Like to do that wed also sends the economic pressure to sing various groups addressing i was telling our speed on please do not the task for us is to bring all these things together to turn in patients into creativity and at the same time to develop concepts which give us a perspective over a that is nearly period of time is to understand that things can speed up when things get better but at same time they could slow down your things get worse and there is a decisive for us to keep in mind that is a kind of breathing that stretches you so we need to be considerate and we dont and should carry out experiments to the detriment and with the brain health of our family not to the detriment of the health of our population because. So this coming we have put together a frame in which we all find our places and in which we keep on. Moving the goal is to make everything transparent and to make clear what the underlying principle of rules is and to accept regional variations that. This is what has been decided today needs to be progress says it needs to also deliberated in the next cabinet meetings in bavaria were going to set up our roadmap and very very next week when it comes to playgrounds for instance the question is how in which form should they be opened and that needs to be discussed and what is very important Something Else that id like to emphasize economy is one part one as we think about when it comes to retail and Hospitality Industry were going to talk about it the work has been put in a lot of work has been put in concepts have been developed. A mass dont make much sense in the Hospitality Industry and the social distancing rule remains being in place and its very very difficult to implement that in parts and restaurants we need to understand how concepts play out in reality but the most serious cause of concern is the family. Thats next weve got mothers day we need to think of homes for the end which are an important challenge we need to find a way so that people can visit their loved ones their grandparents their mother as there are possibilities to allow for that if we assign a Contact Person the playground is not the pope most important as we need to find ways for Daycare Centers and schools we need to find ways which live up to the concerns of parents who are so concerned about their kids and. The ways which also gave teachers and educators an opportunity to also. Take their health as we need to find support for these activities when it comes to schools had some poured into a state that time. Schedules would be designed in such a manner that we wouldnt need to scan close down schools after having opened them because its again so we have taken good decisions on why should service is a very important contribution we also covered at the end extend if the topic of college covering museums next week before everything would be open and the various hygiene concepts need to have been developed the same is true for as soon as we need to talk to the public authorities local authorities in munich in north america and other cities. How we can sell tickets for visits and things like that me come to my last point because they decisions that were taken today. Translated are another step towards manatee normality with and under the conditions of corona because there wont be any other nonmedically in the foreseeable future its often not going to stay like that forever were going to go through that crises in so far we have led the country through the crises in a good man im going to lead the country out of this crisis together but patients being consistent about these are the 2 best advisers for us being prudent and. Being transparent and making things understandable all that is going to be important in the weeks to come it and i think. It went better today than. In previous occasions namely to avoid a patchwork of measures and want to work consistently to get out so we are moving from one week to the next i want to thank the colleague from hamburg and then for from the other. It was a very fruitful discussion although the. Differences are they are because of the regional differences and the chancellor indeed is the International Voice of reason as. We discussed what we all perceive intermedia the more successful we are in slowing down infection the speed of infection and. They wish citizens comes to the fore for us to take steps to a moment normal public life. And. We must not leave our strategy in a speech which has been successful we need to continue this stepwise in a controlled manner each step each major step we take needs to be controlled and checked we need to check what it means after a certain period of time on the basis of scientific figures on infection figures and that is what marks todays discussion we dont want to make a major step that would probably be discussed on 6th of may were going to talk about those things that have already been submitted by way of a concept its going to be a discussion around spalled stake as Centers Schools and further steps in this field today we limited ourselves to smaller measures individual measures where we can assume that they are not going to have a tremendous impact on increasing in terms of increasing actually infection risk if we stick to the rules that were combine with these steps so it was a good result i think that had been prepared i making worships finding that service is possible and that is what we have decided in combination with other steps that what already been taking an individual countries and which would be associated with only minor rates of deteriorating their situation and next week. In view in. On the basis of the Data Available by then were there and talk about the next steps to be taken thats moved on to your questions mr blank from the d. P. A. The German Press Agency you mentioned in your. Statement. The Hotel Industry and tourism areas to be decided upon after the 6th of may people need to book their vacations do you think bad vacation outside of germany spain or italy say would be possible in the summer and encounter. With this question to stay premier could there be a special role played by australia. And. I can only make statements on what i can already. See at the horizon. On that basis i cant give you an answer to your question were talking now about the question of when do we open Daycare Centers and schools where everything can set in for the future in order to better determine when restaurants can open again in some European Countries they are still under lockdown and are told knock down until 11th of may for instance in france and now at this juncture to talk about how travel in europe would be a bit and possible in summer during the Summer Season is a topic which has not yet been put on our agenda scientists tell us that we need to continue on our part of wave caught an infection number. Of less than 1500. 00 new cases. We stayed stable of our couple of days on that weve got 400. 00 local Health Authorities we have strength the position of Health Authority and so with that infection chains can be tracked and traced we are gaining increasing insight into. Infection taking place in. Homes for the elderly in hospitals what are the. Effects of skiing vacations if you must now or we see that people wear masks in public spaces people have grown accustomed to these social distancing rules and we now need to measure how that plays out what does it mean and how does it compare to when the areas faces the fog. Now if we are allowed for touristic travels again we would the households again restaurants are problematic not because we wouldnt wish restaurant or people to go and have. Dinner at a restaurant again. But we can chat with that. People sitting at a table around a table from one family that would be our problematic or whether these are people coming from different households we always have to look 1st learn what does that mean whats the impact of that. The way we are moving forward now i think is the most prudent one and therefore the question whether we would be able to travel within europe has not yet been put onto our agenda and questions regarding the borders would be closed open odyssey has to be taken by the federal structure by the federal level and should people travel again in germany again. I can tell you you know if you want to go to the south you dont need to travel to austria very is a wonderful destination. So if you want to travel south. Why not go to bavaria. North also or buzz off as a bit of wonderful opportunities of course if you mean not to the south so of course those i mean our discuss where to go north or south the next question comes from is the. Post your newspaper. You know in fact its very Automotive Industry who had brought themselves into a problematic situation through fraud and now are asking for state aid. To be some seen my gate. And what about the general contract restriction and that would be in place until a 10th of made whether its a normal procedure they were in place until 3rd of may and everything that has been mentioned so far would stay in place as it had been decided upon early on and. The. Were going to meet at the 6th of may and then we will see what happens until 10th of may. What has happened until then we will take stock then the. Chief of staff mr brown just wanted to make sure that these measures dont end on 3rd of may but they would be continue with that is what we also agreed upon today talking about the Automotive Industry this is a task that we under the road that we ground that we have established on a regular basis and we started doing so before the corona crisis we started these rounds and these talks in a larger form it was an expression of the fact that the Automotive Industry plays an Important Role as an industry in germany a lot of jobs depend on this industry and therefore weve got a huge interest. In the Automotive Industry standing a good chance in the Economic Life that were not going to take decisions about incentives for buying cars so on tuesday them such a decision would be embedded in the Overall Program for. In the discussion of. Injecting freshman mentum into the economy life everybody says weve got our rescue pass. Rescue Package National rescue measures around the question is about perspective what happens once the economy starts working again picks up working again. The Automotive Industry of course is a driving factor not only thought jobs in germany but also in other European Countries but you dont have to expect decisions to be taken on this topic on tuesday. To take a look at the unemployment figures and show that working time is 10000000 today and its very good that we have these reserves headed by the Federal Reserve of late federal office of labor id like to thank the staff of the us or authority who produce as such a large number of applications they have increased their staff and had trying to be able to process all these every application but it also shows as soon as the infection. Activity is analysis we should do Everything Possible to bring the economy up and running again to the states at lower saxony bavaria boundary to back coordinate the activities that they are the host countries state ok so youve been a watch this is a d. W. I. Life in berlin youve been watching a press conference that being held by german chancellor Angela Merkel flanked by the state premiers a from how burg and bavaria discussions have been going on over the last couple of hours about how to progress through the crowd a virus pandemic the chancellor made the point that this is a crisis when the blueprints are no precedent so everyone was learning and everyone who spoke very much emphasized the whole name notion of caution the meeting today you just said the principal purpose was to. Find out and discuss ways to slow down the spread of the infection to allow the Health Service to manage and how germany could manage to come out of the pandemic of cautiously lets get more on this from a Political Correspondent hans brant welcome back fill us in on some of whats been decided today. Well in fact the decisions that were taken today were very well hidden one might say in all the words that were spoken in the last half hour or so but there are 2 things i think that one can say 1st of all they decided that large public gatherings ought to be banned at least until the 31st of all. That includes events such as Music Festivals i imagine they will there will be no crowds in soccer stadiums if soccer games were to be played there would be no huge demonstrations no huge gatherings of a kind theres a band until the end of august and then there took a few decisions positive decisions on areas of public life that they regard as not particularly or should i say dangerous in re starting a chain of infections in the society that includes religious services which ought to be allowed probably within a week or so that includes museums. Galleries Public Gallery zoos public tanika gardens and also childrens playgrounds these are all areas that have been closed down and they are promising that these institutions are likely to open within i imagine about a week or so theyre saying the exact measures that need to be taken to protect people in those institutions still need to be approved that will take a take some time but i think i can say that by the end of next week or the week after that these institutions will be opened beyond that indeed what you just said is what everyone repeated one has to go very very carefully the worst thing that could happen under american say it would be if there was a slide back from the successes that germany has achieved in controlling the virus in recent weeks so theyre taking very very cautious steps to reopen society to reopen the various areas of society in order to not allow the virus a chance to get back into the society. So everybody whos who spoke they all seem to be very much on the same page as we were saying there is thats your impression that regardless of everyone saying we have to be careful is a consensus is a unanimity about how careful we have to be when all some states are pushing for for this to be faster or slower. In fact thats something merkel emphasized right at the beginning of the work of the things that she had to say that she would very much want some kind of unity in the measures that are taken across germany and in fact that has not been the case so far there have been his decisions taken after a central level in these kind of meetings such as the one weve had today but the way the measures have been implemented and they have to be implemented in the various federal states as different from federal state or federal state there is a huge part of patchwork of measures across germany they are not in fact unified in the way that these measures are taken that the societies are being reopened that of various aspects of public life being reopened today i think probably behind the scenes there was a very intense discussion today to try and avoid that kind of patchwork so i think that is also the reason why all 3 speakers at this press conference emphasized this attempt to find a new unity in how the measures are implemented at the start of a common chancellor merkel i thanked everyone who had helped in this pandemic effort by accepting the restrictions now weve seen demonstrations in the United States and some in the United Kingdom against the pandemic restrictions against locked down destructions whats the picture here in germany. I think you can say that there is still a fair fairly large consensus amongst the public that restrictive measures are necessary but there is also some sense of unease or maybe impatience with the restrictions that are in place and there have been several court cases in various parts of germany where government has been criticized by the courts for the restrictions that have been imposed for instance one of the measures that was a agreed on was that shops that have less than 800 square meters of floorspace were allowed to open now some courts have decided this would be discriminating against larger shops if larger shops restricted the area that is open in their shops to 800 square meters they should also be allowed to and so there have been some corrections to the restrictions that have been imposed by the courts and as i say there is a restlessness and society partly on economic grounds obviously everybody that is losing money in this situation that is losing their jobs as losing their livelihood is very impatient to be able to start earning money again and that concerns millions of people here in germany and at the same time everybody else also is impatient after having spent so much time restricted to their homes and not being able to go out on it quite interesting that in answer the one of the probably the 1st question that the chance that was asked by the press will will some holidays outside germany be possible this year she took a she took a long way around but effectively the chancellor said i dont know what not dealing with that at the moment now were dealing with now which is not which is not something you you would expect from you would see from a lot of other politicians. Yes indeed and obviously Summer Holidays are about to start the 1st School Holidays here in germany will start in early june and people are used to going away to going clear to leave to the south somewhere by the seaside or whatever at the in fact the case is at the moment that even travel within germany is quite quite restricted to the 2 especially the tourist areas in germany even from within germany there are many tourist areas that you are not allowed to go to at the moment on the european level there are others