Coming to you from mumbai to be a real deep dive into how we can tackle the problem of Plastic Waste head on indias Prime Minister is putting his might phasing out single use plastic by 2022 the country generates 5600000 tonnes of Plastic Waste a huge number given how poorly its segregated and recycled and organization in the me is using technology to convert Plastic Waste back into its base of crude oil lets take a closer look at how it works. Renewable day usually begins with back breaking work she sure has the responsibility of feeding a family of 4 so she needs to collect and drop 5 every day. She cant afford to buy kerosene despite. Government a scheme to provide poor households. Or liquid Petroleum Gas renu lack Clean Cooking few. On days that she can find boat she has to dissolve to burning plastic. And it leaves her and her family at an increased risk of Heart Disease and respiratory diseases like asthma. India generates close 226000 tons of Plastic Waste every year making it to 15 largest Plastic Waste polluted in the world. It is this type of 10 plastic known as multi layered plastic packaging. That slips through the cracks of indias Waste Management system. Are also glaringly absent from the dirty dozen list that dwelleth single use plastic items which have been banned in india since october 2090. It was in 2009 that. Decided to take matters into her own hands along with her Business Partner but. First 3 to 4 months for literally. Anybody to do with plastics and then of realize it is a fossil fuel. After months of research and failed experiments with the help of scientists friends the do adopted a technology that converts all kinds of Plastic Waste into a high grade food that is Environment Friendly and has a higher combustion well. With production costs of about 24. 00 apiece billet. Thats about pretend for you this you can be used as a few hours without any need for further processing. When youre born this the cell phone outboard is much much less than the diesel allowable sell for content is around 80 ppm while with us is point 17. 00 p. P. M. So emission wise its much more clean the view. Is that if you like that you use to make people aware ok thats food that. Is recent. Local wall and the organizations like this group of president s from 34 communities are important and do this fight against plastic pollution we go to societies we talk to the people we tell them the ill effects of plastic and how the drought is recycling in an Environment Friendly manner and because we have been doing it from 2016 it is now become easy for us to convince people in that. Garden city and urban township into this has become our regulars are over 100 families and theres a president ial complex separate been raised and recycled that plastic. Once a fortnight the residents drop off the collector last week at a designated location. Employees from the. Cross a Sister Concern of lewd conduct these pickups from over 15000 locations in 150 kilometer radius. And around the city. Police. First hard last 6 bags and on our terms are separated from each other. The plastics been crushed then everything goes into the reactor the process called turmel catalytic the polymerization is set in motion by using a catalyst in the absence of oxygen. Being burned the Plastic Waste in the reactor is gradually heated between 150 and 200 degrees celsius is when the plastic starts to melt and between 380 and 430 degree celsius it deeply morans the substance that remains in the polyfuse which is filtered stored and made ready for delivery. Not only is it sold at a cost of about 40. 00 rupees or about off when you are. The companys it also reaches people like reading a. Little boy into instead of burning board if i use this or if it is better for me it does not harm my children or flame does not turn my utensils black there is not much pollution either died all those evil am. Moved to has installed then plans for recycling Plastic Waste across maharastra and. All the plastic raised to collect is recycled there is none left over. Fumes from plastic raised this recycling process could perhaps be implemented worldwide. If it could be made to function. The pioneers in india and other countries are still working on it. Now many countries around the world simply dont know what to do with a monumental amount of Plastic Waste. The u. S. And countries in europe for example have been exporting their Plastic Waste to china for years but ever since china stopped buying this waste and 20 the market has moved elsewhere. Plastics plastic and more plastic and the stocks are only getting higher recycling companies in germany have been pushed to their limits in recent years. Of negotiations because we didnt have enough Processing Capacity in germany the volumes involved and the production costs were just too high for huge quantities of Plastic Waste our ship abroad as a result around half of the worlds Plastic Waste used to be sent to china to be protests there in 2018 china stopped accepting as other countries have filled the gap. The main destinations for germanys Plastic Waste are now in malaysia 132000. 00 tons a year followed by india has around 76000. 00 and then indonesia in the 3rd place at more than 64000 followed by vietnam at nearly 57000 tons. Of size of mines but in malaysia the trash piles up on dumps like this they dont recycle here at all the trash d. K. Use polluting the soil and groundwater. If you have a little rummage around here youll see a lot of it comes from germany from other European Countries to the us but theres a lot from germany this is an old capri sun is on a. Theres a mix of household rubbish and used packaging and. The volume is starting to overwhelm many of the importers because there arent enough Plastic Recycling plants Environmentalist Group greenpeace discovered 45 legal and 5 illegal landfills in one malaysian region alone with garbage from more than 19 countries. The biggest export her is the u. S. Around 16 percent of their plastic weights get sent abroad. To panic sports more than 15 percent germany more than 12 per cent and the u. K. More than 9 per cent. Recycling old plastic trash into new plastic is a complex and costly process it has to be separated cleaned and source it exports are only legal if the country theyre being sent to can process them but Asian Countries are often found ways thats barely recyclable. The environmental and Health Impacts have led many countries to limit imports or ban them completely but waste still gets out there a legally cambodia recently received 83 containers with iran 1600 tons of bands Plastic Waste from the u. S. And canada officially declared as recyclable materials cambodia plans to send them back. Home in. Germany conducts regular checks to prevent these kinds of illegal exports environmental authorities here in the port of hamburg want to determine exactly what in the cargo its not always clear cut. What can and cannot be recycled. Must take peachy bottles you see these images of them being sorted by hand made into pellets and they do things like outdoor clothing. But not all Plastic Waste is as pure as it should be manufacturers arent careful enough or they just want to make some fast cash those are the criminals. Thats a done deal we know. Some companies are already working on alternatives to exporting plastic chip maker and recycling company art and environmental institutes have joined forces to build a recycling ship it will anchor in 7 african countries and buy Plastic Waste from the collectors on lands to be recycled right there on board the vessel. Lots of people make a living from selling garbage like here in sierra leone they could make 5 times more money by selling it to the recycling ship on one condition the plastic is preselected interesting go variety around 60 4000. 00 tonnes of Plastic Waste could be recycled here every year. Because of the gulf and of course on them we need a big plant to process plastics in a profitable way and none of these countries has the means to build one that big we think well be able to buy our own 10000000. 00 euros worth of plastic every year as if its the middle of the. And when you think it takes 10000 euros of revenue to create a full time job in these countries then we could create 1000 jobs in the region drops into your mission. Building the resources to process Plastic Waste where its created could help the world to start breaking down its my tip of broad base. When plastic is not recycled. What exactly is all the waste going about 8000000. 00 tonnes exports have proven end up in our oceans which is then engine by Sea Creatures big and small unknowingly a group of people in the movie have come together to change this after they found a dying were stranded on the coast with a stomach full of plastic. Search shows how the clean up effort got started with a tragic incident off this island near better to norway that happened in january 27th. The doctor thought it would be hard mean a rare views beaked whale that was found stranded in shallow waters. Every attempt to herd it back to the open sea failed the whale was weekend emaciated and eventually had to be euthanized. When scientists at the university of better again examine the whale they made a discovery its stomach was full of plastic bags. People in norway were horrified by the images tens of thousands flocked to the beaches to help us. Track ourselves we hope that the Coastal Service had about 60000 trash bags on hand well enough for 5 years. That bit of a room back but in no time at all they were all gone so everybody wanted to go out and collect Plastic Waste because. Ronald gross are used to work for the oil industry now he joins teams of volunteers to clean up plastic trash along the countless inlets bays and islands of noways west coast todays destination is a small uninhabited island off barragan these volunteers are members of a society of engineers most of the waste that washed. On the shore here comes from britain or big ships many of the bags and bottles have disintegrated into bits and pieces for the plastic collectors its a never ending task. Thats earned money the deeper you dig the more you turn up its pretty frustrating after this experience ill be even more careful about using plastic and ill make sure that i dispose of it properly. So that they somehow you know. Even the snacks the volunteers have brought along are sealed in plastic avoiding plastic entirely isnt easy. But it. Got a lot of thought but now we want to put pressure on the industry in the government to look for alternatives to the use of plastic but for me personally id like to keep on catching lobster here in the sea at my doorstep and id like my kids to be able to do that too which of them. Got barlow and also. Just 4 hours of work have yielded 5 trash bags filled with plastic. That home room to go search posts what theyve achieved on the internet the site keeps track of every section of coastline the Collection Team cleans up given the length of norways coastline thats a herculean task. But meanwhile every Political Party in the country supports the initiative. The view is. The studies have shown that for every quarter or euro the state spends on supporting the volunteer effort it gets 10 times that value back in return 1st because of the clean up work itself but also because of the weight boost environmental awareness and social solidarity. We want to go and other activists have had a plaque set up at the place where this environment. Initiative began in memory of the whale that came to such a painful end here and then morgan with a stomach full of plastic you brought us the message about what is happening to the oceans thank you for waking up to us. A wake up call thats intended to be heard far beyond the coast of norway. Now in most cities around india freshen hot food is delivered at your doorstep at the click of a button while this is immensely convenient what many of us dont calculate is the amount of plastic used in packaging this food and how easily it becomes trash once the food is consumed some Food Delivery Companies in the country are trying to teach this. Bangalore is one of indias biggest cities and lies at the center of the countrys id industry. People here often work long hours with no time to cook or eat out. Some end up ordering food online for every single meal. Ive been ordering in for almost. A communion so you know the classic experience. Scavengers also live well on the leftovers the cultural food delivery has drastically impacted amounts of garbage in the city they have doubled in just 2 years. Across india Delivery Companies process along for the 1000000 food orders every month producing a staggering 22000. 00 tons of single use Plastic Waste. With new government bans on plastics leaderless are now switching to alternatives like banana leaves paper and aluminum although many say that those materials our friend impractical are simply not Cost Effective. To go to many a monument use aluminum containers like these but they dont really hold the gravy. By so meals and this that cost around 50. 00 rupees thats around half a euro. I can put bread and a spoon where am i supposed to put the curry the lentils and the chutney the things that make it worth the price. There is some you know Show Companies switching over from using plastic. Biodegradable materials because of specialists but its something that we feel is required answered be done. Done and our owns one of the oldest ice cream parlors in the city and his product has its own delivery issues packaging ice cream is a nightmare but it always been experimenting with a Cost Effective alternative based on a biodegradable by product of the sugar industry. Its been quite significant i think. Over the course of these 4 months that we started using both of us at least 60 to 70 percent of the consumption has come down. It seems the idea city bangalore is on track to finding Innovative Solutions in different fields in the Digital Space and also in the real world. A 1000000 plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute the demand is driven by an apparently insatiable desire for bottled water and the spread of a waste still. On the go culture a German Company is offering the solution. By making the usable glass bottles fashionable. Topwater is one of the safest things you can drink in germany yet more and more people are buying bottled water. Its just water there is no better. Is the c. E. O. Of soul bottles a startup in berlin the produces glass bottles that you can refill. His mission is to stop people using plastic bottles. So you take the bottles for. Their mistakes. So we can have them out of transportation emissions and we make them up to 80 percent of recycled materials. The caps are made with rubber and metal while the packaging used for shipping the bottles is partially obtained from recycled paper. The company has so far sold more than 700000 bottles. Part of the Purchase Price is donated to water initiatives with the goal of improving Drinking Water supplies in developing countries like nepal and uganda. This includes drilling water wells providing hand pumps and teaching local communities how to use and maintain them water is the most purchased beverage in germany 65 percent of people drink bottled water every single day but this is something completely unnecessary and most of the Water Bottles generally found in supermarkets are made of plastic. Its completely irrational to have plastic that we use for such a short period of time and then throw away and it just adds up to giant piles of waste the problem is that plastic usually down cycles because plastic decreases in quality the more time to recycle it and obviously this process also uses up the energy so its not a 0 sum game reusing is better than recycling. With more and more countries taking steps towards banning Single Use Plastics glass could experience a revival. But theres a downside a lot of energy is needed to produce glass and as it is heavier than plastic its transportation is less energy efficient. Over can say the plastic could be substituted entirely by glass but theres a lot of things that we can think. Just get away from single news thats everybody keeping. So bottles is capitalizing on the latest green trend. Refillable drinking bottle definitely is kind of the new handbag we want to make it cool and sexy and fun to drink tap water so the package is important for us to kind of like the bottle is a very strong messenger for our mission and their impact. But a soul bottle comes with a hefty price tag a small 1. 00 sells for more than 20 euros several times more expensive than similar glass bottles the reason for the price is that weve really tried to guarantee as much as possible a fair supply chain so for example we can compensate all our Carbon Emissi