Welcome to. Glad you could drive the indian and Chinese Foreign ministers have agreed that the troops should quickly disengage from a border standoff in the lead dark region in june the tuition giants have the deadliest clashes in decades and only this week china and india accused each other of firing warning shots at the line of actual control breaking an agreement prohibiting the use of firearms that incident occurred here around the banks of the make the lake itself lies in indias dark region and is directly on the disputed border with china from west to east that border extends around 3 and a half 1000 kilometers india. And china has. Met in the russian capital on thursday night and concurred that the Current Situation in the border areas is not in the interest of either side. Lets get more on this from an unchristian hes china correspondent for the hindu newspaper and author of the book indias china challenge another good to see you again it was just a tuesday when you were on the shore and youd said there was caught between reason for optimism given how talks between both sides had been progressing on to that point are you feeling more optimistic now. And were very very slightly so gracious i think that theres been some positive movement compared to the september 4th talk between the 2 defense ministers the big difference now is after the 2 Foreign Ministers met theyve actually come out with a joint statement earlier 5 point consensus is what theyre calling it which is at least a break from the past where you had 2 statements essentially speaking in Different Directions so finally india and china have found some Common Ground with race i think the challenge will really be in translating this text this points of consensus into concrete outcomes on the ground and since june thats actually been the biggest problem along the line of actual control ivette talks between the special representatives Foreign Ministers 5 rounds of call commander talks and calling all those talks we were told that both sides wanted to disengage but instead what weve seen is the opposite weve seen a buildup of forces continuing on to last week so i think that there is a little bit of hope after the foreign minister saw sweating the proof of putting will be in the thing and you have to carefully watch how this translates into changes on the ground are they really going to disengage and more back or are we going to see more of the same i think the lead time will tell bridge. Exactly and i mean china currently holds some 1000 square kilometers of territory that india claims as its gone is the expectation in new delhi really that beijing will just walk away from these games on the ground. I dont think anybody really expects that even though india has publicly said that it will only accept a return to the status quo as of end april but since and april as you just pointed out china has transgressed media that india sees as its territory at least 5 or 6 different spots along the elysee and according to indian intelligence estimates india has lost access to iraq 1000 square kilometers of territory where it used to patrol so i think it would be very difficult to see china completely cut and run and that would really ask the question why did they even do this in the 1st place i think now the focus will be on at least trying to get the troops to move back in some spots they just wanted 300 meters apart i think as they didnt go on rally the idea would be to create a buffer zone and some of the areas where there is interview peter firing of shots or of brawls of it or any other skirmishes i think the immediate priority now is for both to step back and i think the longer term problem still remains unresolved is how do you actually solve you know the new change of the elysee thats taken place from a onwards how do you go back to what it was i think thats going to really take a long long time for both sides to sort out since we are speaking of a long time lets take a longer term view on what impact will this have on the bilateral relationship given that history as im going as all of you said the Indian Foreign minister has already served the bilateral relationship its future depends on what happens in the border areas. Thats sort of interesting to see that delhi and beijing have been framing this differently nellies saying that it cannot be business as usual as long as there are problems along the boundary what china has kind of hinting at statements that india is emphasizing the boundary too much they freeze right now that their feeling is that the ball recently put in the appropriate place in the relationship so i think theres a fundamental divergence here and indias use that you know unless things are normal this peace and tranquility forget about trade forget about investments they cannot be business as usual i think thats a very clear message from delhi right now no easy answers to this one christiane but thank you so much for joining us from chennai. Now after the corona virus spread from one hand to the rest of the world to china successfully contain the pandemic at home bijan is now telling a version of the story in which the communist party takes all the credit for that success forgotten are the only mistakes that allowed the virus to spread uncontrolled for weeks no word either on the whistleblowers who warned of the danger only to be silenced by the authorities. Tiananmen square in the heart of the Chinese Capital beijing the National Museums large. Dingley has come here with their grandchild my. The art is classic socialist realize that others front line workers during the pandemic my is a little shy as you pose for pictures with the heroes in the fight against the coronavirus. The theme of the exhibition. Unity is strength. Or. The exhibition brought tears to my eyes. I love my country and the Party Leadership. Without the communist Party Leadership this enormous challenge will not be overcome that in the genes you. The artwork leaves little room for interpretation the message is clear under communist leadership china has managed to contain the virus. Front and center and yet somehow relegated to the sidelines the nameless helpers who work themselves to exhaustion to repel the pandemic. For us even staying at home was a patriotic duty we didnt know what the people in the front line had to sacrifice. Im proud that china has the pandemic under control. Chinas leadership has cast its hope as the savior of the nation and as a friend in need abroad. In the global struggle against the virus we have acted with wisdom and strength. We have filled our International Duties responsibly and with transparency. In beijings great hall of the people there is no room for doubt and this is no time for admitting mistakes. The countrys foremost coronavirus expert is honored by being himself. Features prominently in the exhibition to others or simply ignored. Sounded the alarm over the coronavirus the authorities were still denying its existence the doctor for mohan was forced to recant and forbidden to speak up again the contract of the disease and died for weeks the pandemic spread throughout the country unchecked because of the coverup. Despite being locked out of your visual history lisa story is not forgotten you get out of that if you tell a book that you can actually fish and cant show everything i think whistleblowers are pioneers and we should respect and admire them for those Unsung Heroes we should build a monument in our hearts. So if you. Make it happen. But this will monuments are built by the communist party they expressed no criticism as the regime tolerates the recent. Artists in hong kong have started to censor their own blog while others have decided to meet the city altogether in the wake of torontos National Security law the law which came into force by mr subversion terrorism or collusion with foreign powers with up to life in prison the City Government says the legislation simply restores law and order after the yard of unrest. The artist known is to use to making headlines his political illustrations have been a regular fixture in the making power weekly newspaper. That was until his cartoon column was axed in july a move hes blamed on hong kongs new National Security law. Boy oh boy theyre very nice im pretty pessimistic on the creative front some of what he found his accidentally crossed the red line and the space keeps getting smaller i know that some of my artist friends have chosen to emigrate the reality of hell i sit up and go to. Him low has already made some Big Decisions the artist has moved much of his work to a secret location in europe in order to protect it from the authorities. This appears the security law is that it doesnt stipulate what can be done and what cant go away and its that fear with yours on top that makes you self censor yourself before you act. Its already affected art creation to some degree all. You know you are being held. Before the security law was introduced protest art was often used by prodemocracy campaign is they feared their freedoms were being a road by beijing freedoms that was supposed to be protected. Now people involved in protests like this could face life in prison. But that wont stop our 2 whose own art can still be found in some bookstores across the city. To her to get it wasnt there or you have to decide what your values are and you can fear being arrested any time or regret that you have not done enough to try to make an impact on society. Ive decided to persist. I really hope i do although it is. A risky decision but one he feels he has to make. Thats a phenomena be sure to check out the other stories on did other dot com for whats left show on facebook and twitter im going to finish today with more on from a shop in taiwan model makos of through zing reality and fantasy in miniature wilds thats all for this brief were back to do on monday as you that. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. And what are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour corona. 19 special next on d w. How the virus spread. Why do we have it and when well. Just through the techniques and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the clone of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us and dot com. Science. Drug companies around the world are racing to find a Coronavirus Vaccine what happens then distributing doses to billions of people worldwide will be an unprecedented logistical challenge limited supply and enormous demand its a recipe for cutthroat competition as wealthier countries shell out hundreds of millions of dollars to secure coveted 1st access to vaccines meanwhile the most vulnerable are at risk of being shut out. Theres never going to be enough vaccine to go around globally access will be an issue some of these 1st vaccines are likely to be extremely expensive certainly well beyond the. The purchasing power of many lower middle Income Countries. Developing the vaccine is only half the battle getting it to people could prove an equal challenge. In the race to find a Coronavirus Vaccine the stakes could barely be higher not only are millions of lives but tension on the line but whoever wins that race would take their place in the history books as the nation or organization the rescued the world from a deadly country. Just days ago Russian Defense minister sergei show you who was one of the 1st people to receive russias new coronavirus spec seen the jab was nicknamed sputnik 5 recalling the pioneering soviet satellite and it was approved last month International Experts were skeptical saying high profile guinea pigs are no substitute for wider scale testing but the race is on and some countries are confident an effective vaccine will be available by the end of the year. Worldwide there are well over 300 potential vaccine candidates 33 of these are being tested in. Clinical studies 280000 people in 34 countries are taking part. There are very different ideas about how any approved vaccines will be distributed the u. S. For example says its willing to share a possible Coronavirus Vaccine with the rest of the world but only if it is adequately supplied itself. Astra zeneca agreed with the European Union to sell at least 300000000 doses from Member States but the company had to suspend a study after one test subject fell ill for reasons that are still unclear. The chinese say their research is also generating a lot of interest. Sign of back biotech and sign a farm even showed off their vaccine candidates at a beijing trade fair. In that well weve received a lot of orders and proposals to Work Together from abroad including using our vaccine and clinical cooperation with the World Health Organization is warning against what it coles facts see nationalism the 1st priority must be to vaccinate some people in all countries rather than all people in some countries this is not just a moral imperative and a public old imperative its also an economy imperative but who will be the 1st to be vaccinated this question is also being hotly debated around the world should those of greatest risk be given priority. To w. H. O. Suggest countries receive doses proportional to their populations. But a group of International Health experts says that approach is flawed because the pandemic hasnt hit all countries equally severely. Theyve proposed a 3 phase plan called the fair priority model saying the goal should be reducing premature deaths as well as the Long Term Health impact of a corona virus infection the researchers say 3 basic values must be considered when deciding who gets the job 1st benefiting people and limiting harm prioritizing the disadvantaged and giving equal moral concern for all individuals. And we can now speak to one of the Health Experts behind that fair priority model for distributing the current virus vaccine dr is the emanuel joins us from the university of pennsylvanias Opponents School of medicine thanks a lot for taking the time to talk us through this so how is your interview with. Than say like the says by distributing it by population size or doing it by population. Well if you do it by population size that i like to say is analogous to the physician in the emergency room looking out at everyone whos waiting to be seen and says all right im giving 5 minutes to each of you ignoring how sick the patients are treating the person with a sore throat or a fever the same as a person who has a heart attack that seems absurd you would focus your attention on the sickest people where your attention can do the most potential good and thats the principle that we say limiting how are. Prioritizing disadvantaged people those are important values and if you think about that that means focusing your vaccine where youre going to do the most benefit in terms of reducing the number of premature deaths then once thats under control mitigating the economic and social harms reducing unemployment reducing poverty and trying to get people children back to school and that makes much more ethical and prudent sense frankly than saying 3 percent of the population or 20 percent of the population of every country gets have him back to 0 in the agency room analogy that that particular situation relies on the expertise of the doctor to triology and work out who is the priority who does the full 2 in reality and when we talk about distributing the Coronavirus Vaccine who makes those really subjective judgments. Its not a subjective judgment it looks to data which countries are suffering where will the vaccine do the most good in terms of you know iraq being so i disagree with you that its subjective 2nd of all we do you know as you point out or suggest we lack a world government that can order this around we do have International Institutions the World Health Organization along with dobbie that distributes vaccines have set up this copay access silly to distribute vaccine a low and middle Income Countries into countries that purchase it we have vaccine manufacturers themselves that have said they want an equitable distribution and a broad distribution and then we have governments that have to take the moral leadership in this case and the prudent leadership lets face it the worlds not going to get back to normalcy unless most of the world gets vaccinated and so theres an interest in making sure the vaccine is fairly distributed what we havent had until our paper is really a framework to think about what is Fair Distribution and were hoping having this framework will galvanize a consensus that thats how we have to distribute the vaccine let me just go back to give if i can see if i can just in to because were talking about compiling data that could be complicated to compile it could take time in comparison certainly with just judging it by population size is there a danger that analysis like that could delay the distribution of a vaccine. We already have various groups making the kinds of estimates that we have suggested our suggestion would find to what theyre doing they are estimates theyre not going to be perfect just like population is really an estimate its not perfect and we think its morally much superior to simply distribute it on the basis of population here let me give you another example taiwan has have fewer than 500 covert cases and fewer and 7 deaths give me it actually is not going to mitigate much harm compared to say brazil or peru or other countries that are right in the middle of a serious explosion of cove it it doesnt make sense to give. 3 percent of the population of taiwan and give fe