Transcripts For DW DW News 20240712

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A new. Species. 100. 800. Welcome to the program in a televised address indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has warned that this country will respond if it is provoked following the deadliest border clash with china in decades. If its troops were killed in fighting the took place along the disputed border. There were signs of d. S. Commission with china saying. 2 sides have agreed to resolve the matter through dialogue. Has been brewing in one of the remotest Border Regions in the world satellite images indian and chinese troops gathering high in the himalayas now for the 1st time in decades india 20 soldiers were killed the 2 sides fought with some rocks no shots were fired among. The minute or hearing about. We never expected this but it is not new for him to be working in. Places. Im going protesters gathered in the city of a major bad demanding revenge im calling for a boycott of chinese goods. And let me. Get china to reply. Defending its territorial integrity. Shockingly. Indian troops. To the bilateral can cross the border line twice in gauging in illegal activities and provoking under attack in chinese paths and now resulting in serious confrontation between Border Forces on. Their whole line marks the boundary between the power and the winners the line of control that is not a hard frontier in china and india have never agreed on wyrick should lie in 2017 confronted each other for 73 days after indian troops blocked chinese construction of a road. For years i need an indian reader to reach a conclusion. And commission. To nuclear on mission. India has accused china of court union left really trying to change the status quo this in a region with a disputed border between both countries chinese troops and this part of love only in maine triggering the indian Troop Deployment victor garza former interpreter to chinese leader dung shopping earlier i asked him what prompted the chinese moves well you may know before the british occupied the indian subcontinent india was a cluster of different states and when the British India im pyaar was at the peak it kept encroaching into chinas tibetan region and this is actually called start a lot of the border disputes after the british left especially because the british carved out this socalled mark a whole law which excessive chinese governments have never recognized and as of today it is true that there are bald it is business between china and india and india wanted to use the british line of demarcation between china and india and china throughout the ages all through several successive chinese governments have never recognized the legality of the muck a muck a hole like the europe to china and yet to use all their wisdom and a thaw site to come to a settlement after that is actually months because thats a few months but that settlement hasnt been arrived at is what im saying that to go and therefore it is a matter for bilateral discussions something that you alluded to in your 1st answer therefore my question is why did chinese troops unilaterally enter an area where they were last in in 1962. No i dont think what youll mentioned is accurate on the situation on the ground china has been meant taining its part of the deal with the indian side and china from the very beginning has been urging no conflict and nobody injury would happen and china has been calling for maximum restraint and the fact that china and india have never fired a single shot against each other ever since the end of the china india border war in 1962 that didnt include a side in my hands extended over 975 but aside from that you keep talking about all sheltering 5 that is because of confidence Building Measures c b ms that exist between the chinese army and the indian army and there and then they are quite clearly that north fired arms are to be used in these engagements that is the reason why no shots have been 5 years of not yes indeed that actually means that both chad i can exercise maximum restraint in situations like this and i hope this will continue to be the case and both sides need to keep escalate and avoid further beauty up the tension you speak about deescalation there is a lot of anger and shock in india what is the message from china to india today. Well i think the message is unadulterated leave a message of peace because both china and india want to develop both countries want to really avoid any kind of mid income trap which have fallen our many emerging markets in the world in recent decades and china and india being the 2 largest populations in the world can only cant get along with each other rather then fall into the trap of traditional hostility eventually even govern themselves with the great tragedy of wall for growth running us from been doing running out of the government of. Prime minister more they were being criticised earlier for not speaking about the border but. What is the 3rd. Nobody said think right. Now. Think it wont be led up to. 30 india certainly ensure that it never will provide well. We wont need most power and wealth. And. Always your kids may not grow in this part you find one to quote what a very. Public engender sentiment is quite but i dont mind it looks like yes i am really. Trying to. Talk this out today i am not an interesting aspect of this can also be pointed out even the well it even statements made about me or yesterday welcome to talk about the defense minister. Or just good outline of what that is for them between these groups will do that because im going to thank you for staying in india now where the corner of our us deaths door is soaring the official number of dead is at almost profiles and a jump of 2000 degrees and days experts say the real number could be even higher and are calling for widespread testing hospitals in many cities including the couple to me all struggling to cope with the pandemic. 3 sent us this report. Apart from pockets of Containment Centers the day to day lives of people in india seem to be returning to normal as law gun restrictions are east but these sites hardly reflect the real situation india is fighting a tough battle with coronavirus and for the capital city delhi which has a big surge in the number of 1000 cases the fight just caught up. With a number of infections spiraling theres great concern about the health care systems. In recent weeks numerous reports have surfaced about people with coronavirus symptoms struggling to get access to proper medical care many are having difficulties even to get tested for the writers over the past few days multiple incidents have come to light especially in delhi where patients have been done to be from different hospitals citing a shortage of beds some of these patients ended up losing their lives. Family is one of many who lost a loved one in the pandemic. His father in law saying who was asked to magic tested positive for the virus after hours of waiting in line at the hospital where the test was done became unresponsive to their cause and the family struggled for days to get proper guidance. Even took to twitter to share their ordeal. Numbers of private hospitals they didnt respond to. Produce include if you do not come to the hospital because we are not having enough space some hospitals clearly said no we dont we dont have beds the hospital or the Government Hospital which was told to us is the only option available to the government on that day morning the doctor initially refused to take him in saying that this has been done in a different hospital here and as we were trying to hospital the father in law printed inside the car by the time we received medical attention his condition worsened and he. This is like lucky to have the Delhi Government under scrutiny especially since its records indicate that there are enough hospital beds available to treat good or nobody specious. Some experts see the problem is not entirely due to the infrastructure. It is a nice you know we have make believe in g. s we have the right were going to go to make it in the bank to make this should be working in one umbrella slicky then we are talking about Human Resource Human Resources great scared off you know there is a lot of panic in the doctors that is way they are not coming forward with access to Government Hospitals becoming increasingly difficult delis private hospitals charging exorbitant amounts of money which makes the treatment under fordable from. The government says it just come piling new strategies to deal with the rising number of cases but the steps taken so far seem to be falling short and for many it will be too early. The Chinese Capital beijing has taken more measures to contain a new outbreak of the koran over it is there more than half of all should do commercial flights into and out of beijing or cancelled went to schools from and closed for a 2nd day and people are banned from leaving high risk areas the new outbreak has been traced to a large food market terms of thousands of people are being tested for the virus. Breeding resident put this behind them but here they are lining up in the hot sun for corona Virus Testing after nearly 2 months a new act break is causing alarm dozens of cases have been trying to this sprawling wholesale market its more than 20 times larger than the west market in one hand whether pirates are suppressed identified. Pictures from state television for the response in the surrounding neighborhood residents here are not allowed to leave or say they are in wartime mode and they are in the contain the spread. The time gaiety has already made its way to other parts of. Im very worried for now i dont know what the situation will be in the future because we arent getting much information we dont know if the pirates will spread again if it does we should worry. I mentioned it was supposed to be nearly over and then we suddenly get another way the case is. Closed. And the detainment i mean only residents who have recently tested negative are likely and only travel is essential and then sort of a full lockdown but the World Health Organization says they think its doing enough. And it needs to be investigated controlled and thats exactly what were trying to do it. But other problems are concerned many have imposed quarantine requirement 100 years from beijing and a country that had declared victory over the coronavirus is forced to confront the ever present risk of other friends at great. Cost 1. 00 of much use berlin the joins us now with more from the chinese kept up until now just to look reports that the virus was found only one traveling fish in 5 do you market what more do you know about this market. This is the biggest market the biggest wholesale market for all kinds of fresh foods for the capital it supplies 80 or 90 percent of some of the most common goods years so it is of course the Perfect Place if a virus wants to spread throughout a whole city until now authorities have found it in the market and they have found people working on the market being infected they have traced most of the cases back to the market so theres still hope that theres no side and spread in other parts of the city jail authorities are now focusing on the origin off this spread they have talked about salmon although lots of experts doubt that salmon can is really a likely transmitter but it has led to stop off salmon imports and salmon has disappeared from restaurants and shelves and supermarkets in beijing and im going to use what adult total to use doing to contain this cluster and stop the spread beyond bingeing. While locked on measures that had just be eased in this city are back now they are being ramped up and many parts of the city but most severely in the surrounding areas some residential areas that are closely linked to that market have been sealed off and the market has been closed off course and the 2nd thing that all stories are doing is mohs testing their residence around will be tested for those 1st theres no communication on further measures yet but im hearing that some companies are also testing all their employees so this will be the 2nd key. Measure and of course the travel bans you have mentioned nonessential travel out of beijing is now not allowed anymore. It is building of there lets bring you now a quick roundup of other developments in the coronavirus make new zealand has put border quarantining into the hands of the military thats up to 2 people who arrived from britain left isolation and then to suppose that of new infections of it record highs in 6 u. S. Troops including texas florida and oklahoma President Trump is due to hold a rally in oklahoma this weekend the president of honduras one Orlando Hernandez has tested positive for the virus as have his wife and 2 aides he says hes receiving treatment and would work remotely and 400 people have tested positive for the virus at a meat packing plant in western germany its the latest of several such outbreaks in recent weeks. Lost tons of ses its shareholders might not approve the german governments rescue package for the Airline Investors are due to vote on the deal at an extraordinary general meeting next week looked on those warning comes after mr hines ham until now hold 15 percent of the airline suggested in an interview that he might not support the 9000000000 euro rescue deal it would see the government take a 20 percent stake in. Were now joined by our financial correspondent we bought in frankfurt only there is a lot riding on the rescue of look you have tons of jobs its role as a Major Airline in germany for passengers and cargo is there any chance that mr t. Can block the rescue package with his 15 percent. Yes there is its very possible that he could kill it because yes he has 15 percent when you take 100 percent. Shareholders but at general meeting there traditionally isnt germany never 100 percent of the shareholders present with their vote and so this 15 percent depending on the attendance on the people signing on for the online event could translate to 2030 percent perhaps more percent and kill it the simple fact is the tons of does need the money and the government hes offering that money therefore explain to us why mr t. Is threatening to vote no. Hes taking issue with the stands and not only offering money but wanting to be a direct shareholder and he sees a conflict of interest there both rest cure and stakeholder with different interests in mind he would like for example the state dont k. F. W. To take an indirect stake and thus be less involved plus hes not particularly pleased that no ones been in touch with him as a large shareholder the government hasnt and c. E. O. Of love times only spoke to him briefly twice what happens if the rescue package on the table is rejected. Well there is 1st of all valuable time lost and there are a lot of other options on the table possibly a bankruptcy even who knows how that would play out in the end i think probably one issue would be that the people involved the government and also. The itself would have to seek out mr teele and make some sort of offer only buyouts in frankfurt thank you so much. Now to some of the other stories making news at this German Biotech Company cure used to launch human trials of an experimental bias vaccine its the 2nd company in the country to do so germanys vaccine regulators these initial results are expected this autumn if theyre promising a vaccine could be on the market in mid 2021. Hundreds of households in germanys capital believe have been placed under quarantine after dozens of people tested positive for the corona virus the outbreak in the bar of involves 7 apartment buildings residents are not allowed to leave their homes for 14 days. French carmaker retro is facing resistance to its restructuring plans workers at its factory in flynn near paris protesting the planned 2024 closure of the plant closures part of a comprehensive cost cutting package read no 1. 00 has long been struggling even before the corner by this crisis hit. Some sports news now byron munich have won their 8th street. After a one nearly win over vedder brave gave them an unassailable lead at the top of the table just before the break. But by and ahead it was all they needed to secure all the way and 11 belsky whos having a career best year also means to meet in gold by own have now won a record 30 bundesliga titles. No club in the bundesliga has secured the crown as often as by and munich this is the story of their season. And months after winning the league and cup double. They still had plenty of star power to rely on. True some of the biggest names in the squad had moved on from munich but other equally big names had joined the team during the off season. With the favorites to win their 8th straight bundestag title but they got the campaign off to a rocky start against. His team settling for a draw in the alley on serena. They were soon back to winning ways however the bavarians demolished mine 61 in their next. Still all was not completely well coverts was in the hot seat as byron continued to drop points when they lost 51 to frankfurt the 1st weekend of november bosses had had enough and parted ways with the embattled coach. Mentor pansy flick worked as an assistant coach for coach and the German National team and what a time to take over with the classic her against dortmund his 1st match in charge but by and had no trouble downing their fiercest rivals for neil the flick era in munich was off to a great start. When byron lost 2 straight games a few weeks later though critics started to question flex leadership had fellow title contenders mentioned blood bucks sent byron packing after a 21 defeat had been over a year since their last back to back losses. But munich were never to lose again before clinching the title yes they went into the midseason break in just 3rd place but by the time they beat matchday 22 they were on top to stay. Robert leaven dosti kept on hitting the target leading the league in goals scored. The coronavirus pandemic forced the campaign to be suspended in mid march when it resumed behind closed doors 2 months later fire never missed a beat. Dortmund had the chance to stop their march towards the title when they met again on match day 28 but once again the bavarians prevailed this time in a tight one nil which was. The flick did leading by into their 8th straight bundesliga title and adding yet more silverware to the most crowded trophy cabinet in german football history. From. Well the sportster something altogether much slower and a 100 year old male galapagos tortoise whos credited with helping to reinvigorate a dwindling population is finally retiring the shuttle reptile is part of a Breeding Program in ecuador that managed to bring the giant galapagos tortoise back from the brink of extinction now they are thriving again in the wild. Species from extinction fathering hundreds of giant. Diego is 100 years old he was brought to this Breeding Center in ecuador from a california after being taken from the wild moment. Now its time to head back home and retire. This program was able to reproduce in captivity some 2000 offspring of which 800 come from deer. Weve been really successful restoring a population that was almost at the brink of extinction with only 15 individuals. Along with 14 other tortoises diego is making the journey back to his Native Island of espanyol are. Trying to read giant galapagos tortoises that are rising again. After braving the waves of the pacific during his friends are in for a better look bumpy ride to the island interior and theyre released in the ohio river valley. But not without some supervision. Tracking system which allows us to remotely monitor them during the adaptation period which will be for about 6 months after that well return on your honor to perform the 1st ecological monitoring to understand the. Right. Having. The moment he is now enjoying his. Freedom. Oh well under time for the chop this is the news from berlin no more on our website im british saturday ill see you again in 30 minutes. Big problems despite the danger of coronavirus people who shop at weekly markets in zimbabwe may be risking their lives. Are alternative. To starbucks comers fresh food and vegetables right to your door is especially when you know. If you say. Eco africa. Cultist. Showing up today dont miss our highlights w. Program on line w. Dot com highlights. In the light of climate change. The frequency of. Whats in store. For the future. Comes from the major cities the insight could enter. That 77 percent blockage are younger ben thanks a lot. Thats me and me and. You know what its time all voices. On the 77 percent talk about the up. Front part 2 classes from housing boom boom town this is where. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend v. W. 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