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way you defeat donald trump in the book is when we have the watches voter turn out the largest voter turnout in the history of the united states 7. also coming up the kansas city chiefs they are the new super bowl champions of the world is still talking about that halftime show and those t.v. commercials in between there's more digital advertising it's more valuable there's more television advertising it's more valuable and the super bowl is the best it gets. the thickness whoa it's. we're good. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome but we begin the day at the start of a campaign marathon a political race of insurance that will guarantee the winner the white house voters in the u.s. state of iowa are today casting the 1st votes in the 2020 presidential election if you will oh i was there on the iowa caucuses because it will be the 1st measurement of electability among those democrats who want to win their party's nomination and then run against donald trump this coming november there are officially 11 candidates but this is really a fight of 4 and it's been that way now for quite some time ring to start with the names that you know there's senator bernie sanders a familiar face from the 2016 presidential race beside him right there racing for the top position former vice president joe biden and then there is the newcomer in the group right there pete booted jake the mayor of south bend indiana and rounding out the top 4 is elizabeth warren u.s. senator now iowa is just the beginning for at the candidates the democratic party will choose its nominee this summer until then the candidates will have to get through the winter and a lot more caucuses and primaries u.w.s. correspondent alexander phenomenon is in the capital of iowa tonight des moines. for rose thompson this is the most exciting time to be a guy away when her state is once again in the national spotlight as a volunteer for the democratic party she likes to joke that politics is a sort of sport and really. when i'm falling in love with my candidate it's all about god fearing i talk to her. and i want. this time at senator amy club in the rose thompson support as a moderate candidate from the midwest i. live this is reason i hope i'm here for any closure came to me just calling to remind you that tomorrow night it's caucus night here in iowa and thousands of volunteers like it was thompson not comprehending what a candidate's in iowa until the last minute well what's more important then our democracy and shaping our country for the next few years i mean the cynical part of me says because we got out of here but bit what's more important than investing in your country. that's what scott ruth's hosp and has been doing for hours now canvassing and then neighborhood for any club. even though she's not come to a frontrunner in iowa we were able to work with republicans and i used to be a republican. i once correctness is in my nature. health care plan with change america's standing in the world issues that matter here scott thompson says he hopes for a democratic nominee who can bring together the party and the divided country there's been a mayor and a spirit public and i know the importance of working with people you may not agree with. but you need their support i mean your support for and so you know your trade off you you make concessions where you have to i mean while at the party's headquarters in des moines ruth thompson needs to sort out some details she's to caucus chair and her precinct there and in charge of organizing the belief that it's like a neighborhood connecting she says that when people get together and out in the open try to win over and their friends to support their candidate the thing that makes the caucus unique is that you are really looking your neighbor n.e.i. and saying you know i'm supporting my candidate because her values are the same as mine and they are and if if your neighbor is not really sure or they're not solid with their candidate you can say well you know you are you think that climate change is important so let's let me tell you what amy thinks about climate change is a super bowl watch party and the grill restaurant in denmark scott's thompson has come to have a cold beer and to meet this candidate one more time before the caucus mockery comes amy you know you show us you and you just really want much she was like on to the degree we want to have record turnout if we did both of them really one of the feelings leading you know then that. you should definitely have talked to says it's a long run with more primaries to follow however winning iowa could mean big momentum for that kind of pain and that's why it's so exciting at this time of year to be in iowa. to be in iowa i'm joined now by a man who knows all about the state called iowa where the people caucus julie's fundal are he was a member of the 2008 ugandan and 12 obama campaigns you went to iowa then and you just got back from iowa that's right so we saw on instagram that you were meeting you met all of the leading candidates this past week the democrats they have the luxury of choice right now don't they so on. viewers if you consider that to be a plus or minus right now well i think it's fantastic be out there in iowa all these candidates they do 456 events every day and if you live in iowa and they've been out there for an entire year you actually get to meet them and you get to meet them in a setting where you're out there with like 2030 people so you get to ask a question not to take a selfie if you want to know but i once really get to connect with their candidates it's a direct democracy there isn't it it really is except of course there are only 2300000 people living in iowa and the racial makeup in i which is not exactly reflective of the entire country it's very homogenous it's true the whole world is talking about iowa right now and like you say it's not reflective of what you find on the east or the west coast. and it's not a big state either so why is it important well you know you could make the argument that i was sort of chooses the next candidate i mean go back to 2616 hillary clinton won slightly against bernie sanders but she won then she of course went on to get the nomination then of course in 2008 obama won before that john kerry and of course al gore they all won iowa and then went on to get the nomination so realistically what happens in iowa will tremendously have an impact on the outcome of at least this primary process and of course who goes up against donald trump but there's one more thing. i will give you a tremendous amount of so as you know next tuesday people will be voting for the 1st time the primaries in new hampshire and after that it goes on to. 2 to nevada and then on to south carolina so you need that momentum coming out last point that i want to make if obama hadn't won iowa in 2008 i think is candace it would have been over so you look at a tremendous fundraising push coming out of iowa where you get tremendous media attention coming out of iowa and that really propels a qantas a do you see that same pressure this time around that because you know getting a clear winner this comes going to be hard i mean do you have to win this time in iowa. to win the nomination so all the candidates especially joe biden. already sort of know what the bar and lowered expectation game because you know they've been down in the polls at least going into i was so they're making the argument while i was just the beginning it's not the end that's at least one represent of the of the biden campaigns that having said that bernie sanders is incredibly strong witnesses ground game last week has just anecdotal there was an event where bernie sanders was still in the senate in washington couldn't be there but $4000.00 people turned out to be at his rally even though the candidate was out there it's amazing you know outside of the us people say the we often are asked many times they don't understand why former vice president joe biden is running and why he is considered to be a front runner when that when it appears on the outside that the u.s. is demanding so much change and new ideas new new blood in politics how do you explain that i couldn't agree more at the same time you know when i spoke to voters at all these events i would ask a moment so who is supporting it and they said well i like any club which are i like people just like joe biden but in the end all i want to do at least on the democratic side is be chopped so it really is a question that comes down to electability you know he will say what of course we need to tackle climate change and all these big issues but most importantly at least on the credits that we need to get rid of trump well that's a this it is not a problem though this obsession with being electable electability is sucking all of the oxygen away from things like climate change i agree so are you are you getting the best candidate is also it turns out that all sudden everyone becomes a pundit right now everyone is looking at things like electability which we cannot measure yeah it is there's no measurement for what it's all to but in that sense i almost think it's great that none of the major polls came out last week so voters were an influence the register you. it is an issue that big role and they didn't issue i so i think people kind of go in there with their own gut feeling the closing and the final arguments that they heard from candidate in and how they need to make up their mind who they think is best equipped to take on trump in no matter what how different would you say this i will caucus is compared to past ones that you've experienced me talk to me here about the troll factor so trump came into des moines last week and you know he did a tremendous rally 8000 people there believe what excitement on the republican base at the same point is of course a major driving factor for democrats i anticipate that voter turnout is going to be as high as 2008 if not even higher in this caucus because again democrats is so excited to have such great anxiety they want to get out of the office and i think it will push a lot of people to go out and vote that happened before let me just say one last thing the same is true for republicans to the republican base is motivated their fundraising has been up like it hasn't before and their numbers brought part scale their campaign managers saying that their numbers are tremendous so i think we're going to see major turnout in november and just like the democrats are excited the republicans are to anybody sooner said yesterday he told him his supporters that if we don't have high turnout on monday at the caucuses i'm not going to win that is absolutely true bernie sanders needs that turnout because he has a different demography that he can actually talk to he depends highly on young people as we know the same is true for europe of course to young people don't show up to vote like the joe biden elector and all of them older voters so if he can't get his people to the 2 to vote bernie sanders is toast. julius thank you very much we're going to be talking to you a little bit later on in the show all right thank you. well they are celebrating in kansas city missouri monday the can't. city chiefs pulled off a late surge to win super bowl $54.00 for the 1st time in half a century and the fans in kansas city we crazy when their team made a dramatic comeback in the 4th quarter overcoming a 10 point deficit to defeat the san francisco 49 er's 31 to 20 quarterback patrick mahoney was named the game's most valuable player becoming at the age of 2424 for the youngest player ever to receive that honor. the joy to be here now the big table is my colleague chris harrington who's almost 24. cliff those new. what happened let's talk about the game just briefly what happened right we had 49 years where the 40 niners you know behind jimmy g. just dropped the ball literally even though you know you know their coach shanahan i think chart tried some experimental things didn't go with their strengths with which was running the ball all season and you know this was basically a contest between the number one pass and defense in the san francisco 49 ers up against passion by holmes you know he made history for 50 touchdowns last season when the if you feel the season is in his 2nd full season as a quarterback 3rd season overall then the league remarkable game i mean this really came down to who was going to rise to the occasion and it was clear that jimmy below was unable to do that with the 40 niners patch by holmes the gun gun you know becoming only the 3rd quarterback in n.f.l. history to win m.v.p. you know become in another league group the 2nd 3rd african-american to a quarterback to win a super bowl as well i mean it goes on and on but he's cut from that pedigree of athleticism i think so it's not too surprising and i know you like to talk just as much about the halftime show as you do about i mean the whole world was talking about this on social media you know last night and today i mean what did you make about. you know the dynamic duo you know this is here i didn't realize jennifer lopez a still into the music making business you know but she did sing a lot of her old hits you know people that enjoy that john read music were ecstatic secure i know of her hit gyration you saw a lot of that jennifer lopez was at think there was a pole dance there where you know it's one moment you know maybe questionable if you want to promote family entertainment but people if you know if only i had seem to love it and it's been getting a lot of support in the media as well it has it has i mean the arts and so that was the game and the halftime show i want to talk now about the t.v. commercials and betray you know we've been doing that now for years this 1st one nearly brought a lot of people to tears ok take a look. through me photos from our anniversary. she always store to. play our favorite. and it was obvious then you know from google helping you know and really man and you know remember it's is why what did you make of the commercials this year has been we've got we've talked about you know the fact of their crucial to the super bowl almost almost like the they have come out and says well the advertising you know my favorite ad was something you know i think it was like a throwback commercial or in my the me of the old you know the gimmicks they would use just to be funny you know not too many crazy special effects but just this particular type of humor and in this super bowl i liked in the end that was promoting reese's not peanut butter cups of a new type of reasons i have no idea you know what it is but i thought the commercial was hilarious because as a working professional f.-l. like i can relate to some of the characters that were star in the commercial right speaking of which we've got a clip but you know just a fan you press take a look. head in the sand that's a bad thing yeah you from another planet. i never heard you take the. game for her to. go look stupid. is it to me what did it how did that why did it speak to you press strong and the very strong ending you know i thought you know the last character was this hilarious you know just personally it brought us modern my face well that's good it's going to mean you don't always have a reason you know especially in the last week or 2 you know reporters were not of course has ordered a reason to smile all in all though it was super bowl 54. we want to remember definitely a we it will be when i remember for a number reasons for one you know the historical achievement for the kansas city chiefs 50 years since winning their previous super bowl super bowl for the very 1st super bowl that kicked off featured the kansas city chiefs as well this is a 100 celebration year you know of the n.f.l. the ratings were down a little bit last year it was kind of a snooze 1st iteration in a kind of a wash kind of a game but you love comebacks you love last minute surge is this what it's really about this is what you the fans can latch onto yeah and this super bowl it definitely delivered and it brought in the youngsters too because the quarterback he knows it was going he's very i mean we saw the ratings were good and you know we heard in the beginning of the show that advertisers say that television streaming is good yes but radio television enjoyed a boost from this super bowl and of course they have time shows you know was was a dream come true for the ratings yeah it definitely was definitely these are these are big players in terms of the ratings games i think you know they played their cards you know in a smart way you know to have you know this this i guess this this symbol of of girl power you know just to say it formally you know but i think she keira in jennifer lopez definitely embody you know that idea lady gaga you know she's performed the formal ones you know it's just gave them a shout out on social media a lot of people have been suppose you know if you to work you work i guess that's a thing from the halftime show chris stand by we'll be back with you in just a moment ok. 4 years now that time window doesn't only apply to presidential politics in the u.s. it applies to us right here at the big table it was today 4 years ago when the 1st monday of february 26th seeing that the day premiered 4 years ago today when you allowed me and my colleagues to be a part of your day. a day that started instill begins like this police raids across germany a viral threat in your bedroom tonight he's not going anywhere i'm brink off and this is the day. now that's what it looked like then and here we are now joined now by 2 guests who were part of the maiden voyage 4 years ago chris harrington of course sports and julie is from the arts to his right gentleman let's walk down memory lane for a moment here and take a look at how we looked for years ago when we dug up some photos from the very 1st day the very 1st week and julius you were the very 1st guest to appear with me here at the big table believe it or not honor yeah guest number one and chris you were not far behind you were the 1st and i think only guest at the big table to win a denver broncos cowboy hat it's nice that you never member we we had that game there with the the commercials that i mean that was the very 1st episode and that very 1st episode we reported on the iowa caucuses and the super bowl so i mean it's deja vu groundhog day as my producer was saying so let me get to the questions let me ask you julius if you can piers as we talk about politics all the time if you compared today with where we were 2016 what do you think has changed the most on. if i go back in last couple years you would think that in a certain way political gravity doesn't exist anymore right trump breck's so many things have happened at the same time if you ask me what changed one thing that didn't change is i still see people incredibly hopeful i still see a lot of people working credibly hard in the studio just like you did 4 years ago to bring the news every night and to be objective and to do all the right things so you know political events might change but i still see a lot of people in iowa knocking on doors just like they did 4 years ago and lot of people dining and paying attention even more than they have maybe 4 years ago so i'm actually pretty pretty optimistic and hopeful chris you know when we go from super bowl 50 super bowl 54 i mean we have taken more than just a knee or 2 right i mean a lot of changed yeah a lot has changed in you know with the dynamic you know in terms of the world of american football you know obviously you know your reference the social consciousness has changed within the n.f.l. you know the big movement surrounding collin capper nick even you know to this day still encouraging fans not to tune in you know to the game any longer that's one side of it you know and then you know they've been 7 some drama you know with certain issues you know the one patriots player you know that was you know jailed you know for murder it it up committing suicide in jail you know aaron hernandez right you know a bit of drama here and there you know but then there's been some positive things too you know it terms of you know just to rewind back to the social justice you know jay z. is a well known american you know rapper you know a billionaire you know in his own right you know he's joined up with the n.f.l. to help you know move the n.f.l. in this particular you know direction you know while they're still naysayers out there not a number of these helmets have changed to deal with the concussion issues and so on i mean it was about. what about if you if you look at the world on a broader level we do what we do here every day as we try to get people to talk right i mean a lot of the show is talking to people newsmakers people who affect the way we live it it seems to a lot of people that there's less talking there's less listening and people live in their own silos do you do you guys see that. well i think you're absolutely right especially when you look at social media of course people living this out those in the field the bubbles that's why it's so important to have that big table and it's not just because we get to sit here and talk about it and bring people together and bring people together from all corners of the world so i think this is where you know unity make a tremendous contribution but i think it's important just not just for the few of us to get to sit here and talk about the issues but for everyone to reach out because otherwise you're not going to be able to bridge that gap and you're not going be able to talk about you know social justice in football colin kaepernick that was a conversation that was started divided one person but got spread throughout the entire internet and the same is true for. 20 seconds you know in terms of the way athletes have changed you know now they're being more vocal than ever before you know politically take you know a political candidacy as well you know they have their own platforms now with millions of followers so you see this shift as well and this does have an effect on the way we report things also you know but all the knowledge seems to be more participation from the professionals and that stamp that we're keeping the light on as they say gentlemen thank you very much and we'll see how we're doing in another 4 years i hope you guys are both here at the big table with us then to where the day is always done the conversation it continues online go find us on twitter you do as you can follow me at gotham you don't get to use our hash tag today and let me say to all of you who have shared your world in time with us these past 4 years thank you we look forward to the next 4 weeks and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day to see that everybody. picture yes the pictures are. ico in. the fighting hunger fight fight that's the mission of this retired police officer. i thought in the police that between any big part of me i believe much that the this project collects leftovers from restaurants to feed the poor. on the move. an unpredictable hazard. avalanches. they claim up to $100.00 lives and in the winter. researchers are trying to unravel this destructive natural phenomenon. their aim providing greater protection with precise forecasts. the science of his. body abundant on g.w. . slick. carefully. don't know the assume. to be a good. discover who. subscribe to the documentary. the. nutrient rich soil plentiful sun and water and many weeks sometimes months of tedious what does need to do before the fall. we'd gone dry ice all it does with this valuable produce get.

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United States , New Hampshire , Denmark , South Carolina , Washington , Iowa , Indiana , Kansas , Kansas City , Uganda , Berlin , Germany , Des Moines , San Francisco , California , America , Ugandan , American , Chris Harrington , Scott Thompson , Moines Ruth Thompson , John Kerry , Elizabeth Warren , Scott Ruth , Joe Biden , Jennifer Lopez , Al Gore , Bernie Sanders ,

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