Transcripts For DW DW News 20240713

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A chance of that much Germanys Social Democratic Party confirms its 2 new leaders not challenging that posses Coalition Deal with the chance of us conservatives. Champions pirated music prepared to take on this seasons League Leaders bunch of back in a battle of the hopefuls i ploughed back of taken the lead by stole my roses side up 4 points ahead. With a view to extending. Im still gal welcome to the program. Germanys chancellor is on her 1st official visit to the former auschwitz the death count the site in poland was the nazis not just that come during the 2nd place. Im going back to visit marks the 10th anniversary of the foundation tasked with preserving the memorial to pay tribute to the victims of the count and spoke of the need to remember the atrocities committed there. Identify the peca trait has and to commemorate victims in a dignified manner that is our enduring responsibility it is not open to negotiation and it is a need to quote hot and with the effort be an integral part of our country acknowledging that crisp on civility is an integral part of our National Identity i was 7 perception as an enlightened innkeeper society as a democracy where rule of flow rate moves dont you correspondent thomas spar was the setting for me im sentence his impressions of the chimes of the speech that speech that im going to merkel gave right here in birkenau she stressed germanys historical responsibility she stressed how that historical responsibility is a fundamental part of germanys identity as a nation but she also stressed how there are lessons that can be drawn for the context that germany is leaving today and that explains also why im going to mccall is right here in birkenau now its not only about deposits but also about what lessons can be drawn in particular when germany and other countries in europe are facing a rise in 97. 00 it isnt so that gives you an idea of what all this was about about recognizing germanys historical responsibility but also recognizing what lessons can be drawn in particular today. Well lets get more on this from d. W. Correspondent john beric welcome joe why was this visit significant. Will offer its is i suppose has become a cinema synonym for the for the show or for the attempt by the nazis to eliminate eradicate the Jewish Population of europe its significant because its shes coming to the end of her term of offices as chancellor Angela Merkel and i think its because of the last 14 years that shes been chancellor the whole question of antisemitism to take a stand against it and also her solidarity with the state of israel has been a very important part of a chance to shift i think this is an important symbol to go there so given that 14 years she spent in the post why do you think its taken so long for her to make this visit i can only speculate of course there were many people dont realize is there were dozens if not hundreds of small concentration camps in labor camps throughout germany and occupied europe in Eastern Europe and she has made visits to several of those its also important of course that the suffering of people in those smaller camps is also highlighted Everybody Knows as i said about auschwitz they dont necessarily know about these others and shes also of course being 4 times in fact as chancellor to yad vashem the central show a memorial in jerusalem stay with us John Chancellor merkel is due to donate 60000000 euros from the German Government to the foundation that conserves and maintains a form of death camp their purpose is to explain what happened to our vets in order to prevent it happening again. What sets you free the nazis notorious slogan live above the entrance to the auschwitz memorial. Horus were committed here. Now it has become an important Tourist Destination for visitors from around the well its over the past 10 years visited numbers have doubled more than 2000000 people now visit auschwitz every year. Its very moving through hard not to cry and well see on t. V. On freedoms many many times by the 1st time that you see in the 1st time in person its pretty reset itself is really important like a place is giving greet people kind of impression about what happened to people when true and so on but i think that we are paying too much attention to the buildings to the place itself to the general names and things like that and to small attention to what was really important so where it all came from. The memorial site is set to add new exhibition rooms to accommodate all the visit his purpose of a key says the an ending stream of guests as posed a real challenge the numbers of visitors that were getting are already overwhelming this is a lot just a clean difficult operation so we are also planning to build a completely new Visitor Center that will be slightly at the side of the historical. Site of the comp and it will also help us from does very well just a good point of view. Even the best to december colds doesnt stop people visiting the barracks in the canal concentration camp. Here the nazis murdered more than 1000000 people mostly jews they died 3 manju tristian disease or in the gas chamber. Now the barracks a crumbling but renovation work has started the goal is that they look like the original yes the study enough to withstand hard winters a task that may take decades to accomplish. Because of a new thawing of stuff its important to dismantle the barracks with very careful consideration for the historical location. The challenge is to integrate the necessary thorough honest and precision into the process. We document everything in advance in order to be able to restore the place accurately paths of. Precision is also key when it comes to preparing items to go on display in this case conservation material used in the past has to be carefully removed because its now understood to be damaging the exhibits. The goal is not to repair the objects but to preserve them. And you object of these objects reflect the history of this so there deformation contamination the fact that some objects are not complete thats all this is testimony to what happened here. Still there are plans to change the exhibition the present one was largely designed in 1958 by survivors who focused on the fate of the victims pictures of the perpetrators behati bearable for them but in the future that history will be included as well. When we asked one of the most important educational questions about the story of options which is the question why does is not the story about the victims does the story about people who accepted this ideology chose to join the nazi party cho chose to join the s. S. And day where here and they were working and at the same time they were bringing up their children its almost 75 years since auschwitz was liberated germany is now providing another 60000000 euros to support the memorial site in an attempt to ensure the horrors of the holocaust and not forgotten. The w. Course on the job are you still with us. The chance was visit comes at a time when i see semitism in germany is on the rise digit touch on this. Film director her speech it was divided into 2 sections the 1st half she emphasized the importance of memory why its important to remember to honor the people who died in such an appalling way and particularly for germans she said she was filled with shame so as german for what happened in the name of germany. In the line seems fortys but. The 2nd part of the is the real purpose the final the current relevance of the remembering what happened and that is of course. Try and prevent this from ever happening again theres no guarantee it will have been incidents of genocide since but it is a prerequisite if you dont remember the horrors that it could then there is a far greater chance of course the more caring and as you say and the symbolism has been on the rise its not just simply a perceived rise and to semitism theyve been studies conducted by the e. U. To have shown that over the last 5 years for example there has been notable rise not only in in germany but in most of europe theres been a significant rise and the semitism so it is a the chancellors a visit has a particular significance because of germanys role in these events generally how does germany deal with its responsibility to remember its almost unique there is there is a culture of remembrance in germany didnt start immediately off to the 2nd world war but the generation born after the 1st of the 2nd world war confronted their parents and their grandparents with what they had really done and whether they were part of the nazi machine or not or whether they looked the way and that was a very very important and unusual Grassroots Movement that led to to a culture of remembrance. Sadly with subsequent generations as we get further and further away from these terrible events there is less and see to confront what really happened theres a tendency among quite a lot of people including germans to say this is something that happened 3 quarters of a century ago whats that got to do with me that the former german president would have been by i think put it very succinctly he said we do not have the shame of what happened because we do not bear the guilt of what happened because the individual people who were there are the ones who are guilty but we do as germans he said we have a responsibility and its a responsibility to preserve the memory of what happened that is so that it doesnt happen again john barry thank you so much. Well take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world United Nations says at least 208 people have been killed at least 7000 arrested in iran mass demonstrations broke out in november when the government suddenly increased fuel prices the u. N. Has called for the Immediate Release of anyone in arbitrary detention. A 6 Story Building has collapsed in kenyas capital nairobi leaving at least 3 people dead and injuring dozens more military personnel have been helping with the search and rescue operation the kenyan red cross says 11 people have survived. Saudi arabias state owned oil company on coke house completed the worlds biggest ship sale ways you can no more than 25000000000. 00 for just 1. 5 percent of the armco is now confirmed as the most valuable company in the world. For many accused of raping and killing a 27 year old woman have been shot dead by police in india or thor just say the men were killed as they tried to escape custody near hyderabad the case sparked a nationwide protests over violence against women and some people have been celebrating with these suspects deaths. A heros welcome hundreds gathered to shower police with gifts as news of the suspects death spread people across india have praised the actions of these police after years of anger over authorities slow response to rising Sexual Violence against women. On fabien of what bush i will many are all glad today the victim was the daughter of our societies that we have all gotten justice from now on whenever someone even thinks of doing such a thing they will think long and hard before doing it as a Lesson Learned 3 year Authorities Say the men were brought to the suspected crime scene to reenact their alleged killing police say the suspects then tried to seize their weapons and escape the officers responded by opening fire for the family of the victim who cannot be named for legal reasons justice has been served. For them i would like to thank and congratulate the Regional Government police and all those who supported me i hurt my daughter so its now in peace. With. One of the men were suspected of raping murdering and burning the body of a 27 year old woman last week she was found under a bridge the next day. But not everyone is celebrating the suspects deaths family members of the accused men were distraught at the news. The 4 men had not been formally charged with any crime opposition groups accuse police of taking the law into their own hands to pacify the public they are calling for a storage investigation. Here in germany a political shakeup in the social Democratic Party is prompting speculation that the governing coalition with chancellor macas conservatives could be in danger the social democrat south officially confirmed that you should do you hope no but valid to bore guns on sask. I was and am still skeptical about the future of the grand coalition might invite in my opinion on that hasnt changed with this proposal we are giving the coalition a realistic chance of continuing nothing more and nothing left me all about of michigan. But the w. s chief political observer is species a Party Conference here in baghdad welcome michela so how did this new Leadership Team present itself. Well as resoundingly winners of both the grassroots vote but also here at the Party Conference they received very broad backing to navigate what seems to be a very difficult. To take they are skeptical that what we just heard of the socalled grand coalition with anger machall c. D. U. Party they are laying down the all basically a set of demands where they want to renegotiate with the conservative c. D. U. On Climate Investment on Overall Investment also minimum wage of 12 year as is being discussed here or else and that will be the big question in the end or else what just for to remind ourselves this self declared last term of anger them out in office has already seen more bumpy times than tom war says so does this mean what does what does this skepticism mean then for this governing coalition without going backwards conservatives. It means that this marriage contract of the coalition could be renegotiated the sea views adamant that it wont reopen it it sounds a bit like the bricks deal we expect. Some kind of compromise to be found of the social democrats here the particular new leadership so driven by the Youth Organization of the s. P. D. Will have to have something to show so that ordinary delegates and the entire party will actually believe that they want true renewal of the social practices of credit be that so suffered in the polls the self declared aim is to double their figures in the opinion polls while theyre right about 50 right now and so what more can we expect from the s. P. D. Today conference. Or the interesting question is whether or how big the majority will be for that live in that the s. P. D. Wants to take those key points of negotiation with Angela Merkels cd and whether we might in the end hear the one other critical voice that simply wants to leave government the socalled group or those voices have been remarkably son so far. At the s. P. D. Conference in balance thank you. And they will conservation the mountain gorillas of rwanda were on the brink of extinction but after a Concerted Campaign the numbers are now rising a decade ago there were just 680. 00 but now there are more than a 1000 status was changed from critically endangered to just endangered so how did it happen. Its a very rare sight this mountain gorilla is one of just over a 1000 left in the mountain forests spreading across congo uganda and rwanda their numbers have increased significantly in only one decade thanks to close tracking and constant Monitoring Health births wounds every movement of every single gorillas recorded. To theres a building right but i believe his own little is to be named. And 3. Ribs for every baby gorilla is named in an annual ceremony in one of the villages bordering the forests. These ceremonies have become hugely popular. Under invited celebrities to spotlight conservation work and help people in the villages to learn about gorillas. And. We dont want the protect the park with the guns. Protected of course of this park with people who understand and they have. Their responsibilities as well and the that is. Really. Sustainable conservation strictly regulated guerrilla tourism has created a sustainable income with tourists paying a 1500. 00 u. S. Dollars per visit the government still has 10 percent of tourism revenue from Volcanoes National park to build infrastructure and surrounding villages including Health Clinics and schools to date about 2000000. 00 u. S. Dollars have gone into funding village projects 21 year old. Loves the gorillas in his free time he works as a porter accompanying tourists to the guerrillas. Once im done with my study i want to become a god i want to make money so i can look after my family. Consideration is praise rand for its concerted efforts to save mountain gorillas from becoming extinct but they also warn that after old gorillas are still considered endangered it. Also they say is the biggest game of the bundesliga season so far as leaders munching glad backhoes last seasons League Champions by admitting tom get away from vito big sports hes here to talk us through it i welcome tom looks like this could be a pivotal game in the title race yeah absolutely as you mentioned bursting when she got back on top of the league at the moment and they have been exceptional this season they had a slight blip a couple of weeks ago here in berlin against on your own but they were back to form in their last outing against freiburg were by munich are 4 points behind them in 4th place and they lost in their last game against live accusing still they managed to create a lot of chances in that game. And since their interim coach transit fleet came in there has really been a lift in the atmosphere around the club so also doing fairly well at the moment definitely is a meeting of to talk to contenders. And have the chance of course to close the gap behind the person mentioned back to just one point all men should go back and of course extend it to 7 so im not could hinge on this game and we can have a listen to what the 2 coaches had to say in their respective press conferences ahead of this game. This is not yeah its a challenge we want to face it head on were excited anything can happen in this game. You know we have enormous quality we can beat any side we come across were going there with a lot of selfconfidence to what is a classic encounter with god by his football and to contribute to the. But we heard flix views that it was all go so well for him how come they suddenly hit the buffers last week and yet while they were just a bit unfortunate in front of goal essentially they were quite wasteful which of course is fairly uncommon for by munich and specifically very uncommon of course there struck a robot. It was the 2nd time in the bundesliga so far this season that he hasnt managed to convert now that is of course very out of character for him we know hes got 16 so far in the league this season and 27 in all competitions which is an astounding hole from just 21 games. Still managed to dominate that game against labor crews and they were of course like i said unlucky in front of go by an important thing is that they created chances and you know with levon those few Still Producing that many so far this season i dont think theyll be too worried Going Forward ok tell us about the dortmund this weekend yet dont host fortuna dusseldorf this season which on paper is always a game that the woman should be expected to win especially with the season struggling so far theyre currently down in 15th place now dortmunds recent results havent been ideal but they did take home the win from their last game here in berlin against hatta despite having had a month and often 9 counts or so they all feeling positive as we heard yesterday during a conversation with the central midfielder absolutes so heres what he told me. To be. In the position we wanted. Before the season starts. But i know we won the last sort of the last 2 weeks was not easy for for everyone. But there we came was it. Was a win from from after. One minute lets so this is was. Quite an experience from from the team and we have to keep going in this win on saturday against this will. Tell which of the games take your fancy this weekend that would be the 1st of the weekend which is tonight down in front foot now. Host had to lean and that is you can train them and then you had to believe coaches 2nd chance to get some points on the board i had a few lost his 1st game as i just mentioned hosting boris you dortmund last week him but hes taken on a massive challenge it has a because theyre down in 16th at the moment in the relegation play off place they havent won since the start of october theyve lost 5 in a row now so really dark times had to but in fact klinsmanns come in bringing plenty of Energy Frenzy of enthusiasm and self belief and that can really be infectious you know tonight could be the not things start to pick up and i thought im going to diffuse thank you. This is the doubly news these are our top stories german chancellor Angela Merkel has expressed her deep shade over the holocaust the 1st official visit to the former auschwitz death camp the nazis murdered more than a 1000000 people that most of the jews. In germany social democrats have elected to little known left wingers know but the valve or johns and saskia skins as their new Leadership Team both are skeptical about the partys Ruling Coalition chancellor merkels conservatives but they say theyre willing to give it a chance. In india crowds of cheer the police after officers shot dead 4 men accused of raping and killing a 37 year old woman also as you say the men were killed as they tried to escape custody hydrabad the case sparked a nationwide protests over violence against women. In france is in the grip of a 2nd day of strikes which of course severe disruption to public transport schools and hospitals workers are protesting against president marcos plans to reform the pension system. This is d. W. News from budget football followers on twitter at t. W. News or visit the web site d w dot com. Thats up to india to be informative magazine more news of the top off the wall theres always the op of course available but if you get too upset sick of a good. Point if you. Omit electricity. Where does it come from help you conscious is the Energy Supply in the country. And its prospects for. C. W. Show hello halflings this is balls speaking when i come to the show with the ding dong xoai high end concerts with phil mistress guests. The sounds. And then incredible location. Tonight groups every week on t w. It was the speech of his life perhaps his best certainly his most difficult the speech by calling tristan on december 19th 1989. Shortly after the front of the of the chancellor addresses the people of east germany. The mid east tense the crowd clamors for german unity journalist peter limbo or cause at the same. 30 years later he looks back on the time interest and starts to simmer 90 g. W. This is all would be wonderful landscapes forest and animals to think that all this is threatened by Climate Change is distressing we have to change how we are if we want to see the planet many discussions take he is at Different Levels of society to address exactly this high level meetings an international climate

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