Essential show as you might call it in somewhat technical terms in other words everyone is equally affected and so it must be in everyones interests and it is in germanys and chanced that year it should be very strongly from this chance that a little fresh start with the. Also coming up warnings that this week could become the deadliest in the u. S. Since the pandemic began new york state Governor Andrew Cuomo saying now is not the time for anyone to let down their guard if we apply a tone we we are proud towing it a very high level and theres tremendous stress on the Health Care System this is a Hospital System where we have our foot to the floor and the engine is that red line and you cant go any faster because the system will blow. Well to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day as a week of death begins in the United States those are the words u. S. President will tromp used to warn the country of what is expected to be the deadliest week since the coronavirus pandemic began today the death toll in the u. S. Crossed the 10000 mark and tonight the number of confirmed cases in the u. S. Is expected to surpass the numbers in italy and spain combined here in europe its a mixed picture spains death toll fell today for the 4th day in a row but in france just across the border the rate of death is accelerating and from london to berlin reporters are pressing leaders for clues as to when restrictions and lockdowns will be lifted and those leaders they are answering in unison with the message its too early to even talk about an exit strategy back in the chancellery after 2 weeks in current chain and 3 negative colonel virus tests german chancellor Angela Merkel made have a ton. Of my love in my opinion europe the European Union is facing its biggest test since its foundation populations are also facing a huge Health Challenge with all of the e. U. Member states of being affected on very and levels were all affected and open up and so it must be in everyones interest and it is in geminis interest that europe should emerge strongly from this test with ease up of the. As merkel voiced her concerns for europe on monday the governments crisis group agreed to institute a 2 week oren teen for people returning to germany from a full 10th all german nationals e. U. Citizens and other longtime residents who return after several days abroad will have to quarantine themselves for 14 days there are however exceptions. Including Seasonal Workers in agriculture commute travelling to work Truck Drivers delivering goods and of course medical professionals. Germany also announced on monday the latest extension to its 1. 00 trillion euros Coronavirus Crisis package a guarantee of 100 percent loans to small and medium sized businesses up 2800000 euros. These middle companies are widely seen as the hot of the german economy. I was with the inside about it anyone who was economically active last year those who registered turnover those who recorded normal Economic Activity and made a profit they can get 3 months turnover as a loan from the bank which in this case will be 100 percent financially underwritten by us. That means the banks will not have to do normal financial risk assessments this 100 percent guarantee means the process will be completed very quickly as the gun instead become. Now germanys european neighbors too and looking to ban them to see whether americans concerns but also time into Financial Support for that are those pulling our chief Political Correspondent melinda crane good evening to you bill and you know weve heard the chancellor today calling this this pandemic the biggest crisis that the European Union has faced italy and spain theyre struggling with that we know that there is a lot of anti e. U. Sentiment weve seen what the big 2 or bond has done in hungary is is pressure increasing on germany now to do more to help more than it normally would. Absolutely it is and the chancellors remarks this afternoon essentially amounted to an attempt to prepare germans for the idea that they will need to support other e. U. Member countries even while their own economy is taking a hit as she put it germany only does well when the e. U. It does well and she said that we will need to see more European Solidarity coming out of this crisis she outlined a couple of different mechanisms by which the e. U. Can provide exceptional assistance in times of crisis that comparison to a natural catastrophe but what she did not mention was the particular instrument that spain and italy have been pushing hardest namely the socalled corona bonds they would amount to a mutualization of debt in which stronger northern economies essentially would become partly responsible for the debt of weaker Member States but that was quite noticeable in the fact that she omitted that instrument right there is a taboo that remains a taboo there is a lot of talk about a possible exit strategy from the walk downs that were seeing across europe reporters were asking about that again today in london and also here in berlin and the german chancellor shes not giving reporters what they wanted to hear is she. Well she said she absolutely would be remiss the entire government would be remiss if they were not thinking day and night about how to lift the very tough restrictions that they have imposed and she said you can be assured that we are doing that and yet with all concern for the economic consequences Public Health must come 1st and will continue to come 1st and she said that while germany has made some progress in reducing the rate of reproduction of the virus the rate at which the new infections occur she said were not where we need to be and we will not be lifting the restrictions until we are so she basically let germans know those restrictions will remain in place at least until the middle of next week and she said when they are lifted it will be a step by step process and we will be saying for some time that we are still living in the midst of a pandemic and for the time being were still worried about the nurses and doctors having enough protective equipment mass for example was the situation in germany tonight. Absolutely and she had a couple of things to say about that 1st of all she said we need to see greater european selfsufficiency in the production of personal productive protective equipment she also said that while germany had improved its procurement of masks and other such goods it still wasnt where it wanted to be and of course we have seen diversions of shipments of masks to this country and then finally she said that with all due consideration for the wearing of masks the fact is the key measure to take remains social distancing and she said if you do decide to use a mask be aware that its very important to keep it clean that its very important to change it so some very detailed instructions from the chancellor on that point you know scientists after all wouldnt agree not chief Political Correspondent on the story for us tonight belinda thank you but one of the most effective means of slowing in al break is tracing the mobile phones of suspected by risk carriers people who have been near that carrier could that be notified by phone that they should be tested for the virus south korea used this method to successfully fly the curve on this level of surveillance would have been unthinkable here in europe and in the u. S. Just a few weeks ago but life and death choices often result in reductions in our rights i want you to consider hungary last Week Parliament they are citing the pandemic emergency gave Prime Minister viktor orban the power to govern by decree a move away from the rule of law all it drew this comment from the European Unions Commission President and i understand that members may need. To address the immediate help. But im. Certain many go too far and im particularly concerned. Me to take action if necessary as we have already done in the past. Well my next guest tonight says that obamas power grab is shocking but not surprising dan baer was u. S. Ambassador to the organization for security and cooperation in europe under u. S. President obama he is now with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace he joins me tonight from Denver Colorado dan its good to have you back on the day i want to get to your piece in Foreign Policy about the coronavirus crew in hungary in just a moment but 1st id like to get your thoughts on the coronavirus situation in the u. S. Right now weve got more than 10000 people who have died in the u. S. From the virus the Surgeon General comparing this week to the 911 and pearl harbor attacks how bad is it where you are well i think as you know there are a number of hotspots around the around the country colorado like some places in europe has a lot of ski resorts and we saw the 1st hot spots in our state develop around those ski resorts but i think all of us are trying to do a few things right now one is to support the front line workers who are you know dealing with the crisis day in day out long hours trying to help patients trying to help people survive this obviously thinking of the victims and their families and listening to the scientists in the Public Health experts who give us guidance about what we can do to keep keep everybody else and ourselves safe and i think this is not a moment for coming together and people are as you said bracing themselves for one Public Health experts tell us will be an incredibly painful week that follows an incredibly painful week last week as we saw the death toll spike in the United States we were struck when we heard the comparison being made with 911. 00 in the pearl harbor attacks and what struck me is that those attacks were surprise attacks this pandemic is an al break that gave us weeks if not months to prepare for how do you see it. I think thats right and you know there will be a time when it is appropriate and important for us to learn the lessons that can be learned from the mismanagement of the trumpet ministration in january february and even into early march of this pandemic which was enhanced increase not only the human toll that obviously the economic consequences if they had taken action responsible action sooner we know that much of what we are going through could have been averted but right now i think the focus is on dealing with the crisis at hand making sure that were getting medical equipment to the front line workers making sure that were getting ventilators to the patients that need them etc and we will have time later to examine the failures of the trumpet ministration lets talk about your article in Foreign Policy you write that the power grab or the coronavirus coup as you call it in hungary last week you say it was a wake up call to europe and the u. S. The European Union must really be sleepwalking b. Because if this is a wake up call we havent heard anything its been rather silent about orbits boot are you worried about that. I am worried and im worried on a couple levels 1st of all you may have seen that there was an fact an e. U. Statement that was signed onto initially by 13 e. U. States that it was so mealy mouth that didnt even mention the word hungary and india or buns government in an effort to trolling the e. U. Join the statement because it didnt mention them and claim that it was about other folks you know the e. U. s failure to speak out in a moment like this concerns me because of the human rights consequences of what orban has done which hes been laying the groundwork for for years now because what hes done on the cover under the cover of this crisis is it is a big setback for human rights and democracy in europe and i would hope that the e. U. And others including the United States which also hasnt spoken out with speak out on the human rights level the other reason it concerns me is that i think this is a moment in general that is testing the solidarity of the e. U. And as an american who believes very much that is strongly you a strong europe is good for a Strong America i hope that europeans are able to find the solidarity that they need to meet this moment together they need to have a solidarity on values they need to have solidarity on and confronting the medical challenge of this crisis and solidarity and confronting the economic consequences which obviously will be with us for quite a while well you know you know it europe you know the o. E. C. D. As you know the European Union and you know that the e. U. Cant kick hungary out for example even if it does things like you know get rid of rule of law replace it with a Prime Minister or whos governing by decree what response should europe be preparing in your opinion and when should we see that response. Well they care to convery out but they can suspend hungary and they can impose sanctions and the e. U. Has threatened and used things in the past and obviously they are appropriate in this case and they were appropriate before i think one of the points that i tried to make in my article is that well understandably theres a lot of hand handwringing that orban has used the cover of this crisis to make this power into this is something thats been in the making for a long time and there have been many many folks who have spoken out particularly in Civil Society in hungary over the last 10 years and said look this is this is going in a disastrous directions that this was not a surprise it was a shocking power grab but not a surprise and now is the time i mean it would have been appropriate for the e. U. To take action sooner we cant go back in time but it certainly is appropriate for the you to take action now and taking action is a way of demonstrating solidarity and undergoing commitment to the European Values on which the e. U. Is founded nato should also look at taking action in the United States to take action these power grab moves arent happening in a vacuum or bonn is also and his cronies are also indulging in corruption rampant scale there are reasons for there to be the imposition of consequences where his bad behavior and for the bad behavior of the cronies around him this is pandemic its certainly its taking up all of our attention it seems its getting all the oxygen in the room and some people would say it shows that democracies are not very good at multi tasking you talk about corruption should these big stimulus packages that are being passed now should they come with Strings Attached to prevent destruction that youre worried about. Well i think theres 2 levels one domestically you know European Countries and the United States are trying to figure out how to meet the Enormous Economic need domestically to keep our economies to mitigate as much as possible the damage thats been been done to our economy and my concern is that on both sides of the atlantic there are too many people who are worrying about doing too much and too few people who are worrying about doing too little i think its going to take more than what has been done on either side of the atlantic and so there will be a need for more more injection of stimulus into the economies on both sides that land it and as we do that obviously we want to a fast as we can and as well as we can make sure that the money that we are using to try to mitigate the economic damage is going to the purposes we allocated to and isnt being used to line the pockets of cronies and you know there are there are a number of ways to do that you have to do that domestically i think the next phase of this is likely to be the enormous need for industrialized countries to come up with the kind of assistance that the developing market is going to need in order to continue this crisis and its aftermath and as we do that we should certainly be paying attention to the fact that injecting. One economy creates rampant opportunities for corruption especially where corruption already exists then we have to procreate we should put. Out of time dan baer joining us tonight from Denver Colorado dan we appreciate your insights thank you. One of the most effective or if you are in a city or country under lockdown restrictions you know it changes everything especially at home our relationships can suffer especially those relationships with the people closest to us in the w. s social media series on living in la we take a look at how to make ourselves comfortable when everythings too close for comfort. Last week i had no renting fight with my flatmate creaming that and it was about. The salad bowl and im not the only one having problems with resistance overspray said its all well in walls in the long run its not a health food we heard it was lashing out on me. I like to take it out on camera and if we werent i had to bring a lot being cooped up together the potential for conflict is high very high give probably had about the divorce number of biking in china so if i place it can lead to challenging and in some places the stream situation so i took a couple of the families around the globe about how they are handling this situation and then offer a couples therapist how to best go with being boxed in with other people on the ground is featured in a doc is the reason appro