Transcripts For DW Made In Germany 20240713 :

DW Made In Germany July 13, 2024

Something when it starts becoming scarce and by that time its often too late its no longer as easy as turning on a tap for more and more people water our most Precious Resource welcome to made. Theres a reason earth is known as the blue planet the majority of the globe is covered by water of course around 97 percent of it is so order i mean it to a hospice said is freshwater but much of that is locked away in ice soil and the atmosphere by the bore of it is highly polluted or too deep underground to be extracted at an affordable cost just how tough a percent of all water is readily accessible from lakes rivers and accor has water scarcity its one of the most serious risks we face and the problem is growing. New deserts are emerging forests are drying up and were still wasting water. The regions marked here in dark red are places where water is extremely scarce and sources are drying up pale red and orange indicate areas where water scarcity is only slightly less critical. Delhi india the southern part of the city. Water tankers supply poor neighborhoods but only come once a week. If they panic its almost. Like water is so scarce some mornings there are so many people you would think theres a fair on everyone is struggling to feel can see that there are arguments fights even accidents water is our biggest problem of the well and we wish they would fix taps on all of our houses just like theyve installed electricity on within the. Delis main water supply is the moon a river but there hasnt been enough rainfall so its water level is low. So what do you some of the problem in delhi today is the availability of clean water. A lot of work has gone into cleaning efforts. Or growing but there is an urgent need to address the issue of making more water available. As ation is taking place rapidly and with it the demand for water is rising just as fast as. In germany water is also becoming an issue. U. S. Based electric car manufacturer tesla is planning to build its european factory in brandenburg outside berlin once its operational it will consume millions of liters of water every day. Water levels in this nearby lake have already sunk due to a series of hot dry summers the water at this point in the lake used to reach us moderns waste. He grew up here on lake strauss say. The prospect of the new test the factory worries him. We have to assume that Climate Change will continue and that there will be less rainfall and increased about peroration theres a vast amount of water consumption on top of that the water level will continue to fall as it has done in recent years its likely to drop another few metres the ferry will no longer run down no one will be able to swim in the leg and bird breeding grounds will be destroyed. In the state of north rhinewestphalia theres concern about the Drinking Water supply at the gills investor waterworks to talk to you is that we understand the situation is for all seeing some of the lowest water levels since records began as a result of the past 3 dry summers gets placed talking or. Theres a slight improvement on the way but the rain from the past 2 months isnt enough thats the needs to be a lot more rain than the humidity in the fire. Water is all part of the fun for tourists on the island of bali and as tourism grows so too does water consumption. Bali residents are getting worried about their Drinking Water supplies. Because theres a shortage of sweet water we need to keep that within our system we need to keep it on the island we need to retain it push it into the ground and use it here where we need it the most obvious villagers have to travel long distances to get fresh water the next clean water is an hour walk from where this woman lives around the world 2000000000 people face huge problems when it comes to access to clean water leaving on a walk to funky every morning i go out to fetch water. For Drinking Water at home i fill up a large container. And me i always bring the does he come. Shes in the water and wash them every day its like that you dont. Have enough time to go to the water still several times a day to fetch water back home. What would be Global Solutions look like one key aspect is utilizing waste water its rarely treated in india but recycling it could ease demands. The absolute water start up came up with an organic innovation filtering sewage water through plant matter and sand in their system break down any toxins in the water digesting them into harmless components and converting sewage into Drinking Water. The most important thing is the operational cost which. We are the cheapest. Being. We are not subject. So therefore that the cost is the lowest so all in all its a fully sustainable. System and it is. A big rethink is already underway in germany as well where farmers are turning to crops which need little water researchers say Climate Change could make the long hot and very dry summers of recent years a permanent fixture that could lead to conflicting demands on water distribution the Farmers Association is already highlighting potential flashpoints. The. Competition for water will increase for those relatively minor parts of the Agricultural Industry which use sprinklers meaning fruit and vegetable farms we need water for irrigation and obviously will have to weigh up the benefits of say watering garden washing machine usage showering. Cooling water and washing up water and ask if we couldnt use it better to produce food for us the world needs investment in water pipes on bali aid organizations have stepped in to help villagers are also putting a share of the costs in projects like this where water will now if you come to uphill from the source to the village. When i went to new zeland in 969 everything was just so like heaven. You got home not attached. This beautiful and. Everything was kind of all right so good so i thought well why couldnt i improve the situation over here so i do it in this state doesnt do much for infrastructure here its the same as in many countries around the world. Hops and cold Running Water a beautiful thing i never really thought about it the industrialized countries like germany nobody really does things are very different in many other parts of the world where people can line up for hours just to get a few leaders of the precious stuff industrialized nations play a role in that scarcity as well thats because we eat large amounts of products like beef which require a huge amount of water to produce even if it isnt a media parent heres a breakdown of what some things cost in terms of h 2 o. What is virtual water. Lets take jeans as an example it takes around 8000 liters of water to make one pair thats 53. 00 bathtubs full how come growing the cotton uses most of the water its a very thirsty plant if the rains failed cotton fields have to be irrigated. And if the cotton is to be spun into jeans it also needs coloring rinsing and bleaching that pollutes a lot of water. Virtual water is the unseen water that goes into the manufacturing of our product. Nearly 19000 liters per one kilo of coffee 184 liters for a kilo of tomatoes and about 15000 liters for one kilo of beef. In a country with adequate natural Water Resources High Consumption isnt a problem unless of course a lot of it gets polluted but in many regions water is scarce or supplies have been depleted by producing certain goods the water level in the aral sea has dropped 18 meters because of irrigation in cotton fields its turned parts of was back you start into a salty toxic waste land. Tomatoes a cultivated in the parched reaches of Southern Spain using water piped into enormous greenhouses. And in brazil where theres a shortage of Drinking Water the countrys huge coffee plantations are never short of a drop coffee is a major export for brazil. Europeans import beans water guzzling goods and by extension all the virtual water needed to produce them seen from this perspective someone living in germany uses free 1900 liters of water a day slightly over the global average but cooking showering and laundry make up only a small part of that most water used here is a virtual water hidden in the products around us. So it takes 8000 liters of water to make a pair of jeans and they use so much more washing them over the years staggering numbers oppose some serious questions like what should water cost who should provide it is it morally acceptable for companies to profit from selling it to those who need it most of schmidt went to talk with the woman involved in a project that discusses issues like that she thinks to fix the problem you have to hit people where it really hurts and pocketbooks. Sophia Maria Schmidt is a professional musician and a student of economics who thinks a lot about war. Department sean the price should go up until it hurts a bit runs the december scimitar. Schmidt research is water related issues the United Nations Resolution Says there is a human right to safe accessible and affordable water oh my problem then whats the problem is that there is competition for the use of water if we want to introduce a basic right to water we have to consider which sectors which people are to enjoy that right we can identify 3 Major Players industry farming and private households which has priority who has more of a right to and who are less private individuals also depend on farming its a very complex problem and we cant simply demand free water is a basic right. On the desk if you think that overall the Worldwide Water is too cheap. To use is never the pleasure compare the United States in general in the us water consumption per person per day is almost 300 liters thats a huge amount in germany by contrast its 122. 00. And then compare the prices here water is twice as expensive as to im so if the price is too low we waste water and thats exactly whats happening in the us. Meat is involved in a project to tell university in frankfurt that focuses on water and Sustainable Management worldwide they hold events and have invited representatives of nestle to attend this with Multi National faces a lot of criticism for bottling and selling groundwater and for generating vast amounts of plastic waste. And then you for some teaching position. Sponsored by nurses is that a conflict of interest this is a feeling that there are many things to criticize but its very important to engage with corporations its all very well for academics to develop ideas but you can only achieve something if you Work Together with industry we should certainly view nestle very critically but we also need to talk to it and find out what it can contribute. To most of us and thats kind of this little fountain has dried up schmidt says sources of water around the world are going dry so they need to be maintained in a responsible fashion by the public and the private sector. If a company slaps on a 10 percent profit margin water gets more expensive but given that its our most important source of sustenance is it right for it to be provided by a private company from vending marsha. As long as the profit margin is not too high relative better per capita income so as long as people can afford it as long as its dignified a low enough price so that they can buy as much as they need theres no problem its the same with everything food clothes so theres always a profit margin and thats ok as long as we can afford it. As an option. To use the only way to prevent a supply crisis is to raise the price of water so we come to value the resource for what its really worth. Water is used in different ways in different parts of the world in europe for example agriculture industry and household suck up and spit out pretty much equal amounts but in north and south america farming makes up a much more sizeable fraction of total use and agriculture in asia and africa swallow around 80 percent of it just 15 percent is used by industry and amiga 5 percent by private households in many megacities border is growing increasingly scarce in the philippine capital things have reached a critical stage now the government plans to build a dam to supply manila with 600000000 liters of water a day but it will uproot entire villages my colleague. Went to talk to some of them. River has always run through the share of modern Mountain Range in northeastern philippines but a controversial down project is said to change its course brevard so this might be one of my last hope right here. Up ahead is the plan construction site for the collie walk and all along this forest wall here a big tunnel will be built for the convenience of water. The water behind it down could be up to 162 meters deep. Thats more than enough to inundate communities like this one i visited the village of sea to keep which is closest to the dam site here the indigenous to moderate people have lived alongside peasant farmers and fishers for generations many of them have put up signs opposing the down as they face displacement and the loss of their livelihoods. Im just wondering. When the flood comes how are we going to find food. We cant swim or die for fish i mean we wouldnt be able to do any of that. So whats going to become of us. For. The dam is designed to boost the water supply in manila the philippine capital and the countrys economic and political center. Were actually just 40 kilometers south of the dam site but this urban jungle feels brutes away from their remote mountain communities. The authorities here say dwindling supply primary water sources is leading to shortages in a city that wont stop expanding. The greater than metro by the. Week. Growing the months without. The government argues that displacing thousands and destroying hundreds of hectors of forest land is justified as it will secure water for more than 12000000 people and that its worth the Taxpayer Burden in the form of a contentious loan from china of more than 200000000. 00 residents whose properties are set to be washed away by the dams construction are going to be taken care of according to official promises. But many here tell me that theyre skeptical. My dad. Oh weve heard a lot of offers but were not accepting them because we dont want to give away whats intended for the generations that come after us. We want them to live if really in our communities. What are they offering you a long period they say theyll give us money or theyll provide us with housing but we dont know where they will take us what if they relocate us to burn they look for example how would we survive when were not used to life. And indeed communities here live in accordance with the rhythms of the river and protect the environment its a way of life that could be lost if the government has its way. Before you. Know. These are our Ancestral Lands if they build the dam will lose our identity. Thats death for us not just of our physical bodies but our culture politics and economics. Even if they do find somewhere for us to resettle we wont be able to live in our traditional way dependent on nature. On the path that. The projects critics say they have history on their side the Current Initiative is a reincarnation of sorts of the event a few kilometers away which was never completed that project was shut down by Community Opposition more than a decade ago only ruin stand in the water. Though if the even project had been continued there be water all around us as high as the walls which you see behind me the fact that the project was halted is a memory for many of the resistance that was successful but the outcome of their present day struggle is far from certain. The desire to preserve the river as it is clashes with the urge to change and control it in a standoff that pits local people against the powerful government in the capital if you expect to give way. The poll often lose out the most when it comes to water rights at the other end of the spectrum by the wealthy who have turned water into a luxury good bottled water that can cost hundreds of times what it costs out of the tap. Billions and of course there are experts who say that like fine wine. Has many nuances that it detectable to the discerning palate our reporter matthew hit it went to talk with people trying to be what is all he. More turf for gore may say what isnt just water. You know region and source good water is a distinctive character and. Were not talking about regular tap water but the kind that comes in bottles in germany that can up the price 100. 00 times. These people are taking a course to become water. Theyre doing a taste test identify the water without seeing the label on the bottle. Because you know nothing for us you know sodium taste salty calcium makes the mouth feel dry magnesium makes the water taste sweet and bitter and then there are a bubbles carbon dioxide. Thats often a giveaway if you throw. The 9 day course costs over 2000 euros so many years have to register subtle differences and talk about them key if you want to sell lots of bottles. Discloses did some of the students work for Mineral Water Companies usually in the marketing or Sales Department they have to be able to explain to customers what makes their water special. Last year the global bottled water market was worth 270000000000. 00 euros average consumption 62 liters per person. Colum lynch for my it is one of the students amins he works for a Mineral Water Company entire austria. It has its own spring and has invested millions in a new bottling plant. Were standing right on top of our source the aquifer thats been here beneath tile home for 25000 years waiting for us. But you. And water contains a certain mix of minerals which is quantified it and the austrian law as a medicinal water in both austria and germany medicinal waters are actually considered drugs that are regulated by the relevant authorities. You know we have whats known as a sodium potassium sulphate asadullah spring with its positive feature is that it contains a lot of lithium which lifts the mood significantly in. The time when the high

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