A harder line on my current. Well just how bad conditions in greeces refugee camps are became clear in recent days with the deadly fire the morea camp on the last boss and the situation is just as drastic on other greek islands as our reporter found out when he visited zama office where many say theyve had enough of all the shocking problems caused by the migrant influx but one local resident though a woman called maria remains determined to do all she can to help. Every day at noon maria macro yani waits for guests and they arrive on time refugees from the nearby camp on the island of sam most. This time its 2 young men from somalia. Maria has prepared paster with chicken she hosts refugees in her apartment every day. So when i see refugees i offer them something to eat i have always done this. To refugees on some most call her mama maria. The pensioner not only offers them a warm meal but also canned food and clothing. The moviemaking for. The. Alleged problem here for girls is very big and sometimes fighting you cannot sometimes you cannot go forward put something 3 years ago maria and her husband many colleagues were honored for their willingness to help back then they owned a tavern at the beach where refugees could get a free meal it was a place where people from all over the world who had lost their homes could feel welcomed. But then marias lease was terminated a shock that caused her to have 2 strokes. All of them and only then to get put away back then all i did was think of the refugees after getting up i would start cooking. Today the sentiment has changed and is directed against the refugees locals dont see any solution. 5000 refugees now live ensembles which has a population of just 30000. The camp is overfilled many people have to sleep outside in tents. Some have been waiting for years for their asylum requests to be processed local aid organizations say europe finally needs to take care of these people only you know that also to ensure that human lives are not lost at sea but also. A fee for sick persecution. Receive. Decent. Reception conditions. But samples tells a different story were not allowed to enter the camp but we made mohamed again and he uses his phone to film inside. Children are playing next to rats in indescribable hygenic conditions. Jungle. Consideration in our form. And often its very nice sometimes we dont have any law and sometimes we dont have any but our. Life at the port of the has changed too. Many greeks feel europe has forgotten them theyre appalled that some e. U. States are refusing to take in any refugees at all. When you can go the other country should open their borders in order for these people to move on or the traffickers who brought them here should take them somewhere else. These people are stuck here that doesnt work you know we want our lives to be the way they were before like very much going to the going to. Make hellish shows us his former tavern maria doesnt like to return to the place she was driven out of because of her support for the refugees. That was 3 years ago her husband still remembers how it all began. We planted a few tomatoes and we saw a refugee pick in the. Remote when thats when we understood that they were hungry and maria who was a kind hearted my started cooking for them if you must. When they kalis meets his former neighbors they say they were never against what he and maria were doing. But they are bothered by so many foreigners from africa coming to the beach to swim macallister is socked by this. To think of the book and they say we felt the beach with the refugees. Even though we always took care to keep it clean. Its much dirtier now. The. Living conditions in the refugee camps on the greek islands are getting worse by the day people like mama maria who refuse to accept that are becoming more and more isolated. Well the government in athens now sir he said will make every effort to get the comeback kid order before winter sets in and transfer grounds to the main. Now on a very different note tourism can be a blessing or a curse as the people of the pretty medieval port of coto on the coast of montenegro are discovering the town itself in the beautiful bay of coto draw a large numbers of visitors many of them arriving on huge cruise ships the Big Questions are being asked about the environmental sustainability of the tourist onslaught and drag on a local fisherman told us about the great concerns that he has for the future on a fair day like this drug and search will throw his cast nets out twice a day like his father and his grandfather before. They never had to roll far out because the bay of culture or used to be full of fish but over the last few years stocks have dramatically decreased. Below the billabong of. The used to be so many fish. People are we need catchpole show blue fish white fish and julies. But those days are over there are no more shows here now where you. Dragon thinks cruise ships like this one are to blame more and more are docking in code or is being hardly a day passes without at least one of the huge ships discoursing throngs of tourists into the small city. Called tours become one of the top cruise destinations along the adriatic next to venice and dubrovnik. But while the letter to have been overwhelmed by mass tourism and of put on the brakes the number of crew ships and culture is increasing. After all a single tourist spends around 40 europes. It in the time this is the only way tourism can prosper here and a lot of people live off it. Unfortunately kauto doesnt have any beaches or even hotels. And theres a. Coach or only gets day visitors its not a sustainable model as the local Tourist Office well knows but they dont want to give up the lucrative business. Plus a quote that if the only thing that would make a real difference in court order would be something hotels then the same number of tourists would bring more profit and cost less environmental damage there wouldnt just be cruise ships here then but other day visitors to. Even it will leave. But theres a shortage of concrete ideas. I. Earlier when buildings began shooting up around one of its World Heritage sites unesco was alarmed. But now says drought on the base entire ecosystem is under threat. For both you know. The ocean if you like that this is a desert. The whole bio diversity is collapsing if you. Know live oak and small fish survive youre. Born when theyre being exposed to such an enormous current. Every time these giants dark or are put to sea theyre about planes and stern thrusters act like a huge blender roiling the water in the bay. Its catastrophic for the sensitive ecosystem in the bay marine biologist best known my church says but the complex mix of salt and fresh water is somehow still intact for now. The maritime environment can withstand a lot and can regenerate but there are limits. Once this system collapses it will become extremely difficult protracted and expensive to restore it to be blunt im scared of whats still to come. This. Passage out of the big leads through a narrow channel barely wide enough for the giant ships to pass. Its a tourist attraction and marine biologists by merit the same time and hard to imagine what would happen if a ship went round. Vesna says the bay of course or should already be a protected area if montenegro wants to join the e. U. It will have to set up more in reserves. That are both of the same name and this that. Every country should protect 10 percent of its coast. That would mean about 30 kilometers here. And im going to visit montenegro has been working on some Marine Reserve projects for the last decade but unfortunately we still dont have any. There are well. There used to be hundreds of fishermen in coach or drug on service now just a handful are left and if things dont change his generation might be the last. Now across europe people will shortly be marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall and the crumbling of communism it was a breathtaking moment of historic change with polands solid dollars trade Union Movement playing a central role in that movement was led of course by lead when so but in todays poland a starkly divided country many are dismissive of the heroes of yesteryear. This old barrack and dunce was originally a torpedo warehouse located some 500 kilometers from berlin this is what he iron curtain began to crumble back then this was still called the Lenin Shipyard today its still used for welding hammering shortening or lengthening ships the smell of rust and iron heins in the sea air here we find the European Solidarity center the heart of liberal poland. We meet the hero of the solid honest movements less for ones still a nonconformist even the surety is wearing seems to be an open challenge directed at polands current governments it reads constitution in quotation marks. Nobel peace prize winner and former polish president but then cofounder and leader of the solid donnish movement. Question here. Feel technically speaking it was our sally darn movement that eventually led to the fall of the wall. But political leaders at the time and the whole world can see that communism was coming to an end the time was ripe for change. In the spring of 2019 celebrated its 13th annual round table a further polish Democratic Convention the anniversary was marked by a container outside the center the conservative government did not send any form of congratulations at selling absence. The government is more concerned with supporting people like albert but lets get. He lives in eastern poland where breath rates are higher and church pews or phone or. His home village has just over 2000 residents virtually all of whom voted for the National Conservative law and justice peace party the farmer says peace keeps its promises. Love a good ballet but there was trouble i voted for the peace party in 2015 only. Keep voting for them because ive been. The theyll do everything to keep the villages in poland strong dollar you will trim our 7000. 00 for the party came to power in 2015 thanks largely to the 500. 00 plus program on the which families receive 500. 00 slots approach child per month along with Free School Books earned money for School Starters its said to help people get up from their knees as they say in poland. We can tell by our wallets. The money is benefiting our children its for additional tutoring and classes and for vacations yeah. The money from the state which receives generous subsidies from the European Union makes life more comfortable for the farmers and yet the but lets be family wouldnt say theyre grateful that communism ended and the iron curtain fell they feel the former hero left for when super trade them and made a deal with the communists not so. That was president he invited Foreign Investors into poland. Russia. Back then that might have been a good idea but they let too many in too many polish people were sold out thank goodness the peace put an end to that is shit. Today the polish capital warsaw is like a portfolio exhibition its a city of global klingler its their sleek cosmopolitan skyscrapers would fit anywhere in the world the city has changed beyond recognition since the fall of communism. German Car Manufacturers chinese banks american consultants a Reporter Asks has poland sold itself felt as. Though this is a different world is he a new world. Anyone with enough motivation power and finances can take whatever they want if one. Of things arent good the way they are like rules but. Where im sure itll sort itself out in 100 years. But left skis home villages hosting an agricultural trade show theyre all proud of their new prosperity they can keep up with the rest of europe at least when it comes to agriculture even if they are peace fodors now living in a unified europe is a given 30 years ago that wasnt the case the founding of the 1st trade union in the port city of danske all those years ago set off a historical Chain Reaction between the east and west that led to the end of the iron curtain. Now despite growing fears of being sucked into a global recession europe stands for prosperity but not for all such as the hundreds of thousands of roumanian workers who made their way to italy in a desperate bid to escape grinding poverty at home where as a result whole regions are being depopulated now meanwhile in its early many remaining migrants struggle to survive on a legal work that pays only meager wages at best most of them people like. You end up living on the margins of society. Its 5 30 in the morning in buffalo time on the outskirts of rome this is where day laborers wait for someone to offer them work most of them are from romania. A van pulls over. One of the men climbs in discreetly of course the police could show up at any minute. The others stay behind and keep on waiting most of the time its in vain italys construction sector is in crisis we ask some of the men how much money they can earn here. Heavy labor can get to 60 to 70 years a day. He says some of the people that picked them up are italian and some are remaining in picher come under no you had no luck finding work this morning. Is unlucky streak has lasted for more than a week now. Be dull and not a lot i moonlighted what our employers prefer that so that they can avoid paying taxes their insurance box they would rather take you as an undeclared worker. That you are going to get ahead of the deadline it will sometimes i dont get paid to talk or think they say theyre paid to morrow and then they never show up again to get them by money oh well like. A 63 year old welder has been trying his luck for years here but with less and less success. He says a while ago his wife and his 2 children left him. Since then hes been living at the edge of the city in this makeshift hut could be that ive got my kids with their grandparents what theyre waiting for their dad to come back but im not coming back. Every evening petrushka goes to bed early hell have to wake up at 430 if he wants any chance of getting work tomorrow. God what a curse it life this is. But patrick a is not alone in his plight yulian montoya from italys Construction Union knows of many others just like him originally from romania he says many of his countrymen come to italy hoping for fast cash bought them when they came because they were promised the land of milk and honey here but they found something entirely different. Pay to go was also looking for a better life when he set out from romania to italy many years ago. This is where he used to live in the village of s. Now now his house is abandoned his family has moved away many other houses stand empty here the local bar is the only place left with a bit of life in it here they remember their previous neighbor oh great generally its out of money you said that was the point staying here in a country. That was earning his daily bread and Everything Else he needs it might be if i could go out and i think its better to stay here on a romanian feels. At least here you can get some sheeps cheese even if romania is per. Thank you but only the set out for what was. Back in rome like every morning petrushka is up early driven by the hope of earning a few euros today. I. Took it for what im sure rome is beautiful look into his not for me but out of the net out i will not turn raceway slaves and get my debt. But. There are few people looking for cheap labor in buffalo to to day a bad outlook for people like patrick are under no you the romanian welder. Now the vikings of norway big blond blood thirsty marauders spreading fear with their bushy beards and their horned helmets not so apparently historians are discovering that they were in fact quite a cultivated lot and some low wages are responding by taking special classes to learn more about the ways of their peace loving ancestors. Todays lesson is how to pitch a tent the way they did a 1000 years ago of course. They be on has made it to the viking School Senior year the pole is a from a Hardware Store but the tent is fashioned after what archaeologists have learned about the viking age this is quite different from the history they bjorn learned at school. Here at school you dont learn anything about the vikings daily lives but thats whats so incredibly fascinating to spend them. Interested perspective vikings can apply to this Beautiful Community college ansel you want in 7 norway its even office room and board so its not hard to spot from which students are taking the viking class. The teachers have no problems with using modern tools for training supervising explains its more about exploring the viking way of life than for science reenactment but if i dont i always think about what materials people had a variable to them back then. And then we use that and build something with the techniques current had the time to make up for yourself in. The Popular Series vikings focuses more on techniques for a minute during and pillaging but fighting with the baby arms temperament find the commercial image of the northmen problematic so its. The people here that im interested in viking things they like approaching about its most basic they know a lot about vikings from what theyve seen on t. V. So i always have to explain whats accurate about that and whats not. Because of but this mike ng has no objections to televisions depiction of blood thirsty swashbuckler as im this caller who belongs to a lovers men a group of hobby vikings dedicated to keeping norways men. Even legacy in life in their free time he climbs out of his car ready in full battle gear. The left men have faithfully reconstructed a viking longship they even forge their weapons into ahmed themselves they also practice that sort of play skills. Youre not allowed to strike the head or neck the legs or hands. You only score points or if your sword touches your opponents body. Wooden planks instead of sleek fine but. Let the shoes instead of sneak a is no women on deck no ways modern day vikings bring the past back to life with. Today we live in a highly intellectual culture if someones good at school get ahead and earn money. But. Whoever was stronger and could lift the heavy stone was valued higher. Virtues are much closer to human nature. Students of the viking school who learned that life back then wasnt necessarily all that primitive even if they have to make fire using flint its certainly a change from Computer Games and you tube. Fabian has learned a lot at this college but hes worried that the viking trend could be misu