In disaster mode Emergency Centers have been set up because some hospitals can no longer adam it infected patients italy is the country with the highest number of cases outside china. All of it really has been and acquire and seen for weeks now schools have been closed since the beginning of march but for the students at the German School and role this doesnt mean they get extended holidays teachers are doing their best to have their students studying from home using smartphones and tablets and the principal at thomas is being very resourceful in order to keep the young ones motivated are italy correspondent visited the school to find out how its all working out. Its a. T. M. On the roads are free almost unheard of at this time of the morning in the italian capital. But nothing is normal in these times of the coronavirus this is the unusual empty parking lot of the German School in rome. Had muster thomas hart is one of the last people still coming in daily he welcomes me with a new way of greeting if they have come up tomorrow means team is a match one of 10 everyone else has a home. Thats almost 1000 people the school has 88 teachers and 830 students including my 2 sons a whole series of disinfection measures have been introduced to protect people from contamination. I didnt join or mr hundreds im supposed to be touched any more as Jones Community for several days. Theres a great sense of uncertainty everyone here was taken by surprise by the rapid spread of the coronavirus. What happened in the atmosphere we thought that it was a long long way away. She said then we began to notice how fast it was spreading for anything from just a number of pieces of meat to all of a sudden very different figures. Thomas hart now has the huge task of organizing remote lessons for the entire school from kindergarten age to high school. All the teachers have to familiarize themselves with the new Digital Teaching platforms. And this is not necessarily dot simple. As the many to turn off the same for everyone. Even the microphone has to be protected against the virus. Thomas hart and his colleagues are preparing lessons for the coming weeks. Its not easy to ensure discipline at home. Its very difficult for the people structure their day so we created special instructions so that parents can help their children especially primary level also to help the older students plan their days. I was hoping to talk to people about their new daily routine. But since they are stuck at home and worried about being infected that didnt work out but i know lampard who was classes from primary to High School Level was willing to invite me into her home she says that managing the virtual classroom is anything but easy. Im hurt there are many technical challenges what format should i use to post a video online while the pupils be able to open it you have to prepare instructions its not so easy to answer questions and solve problems if students dont quite understand Something Special but. Shes using the internet to rearrange your courses and is producing her own videos for teaching latin so more good morning class today were going to be looking at the accusative plus infinitive maybe i should get a bit closer is that better. For her older history students she is prepared an audio chat session. She knows that shes got some tough weeks ahead. But shes also communicating one to one with students who need advice like my son for example for him and the others its a whole new territory. We have so much free time and have tremendous everything i was so its easy to do very little or nothing at all it wont hurt to school gave us more structure. The change situation has had an impact on absolutely everything in the country supermarkets are controlling the number of course the murs to decrease the risk of infection and the queue outside looks quite different 15 years they have to stand one metre apart only 10. 00 to 15. 00 people are allowed in the store yesterday i had to wait almost an hour. Until. This feeling of being short in is getting too many in italy. To me too nobody knows how long we have to cope with this situation. According to official statistics only a few people in russia have contracted the corona virus so far in the city of the in berg one particular group stands out in the fight against the virus the cossacks can roughly be translated into free warrior or free man these descendants of former military horse men have declared war on the invisible enemy threatening the health of their fellow russians. For russia in office prepared to take on any enemy including the coronavirus since early february he has been in charge of the special patrol by the ural coast acts they hand out face masks in their neighborhood if you catch a plane book and check people for signs of a cold. Igor gorbachev is an ottoman one of the heads of the. People here recognize them by their uniforms and some of their recommendations on how to stay healthy are just as Old Fashioned you must remember we recommend the traditional remedies. And keeping to basic rules of personal hygiene when people come in from outside they should wash their hands and take off their clothes. Decided to help or government with the coronavirus because we care but the faith of russia. Carry holy water along with them for extra protection against the virus these vigilante patrols werent authorized by the city but in russia cossacks often support the state Security Forces and act as unofficial guardians of public order. The next morning. Try their hand at a paramilitary drill from the late 18th century called sacks defended the borders of the russian empire since the fall of the soviet union kosek identity has had a revival anyone can now become a cossack being patriotic conservative and ready to fight. But he. Served in the soviet army in a close 2nd munity he is in charge of their childrens military education he says it makes them stronger and healthier. We arent afraid. That we are a prince of thats whats important for the kids to exercise and have a healthy lifestyle. Theyre often and saw it for 4 hours straight that toughens that russia needs a Healthy Society not just physically healthy but morally healthy. And moral health includes Orthodox Christian faith. Now my dear chap. Even traditional clothes sack hats have to be taken off for prayer. But the co socks sense of their role as a patriotic a lead candidate times border on the extreme including when it comes to the corona virus. We believe that our immune system is stronger than the immune systems of immigrants from. Extradition we lived on the border of the russian empire. And protected russias border. And we also get strength from the Russian Orthodox church here where we believe that god is with us cossacks are and have always been the warriors of christ because like you. Were in the me. The authorities generally give the co sox a free hand and applaud their initiative after all they are consistently loyal to the russian government but people in your catalina book im so sure about the vigilante patrols. Who they think they are doctors and if they could diagnose anything. We bring up an obviously i think everyone goes crazy in their own way who knows what the course acts have come up with this time. Its probably better to ask them that. In office proud to be able to hand out face masks on the patrols theyre sold out many stores in russia and though there are more and more cases in the country he is convinced that the coronavirus wont take hold here. Yes demick in russia but that was too much to do it for me have a good Preventative Care and a Good Health Care system. Go to the doctor but there were but its better to anticipate than treated. The atom and hopes that the other kosek organizations will join their fight against the virus soon even though it sometimes worries he could get sick as well he feels the fight against the corona virus is a duty to his country. Meanwhile of the cossacks have decided to stop kissing the cross when praying out of fear of the coronavirus we move on the to greenland island in Northern Europe completely covered by an ice sheet right now Climate Change is causing the ice to melt the process is slow but unstoppable and it is attracting much attention because buried beneath the ice lies a treasure of Mineral ResourcesForeign Companies eager to extract them however locals are afraid that they will be ripped off. An island of stunning natural beauty. Blue its vast sheets of snow and ice is a wealth of valuable Natural Resources. Might read to. A precious mineral. Entrepreneur also wants to can a small mind to extract the valuable gem stones. It has always been a childhood dream finding the big. Dig it out with your own. But also this year a new mining talk in the south was to start from the gemstone. More. Involvements all friendly. As greenlands ice sheets continue melting for investors have started applying for licenses to extract you rhenium rare earth schools and the like. But so far in you its like also are profiting from their islands Natural Resources. To go. Through lots of mining was opened in 2009. But theres no been no discussion prior to how are we going to my own Natural Resources among the Common People i think thats. So thats missing. Greenlands capital new is thriving. But almost one in 5 greenlanders little blue with the poverty line. Thats why alston says local should benefit more from the extraction of the islands resources. Many here agree. Should be profiting from this. Its our country thats been. The poor we should get to keep the proceeds. Just like in other countries you know. Greenlanders have been taking to the streets protesting against Foreign Companies dominating the islands mining sector. But the nations minister of Mineral Resources insists only major corporations from china astri and the u. S. House what it takes to get the job done you need to have knowledge you need to have experience operating with nature like. And you also need to have funding the necessary funding. Make sure compliance. Rick elation. Also find this infuriating at home he discovers that the ministry is again allowing multinational corporations to explore large areas on the island for Natural Resources. You dont have the resources. To combine. All sin and his wife are also waging this fight for the sake of their 2 children. Controling greenlands Natural Resources is vital and could one day allow the able nation to become independent. It should be a real way. To be able to live. Be able to take his own. Stuff if. I just want him to live in a society where he can be happy. Olson wont give up he hopes that once hes got his mining license he can start extracting gems by next year. He thinks agreements in europe people need to be more assertive. Because some have been calling for so many years. Its like a lot of mindset. I see it all in all but generation this world we need to wait for the government for something to happen. Olsen says its time to ditch this mentality and finally reap the profits of the islands Natural Resources. Do not at any cost of course over exploitation after all along with Global Warming could severely harm the islands pristine nature. There are some tourists who are not afraid of anything not even an extra dose of radioactivity will keep them from visiting extraordinary places and one of these places is turned mobile in ukraine more than 30 years ago the town witnessed of the worlds Worst Nuclear Disaster the area around the reactor is now deserted but its attracts tourists an example of dark tourism. Here at 7 am in the morning on a carry on of awaits tourists from around the world. Will go down through the exclusion zone before they set off each participant receives a certificates of attendance. Organization and openness. The foundations of on his job the working mother of 3 has done this tour with more than a 1000 turns to date and knows how to make it attractive be cheerful like a child like. Oneself. From a quitter former office job for a more adventurous change that offers more variety the atmosphere in the us is a mix of tense and excited look for igor from bosnia. But the full adventure of. Nothing gone hill from norway likewise has High Expectations for it. That it will. Break but it will be interesting so i decided to. Take it to. The area within a 30 kilometer radius from the power plant is still an exclusion zone today before the group can enter the compound each member is equipped with a Geiger Counter. This day trip cost 100. 00 euros. About 75000. 00 tourists visiting chernobyl last year despite radiation exposure being around 5. 00 to 10. 00 times higher than a normal day in germany. The contamination levels differ though which can be seen clearly at socalled hot spots in these areas there are more radioactive particles which is a huge health risk this clearing is the 1st highlights but also radioactive hot spots like the Geiger Counter measures nearly 7000000 sievers return flight from frankfurt to new york would be 0 point one you seem to be really nowhere with it dont just sit over here after the exercise was exiles and not like this is also the Actual Service but if you like 10 seconds thats nothing if you are going to be disloyal from the heart but thats going to drop out of us if youre not going to do it it would have an tics and a lot of humor im a choice to counteract the groups easy feel like. The busy. Its reached the next apocalyptic setting an abandoned Nursery School a movie like scenery for visitors. I dont buy anything. Might. Not last the group which is the center of the exclusion zone the nuclear reactor. Ever since it was covered by a giant. The radiation has been decreasing for most of the locals whoever chernobyl remains at a blue even 30 years later i can tell think and be grateful to those people who want to know that part of the story but this is a good idea that after so many years they didnt forget about this era and got it from. Before they can continue that are the target each undergo a radiation test with original soviet whitmans. Contaminated objects cannot leave the exclusion zone although it looks like from a museum the Machine Works there have been occasions in the past where visitors have to leave their shoes here but today everythings fine. Back in the us. Let me welcome you. 50000 people used to live in the showcase Housing Estate from the socialist era just a stones throw away from the reactor. Project once used to be a prosperous city. Ana tells anecdotes that recall those times but theyre all the remnants too but the most popular photos setting on the turf the abandoned and museums park a perfect space for the selfie audience and for instagram where the still life. Yeah those perfect heroes such a typical mob you get welcome to my thing a world yeah exactly to the visitors this place seems surreal devoid of people and deadly silent its more a memorial than an Adventure Park buzzard are from bosnia is also in a more somber mood now. And the city seems empty and. You know the emptiness that im getting. That feeling like you see it here for. You know so you know. That we are hearing. Gets back to those pictures and thats meant to be a. Protein will catch before and now we see and now. Seen by. Many to remind us that we should cherish what. Projects the consequences of a Nuclear Catastrophe are clearly visible and many visitors might grasp its extent for the 1st time. Thanks to the tourists the sight of the worlds Worst Nuclear Accident could have a meaningful future again. Imagine a job where you dont have any colleagues you never see sunlight and you cant even use your cell phone might sound like a nightmare to some but its the dream job of middle slavin added is responsible for maintaining a Nuclear Bunker in that sex capital of prag and after more than 40 years the doing what he loves middle class is showing no signs of slowing down. This is the. Work place. Deep down below a. Net that works as a janitor in an atomic bunker hes always ready for the worst case scenario. And so you just remove these floorboards. Then you put this insulation room for. Every day net that ensures the bunker is ready for a Nuclear Attack even though the cold war ended 30 years ago. There are 48 never used toilets 2. 5 kilometers of hallways as well as 260 year old diesel generators for the air ventilation system. I move the engine every day so the pistons dont get stuck. 20 meters above not a sound of the underground activity can be heard on pragues the hill hardly anyone would guess what meandering tunnel system lurks below. To this day the czech capital maintain some 900 bunkers. The one underneath the hill built in the 1950 s. Is one of the largest it is laid out 5000 people all bunkers are fully operational. We gain from filling this bunker up with concrete. Closing the bunker i mean all the money that was spent on this was wasted. So we keep everything we need to there. And for that you need someone like me. Who doesnt mind working on his own 20 meters below ground without natural. At least hes got his parents to keep him company. And i like these bunkers i paid that this you know. For a look see things ive done so i have a special connection to this place. Bunker hes been taking care of for 49 years now only rarely film crews come here to shoot movies. All his life has carried out bunker maintenance in case of nuclear war though he wishes there was no