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Many fights these days and where they all meeting. I. Talk to one who go welcome to conflict zone thank you europes getting fed up with beijings threatening behavior and telling politicians here where they can go and who they can talk to telling the Nobel Prize Committee who it can award and who it cant what made your government think it could push europe around like this what 1st time for you to hear that but i dont think that that was the government position or there could be a misunderstanding or. You know there was maybe theres a lack communication whatever. I heard from you i dont hear anything from that. Here in china i dont think so well perhaps you dont hear about it in china but just days ago. The german in foreign minister hiker mass told beijing bluntly to stop threatening europe after a senior czech politician has gone to taiwan and addressed its parliament your government had warned hed paid a heavy price for his visit there thats bullying isnt it no i dont think that it was really probably understood in a right i think that you know one china policy has been. Hold and has been really maintained for the last. 4050 years and also its a basis of china establish diplomatic ties with all the countries that have is it diplomatic relation with china so so i think country publish should. Really safeguard is one china policy and not having those official high level visit so i think its a i can stand china is not happy and. They may be the speaker may be reflect that. Satisfaction so so i hope that. This is not a could be interpreted. As a china strategy anything souls or that is poverty a different operations what dont you when you may not like western politicians visiting taiwan or chinese nationals being awarded a nobel prizes but thats your problem isnt it i mean these repeated attempts to impose your own prejudices and insecurities onto the International Community was really doing you any good or tall are you its counterproductive wow i think that probably. Country has set about diplomatic and ties with china im sure they go through the theyve gone through the diplomatic establish in relation talks and they have actually already. Bit by certain principles and the guidance so if they recognize one china. And then that one china policy does not. You know also reflect the off issue contact between the other country and taiwan and that should really be respected i think so if certain countries doing that china certainly has a right to. You know express their opinions as well i think that china just expressed its satisfaction and its all opinion i think that should not be interpreted any more than that well if you intended a strong reaction if you intended a strong reaction from the European Union you got it because its Foreign Policy chief you dont have burrell code china your government expansionist or authoritarian and the new empire that undermines International Law did you really want to pick a fight with your largest export market well i think that d china is the picking of 52 ways with china largest market no i mean its probably both market for both of those regions as well and as i said you know there are certain. Guidelines and principles 11. 00 country is that is a diplomatic ties and the recognize one china policy and national. Wire lated or bridged and if that is happen china certainly have a right to protest and the give. In the dissatisfaction and those so his comment i think thats thats fair fair you know thats not expansionist perhaps youre just too sensitive about free speech and free contact because you dont exactly have a lot of it in china yourself do you know as well nongovernment think we dont understand a lot of. Probably government policy so we speak from nongovernment private think time. One of you but you are a government advisor who you are listed on your own Facebook Page as a government advisor you advise the government that we have would do otherwise i think that does does of vices too of course but that we are not the government we have not gotten officials we advise and think time does otherwise people of course but when our government so so im not a Government Spokesperson so so so if i knew if i think im standing i can explain but some i dont know i so i cannot satisfy you of course so you are you telling me you are surprised that the kind of language that china uses these days when its dealing with the west and dealing with other countries i mean we have we sample is like your embassy in venezuela told those who talked about the china virus they told them to put on a face mask and shut up is that the god of diplomatic language you think is a good idea for china to use these days well the situation youve been describing some of them havent i havent heard before but. I think that maybe there is a contest or there is there is china is also under a lot of attacks and. So i think we should really have a dialogue we should have a company occasion visiting i suddenly think that this pandemic has stopped. People to people exchanges and to stop the many visit and also many exchanges. Between china and our cyber war so thats very unfortunate and i hope that. We should overcome that one damn xander control i think the government is doing its best and also we see that the visuals is visiting some countries to conduct exchanges of dialogue which is a great i mean we did that your foreign minister came to europe and he warned again last month about the consequences of giving awards to hong kongs prodemocracy movement if youre. Laming about coercive diplomacy from washington on your then you try to a practicing the same coercive diplomacy on europe thats hypocrisy isnt it i think there could be some misunderstanding i think on the issue of hong kong certainly i think that. Young people have some legitimate concerns of the widening. Gap between rich and poor and things like that so i think the Chinese Government has realized that it is so the they have launched this great project so there are many policies should so the young people can come to integrate bring ground an area to have a work to have a study to settle down there so the sort of that many asians has been has been noted in addressing that but on the other hand i dont think we need a chaotic hong kong where airports is blocked and. You know bystander were put on the gasolines and thats just council was stalled and smashed. Shopping not a wise one who expect what do you expect when china has been whittling away at the territories freedoms for some time now weve seen a crackdown on the people who led protests in 2014 we saw booksellers kidnapped and turning up strangely on the mainland because you didnt like the books that they were selling and now this new security law which is being condemned by many countries around the world as well as un human rights expert fact is this new law violates both the letter and the spirit of the basic law in hong kong and it was brought to you without any consultation so beijing now rules what i think in hong kong that is why that is why people are upset in hong kong. Understand the situation but i think the hong kong also need stability and also. Order and and the law of cause and a Central Government of course according to the basic law they have the right for defines the promised sea and security of all countries has a security law and china is no exception so 1st thing that you can see now the hong kong the stock market is back and that they are now prepared for the largest i. P. O. In the war all the investment are back to hong kong and. Its gotten business back to normal gradually so i think that people we understand in the long run its going to be really good for hong kong if we have these. Pins and the prosperity and security return back to china to hong kong of course but of course. Theres theres always people once more objectives once more accomplished more but it takes time gradually one british rule hong kong 400 years the never give them any democracy so you can expect that. You know very very so with china of course but i think you know its not going down so well you have what you have now given hong kong stability with this new security law you simply imposed a dictatorship and a police state the u. N. Human rights experts who just written to your government arent buying the stability argument what worries them in their words is that curtailment of freedoms of expression Peaceful Assembly and the so see asian and the interference with the ability of Civil Society organizations to perform their lawful function and weve already seen that happening havent we you talk about stability being coming back to hong kong and Healthy Markets since the new law came in dozens of key prodemocracy figures have been detained including 2 lawmakers thats not thats not stability thats a police state that youve imposed well you certainly has your interpretations but i think that. Basically you know you havent what happened in the u. S. You know you can present trouble than our law or any violence or any. Relations or disorder so so the of course john is not perfect. You know theres no. Perfect policy but you know probably china was forced to because you know china has to maintain stability and the law and order there and so that all the multinationals the companies can come back as not running away stock market account can be rebuilt and confidence can return the largest i. P. O. In the world can happen so so theres nothing is perfect of course but this is not is that not the way that stuff is this is a long way from perfect dr wang isnt it i mean weve seen police already the number but even the u. S. Weve seen people east ready were not talking about the u. S. Were talking about hong kong here and beijings actually. And weve seen the fundamental freedoms turned into crimes by this new security law which youve introduced and the rest of the world did you think they wouldnt notice we had a joint Statement Last month from the governments of australia canada new zealand u. K. Us saying the law was eroding hong kongs people hong kongs fundamental rights and liberties and you your answer to that is well nothings perfect but the markets are doing well well what im saying is that hong kong as. A part of china as one country to assist you know they did also its one country one system now isnt it and. Well let me let me finish you keep interrupting me what im saying is that honk on the stability and of course. Law as well because hong kong cannot be for the last you know 126789 months i mean there in the last year hong kong is basically dysfunctional and paralyzed and been airport abroad. People were put on the all you to burn you know on bystanders and a lot of trouble stop no country in the world with a loud and theres no people would have loved france hermie that they dont feel secure in hong kong any more to the cycling than the doing something did you think them when the people of hong kong would simply sit by and watch their freedoms erode and being eroded by beijing and not do anything about it. If you really think that then why dont you miscalculated bad all i think that. You know that you have suddenly people you hang on. You know have different opinions of course that is that is obvious by the but also you have to really think that one is the new National Security establishment theres almost 3000000. 00 you know voted. In favor of this law so so that is that is also a fact that we should not be glad but the but lets let the time speak for itself let the market speak for ourselves lets let the peoples final acceptance for its the 1st of i think we should than you know theres only several 2 or 3 months from this low but lets take a longer view as you say we can see the long in fact what we see one of the longer view weve already seen what the long view is going to look like because i pointed out youve dozens of prodemocracy figures have been detained not only that but police have raided the offices of apple daily one of the few news outlets that beijing doesnt control the papers found jimmy lai was arrested together with 8 of the men he was later released on bail but the damage has already been done freedoms been torn up the basic law is being torn up and and your having your new security law superimposed on top of it so we can see which way it is going and people dont like that and if you think the rest of the world is going to sit by and just praise the markets you seem to have miscalculated dont you because thats not the attitude of the rest of the world what ive read is that im damaged chinas respiration well there was no theres no Perfect Solutions definitely i think that. The power of ts the maintained law and order and also the security i think after all hong kong. You know where we have been no huge casualties or life been lost in hong kong even though this whole year demonstration of violence going on so i think the governor was quite quite. Reserved on that and what we see of the the u. S. Army where they have a quite a number of casualties already so so i think we have to really take into consideration that this is one country 2 system is the new new system nobody does it before nobody has done it before its always have a lot of. You know trial and you know touching the stone cause of the river then job so so we have to you know i mean improving this process but i think my priority process by and by responding back to order yeah you are proving the process by arresting prodemocracy figures trust in china as i mentioned a little while ago its plummeting despite whats seen as your growing influence a survey by the Bertelsmann Foundation showed that in the 4 months up to may this year negative views of china have increased in several countries by double digits a clear majority now in the us fronts and germany now have adverse views about chinas rise the highest figure being 61 percent in germany did you want your country to be so unpopular around the world i think thats well thats a problem about the perception of china. China is a negative and its got in got in the more active now but i think. On the part of both china and also our war i think we really need to increase the communication for example china is doing for quite well on all those k p i in in terms of if you measure the countries trying to become the 2nd largest economy in 4 decades china embrace the globalization china is the largest trade in asia was 130 countries you had a country and china and china is not it wasnt of china g. D. P. Growth and china china is also leave 800000000 people out of property accounting 70 percent of the. War Poverty Level so they have a contribution in almost a total war but i think you know we need to really explain the well and then probably we need to have a better. Look at china because i think was on the ward you know the west encounter neither be more tolerant of china if the chinese do while you know like there is obviously over doesnt matter its all white cat black cat as long as it catches mice with a contribution to the 31 3rd of the world g. D. P. Gross you know never become a. Conqueror any. Continent or countries or sending troops to other countries or fighting in advance like i want them to when you think that your call for more tolerable example for example for my last dollar thats the french that i know yeah but also you know in a 10. 00 tolerance a 1000000 weakest locked up in ri and socalled reeducation camps tolerance of persecution of christians is that the kind of tolerance that youre looking for from the outside oh i dont i dont i dont i dont i dont think you interpret that right i think the tolerant china has a Different Development model have a different path of a different system because we you know it was say or china didnt come virgin the china cant be you know we need a mall a diversity of this world we cant just run fresh and were not talking about inventing was diverting the world is complaining about your yeah human rights record continually and the locking up the incarceration of a 1000000 weak is engine jang province this is what theyre complaining about i think because of this you have a you know as far as. As far as i can see theres there is no hard evidence or proof. But theyd have to say that i mean there is less time will start on its been published around the world and chinese instructions to the people who stuff these incarceration camps its been printed no matter where its my published no i dont. Read the well i mean theres a theres a theres a white paper published by the Chinese Government they were saying all the people in there is. In our school has been graduated already and you know and also to prevent you know you know 510 years ago there was a plague by the terrorists attacks all vanny of hundreds of 1000 lives were lost dr wang perhaps youd agree that one of the main causes of the rest of the world losing trust in china was your handling of the corona Virus Outbreak in will happen at the beginning of the year and the shocking way in which local officials in blue hand tried to silence the one doctor who sounded the alarm i wonder what it says about your society that when officials of the communist party are faced with bad news their 1st response is to try to cover it up that tactic lost both you and the rest of the world valuable time in dealing with this pandemic in the. And youre sued or have all the very negative a question but but what i tried as well is that i think that you know the coven died when they 1st discovered what han. Chinese authorities as the report that to the show as a report out of the United States and all the other countries of course the doctors that who was of find the disease at the very beginning but but you know this is a disease never never happened in the history of mankind nobody knows about that and that should not send a false alarm as well you should really be proven and tested and also very 5 by x. Per that is really that really lethal disease and if that is actually was that they reach that point where they come to the conclusion they are the middle of a shutdown 10000000. 00 people city they immediately shut down 6 the bill in the province they actually you know at the chinle now its doing the best theres no single case of current locally on a daily basis for the last a month or 2 so so in general when its done right well im not trying hard i know youre ignore the fact that dr lee when youn lee when down when he 1st talked about the emergence of the viral outbreak he was coded into the police to the Public Security bureau accused of making false statement that in severely disturbed the social order and he was and did a letter which read we solemnly warn you if you keep being stubborn with such impertinence and continue this illegal activity youll be brought to justice do you understand he had to write i do underneath that no no no im going to go write your rights you know this is what happened this is what happened it was a cover up that not only right are right theres also some cover up goes right through my system doesnt it. You have your interpretations but what i see is actually you know the officer who who talked to. The un the un has been sacked has been punished and though theres a number of officials the being the Party Secretary has been residing at the hospital chief has resigned theres a theres a number of cases its been handled the by the local government i think there could be local officials somewhere that didnt want to tell the bad news maybe about we had some initial pressures but but later on i think one that got them to realise this is a deadly disease they were just no time to do you should the warriors the lock down the cities which is never done so you know history of my kind of a 60000000000 province locked down for its to sri months so they pay the price they have also experiment all the ways of how to account come paying and come back this disease quarantine the social distance you know and massive testing and you know they did the experiment all those methodology and now is widely practiced internationally so so i think china should give some credit for 45 years but given what you havent given me that they havent they can let you get on for a given the initial cover ups and you have a u. S. Intelligence report in june saying that even a senior politicians in beijing were scrambling to get accurate data from officials local officials they themselves still played a role in obscuring the outbreak by keeping information back from the World Health Organization so i ask you will we ever discover the real truth about what beijing knew and when it knew it will we ever discover that while we we have to think the level we dont know all the details but what are we seeing you know from from all and go from the same time point to look at these you know you know the case is a war on is is only a very nice really i mean probably a week or 2 they were a little be done you know find of the real cause of the disease and then we really had to make a right announcement to the world at the beginning nobody was know this is that really this is going to be the pandemic this is going to those swept the world nobody knows about that so so they have to be careful in. Klayman its such a that with these its also i think that the beginning theres a little little face i patiently did a little. Contemplating i can understand that but once they have all the doctors have to prove that this is a bad business there was no plan 1st locked down the whole city and shot all the flies already did all the things the right things or also a lot i mean not trying to back everythings perfect dr wang were out were running out of the time thank you very much for being on conflict so thank you ok thank you can you go. To go to the cuckoo to you can you. Feel any. Closer. To. Cut. You. To. The bone. The old. Trick the point to visit. International perspective simply. This information is going viral endemic has given a boost to conspiracy theories like those of cuba not how dangerous are conspiracy theories Spencer Tunick on to the point joining us. To clutter up the term limits on a d w. What secrets lie behind the small. Discover new adventures in the 360 degree. 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This is the end of the news live from berlin homeless one small europe scrambles to help the thousands of migrants also morea 1212000 though without shelter and hungry after a fire destroyed greeces largest refugee camp the greek government is sending help books what about the rest of the European Union also coming up they have not supported their rumps in flames again a month after a massive explosion leveled ponse of the city a huge new fire prompts panic as well as fresh questions about golf

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