Transcripts For DW Business 20200212 :

Transcripts For DW Business 20200212

are a lot of electronics and agricultural products and european cuisine might be a bit less spicy without vietnam as it accounts for nearly half of all pepper imports. the agreement now means the end of virtually all tariffs on bilateral trade the benefit of the agreements are many preferential access to a vibrant to come trying to be of almost 100000000 people removal of non-tariff barriers for exporters which they courtly face for example on cars of wines and spirits the vietnamese side says it will comply with international labor and environmental standards this also includes the founding of independent trade unions so far impossible in the communist state. let's talk about this with you chris brown about why this will joins us from strasburg and with me in the studio is my colleague john allen tamara and we want to start with you why is this deal so important for the european union. it's an eminently political deal get hard to because look at vietnam it's a neighbor to china and the european union of course one's piece of this growth market because before china takes it all and the 2nd big reason is that this is seen as a sort of gateway agreement for as young they want to sort of open up for themselves the big east asian market this group of 10 countries who've promised sort of huge opportunities for the european manufacturers not only but particularly providers of services so this is not only about trade on goods but this is also particularly for the e.u. about trade off services they would to open up public procurement at the general is is there any real gain that you can see for vietnam or is the country merely being used as barbara just said as a stepping stone into and also to sort of keep the chinese a bit well of course there's definitely a big gain for getting on here i mean we're going to see 2 thirds of vietnamese exports to the e.u. become tariff free with the rest catching up in 7 years the e.u. of course. a 500000000 strong market now china is still vietnam's biggest trading partner but at a time where relations between china and vietnam are overshadowed by the tensions in the south china sea it makes sense for vietnam to shore up its economic ties with other partners and terms of looking at the block as a whole what this does for vietnam is get it preferential trade treatment with the e.u. without being bogged down by the issues of its regional neighbors now there is the law there it's seen the bilateral deals are now becoming trendy for the e.u. the making of deals with a larger as the block are becoming a bit more of a challenge can you imagine what it's like for you to make a deal a deal with and have to deal with say the problems of palm oil indonesia malaysia if there is a ban of the e.u. so what vietnam gets is what it wants out of the e.u. without having to consider its neighbors but one thing. that critics mention is sort of the human human rights issues workers rise in front of you of workers whereas in a socialist country what's there to say about those well that's really like asking me whether china is really a communist country i mean is it gary hart what you really have there is a mostly capitalist economy with strong guards a say on political expression in vietnam not that far off now in the 1980 s. the communist party started this policy called means or innovation basically it allowed markets to exist so adopting some elements of capitalism but within a single party state so you know where there are markets there are inequalities and you also see that in vietnam you have for example 2 thirds of the labor force in the informal economy so that means that there are on pay day laborers or the mess takes our factory workers with short term contracts and many critics of the deal say that not enough protections have been put in place for these kinds of workers bring in barbara on this again is the e.u. a bit lax on these issues you think. absolutely because all these provision about social rights labor rights labor conditions the environment and so on there written into the contract that is always the case but so far the e.u. has never enforced anything that they have never suspended a deal because a partner country wouldn't to implement these provisions and wouldn't sort of stick to the deal so they are lex on it and they really have to decide whether they want to be a beacon for fundamental rights worldwide or on the other hand they want to be sort of your favorite tree frater and so so far the free traders are winning the game and that seems to be the case again in this vietnam deal. strasburg another milan here in the studio thank you very much. i know that some of the other stories making headlines around the world today organizers of the mobile world congress the world's biggest event in the field of mobile communication are discussing whether it is crap the event over fears over the role of virus that's according to spanish media which says a decision could come on friday major companies have been pulling out of the boss alona event scheduled for february 24th among them georgia telecom cisco systems sprint and facebook. u.s. plane make a boeing did not sell a single commercial plane last month it's the 1st time a company come up empty handed in january since 1962 when there's been struggling to obey orders as it continues to deal with a 737 max prices jet still grounded after 2 deadly crashes. china's economy has been paralyzed for 6 weeks now due to the coronavirus production remains at a standstill in many places and trade has been complicated by bans on travel and shipping there are even fears that foreign companies could leave china altogether if things don't improve soon. the streets of beijing remain eerily quiet. although some workers have returned to their jobs this is anything but business as usual employees across the country queued have their temperature checked before they can go to work. those who make it in find themselves practically in isolation that is anything but splendid this office worker usually has 100 colleagues for company today there are just 3. usually that's a good atmosphere in the office everyone talks to each other at lunch time but today just with 2 or 3 of us it's really clear to me. the corona virus outbreak is a tragedy for the more than 1000 people who have died is also a disaster for business in the world's 2nd largest economy close to half of the country's 1400000000 citizens are only able to move freely impacting businesses and supply chains of all kinds the situation has raised questions as to how long foreign companies can continue production in china that i've also talked to some of the companies in sens in one of the major manufacturing hubs in china they told me that only around 20 to 30 percent of the company's a factory open during the past 3 days so given this uncertainty many businesses they have already placed their orders elsewhere to places like taiwan south korea japan so if china cannot control the outbreak by march or april we might see more and more business leaving china and even reorganize the east they say of the whole supply chain that scenario remains a way off but the longer streets like these stick quiet the closer it gets to becoming a reality as go to our financial correspondent shows a delay in frankfurt for a look at the markets just european markets rebounded yesterday this beginning rather beginning to look beyond coronavirus. i think that's definitely definitely true and it's another record day here in frankfurt for the dax investors have been really focused on this question of when will the number of new cases peak and it does appear that that may be happening experts say it's too early to call this but over the past couple of days there has been a decline and the number of new cases and that's giving hope to investors that over the next couple of weeks they could sort of start to see a turnaround in this and in the next couple of months there could be an even bigger rebound and while this is still going to be a big problem for 1st quarter growth it could have and of having a more marginal effect on our long term growth shows you how disruptive does the bar was when made for companies considering supply chains. it's certainly very disruptive and it's going to remain destructive for a while but there have been indications that businesses are starting to reopen that factories are starting to get up and running again companies like diane miller. have started their factories again and others like apple supplier foxconn plans to in the next couple of weeks so while it's not back to normal it could definitely. it does seem like we're at least not at a standstill anymore. so it's a delay in the frankford thank you very much now you were the plane maker has used the singapore i'll show it to him very approach and saw what it believes could be a passenger jet of the future. as a blended. croft revolution they were designed to be 20 percent more fuel efficient than the passenger jets you and i use today claims that would give travelers a. new experience of the challenges was working out how to prevent passengers at either side being thrown about too much in the air often. it's. the 2nd time the galaxies that flip a large make up compact but. looks like any other smartphone the difference is almost $1400.00 so it launched its 1st full house the galaxy fold in september forties screens forced an initial recall. from me and the business. business. business before we go here's a quick global markets. i am a business model. i am a brand. i. am fully up to my. influencers shameless blowhards. or innovative businesspeople majorly impact the economy. and jobs. like. germany with t.w. and any time any place. to sing music video never. have at the bottom of the. songs to sing along to download to instead come from super. to be. very close is kind of into active exercise is the inability to have any joke come a slash dungeon and on facebook and the story. blend german for free with w. why does the brits muddy tires and drums we deliver urgent lifesaving boxes we give our everything to reach those who need us the most every box feeding their futures. boxes for the false hope of life saving food and there's so much more down roads with no names we feel asleep to live a relentless you know promise to make every delivery special. not just next day but every day. thousands of children still waiting for their delivery sponsor a box today so together. deliver features. this is the day of videos coming to you live from berlin the syrian army's push to capture the country's last rebel stronghold triggers an international standoff and a humanitarian crisis we hear from the civilian courts in the crossfire also coming up as china suggests the reach of corona virus infections is falling to more questions about how beijing is treating those who criticize its handling of the epidemic. and in south sudan a former child soldier tries to make a new life after escaping the militants free.

Related Keywords

Germany , Georgia , United States , South Sudan , Singapore , China , Beijing , Vietnam , Republic Of , Strasburg , Mecklenburg Vorpommern , Syria , Indonesia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Berlin , Syrian , Germans , Vietnamese , German , Gary Hart , John Allen Tamara , Diane Miller ,

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Transcripts For DW Business 20200212 :

Transcripts For DW Business 20200212

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are a lot of electronics and agricultural products and european cuisine might be a bit less spicy without vietnam as it accounts for nearly half of all pepper imports. the agreement now means the end of virtually all tariffs on bilateral trade the benefit of the agreements are many preferential access to a vibrant to come trying to be of almost 100000000 people removal of non-tariff barriers for exporters which they courtly face for example on cars of wines and spirits the vietnamese side says it will comply with international labor and environmental standards this also includes the founding of independent trade unions so far impossible in the communist state. let's talk about this with you chris brown about why this will joins us from strasburg and with me in the studio is my colleague john allen tamara and we want to start with you why is this deal so important for the european union. it's an eminently political deal get hard to because look at vietnam it's a neighbor to china and the european union of course one's piece of this growth market because before china takes it all and the 2nd big reason is that this is seen as a sort of gateway agreement for as young they want to sort of open up for themselves the big east asian market this group of 10 countries who've promised sort of huge opportunities for the european manufacturers not only but particularly providers of services so this is not only about trade on goods but this is also particularly for the e.u. about trade off services they would to open up public procurement at the general is is there any real gain that you can see for vietnam or is the country merely being used as barbara just said as a stepping stone into and also to sort of keep the chinese a bit well of course there's definitely a big gain for getting on here i mean we're going to see 2 thirds of vietnamese exports to the e.u. become tariff free with the rest catching up in 7 years the e.u. of course. a 500000000 strong market now china is still vietnam's biggest trading partner but at a time where relations between china and vietnam are overshadowed by the tensions in the south china sea it makes sense for vietnam to shore up its economic ties with other partners and terms of looking at the block as a whole what this does for vietnam is get it preferential trade treatment with the e.u. without being bogged down by the issues of its regional neighbors now there is the law there it's seen the bilateral deals are now becoming trendy for the e.u. the making of deals with a larger as the block are becoming a bit more of a challenge can you imagine what it's like for you to make a deal a deal with and have to deal with say the problems of palm oil indonesia malaysia if there is a ban of the e.u. so what vietnam gets is what it wants out of the e.u. without having to consider its neighbors but one thing. that critics mention is sort of the human human rights issues workers rise in front of you of workers whereas in a socialist country what's there to say about those well that's really like asking me whether china is really a communist country i mean is it gary hart what you really have there is a mostly capitalist economy with strong guards a say on political expression in vietnam not that far off now in the 1980 s. the communist party started this policy called means or innovation basically it allowed markets to exist so adopting some elements of capitalism but within a single party state so you know where there are markets there are inequalities and you also see that in vietnam you have for example 2 thirds of the labor force in the informal economy so that means that there are on pay day laborers or the mess takes our factory workers with short term contracts and many critics of the deal say that not enough protections have been put in place for these kinds of workers bring in barbara on this again is the e.u. a bit lax on these issues you think. absolutely because all these provision about social rights labor rights labor conditions the environment and so on there written into the contract that is always the case but so far the e.u. has never enforced anything that they have never suspended a deal because a partner country wouldn't to implement these provisions and wouldn't sort of stick to the deal so they are lex on it and they really have to decide whether they want to be a beacon for fundamental rights worldwide or on the other hand they want to be sort of your favorite tree frater and so so far the free traders are winning the game and that seems to be the case again in this vietnam deal. strasburg another milan here in the studio thank you very much. i know that some of the other stories making headlines around the world today organizers of the mobile world congress the world's biggest event in the field of mobile communication are discussing whether it is crap the event over fears over the role of virus that's according to spanish media which says a decision could come on friday major companies have been pulling out of the boss alona event scheduled for february 24th among them georgia telecom cisco systems sprint and facebook. u.s. plane make a boeing did not sell a single commercial plane last month it's the 1st time a company come up empty handed in january since 1962 when there's been struggling to obey orders as it continues to deal with a 737 max prices jet still grounded after 2 deadly crashes. china's economy has been paralyzed for 6 weeks now due to the coronavirus production remains at a standstill in many places and trade has been complicated by bans on travel and shipping there are even fears that foreign companies could leave china altogether if things don't improve soon. the streets of beijing remain eerily quiet. although some workers have returned to their jobs this is anything but business as usual employees across the country queued have their temperature checked before they can go to work. those who make it in find themselves practically in isolation that is anything but splendid this office worker usually has 100 colleagues for company today there are just 3. usually that's a good atmosphere in the office everyone talks to each other at lunch time but today just with 2 or 3 of us it's really clear to me. the corona virus outbreak is a tragedy for the more than 1000 people who have died is also a disaster for business in the world's 2nd largest economy close to half of the country's 1400000000 citizens are only able to move freely impacting businesses and supply chains of all kinds the situation has raised questions as to how long foreign companies can continue production in china that i've also talked to some of the companies in sens in one of the major manufacturing hubs in china they told me that only around 20 to 30 percent of the company's a factory open during the past 3 days so given this uncertainty many businesses they have already placed their orders elsewhere to places like taiwan south korea japan so if china cannot control the outbreak by march or april we might see more and more business leaving china and even reorganize the east they say of the whole supply chain that scenario remains a way off but the longer streets like these stick quiet the closer it gets to becoming a reality as go to our financial correspondent shows a delay in frankfurt for a look at the markets just european markets rebounded yesterday this beginning rather beginning to look beyond coronavirus. i think that's definitely definitely true and it's another record day here in frankfurt for the dax investors have been really focused on this question of when will the number of new cases peak and it does appear that that may be happening experts say it's too early to call this but over the past couple of days there has been a decline and the number of new cases and that's giving hope to investors that over the next couple of weeks they could sort of start to see a turnaround in this and in the next couple of months there could be an even bigger rebound and while this is still going to be a big problem for 1st quarter growth it could have and of having a more marginal effect on our long term growth shows you how disruptive does the bar was when made for companies considering supply chains. it's certainly very disruptive and it's going to remain destructive for a while but there have been indications that businesses are starting to reopen that factories are starting to get up and running again companies like diane miller. have started their factories again and others like apple supplier foxconn plans to in the next couple of weeks so while it's not back to normal it could definitely. it does seem like we're at least not at a standstill anymore. so it's a delay in the frankford thank you very much now you were the plane maker has used the singapore i'll show it to him very approach and saw what it believes could be a passenger jet of the future. as a blended. croft revolution they were designed to be 20 percent more fuel efficient than the passenger jets you and i use today claims that would give travelers a. new experience of the challenges was working out how to prevent passengers at either side being thrown about too much in the air often. it's. the 2nd time the galaxies that flip a large make up compact but. looks like any other smartphone the difference is almost $1400.00 so it launched its 1st full house the galaxy fold in september forties screens forced an initial recall. from me and the business. business. business before we go here's a quick global markets. i am a business model. i am a brand. i. am fully up to my. influencers shameless blowhards. or innovative businesspeople majorly impact the economy. and jobs. like. germany with t.w. and any time any place. to sing music video never. have at the bottom of the. songs to sing along to download to instead come from super. to be. very close is kind of into active exercise is the inability to have any joke come a slash dungeon and on facebook and the story. blend german for free with w. why does the brits muddy tires and drums we deliver urgent lifesaving boxes we give our everything to reach those who need us the most every box feeding their futures. boxes for the false hope of life saving food and there's so much more down roads with no names we feel asleep to live a relentless you know promise to make every delivery special. not just next day but every day. thousands of children still waiting for their delivery sponsor a box today so together. deliver features. this is the day of videos coming to you live from berlin the syrian army's push to capture the country's last rebel stronghold triggers an international standoff and a humanitarian crisis we hear from the civilian courts in the crossfire also coming up as china suggests the reach of corona virus infections is falling to more questions about how beijing is treating those who criticize its handling of the epidemic. and in south sudan a former child soldier tries to make a new life after escaping the militants free.

Related Keywords

Germany , Georgia , United States , South Sudan , Singapore , China , Beijing , Vietnam , Republic Of , Strasburg , Mecklenburg Vorpommern , Syria , Indonesia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Berlin , Syrian , Germans , Vietnamese , German , Gary Hart , John Allen Tamara , Diane Miller ,

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