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Ground see whats one. Musicians from all over africa explain how cooper 19 affects the album. Now lets get the ball rolling in kenyas capital nairobi due to the pandemic the citys on very carefully between 9 pm and 5 am obviously this affects the cities and tie on like life for those who want to go out like clubs closed on working doing the nights like taxi drivers food seles and sex work is finding it difficult to make a living very own even the money stepped out on nights to find out what they have to say on a typical saturday night in nairobi you might find yourself in traffic and thats probably from people who are trying to get to events or maybe to a club before happy hour ends and that industry the Service Industry has been deeply affected since a coffee was imposed because of probate 19 so what happens to all the servicemen and women who are really low. On the activities of the light to find for their families well i want to find out which news be going club hopping today. Ok some about 3 invites you into what we call a local joint the name suggests its a neighborhood pub but all these people were seeing here i must leave in less than an hour and i want to find out from the owners of the core what how that time crunch has affected their business has gone. On a normal weekend outside of coffee restrictions what would it look like the normal numbers would be double the one that youre seeing. Right now when things were. Before great now as you speak to the preferred to go home you still have staff who have families to be sustained so how are you working that out so weve come to an agreement that we must be able to make ends meet for both was with the business. So what were doing is that weve given them. Some people who are also saving one to give us their opinion about the curfew and how its affected them and their partying and coffee is affecting their very much as you can center king flirts maybe. Im sure she didnt because of time. Every single city across the world has that one place that has that one specialty that you just want to eat after being at the club and here in nairobi its no different but these men and women who prepared these dishes are now being forced out of work and i want to speak to one of them was just actually closing business how life has been since the curfew before before i would open from around 5. Out by our own 2 buckets of meat produce but now im buying about half a bookie. Its truly unbelievable to think that this is a space that was so vibrant about half an hour ago but this i suppose the effect of the curfew the time now is 2117 and im just going to walk you through some of the spaces weve been through so that you can see the difference this is the pool table where just a few minutes earlier there were people milling about having a good time thats the backyard garden where we were. And the noise that were hearing in the background of the few Staff Members who are left to lockdown and some of them actually have to sleep here because of the curfew for the neighbors its really good news because no noise from 9 pm but for the owners it must be really stressful because theyre literally having to shut down 8 hours before theyre normally used to this is usually the time when people in nairobi leave their homes to come into the pubs. This is a state of affairs right now were just about to complete our 2 of the nightlife circuit and one thing crossed my mind as were driving through these streets i noticed that theres a Significant Group of people missing commercial sex workers you might not like to talk about them or even admit it but they do depend on the nightlife and obviously you know without any supply demand theres no need for supply but the question is what are they now doing where they. Are. And i tell you this night work is good so you can get lucky sometimes and make up to 2000 shillings when workers can get up to 1500 when its really bad you get 1001 on average would you see the biggest difference between give me an idea of what you used to make then and what youre making now with this side hustle. Thats a look right now im selling but he has and its not paying i can get 300 shillings and my kids upcountry i can only keep 50 shillings to buy some food and the rest im sending it to them i cant eat a lot. My house is actually about to be locked because all of them 18000 in those are. Sort of just been speaking to all these people who depend on the economy to basically have a livelihood and the story is a very heartbreaking but its got me thinking what would be the long impact if this cause it was to be extended well beyond. Were now coming to what i call it. Where people. Get so were talking about a very dramatic. Expansion kind of. Interest so if you look. For it all the governments of all. Well i mean its always risky speaking to an economist isnt it because you never know if what theyre going to tell you is going to be good news or bad news but thats a serious dose of reality and i cant think of a better way to conclude the special on the night economy here in nairobi but as i mentioned in the interview it really could be any major city across africa and i hope that this informational favorability of thank you for watching. Thanks for that information now from kenya in the east lets now head to the gambia in the west on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean our very own residence is just produced a new song about the pandemic exclusively for us. A little. Longer so much panic in the game. Government taking last minute measures so we paid sick just couldnt cope with the insufficient bid me thinking that this was the mast too good for the schools have been closed so no class to skip class or just blow so nobody moms and passed the 5th state of emergency is the cast of fish shut down on essential business is now the cats just like skiing on the flight its a bug i see right in the back seat b. C. Its killing everything thats my asterisk its just what we call cartilage one here from the president but he acted. On jimmy ellis the Emergency Fund should be the best keep the 1000000 dollars to help to deceive the field and it seems like a big deal to me to. See 3 dimensions pepsi and of course the poor feel that more kid locked down for weeks cant afford to stay home 50. Feet is cheap gas power no water for a day trying to keep my hands clean i see them taking the families out on no one makes me we all hope and pray we get for the faxing. Cold. Feels just the phone this. Cold. Cold front. A scaling it on the track always great to have you want to show lets get back on track when i dont like the guys. Now all around the continent continue to struggle from the effects of covert 19 so we asked a few of the artists you may know how theyve been dealing with the current situation. This crew in the house really affected me as an artist because i had shoes i had tours in the u. S. Had toss in europe. I had to go to london to be with my family for a while in order to and all those things couldnt come on because of the night and because of the law going out to be inside and and. Stay safe. Has really damaged a lot with you know me in the city specially when it comes to income as many artists out there we like want performances bookings travel you know to actually make money you know what im so looking it up so. Right now is the time to plan for example. Musically being artists well weve been able to move online everything you know is online everything digital i think we havent had a chance to really sit down and really introspective you know think all this differently get the idea that its been a very interesting time for you know us to think to read what the thing was another was the world in america and i think it needed to slow down a little bit for us to be going to ourselves. We are not coping but of course our government and certain departments have made it easy to create relief funds we were able to draw some money but that is not even enough ok. We should not be complaining because everybody there are people who are in worse situations than we are as musicians and the whole train to cover one thing is everybody in this country and its been very difficult to be isolated from friends colleagues and musicians that you work with for such a long time but i do believe that the catholic 19 is a temporary inconvenience and it shall pass. The corner virus its really terrible its a bad pandemic its affected our of life its affected our economy. The Music Industry is no different really and i think in my opinion the Music Industry is the most hit because at the moment we dont have International Travel and as a musician we know that we have to travel and so on and from rosters well look. The last gig that we had was sometime in. March and really thats really terrible for any musician if youre not performing if youre a plane your life gigs are thats really really bad for for us at the moment. So the last president outside meant was stocks demon from rust its this guy hes the lead singer of the band doing a very rare johnno of African Music metal stocks the one welcomes us in his hometown gaborone in botswana where hes part of a growing scene that is putting african metal family on the mom. Rust is one of what swan is best known heavy metal bands their hit hit a mold is an anthem against social pressure to conform rust believes metal music encourages an independent attitude. That would give you the balls and the courage to see it as it is this individual is that major of its aggressive music and you just dont understand why somebody doesnt get it big enough to realize you know what im just there in the gate im not going to do whatever. Society dictates and theyre going to conform to this rule im just going to be a fearless machine and just go on and listen to no one seek my own path and thats it. When rust takes to the stage the crowds excitement is palpable. Although heavy metal has a relatively small following in botswana the country has a reputation for its passionate fans and their unique cowboy style like stocks the fans believe their powerful music and poncho on foot dock loading is often misunderstood as evil. People and we care more. About what. We dont act on than. People believe. I guess who people sometimes people so thats where the uniqueness comes in because we turn out to be differ. And from what from their views and opinions the next morning front man stuck stresses are for a very different role his corporate job while stocks would love to pursue a career in music full time at the moment he needs to support his band financially in botswana heavy metal isnt a big moneymaker the genre gets almost no air time on radio or television and proceeds from live gigs barely cover the costs of organizing the show so to finances rock star lifestyle by night stocks works as a bank manager by day. Goes crazy and you know i just unleashed all sorts of energy than i feel at the time especially when the crowd is going wild i also go wild you know i go insane really but in the corporate world you believe you conform to the rules of society. Stucks monster flee navigates both worlds and enjoys the perks of each. With. The underground metal scene and botswana thrives on the passion and creativity of its members nobody is in it for financial gain everything is selfmade and funded from the outfits to the songs and the concept. That even though the bands like rust cant make a living from their music they are at least completely independent no one tells them how to play or what their songs should be about. If if we want to talk about abuse of power like whats been happening in africa you know leaders stay in power for long in that nonsense i can talk about it if you want to talk about the 1st world countries or the western countries come into off you got you get older your says fuck it im free to talk about it and i will do that. This. Is who work here. So really. For pure and independent africa is sometimes described as heavy metals last frontier but in botswana heavy metal has gone back to its roots and its found a passionate home. Well now that is a lot of very rich because if you just saw was one of the last before the cup at 19 pandemic broke out and spread across africa now when you go to concerts like these you might meet somebody you like right you could get intimate and you will wonder. When is the best time to have sex with this new partner for the 1st time well our resident sexpert has the answer. Hello everybody and welcome to the spread a safe space where we get to discuss everything that and relationship today our question is a bit of a heartfelt one coming all the way from ivory coast from a young lady by the name of merriam. Her question reads hey kav so ive been dating this guy for about 3 weeks now i really like him we have almost everything in common we also have really strong sexual chemistry but im worried that if i sleep with him he will leave this is happened to me before so im trying to be more cautious going into relationships my question is when is the right time to have sex with a partner for the 1st time thanks for your question merriam the thing with relationships is that every encounter you have with each person you date will be different theres no hard and fast rules when it comes to having sex with a partner for the 1st time and you shouldnt have to carry the burden of an old relationship into a new one if what youre looking for is longevity then give it some time see if he sticks around he sounds like a decent enough guy and as cliche as this sounds only time will tell there are a ton of things that you can do to ease the sexual tension so you dont feel like youre missing out on anything while youre still getting to know. Each other better send each other sexy Text Messages of explore ways of being intimate but dont involve physical touch long sexy phone calls right before bedtime intimate dinners under the stars you may even decide to get physical without actually having intercourse the list is endless and this can go on until you feel comfortable enough to have sex with your partner keep in mind many of us struggle with the idea of possession were always trying to find ways to keep our partners the fact is you cant make somebody stay if they dont want to you can only be authentic with yourself and hope that in doing so you will attract like minded people at the end of the day and in the wise words of rumi what you seek is seeking you when you feel ready to have sex with your partner for the 1st time go ahead and enjoy those pleasures just remember to be safe and go in with no expectations other than enjoying the experience from mika has till next time thank you guys as always one thing im taking from this is what you seek is seeking you think about it thats deep lets now go to the final report of the show for which i will take you to my own home country ghana a city of commodity is not the capital of a country but many describe it as their. Gunmen and african culture. Proudly calls this is home. Oh rock. Bottom and low stone room and grow my born and bred of visits off the market its off my best to do that i know. How much hes gonna set could imagine c. T. And the capito of the historical shanty empire the city was also a symbol of resistance to british colonialism the. Rap on musician filkins tonys actually related to the reaction to family but hes not the only one our own here with a real. Everybody. Knows royal because we are all he said bands of the royals everyone no matter what whether i was mourning or not is ok because it is a descendant of the king and that right out. He might be related to the king but fluking story cant just stroll into the real pilots in my soup whenever he wants to the influence of the i shant empire country felt elsewhere in the c. G. S. While. The king also owns these cars which was the. Center. Looking stone takes us to one of the workshops are there to show us some indian crime traditionally a shanty symbols which are on me by crafts mean. You see these these. Messages of wisdom and also shows that distinctiveness of the shanty culture most everything after all came to us all my clothing markup my chains everything my ring everything is full of grass and wants to represent where i come from. We are right in the heart of my seat as fucking seems im long to one of his greatest hits on them. Is one of west africas largest markets more than 10000. 00 traders walk you looking takes almost to a part of the market called blue light hume everyone knows hes. Music my heart. To the. Very very old guy from was simple me you dont know displays i dont know me Everybody Knows where we get all of us what theyre getting everything. From like a boost why dont we the dog does whatever the french want everything as are you have everything here. We leave the market at lunch time to head to flo kings favorite child and the tree serving traditional gagnon thing is at the if in point you can get loads and loads of local flavors and few months his famous food is freshly made. Its like one of the representations of the market or the bus is our office when it was but of course you would go out to any damn. Thing for the obvious. But kumasi isnt just a rule you know c. T. With the great food its also famous for its honeymoon canted which was featured in the whole you would movie black panther as a symbol of african culture. Kin to has been hunted even for centuries using the seem to need. To means a lot to me because when you check my videos and all that you would realize that i put on. Some county some points just to represent where i come from because its a representation of us. Asked. To be poor asked where i got the africans how i dont. Have to do it. Just around the corner looking students shooting his lead has a video for his truck taking over 52. 00 fronts around him in the video on motorbikes. Here your source source is going down right now the ticket about to do a show im here with a crew may actually. That is the streets river for progress as. You know it doesnt theres a representation of us ticking over. For centuries mussy has been a central high shanty gagnon an african cultural and in 2020 its heart is still beating strong to the music of floating on. The. Floating stone is definitely one of the rap legends in guyana and beyond but hey guys were about to wrap up the show i if youd like to comment on this program or you got to do is write as an email or contact us on facebook. We have another exclusive on the 0. 77 you just saw them making off off for kings latest music video and we are proud to present taking over to you as you bring this show to a close enjoy the video and see you next time. From. The so you wouldnt. Want her to see your problem. I dont know how to maintain the best thing since the game. Were trying to make it. Go with people from the last one i want you. To becoming the 1st you got. To call you. Respect into. The fighting the we salute. All we do get. Us down to our lives find saudia grow while suffering dont wait around for a while see. Stalinists to be actually a wide file right track. Other sport is it still a man. No way. Past to compete in a race car driving. And they are winning. The car as motor sport experts present fastest female race car drivers on time ok lets stop and read. It in 30 minutes on deep down to. The time and place captured in pictures. Images of cars on. The Photo Studios archive documents lives in bygone eras. And leads to those living today. They are guarding gazas past in a box. A legacy in black and white. Collective memories starts august 14th on d. W. Hy a meal im good welcome to the 2nd season of on the fence its my back environment still about society. Its still about us but all the planets on the great response to some of the leading experts in the fish. Hook up just in the only good sense to feel. We know that this is a scary time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance and wash your hands if you can stay at how we do w. Me for here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms were all in this to get on together and when they contribute. To you save everybody stacey stay safe stay safe the priest has to say. This is t w news live from birthday a lebanese government minister quits in reaction to act on the streets of beirut protests following tuesday its devastating explosions late at least one Police Officer dated and more than 100 people injured as demonstrators stormed government buildings also coming up. A council that can play this agrees to free

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