Year or so previously the government also initiated a cease fire but this will be a major major Sticking Point and then for the government a major issue for them is sort of retaining this idea of the republic and making sure that their seats are secure because you know there are a lot of people within the government that the taliban and other groups and even people within of honest on you know might find suspect were talking about former communists about warlords about people who as young people put it parachuted in from Foreign Countries and dont necessarily understand the cultural and religious and let and aspects of the country or the languages so these types of people are very afraid for their jobs so maintaining the republic is also very important for them so these are the kinds of things that will really that could really sort of hold up the talks. I was in kabul well iran has executed a young wrestling champion in defiance of a Global Campaign calling for his sentence to be revoked not get off khari was convicted of stabbing a Security Guard to death during the antigovernment protests the 27 year old athlete sent messages from prison saying he was tortured into confessing to crimes he didnt commit protesters have gathered outside of the iranian embassies worldwide here in berlin demonstrators called on governments to condemn the execution and take action against iran. Well yeah those about she joins me now she heads up the w. s posse department in bonn thanks for your time there was a global outcry against this execution why did iran go ahead with it yes exactly there are many aspects into why they have hes been executed actually the timing why now and then also why it all thing is that 1st of all it is to demonstrate things to Islamic Republic iran wants to show that despite all this International Appeals they go forward with their program kind of so its also a very big kind of sign for the radiance to intimidate others because i mean of course he was taking part and the protests as you have said and doesnt 18 and they were in 2100 have been to many analysts again and also other young people are arrested and theyre theyre still also on their. Their penalties and so the feeling is that they want to say ok whatever happens now just scare off the people to come to the streets the other point is also the timing now because. Actually today it was very unexpected speech as there is a journalist who was also a blogger and. Its said to that hes close to naveen of course family and he was on his way with one of nothing of course brothers to board a plane into shiraz to actually meet the family of the victim the stamped security agent and and it is said that he gave signs that they would maybe forgive carty we have to say that i may have to explain it a bit because. Mother in iran is yet tell me look at that that was going to be the next question about what does this execution say about the Justice System in iran. It actually shows us that justice is maybe not even the right word because it is really they target people if they are looking there has been this murder but apparently theres not enough evidence there is no proof that not enough to really step up the security agent but if they cannot find anyone they just were looking through the surveillance cameras there is that after passing during the protest on this location but its. Actually its very clear that he is not the one who has committed this murder and what is really important in this case and for many many raney and also all the users who are now also writing us that they want the International Community to really to show that theyre not left alone. From a fozzy department in bonn the elder thank you so much. Lets have a look now at some of the other stories making news around the World Leaders police have detained dozens of women protesters in the capital minsk activists say the last months elections were rigged and want the release of Opposition Leader that had a kolesnik corba she was jailed after preventing authorities from expelling her to ukraine by tearing up her passport and other Mass Gatherings planned for sunday. Dozens of people are missing as Deadly Wildfires sweep across the western United States hundreds of thousands have fled their homes as an enormous blazes right out of control in oregon washington and california President Donald Trump is planning to visit california next week. President. Has born to france not to mess with turkey french leader a man omicron criticized ankara for drilling for gas in waters claimed by greece and cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean as tensions rise both turkey and greece have carried out military maneuvers police on the greek island of those boats of fired tear gas at migrants staging protests there to press their demands to leave the island thousands of spent a 4th night without shelter after a fire tore through the overcrowded morea refugee camp the greek army has begun building replacement facilities but most of the migrants say they just want to leave. Maybe and money well is just 3 weeks old born in moria when they cam started burning currents ran for their life now and they are sleeping on the roadside. Just. Im so disappointed because the European Union could have helped us after all this time its been 4 days no one is taking care of us what are they thinking how can the abandon us i dont know what theyre doing. To use their pockets. The family fled the democratic republic of congo others came from afghanistan or syria now theyre all stranded here kathleen card leader of the greens in the German Parliament is one of the few politicians who visit the island. This is the last chance to say we urgently need to change our asylum policy it is all about law and humanity humanity and large both its the only way we can really live up to our european values. A few kilometers away tents are being set up at an old shooting range but refugees gathered here tell us they dont want another camp like moore yeah. We need the Government Support us to be of a question maybe and other countries you know theyve got a country maybe in germany. That is going to be good but they decided to be there doesnt need me 2 days ago when to see the fight. And then how many here feel their frustration leads to hours long for instance. They chant freedom and im not afraid to confront the freak riot police. Here that is the force situation for didnt fugit we dont have too little know what theyre made out of anything and then it just through them through them most people here are. Very patient very much in fact and 4th you demonstrate their anger they tell us well work to stay here we cannot take care of us. We were. Right. This time everything remains peaceful but the loner understand of continues the bigger of the risk that the situation could get out of hand. That report from the devil is Alexander Fung naaman and she joins me now from lesbos alexandra whats happening where you are now. We are right now in front of the new temporary camp that has been built by the Greek Military and has opened today maybe you can still see behind me people checking in and we saw a lot of families who are trying to get into this camp saying that its not safe for them to sleep on the roadside this thats why they decided to to to accept the all. For of the oath or a tease and to try to get a tenant or a sleeping place in this new camp that has the has about 20023000 bats and we also was told we were told by the greek officials that everyone entering this camp is going to be tested for the corona virus however the official didnt tell us how long that people even if they are negative have to stay within this camp we were only told today that its depends how many people are checking in so that could be that people needs to state stay in the can and in the camp and are not allowed to leave for a couple of days maybe for 2 weeks and thats of course is very disturbing for many of the refugees who told us that they are afraid that this new camp is a sort of prison alexander so the people behind you have taken the offer of shelter what about the tensions that youve been witnessing over the past few days have by now subsided. Well we are talking here about maybe. 2000 people what what about the rest of them thousands who are still sleeping on the roadside there are getting very frustrated and angry they told us that they are hungry they didnt get enough water we were on the scene on the ground today when the trucks with Drinking Water rife. In the area were most of the refugees are stranded and it was unbelievable people were desperate to be the 1st in the line to get both low fraud or at least one person was injured so i have to say that the last days were really very embarrassing for the greek authorities. To Douglas Alexander phenomenon on the greek island of those posts thank you so much. And thats your news update for this how objects to shift and autonomous driving and how we humans are the biggest hurdle to the technology and its uptake you can start today dont forget of all those 2 on our website d. W. Dot com at any time you can follow us on instagram and twitter as well the handle there is at t w news for now matthew how it in berlin for man in time instant thanks for. The banks. And so was the language of the bank. Speaking the truth global news that matters g. W. Made for mines. As a virus spread. Why the repairing and when will. Just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if youre like me in for. Nation on the crown a long rest or any other science topic you should really check out our top cast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. Slash science. Traffic jams crowded trains and shia endless waiting nothing in berlin stresses me out more than trying to get from one place to another and of the only traffic is a growing concern in many large cities across the globe small technologies can help us solve this chaos how exactly thats all a topic on ship today. To us out there many still use cars as their main mode of transportation aside from air pollution and the Climate Crisis this also has a huge drawback more and more traffic jobs in paris for example drive us or stock bumper to bumper about 165 hours a year mon dieu thats nearly a solid week in your car honking at strangers but probably not for long human autonomy passengers can use the ride to do something much more productive i for one wouldnt mind brushing up on my friends but for this day to come there are still a lot of things left to work out and the biggest challenge developers still face is humans. Driverless cars use their versions of sensors to control themselves autonomous lee. But so far these cars have merely recognized the destry and as objects in motion. Ai systems are unable to calculate pedestrians unpredictable behavior or to properly understand their body language. London based tech company humanizing autonomy and other research institutes. Working to develop models for Human Behavior in traffic. This data will hopefully then train a ton of those cars. So humans very complex especially when we come to cities we can treat them with normal motion i wear them in our expertise is in combining behavioral psychology with statistical and deep learning. For pedestrians too its important to be able to communicate with an economists car the normal eye contact and gesturing for help. The developers are working on can or faces that could be used to signal to pedestrians whether or not they can cross the street by using light signals in the windshield for instance. There is a problem no pedestrian behavior in nonverbal communication differs around the world. If you look at for example in munich no one will jaywalking. Where you come to london people are jaywalking all the time the great thing about vegas today and of course the attorney actually goes on speech is that you know their vehicles know where they are and we have a mission that for each of these places it would be a different set of models that would be used but each of these spaces and these models would be fine tuned specifically for that road. Clearly theres still a long way to go and thats what experts from all around the world gather regularly to discuss future Mobility Solutions like at berlins isa trade show one main topic is how can a driverless car seat or more specifically which senses does it need to recognize and respond to its surroundings as well as to be expected in the mosque has a very strong opinion on that matter lets take a closer look. At thomas carrs use cameras to alter sound and radar to analyze their surroundings as well as the more modern lidar sensors that used. Users. And people who design soon in. These different types of sensors because radar and lidar can calculate the distance to objects very accurately but they dont capture enough details to recognize what these objects really are when it comes to humans its the camera thats best equipped to detect what their intentions are. Are they about to cross the road or not you know if you toss and turn over a nation. The industrys Top Companies are increasingly setting their sights on light on technology which stands for light to tech and ranging here sensors attached to the car sent millions of laser impulses every 2nd this creates a precise 3 d. Image of the surrounding objects tesla elon musk recently ruffled some feathers when he said lighter was too expensive and that cameras radar and ai systems would suffice tesla uses only radar radio waves are used to measure objects distance and speed using this data and the camera images a 3 d. Image of the surroundings is then created with the help of an arc. Glowing on the t. V. Robot assist in manufacture of light our systems disagrees with the lot must. Be. The problem is that cameras dont offer direct information about distance and radio isnt high rez so theres missing information this means you need another source of information to be able to navigate safely the question here is can you said cost and safety and i for one absolutely against this in my opinion my ability needs to be completely safe which also means using the best census. By the way experts believe one out of 10 cars on the road in 2030 will be self driving already hitting the streets today like this at a clinic in florida during the pandemic of a whole new advantage they can help minimize the spread but these are just precursors to truly a ton of those vehicles we are a passenger on. He needs to punch in the destination turn over the engine and then lean back and relax. But do we really want to let a robot take the wheel is it even safe and who makes the better drive out man. Dimensions i think humans are very good drivers but machines are better and its not like their actual driving is thats or in every situation but theyre always paying attention that many people get distracted by the fire an origin an ice cream or Drinking Coffee and that is the problem humans just always paying attention and machines of programs always be attentive which is why theyre back to drive and see if this is the best the car. Is a moment is going to the moment its definitely humans who are the better driver seen as the machine offers good support and especially in emergencies but humans are definitely better when you know in the future it will definitely be the machines you know the advantage of an Automated System is that its always activated it has a 360. 00 degree view and its crucial for the city and it has a general understanding of the situation what are the other road users planning to do and. Right now i would definitely say mad in the city for sure. But man makes lots of mistakes and this has. Led to and continues to lead to lots of injuries and deaths in cities themselves im optimistic at the end of feature we will have Automated Systems that create a safer and more Pleasant City for already exists. How could a robot possibly be a better driver that was. Put joking aside by different intelligence does have some obvious advantages it never gets tired of distracted and it always keeps it cool i wish i could say the same about myself either way vehicles console the issue of in the city congestion on there all they need additional diesel assists lights software they can factor in my preferred mode of transportation for my Current Location and the time of day to find the quickest most efficient way to get where im going expense at the front of the institute have teamed up with great minds across europe to be developed just that. Team is a smart Navigation System for all. Road users cars bikes buses and trucks its a project thats designed to regulate the entire traffic and help everyone to reach their destination faster. The sat nav supplies information on traffic jams and makes recommendations. For instance what speed the driver will need to travel at to make the next green light the i knew him as a real challenge in Traffic Management was to understand the needs of all road users trying to get from a to b. Then this needs to be analyzed and reconciled with whats actually possible within mobility in the future i could definitely see new technology helping us to react in a more dynamic way than. Team would send data to Traffic Management centers while it simultaneously navigates road users Traffic Management would then be able to react to the various situations immediately they could adjust traffic like durations and speed limits change the bus schedule at short notice divert heavy traffic on to unused bus lanes and much more these decisions would have to be made visible on the street you would immediately. Move if i say traffic lanes will be used more dynamically than i have to think of a way to do that maybe with l. E. D. S. Or somethi