Haile mariam vessel and who denied for many years that Human Rights Violations have taken place and whose government many thousands of Political Prisoners have seen no shame for the torture that was perpetrated and the lives that were ruined during his time in office. Haile mariam welcome to complex oh thank you so much thank you for having me ethiopia has a new Prime Minister now of the who took over after you resigned last year hes now received a Nobel Peace Prize basically for doing many of the evils of your government and doing what you couldnt do within a 100 days. Dont you feel something of a failure when you look at what hes done. I know that because. I have done my share to bring this change to happen. And. Promise that abby has not come from blue moon it has come from the party which i was it is a dream you have but hes begun correcting the massive human rights abuses which were a prominent feature of your title no traceability this it is that my party which started the reform process and we say. The process should be did no one to the country basically but also to the party itself so i think that is a process which yielded Prime Minister rabin. Prime minister so he continued the process pro reform my gender my party and his party whether this is Nobel Committee cited his achievements as lifting the countrys state of emergency granting amnesty to thousands of Political Prisoners for years you always denied there were in the scrapping Media Censorship legalizing outlawed opposition groups dismissing military and civilian leaders suspected of corruption all the things that you failed to do when you were in office by the way do you know that 9095 percent of the Prisoners Released due to my office. Before i left office and before i signed so i think what i would be did was that remaining 5 percent which has to be released so the decision was the decision of the party. And i took that action before i resigned how many did you release almost all the millions something how many more than 3000 or so you know where there were many more than 3000 in jail yeah but its only people who recently been arrested been released but the main political figures which has been that mr been released. Do it in my terms before i resign in may this year the attorney general. Filed criminal charges against your former intelligence chief to ask for alleging human rights abuses and corruption hes gone missing that you know where he would have it i dont know im not in office now no information 20 other people were charged with him he had served until june 28th being. He had served you as Prime Minister who were denying that any human rights abuses were being committed i think youre youre lucky information lucky evidence it is my government and my party who admitted that there has been an issue my rights abuse if you start here often here in interview say nobody is being mistreated we have no Political Prisoners one of the other you gave interviews sitting smiling across the dreams of usa no everythings fine here you never you always forget you have to understand there with how our part to operate not was over the scope of the way you operate with me if you like yourself let me finish 1st if thats the case then you know that we have been historically we have to understand that in the 1st place this is a party fighting left and you know us. When there is a communist mentality and when its a marxist mentality there is a centralism where you dont award your Party Decides one issue even though you have differences in as a minority you take were going to tell you just hold the line whatever it is because youre too cowardly to say anything about whats really going on i think is that its no excuse that misplacing the whole thing here is that we believe in our party and the government that we need to reform our system we need to bring up. Changes that we need to democratize our country because thats a country always number of interest is and there is an introduction of ethnic mobilized politics which is very dangerous and therefore we have we have disabled that we need to go that in deep in the forming our country which is a person of the actual being busy in washington you didnt get it needs were going to be forced to well if you had done that the Prime Minister when he came in by mr abbey wouldnt have had to condemn Police Brutality pledged to return rein in the Security Services tackle what he called economic mismanagement corruption and rights abuses all of this spending 5 you want to spin off this is also misplaces because produce that abby has not come from a blue moon he has got another way where he came from there with us hes cleaning up the mess isnt a no no its not hes not cleaning up his mrs hes been on the mess up the mess you left and i think this is also misplacing and i the only way to say that you know correctly this is our partys admission of our collective mistake and then we put in place properly these 2 of the things that you failed to do by november last year dozens of Intelligence Officers and high level officials have been arrested including people from the military run the metals and Engineering Corp met tech on charges of corruption and human rights abuses says you let them put those charges through that speed that is the study which i introduced new york to be finished i did it. November last year you werent in office i did it you dont have believe me those i did it i lunched in the studies and then completion of the 2 studies then action has been taken the attorney general said 63. 00 people have been arrested that months november last year 27 for corruption 36. 00 on charges of Human Rights Violations that included the former head of mattick conflict dagen youre a Brigadier General over whom you did nothing you did nothing about that study you lucky with this i love the study in the group of people who study the study its charging people with human rights in order to charge it every usually when you show up to challenge people after you started after concrete even there is a criminal Investigation Unit that investigation has been launched by may 3rd local media said huge sums of money were missing from this company a matter of whether the girl let the let the court decide on it as Prime Minister he was supposed to look after the Public Places that the military was supposed to follow your orders. And you 15 to fail spectacularly to make them do that for you to feel any remorse at the crimes you were allowed to take place when you were Prime Minister no i think i have resigned because i was not able to change dramatically whether mash has to come between 2 week. I say defection actually i have my own history in this and i have my own weaknesses and you have to not to look into only the weaknesses but you had to also see the strength of this country has gone and you know you know that my country has been visited during my tenure by 6 of the 77 leaders and they all announced that this country has been working very hard at double digits grows the economy. Achievements where we have its dictated our people out of poverty the only country which has actually in. 7 out of this 8 images and now whether the by the United Nations by my time so i think you have to see all those positive things we have achieved last november last over the rest of the attorney general. Said investigated her uncovered serious abuses by Security Services at secret prisons in the capital and elsewhere do you know what your Security Officers were doing in the single presence i dont know those big smites which you know did you ever ask i dont know a visit how can i do or if your intelligence doesnt give me information how can you know there were plenty of foreign reports that torture was going on which you deny it and youre good enough youre telling me you didnt know what was going on or i didnt say yours and i also follows your denials were just pro forma denials no are not going to light everything when you were in office no not at all you did you said they dont know everything you didnt you didnt know what was going on in these prisons you didnt ask you werent interested. They know it or fish only we know some of the appeal of abuse this and i have taken in my time some of the actions. Towards things but i didnt know that there are informal prisons which has been there the attorney general said there are people who have been blinded and held in darkness for long periods of time others have been left infertile because of blows to their genitals there are some that have limbs broken women have been subjected to gang rape and men have been sort of modest all this happened until your rule so i ask you once she was shame that this was going to come to you would rule no i mean be assured that when this happened but i didnt know those things and if i knew those things i would architected them because this is a very sacred things happened politically take long for this Prime Minister to find out what was going on so obviously can i say looking in the place and you do not believe you know either you didnt want to look at italian island near whom for this Prime Minister to our. Tribe in the very hard to bring him to power and i did everything you lost your job thats why you gave up you lost control of the party lost faith in you thats why you gave up what i think you can you can say that going to struggling to control the rest of the country because failure cases that is going out in it myself i did it intentionally because i wanted to see that this change would come so i think this is genuinely what has happened and i did my best in paving the way for this to happen so i think that has to be clearly kind of did i did i think a big clearly wriggle of it when we have been in your prisons during your term in office with being subjected to gang rape and men too so the my ization know that you know this even if you say you didnt know it at the time. Gene to the victims i didnt want to get polluters away when they said when they resigned because thats the system which was open to me i meant to give you meant to the victims and apologize personally to them if there is a need to be and when you havent done so have you and i have had them get the chance and now with we have with the conciliation tools and a Conservation Commission established and the last process is global how do you sleep at night knowing that this was going on in your torture centers carried out by your officials when you were Prime Minister if you sleep at night if i knew then i say to you that i was there to collect everything in my disposal if i knew it but i didnt know that your meal your said to be a religious man from a family of pentecostals was that werent that strong. Others gang rape and sodomy is a sin fit in with your religious values no i didnt know i say if a new doesnt fit in in my prayers but he went on denying it denying it denounce news going to every interview that thats the report theyre the noisy despite the reports coming early in the human Rights Groups all over the world which you just rubbished you said thats not true theyre outside as there are enemies dont listen to them everything is following you said i think i have never said everything is fine you said there was no mistreated us i said there was no mistreatment going on there is a problem but i was saying that my report is that its not to the extent where has been said thats what im saying by then any case i report which i was i was giving to the public which which was the case lets take another Detention Center gigo Central Prison otherwise known as jail regional Detention Center in the east of the country but ministered in public by your special police it was closed in august last year you know what was going on there as well no i dont know why not you knew the prison existed and you know i knew it i knew it will be curiosity you have no curiosity mr high among you didnt want to know what was going on in your jails no its not the case you know that its really governments have their own rights and i think the whole thing is i did my my work according to the reports they get from my intelligence and from my sources and therefore thats what what was the kids. People reported there were many of the former prisoners who said they saw people dying in their cells after being tortured by officials in this or god then jailers as it was called what should happen to the officials who carried out this torture. I mean what should happen to the. Dead in prison and thats it. Just prison sentences and what should happen to you for turning a blind eye to it that depends on the legal system of the country you know either hes only simply because to take all the responsibilities but what is extraordinary is that with all the abuses that were carried out when he was Prime Minister you accepted from the new Prime Minister the nations highest award for Service Without even blushing without any embarrassment whatsoever now that you know what was going on while you were Prime Minister why didnt you get back out of work. Why should i because i have a number of positive things i have because you fail to show all this is one part of it and its if judged at the incident that sells you tall it is when you watch your eyes water could hit my in my country that doesnt explain thats not the only thing you know i have done many good things there are issues in the system which are definitely what i initiated to reform and did conduct reform because i understood that. You know before my use admission and are stupid that there are something going on therefore i initiated this reform and then i have released 95 percent of the you are in if you were in office for 6 years and this new Prime Minister has come in and done more for human rights than you did in all the time you were there this is because they paid their way for him really the Us State Department in 2016 published a catalogue of the human rights abuses taking place on the your rule which of course you deny it but then the known to be true arbitrate killings disappearances torture harsher life threatening prison conditions detention without charge you know minute whatever you want but its what they said but how can you say that you didnt know what was going on when all these reports were pointing to what was yes and whenever they knew that there are things going wrong i initiated the reform and the serious reform and the before and outs that is where the Prime Minister has come into power. You said when the result of that you wanted to be part of the solution in ethiopia how can you be part of the solution when you so much part of the problem. You know i become part of the solution because in there is a problem which would result in procuring to created the atmosphere of a permissive outlaw spirit in which your Security Officials believed they could torture but it was alright to torture go on torturing disappearing people not judicial exudation old new created the atmosphere in which that was possible no i didnt create the atmosphere so while crossfire is and then the constitutional system has been established then anyone whos the one where there is could be accounted for but i didnt create this this point this the environment for them it is a deep system which i was not able to look into because of my background and because of my you know i must say that are coming into the deep system so i couldnt see that when mr bailey came into power he couldnt wait to condemn the legacy of your government and draw a line in the earth time in office could be april last year he said that the government your government had sanctions torture of its prisoners and said it had been guilty of state terrorism he said it he said in parliament does the constitution say anyone who was sentenced by a court can be tortured put in a guard without skin doesnt thats the rule that the government or the his eyes were not on in mind you were the Prime Minister either with this order by the way he was there also the buck stopped yet to be decided to inform including the indian out of what responsibility hailes not to you how do you yet use yes it is natural here around to get what you try to get out of his wife and she did that for thats why you should that you know why im here to tell you for the here in a serious issue for you blocked every attempt by the United Nations special rapporteur that should come during our visit it should call from as we have issued to already for you. Come up from us and the only message i need locked i release a new block to my list be gating was because you didnt want them to find out what was going on i did and i initiated the before before my eyes that mission a year that will undoubtedly for me is that what the result of pain is that having to come to power conjured so beautiful might be all of it in him to pollack hundreds of people were killed in the your regime and you refused to have an independent investigation led by the un chief human rights official if you ask the killings the last one and half years the number of killings side passed in 6 years what happened in my town if you ask for killings look darkest ridiculous so the whole thing here is you know i initiated this before a year ago before