are expected to travel the government again tighten restrictions this week on restaurants bars and nightclubs that means and likely wont be the last of south koreas fame clubs to go dark. Thats all from the business desk at this hour from me and thanks for watching. And i was against my chosen color to run for democracy. Will not back down in the face of Police Violence cropping up for a terrorist regime. They continue to demonstrate to mom also crossing president step down now soft women lou question. Some. 60 minutes. That 77 percent. Are younger than 60. Thats me and. You know what time all voices why. The 77 percent talk about the issue. For all parties to flash from the top this is where some welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend. But gove both. Muggle or just love sued for the russians so. Still. So many different walks of life. Some are. Oddly. Models that come straight from the heart to explain or see or do because of the morning delusion the mosque will enjoy. Some of the law to their final resting place the russians d. W. Documentary. This is t. V. News africa coming up on the program a defeat for africas most wanted fugitive. To finance the one genocide and will face trial in tanzania off to a french court rejected his appeal to be tried in france instead ill be joined by the chief prosecutor. And we will name he came out to kids area the 26 year old is breaking barriers in farming in more than ghana where women dont feature much on the agricultural scene

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