Secret they didnt want to publicize something which would be damaging for the company of a particular city by the end was to stop the debate so they could carry on making money there was. A decent sector science known as near negative point have earned billions for the company a case of placing an innings of about ethics searching nearby not months what isnt normal is breaking the laws concealing facts to question your shores and. How influential is the beta group and to the authorities failed to exercise proper oversight. But i scull in southwest germany is a fertile region and home to plenty of canola and corn fields cost of car runs of beef on here. Hes. Passionate about what he does his bees are like part of the family. It really experienced any problems with pesticides until one spring day 12 years ago. And you passed had appeared in the rhine valley and was threatening to devastate the corn fields to save the harvest the authorities allowed the large scale use of near nicotine or its only an x. As there are also now. For me out there i could see the farmer sowing his corn and from one moment to the next the bees stopped flying it was perfect weather the bees were out origin everything was wonderful but as the farmer sowed his seed everything stopped although these in the air disappeared. The insecticide the seeds had been treated with resulted in a toxic dust cloud that killed 12000 b. Colonies in the region more than 500000000 being suffered an agonizing death. Throughout the beltway 1st of being a fuck it was the world our worst case of be poisoning by legal means since be conservation began it was very frustrating and very emotional. It really got me down. Close look as though it got so bad that i couldnt drive over to the beehives anymore every time i got near i was met by the stench of decomposing dees i just couldnt handle it anymore like stick it can. During planting some of the red pesticide coaching the corn seeds rubbed off and was released into the environment. Thats what it was a whats that that was sown just in the mice yes or corn seeds dress with insecticide but under the mask and with all what happened. This is to order you see this red dust thats insecticide residue that is rubbed off the seeds and it was released into the air during plantation in the orbital governor stopped in the bees died instantly so what types of what if lookin of the that those that passed through the dust cloud yes. But the worst of it was that the dust settled on flowering plants so the remaining bee is then gathered contaminated pollen i mean you know the pull of the summer at home. Rather than being sprayed on to crops like traditional pesticides in an example of an applied in the form of a seed dressing the seed coated with insecticide is then drilled into the ground using a seed plant or the toxins are affected from the root to the entire plant as a grows making it i mean to pests both in the ground and the field. This stage of virgin birth investigated what had gone wrong and what i scar to the beauty this amazement plane was placed on the mechanical seat planters. The Agriculture Ministry echoed bears official line saying that had the seeds been sown correctly everything would have been fine clinics were nevertheless banned for use on call in germany theyre still committed for other crops they offer 2200000 euros in fast track aid but only on one condition for the beekeepers. In return i shall see to all existing and future claims to compensation to the state of body view to. The investigation the government of button button back had suddenly become the mediation of the offer from bail was actually made by the Agriculture Department this long by the river bank or no bear it was a state of body they wanted to buy their way out of like it was touted as an emergency aid for the beekeepers because of what they were just covering themselves so there was a real push to settle the matter quickly where they knew the bees had been poisoned otherwise it would have taken a lot monger to get the money to fish that like so many of the beekeepers accepted the compensation and bear was left alone the ban on the negative noise in corn wasnt a problem as they were still approved for many other crops between 19022017 around 3700 tons of the agent was sold in germany alone they and other manufacturers like syngenta supplied various near nicotine though its to more than a 100 countries billions of euros scientists accuse the producers of making money at the expense of the environment. Because studies show that mia negative noise actually impact entire ecosystems. Dutch toxicologist 10 tennis has spent years studying the substances sold by companies like. He believes near nicotine no into the most toxic insecticide ever produced we made 10 against every clinic in the netherlands even though he was undergoing treatment for a new man you know when we saw him made last year he agreed to speak to us. The name you. Seem vasilios to noids are water soluble and relatively mobile in the ground. So when it rains they are easily washed into the ground water and runoff water we zoom in for. This means they affect the whole environment and are also absorbed by wild flowers and plants via their roots. When does. The entire landscape becomes toxic for insects. Theres a so its fair to assume that this will result in mass insect deaths. And if the insect disappear the ecosystem collapses. Thats why this is an ecological armageddon we are destroying the whole of nature. Cantenna has believed that near next are the main cause of insect deaths around the world and that via the food chain theyre also responsible for the decline in the population of birds reptiles and amphibians and theres evidence that the harmful to humans too. So why are these insecticide still being sold. And 2800 the European Union did at least ban 3 of the 5 near naked to no its because of the threat to be nice but france had already banned one products containing the toxins back in 1909 it took 19 years for the e. U. To catch up so why did the french authorities act so much earlier. And paris we need scientists sure mark bomber time and a beekeeper only travel. They have instigated the 1900 band at the time being very experiencing mysterious dialysis from a time proof that any are negative no its produced by there was a blame. When the results were made public and the beekeepers protested the company was swift to respond to argument by young the very quickly they are starting to exert pressure to get us to keep quiet in our example what they didnt want to be keepers causing problems it took you more tentative and they are sued for libel. I dont produce honey from sunflowers or canola and i was acting in my capacity as head of the National Union of hours. But they sent me as a private individual and again your lawyer defended us and we wonder and bayer chose not to appeal the ruling but i wasnt the only one here. The scientists also came under pressure the aim was to stop the debate so they can carry on making money when you can is a device but the french government was also a loaned by the mass speed deaths and had commissioned a study. Or you were still giving before we even started our Research Bayer began using the Agriculture Ministry to try to impose its methods and threshold values on us so that wasnt a good start if you looked at then when we got our results they came into the lab to check my analysis and find any errors they were desperate to find a mistake people told me but i havent made any and because we had proven that it talks about poetry and even the blossoms of the plant you know they were forced to accept our results when i later on i mentioned the pressure exerted by bayer to the french media that you do but yeah i dont receive 2 letters from a beer lawyer one addressed to me personally and one to the head of my institute you know they wanted to use their influence to force me to keep my mouth shut if they expected me a scientist to hide my results in order to protect their sales. But yes it was legal best that easy but that wasnt his 1st brush with. Works for one of the Top Research Institutions in frocks it was back in the mid 1990 s. That he was commissioned by the french Agriculture Ministry to investigate the mass b. D. s. Suspicion had fallen on me or nigga to know it 1st made by bayer called i made a cloak print. Says that at the request of the regional agricultural thirtys a employees were actively involved in the 1st study. No man could go but i believe its normal for a company like bayer to be informed if one of its products is being investigated anymore thats your fate. All deposited to their feet but what absolutely isnt normal is when representatives of a Company Whose product is being assessed are not all of them determining details of the approach to be taken including the financing and even the publication of the final results youll bucky heap a headache sure youve done. There was certainly a lot of money at stake for bayer the investigation began. These were sent on the one hand to fields of sunflowers treated with me only get annoyance on the other 2 untreated fields for control purposes at least thats what drama rama time and his colleagues were told. They were only supposed to analyze the fields containing the bayer pesticides but later they realized that the control field was also contaminated with insecticides in the sun they called youll carry it you know we scientists complained when we realized that the control fields have been treated with fungus eyes and other insecticides you have a good 40 he that they dont get it he did it just isnt normal for an experiment of this loving not as youll the kenedy. A good but the Management Committee for the study ignored our complaints by the new it legal to your theres a good beat it beat it out the door seek it levy instead the results of this comparative study which we now know were worthless were taken as proof that a medical oprah is harmless for b. S. You could you eat what is at me. Suddenly pay as insecticides appeared beyond suspicion any possibility of a ban have been dismissed for now at least. But boman time and his colleagues at the institute then carried out their own study on behalf of the beekeepers this time bell was not involved and the results were staggering. Them all play about history to give it we were able to prove that everything relevant to the b. S. Is a big whether it was the corn the sunflowers the ball and a director water who clean but he everything was. But able to i mean yeah he knew and he could you know even if you look good in the levels of toxins in the open countryside were so high that they were sufficient to either kill the b. S. Or at least cause grave long term problem is hugely to carter she said. In 1909 france then banned the use of nearly get to know its but initially only for some plants that wasnt enough for the beekeepers. They wanted a blanket ban on all near nicotine or its so high the services of a paris lawyer by now for. He took up the case against bayer and other manufacturers. Eventually it went to the conceited town ranters highest court for administrative cases. Full realize the companies had exploited weaknesses and their licensing systems to get their products on the market it existed dogma that european directives refer to whats known as the hazard quotient. This quotient is exceeded the manufacturer is obliged to carry out a field experiment under realistic conditions to prove that the product is not harmful. Does your head that we discovered that this control experiment which was obligatory in order to gain approval never took place. If the tests had been carried out as european regulations dictated these products would never have been authorized and ive read it if it did that you know its in part thanks to bono forced persistence that france became the 1st country in the world to ban the use of all near nicotine or its in 2018. In germany meanwhile they are continuing to earn wealth from the insecticides needed next were used on many different crops as a panacea for all pests. The discoveries in france didnt appear to bother the German Authorities even though beekeepers here complained of heavy losses but a hate figure was until recently president of the European Beekeepers Association he told us of its organizations relief when germany finally announced a study on a declining b. Population but the relief was short lived just thought we realised that the initiative only began once the threat was perceived of germany having to adopt the same stance as france frequent there was clearly great concern that the insecticides could be banned here too. Was the industry looking to preempt that move. It would appear that that was the reason why bayh and another next maker syngenta took part in the study other he figures soon realised something was very wrong you dont see our jobs every year there was an annual report and every year the findings would go through the media. The role i might which causes honeybee deaths is really terrible. But we found no crabs with pesticides and its perfect it was like a Public Relations coup for them obviously that we became increasingly critical of how the whole project was structured with the methods they were using when they wouldnt have found any link between pesticides and honeybee deaths anyway countries of the not obvious other linux have nothing to do with the mass being deaths that was the apparent finding that the find Public Opinion right up until the disaster in prescott in 2008 the industry have put huff a 1000000 euros into the be monitoring project womens safety for not doing this project when you look at how the project was financed its pretty obvious the one who pays the piper calls the tune any towing the german be monitoring project was financed almost entirely by the insecticide makers of. The Beekeepers Association walked out of the project in protest but by this point questions were also being raised about whether near naked to no in time not just peace but other wildlife to. We have come to me an expert tanika gardens where we meet spanish toxicologist Francisco Sanchez bio he conducted a major study on the annex that attracted global interest. So when you published your study to the beginning of this year what was the conclusion that we found that in this in the countries where this has been studied which is mostly european america but also countries around the world like brazil or japan 40 percent of the species of insects declining and of those one 3rd of them are really climbing rapidly and they are threatened with extinction. 18 says near niggas know its play a key role in that trend and they dont just kill insects they damage entire ecosystems. Fireproofed that in japan where he studied irrigation rice fields over a 2 year period. These ecosystems are home to my new twitter fleece known as daphnia as well as crayfish and japanese rice fish called mint aka. One day the rice farmers noticed that much of this wildlife was dying apart from the water fleas the crayfish were especially hard hit a laboratory achieving university was asked to investigate the research and soon found the culprit the same near negative knowing that it killed the beings in france we know melissa of certain very curiously in the middle of the where in the in the medical some street it was even that lovely where all absolutely all a 100 percent of the fish were contaminated with but it was on but a site and of course we put it down to the fact that. The only go to night and he was the human system so its all species were sensitive to the insecticide except the. Sea. So how was the news of the so the governor was an anomaly and they are fortunate fact. Is that this anomaly had been used as the reason to say that this insect is i was say for the moment when he was a complete anomaly. The poison did not kill the tiny water fleas but it is effectively exterminate much larger species that we can there are means system so severely that they were easy prey for parasite. The results were in the speech to go or so such as buyer thought but he hadnt reckoned with a form of bayer scientist who would actually help to develop me in x. The day i explained the resource or the 1st year measure course on starlings to the whole group and to the faculty. At the end he just couldnt understand the resource himself and he has me so whether you want to do with these results and i said work the 1st thing i want to do is to publish them because its not in nobility and he really. Didnt know what to say he was speechless and said do you really want to publish that insidious thing is important to let the world know whats happening. But they wanted to keep it secret they didnt want to publicize sounds in which will be done engine for the company. The toxicologist says the laboratory then terminated his contract but he published the result anyway. The events he witnessed indicate that at least one bear scientists knew right back in 2004 about the kind of devastation many are lik it annoyed can cause an ecosystems. From our research it clear that they are tried for decades to prevent any kind of universal ban on your negative noise. In france the company sought to intimidate beekeepers and scientists and played a leading role in a questionable study on b. Mortality that exonerated the insecticides. In germany insecticide makers funded have been monitoring project it led to the widespread belief that nearly get annoyed had nothing to do with mass be deaths. And in japan it would appear bare employees even sought to suppress the publication of a crucial study scientists unproven millionaire get annoyed who are responsible for the collapse of entire ecosystems. So what does bear say to all these allegations that Research Results we spent weeks trying to communicate with the company and the men denied entry to its premises. Bev representatives refused to talk to us on camera our written questions went unanswered instead the company criticized what it described as unfair treatment by the media and many centers for this general statement. He remains convinced that the use of munich it annoyed to say for humans and the environment provided they are used responsibly and in accordance with the instructions for use. Near nicotine or it only kill pests were told. By a studys claim that not even long term use is harmful to be other insects or fish. As for the allegation that bay employees sought to manipulate other studies not comment. We return to dutch toxicologist hangtown accounts he spent years studying these pesticides during that time he discovered 2 studies carried out by day of the findings of which are astounding and one of their scientists describes the effects of the 1st me a nigga to knowledge of t