Transcripts For DW In Good Shape 20240713 :

Transcripts For DW In Good Shape 20240713

For your ladies a temple all this pets and have you ever been embarrassed about it i think its time to talk about that period. Every month a womans body prepares her uterus all womb for a possible pregnancy thats the place where a fertilized egg develops into a baby. Each monthly cycle the inner lining of the uterus the end of mitri and. If an egg cell released by one of the ovaries is fertilized it implants in the uterus where it gets nutrients for growth. If fertilization does not occur as is usually the case the usurer lining is shared through the vagina that is the monthly blading as the old lining is cleared from the body the site. Starts over again. As we just saw in the reports in place an Important Role in reproduction but theres still a lot of myths about it. Commits number one. Menstrual blood contains toxic substances which is why women are unclean during that period. In romania people also say that if a woman who is menstruating touches flowers they will will. And in some areas of nepal women have to leave their homes during that period and are not committed to touch communal food sources. Theres absolutely false greek scholars even planning natural histories had indicated that there was some type of poison that emerged from menstrual blood. Science has proved over the last 70 years starting with the 120 s. When theres actual experiments that were created around it that theres not toxins in menstrual blood and its actually just. Cells that need to regenerate themselves. Number 2. In pakistan people believe that a thing well menstruating can cause cramps. That being in the water will somehow stop the bleeding completely. It actually can help to take a bath especially a warm bath to help of the cramps but being completely immersed in water is not dangerous or bad at all for him and straightening person. This number 3. Dishes cannot be prepared. Could kids menstruating. In italy that dont you will supposedly fail to rise in france the mayonnaise curdles. And in germany the whipped cream refuses to. Most ration does not influence anyones Cooking Skills does not make food go bad it does not cause you to rot it does not affect whatsoever you are as an amusing as amusing a cook as you would be leading or not so 1 please cook to your hearts desire. And dont let me be. Gratefully we are living in the 21st century and we should be at the point that we could see. Well thats a natural thing but there still are to do some stigmatization evil here. And this is why. She founded together with a friend crafts and. Doing study journalism and management. She is also an artist in her own right and since 2017 shes made menstruation a central theme of her work. We make art to spark a conversation about menstrual hell because we think you dont have to love your period but you have to understand it can you give us an update about the to bruce concerning ministration. Even today or 2900. 00 in germany and the to blue about menstruation is all around us i would say. Because you see it the 1st thing is like we dont talk about it its not just a topic that can be discussed it is shameful it is it has to be a secret. There are a lot of acronyms like shark week for instance like you dont want to say the actual i have my period or someone has their period. And that while thats on like a societal level also on a personal level still a battle a lot of parents dont even discuss it with their children. Which means the kids dont really have the knowledge or the resources to take care of it when they start their periods told dick you get the idea to do something against and we started as a personal thing for us i i painted a painting with a lot of different bodies and blood. With just water color and it was not a political stand or not i didnt want to make a point it was just something i did and then one of my friends who also menstruates herself was so offended by it and she will be yeah i just got really defensive too shes like well this is just disgusting like why would you do this and i thought wow if even in my. Smaller circle or inner circle of friends its such a huge to boo then maybe its something we need to talk about more and why do you think that this is so important i mean some people may say that they are more pressing issues in the world yes there are probably a lot of pressing issues in the world but i think thats not how the world works like we dont make a list start with the most important issue and then work our way down we work on a lot of issues to maintain asli it actually is a pretty important topic because 1st of all it concerns 50 percent of the population directly and also this to really has an effect on people so you offer workshops on this topic and im a man and im not mistreating can i visit your trip as well we do a lot of creative. Workshops we call it crafty nights but its i think its a very open concept its not a very intense workshop where its like a front learning thing its more. Networking well actually getting crafty being creative and so were creating an atmosphere you know where you can create and learn about stuff and there are men and people who dont menstruate there but really our target group is people that mystery and so we focus on their just like you took me up to date on 3 bleeding and what you think about free bleeding those who menstruating are not using and senator reid Products School treatment free believing can be seen as a political stand that you say well actually this is normal and just everybody deal with it but also it can be just a very pragmatic thing. Like for instance again here with the marathon she ran where she was on her period but didnt use any product so she was just bleeding through it and the pictures went around the world. I think that was not a political stand peer saying she was there as an athlete and she was there to give her best at this marathon which she trained for a very long and then she got her period and she decided well theres not a really good option for me right now because i cannot just stop in the Marathon Marathon to you know exchange my cup or my temple or whatever so she just decided to run with it and i think thats actually a pretty good example that. Period sorry not really plan a bull so we should we leave you know lower the who so there. I dont know it doesnt hold people back like imagine she wouldnt have run the Marathon Marathon because of her period will continue or talking just a moment but 1st if youve got any questions you sure to broach mean even. In good shape your Weekly Health show on d w that covers many aspects of health care we look at whats new in the medical treatment nutrition and fitness and beauty we just scans these topics in depth with special. And offer you opportunities to pose your own questions so get in touch. Millions of men as well what are using the temple during that period its inserted into the vagina and he should be able to feel it at all but thats not true for everybody sometimes its painful but there is the strong cup. And the start of womens monthly hygiene the menstrual cup its made of medical grade silicon and thats why gynecologist tallon a props is all for a. Month of pollen and more and more women are getting allergies like to food or pollen you can have an allergic reaction in the vaginal area as well to tampons for example but ive never seen a reaction to a menstrual cup having. A woman uses around 3 and a half 1000 tampons or pads in 10 years alternatively she could use one reusable menstrual cup. But we think the for the main advantage is that we produce far less waste. Its also better for your body because tampons dry you out. And they contain substances we should be wary of as do some atry parts. And those arguments convinced miriam more yet to switch from tampons to a menstrual cup shes been using it for 3 years now bought some women dont like the idea. Of both feel weird putting a thing like that inside me. And. I think its not so hygenic Walking Around all day with this huge thing inside me sounds uncomfortable thats because you must to ensure comfort menstrual cramps come in various shapes and sizes with different mechanisms for removing them a few simple questions will help women find the right type for them. Is your hymen tucked or not and have you been pregnant or had a child. And it also depends a bit on your pelvic floor muscles. To ensure a good fit the cup is folded before insertion. The 2 most common for all types of the see fold also called the hot fold and theres also the punch down or shelf fold. Once the cup has been folded its hardly larger than a tampon and can be easily inserted once its in place inside the vagina it unfolds forming a seal by pressing against the vaginal wall and is ready to collect menstrual blood its held in place by the pelvic muscles and fallon is then going to remove it please remember to not just pull on the cup but 1st release the suction. And then carefully jiggle a cut out youre probably in a slightly squatting position on the toilet so then you have the cup and can pour it out in. A cup like this can stay in the vagina for up to 12 hours after every cycle it should be boiled in water for 5 or 10 minutes then its ready for use the next month. Now days Menstrual Cups can be bought in drugstores and not just on the internet. Advocates say using a cup gives a woman better control over her body and her health. When you see changes when your flow is stronger or weaker its a form of biofeedback and thats a good thing. But does the cup sill securely enough to prevent leaks. With a cup i have no problem during exercise i wore it to the spa i go swimming with it and feel completely free. And its never leaked. Not all women are familiar with the menstrual cup but this simple device has the potential to replace conventional pads and tampons. Abdominal cramps and women are often underestimated because its the way of life its a natural thing its biology and so on so even doctors sometimes miss important diagnosis like in the literal sense. Not every woman is able to have a baby for many reasons for a long time today is a girl not didnt know if she could shed always suffered from abnormally painful periods. Of the time i started menstruating at 15 it was awful i couldnt stand it without painkillers. Each month was a torment the up down no pains put her completely out of action and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it. Even with painkillers i could hardly bear it normal life was out of the question during my period i always knew you had something wasnt normal. She 1st heard about and says by chance everything she read about it much to symptoms. In this condition the endometrium layer of tissue that usually lines the uterus graze outside the womb it can settle on the ovaries the flippy and chips or even the intestine the bladder or the lining of the abdomen these lesions follow the menstrual cycle so when the period starts the lesions also pete and cause extreme pain. To there is a insisted on having a laparoscopy done the best imaging technique to find the endometriosis graves but the results were negative monthly pains persisted. From our doctor kept saying it was normal some women have pain some dont you just have to live with it when its most want out im not leaving. Dr graham i. Its familiar with those kinds of statements but he knows that such extreme period pains are not normal usually the course is undetected and dimitrios us. My probably one problem is that we may have trouble diagnosing it you see nothing in an ultrasound scan everything looks normal and another problem is that we doctors dont take the patient seriously enough because pains during menstruation are considered normal. Amount of is constant. If the cause is endometriosis its important to recognize it because the condition can often cause infertility when the endometriosis has damage organs like the fallopian tubes the transport mechanism then the egg cell can pass through and these women cant become pregnant for anatomical reasons but there are lots of women with endometriosis where everything still seems quite normal. To raise no one to consult the specialist did she have endometriosis you have a child. The initial examination showed signs of the condition the want isnt diagnosis mean for patients. We tell the women about ways of removing the lesions maybe removing a small piece of the intestine if the end of the trio says only on the abdominal wall and that lesion can be cut out thats the simplest procedure and the quickest to recover from. This is to there is a 2nd operation its only now that the extent of her. Becoming visible its a severe case there relations all over her up domino wall luckily her reproductive organs are not affected the surgeons will now try to remove all the endometrial tissue but surgery alone doesnt always solve the problem. After the operation we always recommend hormone therapy to keep the end of mitri osis in check as long as possible to reduce the discomfort and prevent it from occurring it. Today so was given a long term Birth Control pill but she didnt tolerate it well and started having pain again so for 7 months she was on a different treatment that but her body in a kind of menopausal state but it disrupted her hormonal balance. As in even though i had massive side effects at age 17 i felt like a woman in many of whom was like an over 50 year old i had hot flush. Attacks of sweating headaches my mood was terrible i didnt feel like a teenager and the pain came back not as badly as before but it was never good as nick would. Again she consulted the specialist soon it was clear that she would need more surgery today so hard for operations in total before she could breathe a sigh of relief and then she got another piece of advice. Thats for thoughts of chronic pain also leads to tension and poor posture so even if the cause has been eliminated the pains may remain but doesnt mean the operation was a success but the pain stimulus has led to a chronic pain syndrome which can be cured or improved with other methods. The young woman did everything to get rid of the pain permanently physio therapy nature up with a she invested a lot of time in her disease and ultimately it led to a new profession that of an alternative Health Practitioner speciality is going to a logical disorders and she founded an endometrial says Selfhelp Group today 3 women have come for a talk all of them having trouble getting pregnant women look at how would it be to really never be able to have children i always tried not to think about that but somehow you do end up worrying. Today as i was lucky after she stopped taking hormones she became pregnant in 2013 her 1st son was born and 4 years later her 2nd at 28 she is now free of pain. So its become to some art yay lets do it what i really was into that time and still jordan now is hand embroidery. This is like just explained like the simple stitches. While but then i started actually with hand and rotary to connected with mess. Well health and well this is i dont know you may be are familiar familiar with the original well youve got a print of the picture right here and its a lady with white trousers and here you have the right choices and theres. A exactly and what happened here is this picture was hanging here and i was really like seeing it all time and everybody that menstruates has probably been in the situation where you were at and on the bus and school in the Doctors Office wherever and youre like are i hope im not bleeding through my pence right now and most times it maybe even feels like it but its not really happening and so what we started then is to create our own stamps rubber stamps this is a uterus just a stamp so you can stand but somewhere where to have some ball the stems. You know Different Things that we create in those creative workshops and people create becks one stand as well this is a screen print actually i dont know if you. Why use toilet paper free in Public Restrooms but term poems and pets are so this is a political statement it is yeah and its like well like it shouldnt be a political statement but it is because you know it actually raises the question yeah why is said like i mean really any like public space where theres a Public Toilet or a place where you need to be there i think should be accessible menstrual products. And other books here like yeah right this is actually like we call a bloody bag and it really is like provocative like it is but but then on the other hand its not like its just paint its textile paint on the back like theres nothing. Yet really. Bloody about it in that sense and i think it really raises the question why is black offending you so much for not you got to. I like this kid too you can see a man sitting in front of her tell him hes watching a horror movie fight movie with blots all over and hes really enjoying it is eating popcorn by doing this and then this commercial breaks him with the pad and some spots of blood on it and say i can see my eyes so is this reality i think that really sums it up because it shows youre not offended but black youre offended periods and thats really i think what this question is all about like why are you so offended even a lot of people that that do menstruate just hate their period and thats totally fine like you dont have to love it if you dont have your period you dont have to be interested in it but people that do menstruate need the knowledge they need the resources to take care of it to understand whats happening well so i will do my 1st print right so this is a stamp we carved out of. This is a stamp we cuffed out its. Tom hanks here you have to pronounce radicals are very good gratis the color was actually and we had this choice so you can stick it in there too just to make it hard its ok theyre just president here right and then you put pressure on it sure like this perfect. Like your 1st menstrual project oh yeah it is oh its not that actually good job its a good job its a print of 10 pounds and and 10 pounds actually change the history of menstruation 10 pounds and pads all the sanitary products but they are not accessible worldwide because theyre quite expensive but in uganda there was a man who had a great idea. Lessons are over in this school and come part out but the students arent going home yet theyre turning cold fabric and to washable environmentally friendly cemetery pads many girls in uganda cant afford to buy disposable pads so they stay home from school during their periods for fear of ridicule when youre inside in the field. So you feel sure you. Come back to school and thats been missed. Because disposable sanitarium products are so expensive many young women are forced to use rags or even leaves neither are very reliable ways of absorbing menstrual bleeding. Due here and once to put an end to that. Piece helping the girls to sew their own way usable cloth menstrual parents heres 3 sisters so he knows what a problem pure to convene i am also argue whe

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