Is coming up ahead. In our hyperconnected world social platforms such as Twitter Facebook telegram and whats up have revolutionized the way we communicate and disseminate information to society. Its estimated that more than 5000000000 people have mobile devices more than half of these are small they have a camera and Internet Connection millions of text images and videos on a daily basis through social media making it difficult to distinguish between real and false content the battle for control of the truth has just begun. Information warfare is a weapon and a very dangerous weapon if i see a piece of content i have an emotional response to it takes less than a 2nd for me to share the consequence of a very very dangerous. Coverage of the scientists in which untruths have legal meaning. How is fake news created how does that affect society and what impact does it have on states the Mainstream Media social media and governments are under scrutiny and are being called upon to stem the rising tide of disinflation. Real responsibility now to be very careful very transparent to keep trust with their audience in companies have a strong responsibility in terms of making sure that their part forms are being used to the summit hates or propaganda the risk of governments regulating social media is that they will regulate something that we dont fully understand. These platforms pose challenges created Opportunities Society has been empowered everyone with a mobile phone can step into the role of citizen journalist and share in real time what is happening anywhere on the planet through social media. Social media appearing in our lives we realize that maybe enabled us to gather in the streets and make revolutions we saw how twitter a key role in communicating to the world what was happening during the elections and the Police Brutality that we saw. Marseilles a big city of europe we are a very Brutal Society with a democrat the book i have a lot of visitors every year so we are an open minded society and for the 1st time in many years on october the 1st of 2017 our government asked the people to waltz in a referendum just to say if the citizens want to be gumming defend them from spain or not it was like yes or not this confronted with a party of spain. That called out that referendum was illegal. And. The courts gave the order to the Spanish Police is under civil war to avoid barbara for and they have to they go for the old boxes on the beepers that court say that they have to avoid the referendum but without bias started wars and. The 1st october i was here in london i was intrigued to see what was going to happen but i did not expect. That it would be a Big International news event until suddenly at some point the morning someone sends me a message for whats on and so turn on the t. V. And youll be amazed at what is happening in catalina i went to this program this is like a big schooling barcelona when i arrived there d there was about 200 people more or less many of us did no job and we had to organize through words up and i remember that the people called we are people of beeves we are people of peace. It would have been very very difficult to organized. The voting that took place. Without. Social media and without the instant means of Mass Communication between people books the internet provides social networks are facilitating the logistics that are necessary to organize collective action not only because they make their the fusion of information cheaper and easier but also because they facilitate coordination when protests take place on the streets. They were sitting on the floor peacefully trying to avoid confiscating the ballot boxes. Suddenly the Police Arrived and we could not believe what was happening just whats that there was no damage to us or official government i was there ill take myself on and ill just start to record. In countries where citizens lag fundamental democratic freedoms like iran or china social media play a fundamental role. That these names or tell our information that would ensue kill 8 through more traditional means like Mainstream Media to flow in reach people that wouldnt have been exposed to that information in the absence of those Networks Social Media platforms are. Nowadays so all the opportunities of social media platforms have brought us are mainly to find that they have given voice to all those people that d have them boys before and im not the only one talking about nondemocratic regimes where people go through social media they kind of spread information but im also talking about them cutting systems how people can organize collective action on social media platforms when the bullies and read to the school the violence was extreme im sure that without doubt the viewer no one could believe that was happening in that school so thats why i decided to recall that didio. Its as if the Spanish Government went into this day all government all the Spanish Police the civil guard just unaware of the times in which we live that forgotten that every person with a mobile phone with a camera on it is a potential journalist and in a were not living in an age when theres just half a dozen t. V. Cameras. Oh maybe in the same place but everywhere where there was voting going on good people watching after that they went out of the school and i just decided to spread that b. The o. And i just send it to all my contacts like groups on whatsapp friends all the people who were here in that school and it was amazing because after about 10 minutes that the same be the 0 came back to me in about 6 different sources so Friends Family and different people just gave give that video back to me it was like whoa thats pretty great fast. Social networks were enabled citizens to communicate what was happening in real time and half of the world the whole world was able to follow bands of october 1st and catalonia almost as they were happening and this was something that in catalonia hadnt happened at this scale before i shared a video on twitter and after 10 minutes julian assigned we could leaks due to meet that b. T. O. So it was amazing. It was about 4005006000 extension 0 words weeks in about one hour or 2 hours Spanish Government officials asked receipts to at least if i got the same days different media like i just b. B. C. Or c. N. N. Use it to explain what was happening in the dialogue. Just keep it simple so thank. Goodness knows what the images. Social media i wouldnt say social media are the new weapon the weapon really is the message and. The target for social change social media weapon to the extent that they help those messages be visible and they help peoples self organize and coordinate and and in a lot of action that will make demands more visible in the public spotlight. Sandra gonzalez by lawn teaches at the prestigious Annenberg School for communication in philadelphia her Research Topics include how social Networks Facilitate political mobilization and communication among citizens the close is discussing recent examples these video that im showing you on the screen is an example of content that is published in social media that goes vita very quickly this footage which was sticking with a phone was taken over by big Media Outlets and it was shown internationally a lot of people any allowed the message that the referendum was trying to convey to go global with my. Face have trying to. Specialists. Because. On the streets but sometimes people just. Protests its a social media i think well firstly because im doing Little Research but that is the role of the syrians or. Its. Part of the sort of citizen journalism and i happen by the way it is not a social. Conflict history. Favor that correctly so its often used to show injury of the war and that report is can get but still make the subject to a lot of issues that more energy has whether its propaganda or whether its showing that its happening in this so its interesting how socially a lot of people to sort of self report or. What we saw was that the people now. Now. Powerful tools at their disposal that war for the 1st time not controlled by their governments and that they could use these tools not only to you know organize themselves among the population but then also to disseminate this news in images and video to the rest of the world the arab spring was really one of the most is really one of the most prominent examples of social media amplifying a message that would otherwise have remained very local in constrain. 2 facilitated. Paling out the project is on an International Scale entreating these phenomenon of fan page and even though again contagion here is just a metaphor about eating spiers out a movement in out of political context to arise partly because these movements emulated the use of Digital Technologies to amplify a political message. That i didnt. Go into a friend to place in 2017. 100 percent of the people were connected to the internet with cell phones and access to broadband whats up in the direction its huge and got alone and everybody was well aware of how Important Technology and the technological infrastructures were for the referendum whereas it in the springs. But additions some days were of the 15 percent and some down just as libya were 5 percent i recall and not all the people were connected. To these 2 examples of the arab spring and the cuts in a referendum are very different in many different ways. There are many such illogic of different cities in the context from where these movements arise but they obviously share in common a lot of things as well and in particular they have in common they use of Digital Networks and Digital Technologies to spread their message so. I wouldnt say that there is a direct relationship between social movements and this information what happens is that one social media here in our lives it enables people to gather in the streets and make revolutions throughout the whole world but it also empowered people to make this information about this trucks democracy on the one hand the internet has been used to hold very powerful interests accountable to rally the citizens through the Public Square in order to demand their rights to film and disseminate clear abuses of power by governments and on the other hand its been used by more malevolent actors in order to subvert the democratic process by manipulating online discussions by smearing journalists. Silencing prominent opposition voices on social media in the last 10 years there have been nice huge societal shifts weve had the Global Financial crisis that we still havent understood the implications weve seen Climate Change weve seen huge migration trends we see people losing their jobs because of all to Mission People are feeling much more vulnerable than ever before and so when people are feeling vulnerable they become tribal and when people become tribal its about them. And thats what misinformation takes advantage of. You not going to get your question about your fake. Ass tricks ass tricks ass tricks. The term has become weaponized is being used by politicians around the world as a way of undermining a free press which is critical to any democracy we never make reference to fake news and we talk about this information for several weeks of the 1st of all its because. This information that were consuming has never meant to be news and therefore we shouldnt call it that the 2nd reason is because were not so sure what it means so we that leads to some confusion and its actually being weaponized somehow by politicians and the 3rd reason is because when we talk about news we imagine a specific format and when we talk about this information we need to include images videos means adios to understand the whole problem. By 2022 more fake news will be read on the internet than real news organizations such as 1st draft in the United States which is headed by clear wardle provide journalists and citizens with methods to detect dissin formation and fight against it. So as humans we have an emotional relationship to information academics and journalists we like to pretend that people have a rational relationship to information but thats not true the types of information that we share on social media are the types of informations that make us happy or sad or cry or make us feel connected to others the visual content plays a crucial role in triggered in this kind of channel reaction. That we call contagion it triggers a very visceral emotional response certain images certain videos make it more likely that people would share news and information because their emotional response to that content is stronger and there is a correlation between the emotional response to content and then your decision to participate in the Chain Reaction or joined by a companion or or simply to transmit that information. If people isp reading information and thats scaling up it is possible that theyre spreading misinformation and that scaling up in ways that it wouldnt have done before so weve always had misinformation its not something new we are beginning to understand some things about misinformation which are worrying i mean if people are exposed to misinformation and even after that told it you know misinformation they are. Carrying on believing it then if seen it the university of oxford is home to the prestigious Reuters Institute for the study of journalism this is a mark of a scarce research is how social media can serve as a science of social empowerment while also the mining Accurate Information being disseminated by traditional media social media platforms can be useful in queens the and that one is. In the public debate social media platforms can be used to spread this information information that has. To make harm right and a social media that hands can also be yours to. Highlight devices in the public a sphere. We needed to be of an independent nonprofit platform after a vote get out on elections in 2017 because we realize that this information had arrived in spain as much as in the u. K. Or in the u. S. We realized that we needed to dedicate much more efforts and we needed to be very for the citizenship to be able to distinguish between what is true and what is false false news and rumors online have led to the rise of the trick is many of which are nongovernment organizations they keep close contact with the media and Internet Users to monitor and lies and verify information weve basically have established 3 reasons for which this information is created the 1st one is basically because theres bad people in the world that actually want to made this information to see how far they can get how many people become fool with such this information the 2nd one is for economic reasons feeble that makes this information so that you get into their web pages and see their advertisement and they get money for it and theres a 3rd reason which i think its the most dangerous reason which is this information creative for a view logical reasons this is someone is money relating your take or your feelings are a specific issue so that you decide in one way and not in another that might be in favor of very view ology and those who are creating dissin from ation who deliberately want us to share they know what theyre doing they walk share highly emotional content now journalists cant share highly emotional content because theyre journalists and they have to work with truth and facts. They have to be rational and so generous in content its much less likely to be shared so thats why we have that discrepancy. For me social media is a listening device it enables me to stay tuned in to all sorts of conversations that non journalists are talking about. Social media is a listening tour to be in touch with what audiences are engaged on what stories they care about and its a reporting tool in order to find sources and verify sources and communicate with sources their basic responsibility traditional media have in this information landscape is the fact that they dont have a Good Business model and theyre currently not putting enough resources or enough time in fact 2nd they formation that they publish they have to publish a lot and sometimes not of good quality and that makes them sometimes publish this information 20 years ago journalist in have to worry about false information journalism is all about the truth so if they had a rumor and i they dismissed it the problem now is that wouldnt is what helped in navigating the information that theyre seeing on facebook and twitter and instagram and the social web and so now janice have to actually help what he says but there are challenges about how you report on this information if you repeat the rumor in the headline theres a possibility here actually encouraging more people to believe that. The times has a set of standards and processes and verification methods that are largely institutional theres a standards guide here and every reporter has to adhere to. These standards and they exist for very good reason and theyre often reevaluated as the industry and as Technology Changes these enable us to sort of stay committed to things like verification and Fact Checking and there are built to prevent us from being susceptible to things that we think in danger of free press in other countries such as bribes such as gifts and such as being compromised by people with a political agenda or a monetary agenda technology has afforded us the freedom to communicate with people in video and audio in text who would be inaccessible decades ago or even 56 years ago so were now able to look at an attack in yemen and g