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Of the country appeared to be going about their lives undeterred by these threats in the end that. They want to move in hamburg so many of his neighbors are stuck couchsurfing because the pandemic so hes pushing people to stay active no gym membership need. Im called aspen thanks for joining us as more and more countries impose lockdowns over the coronavirus india faces a barger challenge than most its 1300000000 people have been ordered to stay at home since last week but for the informal workers the ones that form the backbone of the countrys economy this means losing their income overnight leaving many people without enough money for food and those hard hit hardest by the lock down they may now also be most at risk of catching the virus. A social distancing is a privilege that these people cannot afford all across india daily breweries rushed to transportation hubs carrying whatever they could. The nation wide lockdown has put millions out of work and started a mass exodus from the citys. For these people who are leaving new delhi for their home towns the fear of starving is currently greater than the fear of infection with the coronavirus. If we had food why would we have left were not enjoying this we know that a pandemic is spreading but we are forced to leave were taking precautions and keeping as much distance as we can have no other words i mean if the government did nothing otherwise we wouldnt have left. Indias efforts to contain the corona virus has plunged the country into chaos. After transportation was shut down some state governments arranged buses to bring Migrant Workers back to their home villages. But in other states people were left stranded and forced to walk hundreds of kilometers home. Deliveries Street Vendors and other informal workers form the backbone of the indian economy. With Police Chasing them off the streets and no savings to fall back on the block zone puts many of them at risk Prime Minister Narendra Modi who had ordered indias 1300000000 people to stay home has apologized for the hardships they are now facing. I especially want to look at my poor brothers and sisters i think they must be wondering what kind of Prime Minister i am put people in such a difficult situation. Especially ask for their forgiveness. So far roughly 1000 people in india have tested positive for corona virus but experts worry numbers could be much higher. Fears are that an outbreak in one of the worlds most densely populated countries could result in a catastrophe lets bring in correspondent. In delhi for us just looking at those images all these people on the move only 4 hours notice given for this long down does it seem that modi and his government were unprepared for this pandemic. You know well the government is being appreciated from certain sector of bringing about the slowdown as an early stage but there are critics of that opposition which are criticizing the government saying that these measures should have been taken much earlier like in the middle of february and i guess the fact that the low down with announcement just 4 out of notice is being criticised and the critics are seeing this 21. 00 day long as the government trying to ramp up its population in terms of. Making available the ventilate them in the best thinking if the critics are saying this 21 day long down as the government buying time to ramp up its preparations what are the chances that what the Public Health officials been saying about that about the Current Situation there with so many people potentially moving into the countryside something similar that we saw happening in china earlier in this outbreak when you know its important to also remember that the population density in india is price as high as that of china so the danger is far bigger here because as we saw the images that are causing the workers who are walking and queuing up in bus stations to go back to the homes to go back to their religious and as i said the dude has to trust us so it is not that well developed and finally that is the call with 19000 boys which has talking and we think that india is going into the c. C. R. Community transmission but as i said when it comes to your numbers in the festing case and then to make is the us still falling behind in that number ok man youre a child are you mourning for us from delhi on the situation there thank you very much. So to look now at some of the other coronavirus developments the number of infections worldwide has now topped 700000 people thats according to a new tally spain is now the 3rd country to overtake china in reported cases of covert 19 total infections there have now reached more than 85000. 00 austria will require citizens to wear face masks when they go shopping in supermarkets that starts on wednesday already say they will distribute masks to the public and the price of oil has now fallen to 23. 00 per barrel thats the lowest price since 2002 to 2. 00 the plummeting Global Demand but u. S. President all trump has done another about face in his response to the Coronavirus Crisis he now says social distancing guidelines will remain in place until the end of april abandoning hopes that the u. S. Could return to business as usual by easter the governments top Infectious Disease expert is now warning that up to 200000 americans could die from the virus responses to the pandemic vary across the divided country often along party lines. A sign that all is not well on the streets of new york. Volunteers hand out free food to residents in need. Many are facing destitution since most businesses were forced to close 2 weeks ago and unemployment is growing Charity Workers say the Coronavirus Crisis is a game changer. Ive met plenty of people that have told me i never came to the market because i didnt need to believe i prefer for people that actually need to get by now i want to know a woman here in town employ or employ or theres only one person working at the woman every. Day and if its a heartbreaking audio can show their appreciation for medical by cheering from their apartments. To city so far the worst hit area in the us. Many hospitals are straining to cope with the number of patients President Trump expressed alarm over the situation there especially in one hospital and his home barbara queens body bags all over in the hallways ive been watching them bring in trailer trucks move freezer trucks the freezer trucks because they cant handle the bodies theres so many of them this is in my essentially in my community in queens queens new york ive seen things that ive never seen before i mean ive seen them but ive seen on television in faraway lands ive never seen them in our country. Elsewhere theres also a growing sense of emergency in los angeles the military has been drafted in to set up a makeshift hospital and Convention Center as the city prepares for what it fears could be a steep rise in cases. Yet in other places especially in Rural America some are failing to understand the gravity of what is about to hit them in louisiana also one of the worst affected states in the country hundreds flouted a ban on large gatherings to attend a Church Service on sunday. Our jack now on some level stories making headlines this hour parliament will vote later today on whether to give Prime Minister viktor orban open ended Emergency Powers in the fight against the corner virus demick that would enable the government to pass any decrees it says are necessary to manage the crisis critics fear the extension could give obama a blank check to clamp down on democracy. Easy jet has grounded all of its flights due to the pandemic joining airlines like qantas and grounding its entire fleet the company says its currently unclear when fines will resume the airline will pay staff 80 percent of their wages for the next 2 months. A recession in germany is unavoidable according to germanys socalled wise men panel of Economic Experts Public Health restrictions to deal with coronavirus and demick are predicted to slash growth this year by over 5 percent in a best Case Scenario germanys economy could rebound strongly i next year. The number of registered coronavirus cases in germany has risen to more than 57000 according to the countrys leading Public Health agency a clinic involved has stopped taking in new patients after several staff tested positive for the disease new patients will be sent to clinics and hospitals in the surrounding area. South korea was one of the 1st countries to be hit hard by the corona virus but in recent weeks the daily number of new infections as been fairly steady suggesting that seoul is having some success and flattening the curve of the government response has been swift the vulnerable can still fall through the cracks leaving many relying on volunteers for support. Has been cooking free meals for those less fortunate since 992 becoming the charity kitchens manager 3 years ago these days rather than offering soup and side dishes inside buddhist temple serves large rice bowls for taiko to prevent the spread of the coronavirus despite the changing menu they say diners are grateful. They give us thanks for providing them these rice balls is not only arise both of them everyone says thank you i tell them that they can get the right schools without cooperating waiting in line for a short time where in mosques and sterilizing a bit before they can pick up their food and they have to avoid eating in the same place so. Many of the temples diners are especially vulnerable most are not registered as citizens and therefore ineligible for state aid the large rice balls here are often their only meal of the day. To get. To it efforts to increase participation in containing the virus have spread across sauls 25. 00 districts to no one. Where an estimated 500 volunteers answered the call to produce reusable cotton mess. My neighbor told me that she was volunteering to make the mosques and suggested we do it together i also want to use my sewing skills to help these days everybody stays at home so i thought it would be better to help someone instead of just staying at home doing nothing. Although the cotton fields to offer complete protection from the coronavirus high quality disposable masks are rationed no ones leader believes providing to cut masks to each of the districts half a 1000000 citizens can offer other intangible benefits. Whats meaningful is that made does help each other when the nation the people and the community are in great difficulty its not important to make 100 or 1000 mosques but to show the power of the people in korea to help each other when times are tough. After completing the production process the masks are delivered recipients then often donate their own Higher Quality medical masks to those more vulnerable pregnant women the elderly and the disabled. Japanese organizers and the internet. National committee have named a new date for the Tokyo Olympic games they will start on july 23rd of next year and run until august 8th according to japanese media the games were officially postponed last week. Well until the olympics start many of us are keeping fit inside due to the corona Virus Outbreak some are using online gym classes to exercise at home but what if you had your own personal trainer to get you outside. It is infectious talk to a survivor chase enthusiasm that is hes got his neighbors bending stretching exercising in 32 and back the other way. He hails from mexico but hes pulled his hamburg neighborhood together everyone of course maintaining appropriate distance from their neighbors as likely he. And i saw wind hardy on a balcony and i thought people meet on their balconies for drinking wine so why wouldnt they do exercise we could do something with the neighbors. And i thought that was a cool idea i thought and it really did us. Some. Funds in time you start the day with exercise music and a good mood that changes the atmosphere on the whole street. If this part of hamburg was drab or depressed during the early part of the pandemic lockdown it is born again at least during those hours when pato servant as takes over the street. And the balconies. News from berlin im called aspen. Has a virus spread. Why do we have it and then well. Just through the tax cover and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should we

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