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One nursing home in belgium are getting a lift to bring them face to face again with. Oh im terry barton thanks for joining us the British Public will hold a minutes silence today to pay tribute to frontline workers who died after contracting kobe had 19 the government has announced it will make 860000 pounds compensation payment thats all 70000 euros to families of Health Workers and social care stuff or die fighting the outbreak after years of underfunding and now a severe lack of personal protective equipment the pandemic has laid bare the crisis within the u. K. s National Health system for. An enormously found that protects him from coronavirus dr assays munaf almost feels guilty every time he went on. Hes an emergency doctor so he does have access to past not protective equipment or people. But supplies across the u. K. Are very limited to simply arent enough gowns for every doctor i want to go to get treated to. A conscious of what you said to you because one box of supplies getting less and less and thats every time because they are enough to merit you know we are in a high risk are 3 quarters of all u. K. Doctors say they dont have access to protective clothing visors and masks are also in short supply some doctors are having to buy their own f f p 3 masks from the i y stores and from building that fence. And were also having to do things like make their own aprons out of rubbish bin bags to try to protect their closing whilst theyre doing these high risk procedures over 100 medical staff doctors as well as nurses have already died from the virus on social media videos like this abby Homestead Hospital workers paying their last respects to a continent even before the crisis the u. K. Was short of over 40000 nurses staff are now on the enormous pressure even very experienced nurses and pushed to the edge and we have a lot of newly qualified staff who only been in the job 6 months or one year and theyve really been pushed pushed to 2 to breaking point we are and already underfunded we need more doctors and nurses to work in the n. H. S. Even in normal times so at the moment we are above and beyond what we ever thought that we could be intensive and working and were trying our best that we do need more starker we need more quick meant and that is a result of underfunding of the last decade and patients are suffering too. Hospitals are having to ration supplies like oxygen on dialysis food for patients with kidney failure. To more no describe situations where older patients that mightnt benefited from intensive care have been denied treatment whereas a few months ago people who were 65 people to sit if you base your mentality but now its scratchy youre so strange it so the trust that it would look to you but if people look theres a 55 i think you should which i deemed. A test of care you did but the i. C. U. Checked a lot. It white for me. Britains National Health service is facing its biggest emergency since its founding. And it obvious be a good mass who filed that report joins us now from london to get the u. K. Is a rich country thats been mobilizing resources to deal with this pandemic for months yet its Health System is having real trouble coping why. Well when you look at it from the outside the you could help system comes across as not being very resilient its not been designed to cope with a pandemic like this you could almost say its almost run towards or almost before the pandemic running at full capacity so this huge savage and patients hospitals have just really had to struggle you have almost no other any other elective surgery or even things like cancer care at the moment everything has been on hold everything has stopped just in order to deal with this crisis and Cancer Charities for example a warning that thousands of cancers are going undetected because patients are reluctant to go to g. P. s but also there are no referrals to specialists and and those sad stories so it will present a huge problem also further down the line when slowly or these normal services are being resumed and yes critics say that this is due to severe underfunding particularly in the last decade where the country has seen a lot of austerity as a result of the financial crisis. At noon britain is to hold a minutes silence to commemorate key workers who have died from 19 tell us more about. Well yes like in many other countries because particularly hospital staff doctors nurses theyre being seen as heroes across the u. K. You see in many windows there are realty rainbows that symbolize the n. H. S. And symbolize the support that the families and the gratitude they have for n. H. S. Workers now this is a minute of silence to well have the whole country come together and commemorate these people who have sacrificed their life while they were helping others to survive weve also seen on the back of this the government announcing a new scheme a Compensation Scheme so for n. H. S. Workers who have. Or will be dying in the future there will be a financial compensation so this is also an official mark of the gratitude that the government is showing to everybody whos on the front line against the virus well speaking of the government yesterday we saw Prime Minister Boris Johnson back in public back at work for the 1st time since you contract the coronavirus how important is his return for the countrys battle against a pandemic. Well there was a sense of the void at the helm of the government at this really key moment in the countrys history really because of course there were only ministers giving day the updates but there was a sense that maybe the really Big Decisions when being taken just because the Prime Minister wasnt and was basically the country we have seen now that. For example does official support for the cat workers that we have just talked about but also whats being expected of him is really what comes next how is he going to lead the country out of this crisis we see in many other countries across the world are slowly opening up a very strict lock down the u. K. Is not one of these people are really pressing the Prime Minister to be transparent and to talk about what strategy is the u. K. Going to have and whats the thinking whats the government thinking of the head of the government really behind when is the country opening up and we can expect many more people pressing the Prime Minister just to be more open in that new. Target thank you very much that was. In london. Lets catch up on some of the other stories making headlines around the world today u. S. President says he may seek damages from china over the corona Virus Outbreak how the White House Press briefing trump said china could have stopped coded 9000 at the source and prevented its global spread he said his administration was investigating how to hold beijing accountable. Nearly half a 1000000 New Zealanders are back to work as the government eases restrictions customers were lining up again for coffee and fast food takeaways after a month long lockdown Prime Minister just into our think New Zealanders for the resilience with war and the fight against buyers wasnt over him. And the australian city of sydney has opened its famous bondi beach to surfers and swimmers the golden sands were closed last month after thousands of people ignored social distancing rules residents are now allowed back in the water but walking and sunbathing remain bad. Well its the 2nd day of the climate dialogue thats a Major Initiative to discuss ways of combat ing Climate Change here in germany due to code 19 the dialogue is taking place online but the pandemic is shaping discussions in other ways too with Many Companies and Industries Holding out for help there are growing calls on the government to attach Climate Friendly streams to aid for businesses. The Worlds Largest comic is gradually resuming production at its european facilities the coronavirus pandemic has cost folks billions and executives arent optimistic about the future. Is that you should see if youre concerned that a car is not foremost on the minds of our potential customers right now. So we welcome efforts by the government to create some incentives for consumers. To go to work thats just the government assistance for vehicle purchases didnt politicians want to phase out the Combustion Engine and wouldnt it be a good time to transition to a more eco friendly economy when company coffers are empty. On monday a Broad Spectrum of nearly 70 German Companies called for increased efforts to link stimulus programs with climate protection and they were not only those that would benefit from ambitious climate protection policies like Insurance Companies also traditional Industrial Enterprises like to sing cope and. They hope the european economy will see a push for modernization that could include a massive expansion if we knew it will Energy Investment challenging stations full and electric vehicles. Of more now im joined by my colleague Stephen Beardsley from our business desk thanks being with the stage or so the pen demick is putting tremendous pressure on economies and companies unemployment is skyrocketing with economic survival being very much everyones interest at the moment could it be that climate protection is getting less of a priority you can definitely madge and i mean look at what he said about the Auto Industry in germany 800000 jobs are believed to be tied to the Auto Industry in one way or another so they have great clout when they come out and they say we would like to see premiums for all cars not just electric cars like there are now but we want to see a general premium well that would help them in the short term but in the long term does that really work towards your own climate goals if youre putting your incentivizing putting more internal Combustion Engines out there thats one example i think also of the energy costs that Many Industries face for example the Steel Industries for smelting up its incredible use of energy what if you were to lower the taxes on energy for them well that then hits your build out of your a new bull grid here in germany so these are realistic to imagine we havent heard them yet but basically it sets up the dilemma of a short term recovery 1st is your own long term strategic plans to fight Climate Change the German Government is pumping a lot of money into the economy help trying to. Help businesses get through this pandemic to what degree is that a being used to Pressure Companies to pursue more and been environmentally friendly practices so far not at all right now what the German Government is focused on is that short term stability they have programs that are set up to support workers who may not be getting the work that theyre normally getting they have worked through or they have programs that are set up to provide grants the companies and that are meant to guarantee loans so basically its meant to put industry and business back on its feet the 1st thing probably the most important thing is that environmental requirements are relaxed they havent been so far theres been no word of that but that is emissions standards building efficiency standards things like that and then theres talk of ok long term as germany looks at a. Redevelopment plan basically a Recovery Plan i should say maybe we can gear that towards more environmental goals and sort of do something hand in hand help the economy but also steer it more toward some of the long term plans we already have in mind c thank you very much that was Stephen Beardsley from our business. Well lets get around some of the latest developments in the pandemic the number of confirmed cases worldwide has passed 3000000 thats according to the John Hopkins University database new figures show the transmissions in germany have ticked higher the reproduction rate is now back at one meaning those infected with the virus passed it to one other person starting may 1st austria will allow gatherings of up to 10 people as the country eases restrictions and spain in principle also outlined plans today on how to lift their 6 week lock downs. Else spain began loosening its lockdown on children this week when it allowed youngsters to leave the confinement of their homes for the 1st time in 6 weeks decision followed heat it public debate about spains very strict curfew and warnings from experts over the psychological impact of keeping children indoors w. C. On Philip Schultz went to meet one family as they left locked out. Few. Have waited for 43 days for this exact moment they are finally allowed to leave their apartment again accompanied by their mother of course they say its a great feeling but a little unusual too. You see a lot of kids hardly any adults are on the street and no cars the constraints imposed on children where some of the strictest in europe they were not allowed outside not even for a few minutes this gives them all the more reasons to be excited about whats finally possible again. My friend lives really close by maybe i can at least see her from a distance yes but only from a distance and tomorrow well go roller skating see. You know you to. Todays destination grandma and grandpa but very strict rules apply well getting them cycling and running the playing with other kids is not their grandparents house is within the permitted one kilometer radius but visiting them is not the same as it used to be. Not allowed to have a lift them up this is something everybody has to get used to. Several days of confusion preceded the spanish governments decision to allow children to were outside for walks again the original plan was that they would only be allowed to accompany their parents to the supermarket but eventually the public pressure became too strong more and more parents insisted that after 6 weeks without any fresh the limit for children had been reached many experts about the governments change of heart including psychiatrys Diego Figueroa he was one of the many who advocated to loosen the restrictions for children but even if the measures are gradually reduced new problems might arise. Children that have been spending most of their time with their parents might have a hard time adjusting to school or other groups outside their families again this might cause serious phobias or even result in kids refusing to leave the house. And enjoy their time outside despite the new strange circumstances the allotted 16 minutes past the way too quickly the 3 of them already making plans for tomorrow when they can spend their next hour outside and maybe well be able to see her girlfriend even if its only from a distance or for more on this lets talk to her and rudd can shes a child clinical psychologist at the university of southampton in england thanks for joining us what are the main psychological challenges that children face in this pandemic. I think theres theres many actually i think that the lack of social contact with people outside their family is it is a big one but i think also the intensity of living inside that family unit so squabbles with siblings rattie of parents i think it can all help to create quite a pretty terminal for children especially on the children who find it difficult to understand what is going on and for teenagers in particular with their real worry actually because they rely so heavily on social contact with p. Is every single day to help them feel good about themselves so theyve really missed out on that as well so theres a lot of psychological and impacts really but one thing that i have found is that the young people that i was working with before this all happened and i was working with them around anxiety theyre enjoying and a temporary relief from their anxieties because theyre now living in a bubble and the things that used to make me feel really anxious and such as going to school or seeing other people has actually reduced surface some people it hasnt been bad ok so social distancing is particularly tough for young people but what about the general psychological environmental living in a in a situation where theres a killer virus on the loose and people are dying in their thousands all around them i mean this must be a particular burden for that. I think the threat is is enormous but from my experience i think its more the adults whove really process that threat very Young Children its just too big for them to take on they cant really understand the enormity of it so we have to bring it down to the day to day well she hands dont go near other people and teenagers i think they felt quite a bit of existential angst around it because its not hitting teenagers as much as other age groups i think theyre feeling pretty protected from it in fact act and so the biggest threat is changes to and families in terms of grandparents an elderly relatives in front of relatives so lots of young people are dealing with that threat ok actually and what they are experiencing cookies with is the day to day and not be at their friends and what advice would you give to parents as a child psychologist to help support their children in coping with this crisis. Its a really difficult time and parents are going to be putting a lot of expectations on themselves and actually its the toughest job in the world or the best of times say right now is going to be very very tough so as a parent just set yourself small goals what is it that you would like to do to make sure that that day is going to pay a couple of things that you want to get done and go very easy on yourself as a parent but in terms of your child dont worry about them having to you know be incredibly educated during this time you just need to trade with the learning and a lot of parents are very anxious about screen time and how much time their children especially teenagers spending gaming during the day and again its just about having to just take a step back as a parent and think what is it that i need to do right now i need to keep my child well and safe and healthy and these just evolve little steps they dont need to involve any big changes. Thank you so much that was inherent rock and a shes a child psychologist at the university of southampton thanks for talking with us. Children around the world are having to deal with the pandemic of course but in some countries such as egypt Public Information about tackling the virus doesnt always filter through to the youngest and poorest in society enter. A student whos using his acting skills to educate. A few last practice moves before slipping into character transitioning from engineering student to clown has become 2nd nature for ahmed. For 5 years now the 22 year old has been performing as a mine at events as a side to bolster his studies but the corona crisis put into that now often it has found a new angle hes taking his act to cairos poorest neighborhoods to educate children about the virus. And its our duty to educate kids because they dont really have access to information while they watch cartoons on t. V. Theyre not that interested in whats going on in the world. Op ed is setting off to cairos city of the dead its a good hours drive away but since the universities are closed hes got plenty of time on his hands the corona crisis hasnt visibly impacted cairos traffic packed mini buses as millions of people commute to work through busy streets they all need money to survive while egypts official infection rates are quite low so are the rates of testing the actual number of infections could be much higher many here simply hope they wont be infected especially kids. I sense that i can change the awareness and behavior of the kids that makes me happy. Some 1500000 people live in cairo city of the dead a large portion of them below the poverty line and many of these poor children dont yet know about social distancing hygiene and masks. Its these kids that osmond wants to help he talks to them and gives them tips keep your distance or even better stay home wash your hands wear masks if possible at all times conventional wisdom but many here are hearing it for the 1st time. This. Kind of fact i liked what he said ill try to do what he said. Ok. Yes im scared. Were not allowed to touch each other anymore you know what if we touch someone with corona our whole family could get infected anyway. A few final relaxing pantomime practice exercises. And doesnt want to leave the kids worried or in panic. It might seem like a lot of effort for just 15 kids but often hopes they will pass on what theyve learned to others in the community. Coronavirus law has sometimes meant loneliness especially for the elderly who are among the most vulnerable in this pandemic their cut off from friends and relatives they havent seen for months but one enterprising belgian business has come up with an idea thats taken some of the distance out of social distancing. Has been waiting for this moment for almost 2 months her husband is in this process care home the last time he saw him was in early march now theyre reunited for a few precious minutes. This is great isnt it its great. I think i have to stay here yes. The idea of using cranes to hold people closer together was a brainchild of tristen fund and bosch hes a manager of the company that rents out the platforms for Window Cleaning and fruit picking. I saw somebody waving at his mother 2 or 3 floors up and i thought given that we have a serious fall in business we can live up to the window with our machines. And thats what we did. 84 year old clementine says at the crane right has given her at least a semblance of intimacy with her loved one. I am very happy the time could speak to him that closely its great i really appreciate this initiative. This is. Now clementines back down on solid ground and her husband still in lockdown even just a few minutes with him have made a huge difference. Organizers of the postponed turkey. You are lympics a the games will be cancelled if they cant take place next year the olympics were moved to july 2021 because of the corona virus pandemic now the president of chile tokyos organizing Committee Says another postponement wont be an option if the virus is still a threat next year scientists in japan of warned it will be difficult to hold the games unless a vaccine is found. Youre watching g. W. News youll find more on the crowd of virus and lots more on the web site at t w dot com ali back to top of next hour thanks for watching. Its better than any thriller. New ways to bite crime. Crime scenes are preserved in virtual form break ins can be predicted in advance autopsies conducted without us. Galba what used to be Science Fiction has now become reality the hi tech law enforcement. Close up. Next on t. W. A. Some 150000000 tons of explosives and munition chemical weapons lying in the waters of germany. The world was a busy huge arsenal is becoming increasingly dangerous. Action is needed. Bombs in the city. In 45 minutes on t. W. Like. Oh id lay my gorgeous love ass food for the russians so. There runs deep. To so many different walks of life god some are bumpin and oddly im trying to get all of that comes straight from the hard drives for a cd or even why theres no more delusional marsh group in trucks come up. From the foot of the log to their final resting place the russians are g. W. Documentary. This investigator is using Virtual Reality technology to digitally revisit the scene of the minute. 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