Transcripts For DW DW News 20200203 :

DW DW News February 3, 2020

infected with the coronavirus in china but on the 1st day back after the extended lunar new year china's stock market plummets. and an exclusive in an exclusive interview and go as president tells t w he's going to take on president action against corruption. should we now have got a chance for a change and this is the right time to do it. we asked why he failed to speak out earlier amid accusations that the former president's daughter stole hundreds of millions in public sobs. i'm serious i was gonna thank you for joining us just days after britain left the european union the next bread's a chapter has begun both sides are squaring up for what looks likely to be tough trade talks british prime minister. boris johnson said the u.k. will seek a free trade agreement but not at any cost on the other side the e.u.'s negotiator michele bunny's said the e.u. would demand tough terms on issues like fishing rights and a level playing field for businesses but this should be up to do you get to decide . if we need to continue to have their 2 europe's societal and regulatory modelling do future hall would seek to dies or. there is no need for a free trade agreement to involve accepting e.u. rules on competition policy subsidies social protection the environment or anything similar any more than the e.u. should be obliged to accept u.k. rules for more on the story we can speak to the w.'s garrett matters who is standing by for us and brussels tell us more about what we heard from both bunny and johnson in laying out their strategy. really no surprise on the part of bunyan that is something he emphasized himself when he said look what we offer the u.k. now has been already written down in this document that was attached to the divorce deal that is on the table and there has been signed by both sides it's called the political declaration and in that declaration there is the intention to form a close and strong partnership but here today said there should be 0 tariffs on either side but this comes with conditions and then i'll just give you one conditionality that was a dispute settlement mechanism in case one could not agree now boris johnson on the other hand said there should be no worry about state aid or a lower standards than the e.u. because they would have higher standards and there is no need for such a mechanism and that already gives you one of the key sticking points in the upcoming negotiations that's the tone going into those talks let's hear what european commission president was the last underline said recently in an exclusive interview with indeed have you on those negotiations the most tricky part for us has been solved and the withdrawal agreement citizens why a financial settlement the island of ireland with done that we're fine with that now we're in a very strong position for the upcoming negotiations if at the end of the year there will be a hard break sit well the u.k. exports almost half of all it's good to the european union so it's going to be tough. erick erick we heard it there it's going to be tough looking at that you touched upon some of these issues but what do you think are going to be the most difficult issues on the road ahead. trained to assume we will be the bedrock of the negotiations that's what bunyan said and i think that is what most observers see the biggest difficulties at once although fission is another issue security will be an interesting bargaining chip here but really if you look at the trade agreement the u.k. the e.u. position is very clear they want a level playing field they want that the standards applied to both sides and then tariffs can be lowered and that is something that the other side the u.k. from the european perspective is not willing to do boris johnson was very clear he wants a free trade deal like canada and that would rule out such a close relationship and that is really something that will be difficult in the upcoming new toshi actions caird matus reporting for us from brussels thank you characterise president vegetate better one says the turkish military has quote neutralized dozens of syrian government troops in retaliation for an attack on turkish forces in syria on camera now says 5 of its soldiers and one civilian were killed in the syrian attack in the province a syrian war monitor is reporting that for tell the atory strikes by turkey left at least 13 syrian troops dead turkey has had military observation posts in the rebel held it live province since 2017 they were set up under an agreement with russia and iran a president air to want described the syrian attack on turkish forces as vile he says syria's ally russia has been told that it will not stand for any situation where it's prevented from responding to syrian assaults. the operation is underway at the moment his. around 40 points are now the constant targets about an operation. if. according to initial indicate is. to 35 syrians though on the other side you are miniaturized conscious of the. however the operation is not yet over and. earlier i spoke to debbie's correspondent in istanbul dorian jones and i asked him to tell us more about the clashes between turkish and syrian forces. well there's been a sustained military operation going on throughout the day turkish forces using heavy artillery and according to turkish president the one backed by fighter bombers have been pounding around 40 identified syrian regime forces sites this follows a deadly attack by syrian regime forces on turkish forces in italy president heard one has promised that they will be revenge for those attacks those deaths will not go on the answered was his message and he also said that this operation will be continuing now this clash between syrian regime forces and turkish armed forces has been looming for several weeks ever since damascus launched his major military offensive in which is the last bustin of syrian rebels home to around 3000000 people has repeatedly warned that if this operation had to stop saying it is in violation of agreements it had reach with moscow and this has been the even the fear of right from the beginning of this syrian civil war that ultimately it will move beyond a civil war and would involve one of syria's neighbors these ongoing clashes now will stoke those fears there will be efforts on all sides i think to contain this but the message from president on is that these deaths of turkey soldiers will not go unanswered and the series will receive a lesson we also heard president edwin warning another player in this conflict russia to stand aside what do you think the risk of escalation is there dorian. well this certainly will be a concern in fact those who do appear to be trying to downplay this they have said they've denied the president on claims that 5 turkish fighter jets into syrian airspace they say turkish russian forces do control those airspace they've also blamed on crew for the deaths of the turkish soldiers they said those deaths occurred because i failed to notify syrian regime forces of their movements that is denied by on cross but both sides do admit that their senior military officials are in contact with one another now even though most who are backing rival sides they have been working together in the last 2 years and that followed the downing of a russian jet by turkish forces a couple of years ago both sides realize it is these in both their interests to work together to contain this civil war to find a way out but given the fact that syrian regime forces now are closing in on it live the cooperation between moscow will be increasingly put to the test we've heard one saying that moscow has to deliver on its agreements of why's it will be the end of this cooperation our correspondent dorian jones reporting on the latest in istanbul thank you let's check in now on some of the other stories making news around the world the e.u. is top diplomat is in iran for talks with the country's leaders your stepdaughter met with iranian foreign minister jeff serif and later hold talks with president hassan rouhani what else trip is seen as part of an effort to save the 2050 nuclear deal between iran and world powers a web site linked to the so-called islamic state says the man who carried out sunday's nice attack in london was one of the terror groups fighters police shot the man dead after he wounded 3 people on a busy street the suspect was under police surveillance after early release from prison. authorities in the italian city of milan have temporarily banned cars from the city center in an effort to curb pollution small is a frequent problem in the city but not all residents are happy about the car ban some got behind the wheel anyways risking heavy fines. and at least 20 people have died in a stampede intense anea during a service at an evangelical church the crowd to rush towards the pastor who instructed them to touch holy oil that he poured on the ground at least 16 other people were injured in the crash. china says the corona virus has now killed more than 360 people and infected over 17000 others more people have now died from the corona virus in china than from sars nearly 2 decades ago in the outbreak began a hastily constructed hospital has opened medical staff are prepared to treat up to a 1000 patients there. after just 10 days of construction the makeshift hospital is operational it was designed for the epidemic isolation wards account for half its size china says it's located in the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak a 2nd hospital with more beds is due to be finished this week the city is on lockdown fresh supplies are delivered to by the army thousands of personnel have been brought in for reinforcements but the country is in urgent need of surgical masks and medical equipment china is accepting donations from other countries and officials say the demand for supplies will be met both. last night we were able to double our production capacity we have the raw materials to increase production and supply. many companies are worried about overproduction but we have assured them that the government will collect and store any surplus in supplies after the epidemic. authorities have recommended coping mechanisms for people affected by the outbreak . if your emotions are suppressed you can look for an isolated spot and have a good cry for a few minutes you will feel relaxed afterwards. stole a punching bag or sound back at rest areas at work and spend a few minutes doing some punching exercises you can also help you relax and adjust . the biggest stress reliever could be a vaccine there's now a global drive to develop one. until that successful life at the epicenter remains restricted. meanwhile hong kong is also stepping up measures to prevent the outbreak from spreading of the territories leader kerry lamb has announced she will shut almost all land and sea border control points to the mainland from midnight to stem the spread of the virus let's bring in david he is charlotte shell some fellow standing by for us in hong kong hi charlotte what more can you tell us about these measures. well borders will now be closed to according to that announcement from carrie lamb today that will be considered big news by some others they are very critical of the fight over not all borders remain closed there are some that is so open it is still relatively easy for people from the mainland to cross here into hong kong that is something that has been i received a lot of criticism not just for the currents of kerry lamb and her government but within her own party as well people today calling for all those borders to be shut particular consent about the after numbers of flights will continue to arrive into hong kong now that has been particularly criticism from the medical sector they say that it leaves them very exposed as so many people still coming in from the mainland they've announced a 5 day strike which began today thousands of people in known front line rose walked off the job will will call for the job again tomorrow that school to be moved front line stuff they said that the measures announced by kerry lam today simply do no it's go far enough now carol lam is that a complete closure of the borders would be disproportionate and difficult to introduce she will say said that it's not in line with guidelines by the world health organization which so far has not called for borders with mainland china to be completely close that being said though this is proof with the medical staff strike that her government will continue to be under pressure to close those borders over the coming days sure that we've seen this year rise in both infections and also fatalities from the corona virus how worried are people there in hong kong . for looking at hong kong's response to this epidemic so far you really have to look back to 2003 during the outbreak of the car buyers back then always 300 people lost their lives in hong kong over due to the close ties with mainland neighboring mainland china hong kong as well very densely populated which is who can continue to contribute to the spread of this virus like people here are concerned what we're seeing is panic buying in shops of grocery and groceries and disinfected we've seen that schools will be closed for the perceivable future work is being told to stay at home as well just some of the signs that people here are becoming more and more nervous. bringing us up to date from hong kong thank you so much. now in the u.s. the race for democrats vying to become the party's next presidential candidate kicks off today the iowa caucuses of the 1st of a series of contests between 11 democratic presidential hopefuls and let's look at the top candidates now leading narrowly in the polls is senator bernie sanders former vice president joe biden. mayor of south bend indiana and also senator elizabeth warren and they are hot on sanders heels correspondent alexander phenomenon traveled to iowa's capital des moines and sent us this report. for rose thompson this is the most exciting time to be in iowa when her state is once again in the national spotlight as a volunteer for the democratic party she likes to joke that politics is sort of sport and religion when i'm falling in love with my candidate it's all about fear. and i want. this time it's senator amy club who swung some support as a moderate candidate from the midwest i suppose it's really like this is really kind of a moment here for the amy club historic and you just calling to remind you that tomorrow night it's caucus night here in iowa and thousands of volunteers like it was thompson not comprehending what other candidates in iowa like until the last minute well what's more important then our democracy and shaping our country for the next few years i mean this initial part of me says because we got out of here but bit what's more important than investing in your country. that's what scott's roots hosp and has been doing for hours now canvassing and then neighborhood for any club. even though she's not considered a frontrunner in iowa we of course able to work with republicans now used to be republican. oh i've written this is in my nature. health care plan with change america's standing in the world issues that matter here scott thompson says he hopes for a democratic nominee who can bring together at the party and a divided country because new mayor and if we republican i know the importance of working with people you may not agree with. but you need their support i mean your support for them so you know your trade off you you make concessions where you have to i mean while at the party's headquarters in des moines the rules thompson needs to sort out some details she has to caucus chair and her precincts there and in charge of organizing the belief that it's like a neighborhood connecting she says that when people get together and in the open try to win over and their friends to support their candidate the thing that makes the caucus unique is that you are really looking your neighbor n.e.i. and saying you know i'm supporting my candidate because her values are the same as mine and they are and if if your neighbor is not really sure or they're not solid with their candidate you can say well you know you are you think that climate change is is important so let's let me tell you what amy thinks about climate change is a super bowl watch party and the grill restaurant in denmark scott's thompson has come to have a cold beer and to meet these candidates one more time before the caucus mother you come up with a meeting with you just briefly want much she was like you know to the degree we want to have record turnout yes we do oh you really want to do you mean leaving you know them back. and she definitely had success it's a long run with more primaries to follow however winning iowa can mean the momentum for that kind of pace and that's why it's so exciting at this time of year to be in iowa. now the president of and gola the ankle has told you that his country is facing an unprecedented opportunity for change after corruption allegations against a former president's daughter billionaire isabel dos santos is accused of stealing hundreds of millions of public funds while heading the state run oil company in angola the allegations were published by a team of investigative journalists dos santos insists she is the target of a smear campaign well the crease sat down with angola's president and started by asking about rumors that dos santos is negotiating a deal to pay back part of the allegedly stolen money for most are flowing from the . the information is unfounded. we would like to make clear that there are no negotiations. over. and there will be no negotiations and there was an opportunity to do so. the very people who were involved in lots of corruption benefited from a 6 month period of grace to return our since they took illegally out of the country. those who haven't used that chance would not be responsible for any consequences that may result. from now the documents that were quite clear do you want to see her behind bars. preferred not to answer that it's a judicial matter and i'm not a judge of any of the documents indicates that some of the deals happened with the no let's try sometimes on the orders of the former president for example presidential decrease to give undervalued lands to isabelle's companies why don't you go after the former president you must know what legislation what i mean by that because of the former presidents are immune for at least 5 years after they finished that. but would you consider going after him after that time. the justice system not politicians in that indicts people. it's the justice system that investigates possible crime is. the mission of politicians is to design the policies ensuring that the justice system can be very act within its competence is . the. president doesn't send people to court the open i wouldn't even have time for that there are many cases in the country in . a position. their representatives are basically saying the justice system is not as independent as you are saying that it is very well controlled by the government was the response to that. that may have been the case in the past that it's not today. today they have the absolute liberty to want it. that's the reason why there are so many trials he was here but if you particularly related to corruption. of course now you served as the secretary general of the m.p.l. as a defense minister as well you knew the former president very well worked under him for a very long time why didn't you bring all these criticism up during that time. now . that i've worked under president. bush. we all did but if. he stayed in power for almost 40 years. no one can say he or she was not part of the system. but we were all part of the system. those who are in a better position to correct

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Istanbul , Turkey , Milan , Lombardia , Italy , United States , United Kingdom , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Hong Kong , Iran , China , Indiana , Angola , Canada , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Pakistan , Des Moines , Iowa , London , City Of , San Francisco , California , Bangladesh , Denmark , Ireland , Nowa , Federally Administered Tribal Areas , Italian , America , Chinese , Turkish , Russian , Syrians , Pakistani , Britain , Iranian , British , Syrian , Scott Thompson , Martin John , Dorian Jones , Erick , Carol Lam , Joe Biden , Boris Johnson ,

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