A moment welcome to your max and if youre wondering why im dressed like a stereotypical bavarian its that time of the year again in germany is whats coming up. October fest chinese style how the beloved varian beer fest is celebrated in the city of qingdao and how an architect from south to old brings modern architecture into the mountains. As a kid you often have all sorts of weird and wonderful fantasies that parents usually tell you achievable but whether its flying around in a bus tub or making a hovercraft out of a dinghy the socalled real life guys have built it and shared their inventions online the 20 year old german twins phillip and your highness macon becca have gone and a massive following on you tube with almost 1000000 subscribers so theyve actually been able to turn their crazy hobby into a full time job we went to see what else theyve got in the works. Then the macon baca is stopping by to pick up a few bread rolls at the bakery. And. The homemade flying past is just one of about 20 years wacky inventions by the huge 2 twins who call themselves the real life guys this time 22 year old 5th annual one is making back i want to put a childrens paddle card against a compact car 1st came out a motor on to the cart as always its all do it yourself. Weve never had any training along these lines weve taught ourselves everything we know from you tube tutorials or google that our father helped out a bit 1st converting bicycles and stuff. The workshop is actually your parents garage near frankfurt to fix the pedal cart so it can carry the weight of an adult the brothers are extra steel framed the motor is battery powered. The problem was that an immense amount of current flows through here so the controller exploded on us it took us ages to find a motor and controller that are actually made for that much current so i just hope it doesnt go out on us again when we tested. The twins began posting their d. I. Y. Inventor videos on you tube in 2016. Now they have the support of sponsors for most of their projects ideally the real life guys would like to motivate others to get active. Nowadays many people just sit in front of their computers and never do anything outside i think doing something yourself away from the computer is still a 1000 times better than experiencing it virtually. Their you tube channel now has over 940000 subscribers and. For both of them to make a living from it theyve even quicker engineering studies they prefer the practical side of things. Designing and building a motorized 360. 00 degree rocking chair for instance. We took it to a skate park once and wrote it down the ramps that was pretty spectacular we really almost got sick doing that. I. Think. This contraption also raised quite a few eyebrows and this is our summary but its the best known invention but also the most dangerous thing weve ever built. Heres a hole where lots of water comes and i try to hold it shut but it doesnt help. That was close. Sometimes we do Dangerous Things but we always try to assess whats too risky and what we can try. I think happened here we had a diver along an oxygen tank inside and a cable hooked on behind so it was pretty well secured. Onto the next challenge the pedal cart is now fitted with a 20 horsepower motor and ready to go. On it will be racing his brother philip will be driving a 90 horsepower compact car this you know were on this newly built road to race against a fabia im really excited but i think ill make it the acceleration on this is really sweet but the top speed not so much we have to get off to a good start. On the method and not how good. Friends often help out they stack up a wall of boxes at the finish line 200 meters down the road. On your mark get set oh. Wow congratulations. How was it what do you think i never believed it would accelerate so fast it was very close the acceleration is fantastic but i couldnt keep up the final speed for long i know at 1st it takes off but at the end i realized how much faster i was going it was close. We ought to make it more powerful yeah. These twin inventors arent worried about the. Coming out of ideas their next plan on flying car. About to an inventive repurpose ing of a very old and established resource these branches from a willow tree since the stone age they have been used to make baskets among many other things when theyre soaked they can be bent into shape quite easily and that inspired a british artist to use them in the cruft have a look at the stunning sculptures of laura ellen bacon. It looks like thousands of twigs only intertwined but this is no natural phenomenon its a sculpture made of willow switches handwoven by laura allen bacon dont let go is the sculptures title the artist created it in coventry central england. If it just helps pay paul see their environment and a different way thats terrific hopefully people are. Maybe just question initially whether its is a whether it is a natural form or whether its how my just a level of intrigue is something that i like to bring to an area. The sculpture takes shape from the core outwards beginning with the 1st loop then laura and bacon ties knots and leaves the willow switches on to it always in paris. The only souls i use really. On 5 player of hope teeth but otherwise its just its just my hands but it is quite a jump ball motion and media lots of the work from the shoulders actually he holds the willow quite likely. You move it through the shoulders as. The artist has been making his sculptures for 20 years now in green areas as installations on buildings. Or inside. She allows viewers to touch them and makes them big enough to walk through an experience 3 dimensionally. Laura ellen bacon grew up in county darbyshire in the east midlands where she still lives and works shes been fascinated with nature and creating spaces since she was a girl. Well i started making things when i was about 11 because i just used to enjoy taking myself outside and. Having them i am good at building a tree house which was the very 1st tree house was built with very thin. Very thin pieces of wood which i was actually as it happens able to weave around myself. She starts every sculpture by soaking the switches in water for a whole week that makes them rubbery. Lorelle and bake in discovered them as a material when she was studying art she developed the techniques herself. But we dont know how long fibers that run all the way from the base through to the tip and if you give them a bit of a twists as you burn. The fibers. Give. You. Twist it into shape. In her studio she only builds models of the sculptures themselves only take shape at their final no commissions 1st she sketches what she envisions. The work is always designed for a particular place and to do a lot of sketchbook drawing some time in between or during the process. I really enjoy working with charcoal this is well and charcoal which is made from the slime along with. The artist adds the final touches before she leaves dont like gone at the mercy of its environment. If it be a natural habitat for insects while ever ive been making all of my work i always see there are tiny little spiders that move in 1st of all often then you see little birds that come and they feed off the insects that so its a bit of a cycle its really great actually when you feel that its made a home. A creature or and i dont know. Its a home for creatures and a vision from a dream laura alan bacon wants to bring humans and nature together with each of her creations. Now lets finally get to the reason why im dressed like this today its october 1st time in munich once again around 6000000 people travel to the bavarian state capital every year to drink in the culture im just course the beer box theyre actually copycat festivals all over the world and weve been traveling around to show you the most unique takes on october 1st. Today on the chinese coast in the city of qingdao enjoying a spin off of the bavarian beer fest. The. People who. Put their festival the variance through true with a chinese touch at the ports an Industrial City qingdao celebrates a polder fest every year several 1000000 guests come to this reproduction of the original grounds in munich and they looked. More or less authentic but it sounds quite different. I. Think the qingdao beer festival is the Worlds Largest october fest knockoff. Called to give me more to live to drive otherwise. This is the 10th time for it sends out working the chinese a job or fast star its the highlight of the year your hometown. To change out their festival in for a lot to me as a local i see the october fest here as our greatest pride actually its the pride of all china its not. Like heres your beer that. 2017 sends out realize the dream of hers and went to the of tobar fest the new nick she still talks about the customs and traditions. But one thing impressed her above all else on the 2 of them what surprised me most of all was the strong servers who can carry so much beer at once i saw one with 8 steins at one time. Heres the photo. When i got back here i try to myself but i cant manage any more than 4 glasses using both hands what they told me i still have a long way to go. And this has you had it about that. Beer is every bit a part of ching does october fest every guest drinks an average of one these are almost as much as patrons of munich but you wont find any german brass music in. The loudspeakers blurr chinese pop music on lots of techno. The food is also adopted the chinese tastes the prophecy comes across a little bit sweeter than the grilled chicken. Its been replaced by octopus on a spit. Over 1400. 00 right is a beer from all over the world are offered at the festival but the favorite by far is the local qingdao beer that embody is a piece of german chinese history. Then 897 the germans occupied the chinese city and developed it into a trading base 6 years after the germania brewery opens the germans themselves may have not been popular in china but their beer certainly was still brew the cording to the old purity love under the name change down. The beer and the decor do resemble munichs october fest the lighting visitors from you with the original if you dont like the germans the atmosphere and spirit in germany are great and of course world famous german beer too. But that is what i like most here is the beer on tap from jingo it tastes exactly like kurdish it makes me feel like im in germany even though im in. The what. The chinese celebrate direct tobar fest in summer this year a total of 7200000. 00 guests came the partying reaches fever pitch on the eve of the busiest time for. Coming up it is time. James o. Works into the wee hours of the morning. Even with its differences theres one thing the revelers at munichs and chinas october fest have in common they all party like theres no tomorrow. A city tour on all fours. Gonna be hard even. You happy cuddling. Ease a happy grumbling funny cat job leaseholder together there the house squabbling the series with carolyn or bite. On facebook dot com slash d w jeremy. Now we move up into the mountains and meet a pioneering architect when it comes to the tricky task of building in the alps venit soul is a real expert is ambitious projects of 100 International Acclaim and in 2 n. T. 16 he was named italys architect of the year is designs are truly unique and we had the pleasure of meeting him in his element for a personal tour of his work. The team was york pass the scene of hard and groundbreaking work more than half a century ago the high all pine road connecting austria and italy was opened here architect very near chill knows how extreme conditions can inspire extreme feats especially when those extremes are in nature. In the in this magnificent landscape look around and youll see everythings a sculpture and you cant respond to it with architecture all architecture fails so we try to respond with sculpture to its. Like a great stone slab come to rest shows past museum just so out from the barren rock a 2500 meters elevation protruding into south to roll from austria its a borderline experience in stone. I think through what is the mind the architecture is always communication its there to look at and to bring people closer to the land and make it comprehensible 1st and be for example when someone walks through this building and looks out from the other side of the view they get a very different view of the landscape here. And if they stand here and turn around in a circle its not at all the same as looking at one perspective through a picture frame so to speak in this way they experience the landscape more intensely. Then a troll regards the mountains the way a movie director might. In fact the south to role native originally wanted to study film directing. He calls himself a minimalist even if the feelings involved are monumental. Like the tourist architecture is emotion pure emotion theres one single idea one single concept to a building and it shapes every last detail is it. Has designed 6 truck shows for the 2 movies your experience as a. Called along the alpine road. Another of his projects was dedicated in autumn 2018 on the south to raleigh inside the tamil Transit Museum it was a revival of a historical building. We were dealing with an Old Customs Office building from the 1960 s. Thats how it functioned and now it functions just as well as a museum but its hard to speak a functioning. Id almost rather say form follows landscape landscape. The architect avoids putting up entirely new structures hes seen as a master of revitalization his work on sigmund scorn castle made his name far beyond south to roll his futuristic concepts have also drawn widespread attention. Completed one of his boldest projects in 2017. He built his own private residence high above la where he was born. With this i going to house designing for your own house is different from designing for someone else or for a contractor designing for yourself always means pushing the limits of what youre able to come up with i was thinking on. The correct around last facade allows the house to blend in with its surroundings the landscape is the star here not the architect. And feed on the wheel if you make a mistake its your own fault. For someone else you cant experiment with certain things that be a problem. So these are things you can try out on your own house. Is highest they say the craftsmanship suffers on your own house some things never quite get finished and. Thats the case with these holes that are part of the concrete structure. Im sure ill think of something more artistic down the line to make them look better and seal them up. As. Well as heat you know you always see your own mistakes you never achieve perfection you can always come up with something new and improved things and thats the motivation to one day really become a good architect so thats the dream. In spite of his modesty very natural is trying nothing less than to alter the image of his home country with his architectural ideas. And you can find plenty more on the topic of alpine architecture on our website www dot com slash lifestyle including a 360 degree video allows you to explore every angle of then it shows how. Now we travel from the italian mountains to a French Valley but some also has given us many things including one of my favorite sayings knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad its motto is probably the most popular ingredient in european cooking so why not celebrate it a shot so in france is the setting for a yearly tomato festival which was established by a prince who was fascinated with the fruit. Of. The astounding versatility of the tomato is put to the test once a year at the festival. Or the festival of the tomato in flavors its telling that the shuttle. In the large valley in your tour france i dont know if he said we have 700 varieties in our garden but the tomato festival is held here because the shuttle is a center of diversity its right in the midst of frances garden on the war ideal for reaching lots of people who go to. The new renaissance chateau with a park and vegetable garden with purchased by the former investment banker prince louis out bad to point in 1901 this is the 21st festival here devoted especially to the tomato. At the mouth fixated tomato is simply extraordinary. Its eaten almost every day would you never guess how multifaceted it actually is. There are a good 36000 varieties of tomato in the world. Chef said to be will be showing us what can be made with black cherry and green sea bright tomatoes. Hell turn these black box heart tomatoes into a main course. Is the final recipe will use a very nice black box hard tomato to make tomato steak cut the tomato into pieces one to one and a half centimeters thick so now we have a nice big steak lay it carefully in some sizzling oil add a bit of solved fry it on one side and then the other. Let it cool down slightly. Just now top it off with a bit of raw onion. If you will put it. And to make it even tastier and more italian add some Parmesan Cheese also. There were. Among the many products here is tomato beer. Be flown plan is a local brewery because it took him a month of experimentation before he could take his 1st sip but only. Some of. The beers taste is mainly a result of my cooking tomatoes 1st to concentrate their flavor. You have to consider that the tomatoes are very delicate fruit very subtle. And its very difficult to capture that flavor. Here. And countless for raisa Creative Ideas and the chateau in western france those are the priming gradients for a very special tribute to the tomato. And if thats what your appetite you can find more inspiration on our you tube channel did. Check out our video on 6 things you can do with tomatoes thats all from us for the day im off to find a bit of times about going out. On the some of the 7 percent mental body issues that. A. Nice way some way behind. The new kind is innocent question. From inside. The spent 2 years pretrial detention. Last Human Rights Group helped him get around. 30 minutes to. See the cars of the future of the i am from for. Europes most important auto show people pace with the big changes in mobility. This year the car makers will show off their latest to electric model. And well show you the winners and losers the topics today on the fly. Trying to get 90 minutes on g. W. My 1st vice was a sewing machine. My column for all women are balanced by this motion towards the middle something as simple as learning how to write them by psychos isnt and. Since i was a little girl i wanted to have a bicycle of my home and it took me as the months but. Finally the game bob and mental by me and i say this but 3 times because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apropos creates cargoes than writing about. Knowledge i want to reach out to those woman. Back home blood bones my head and social norms and inform them about that basic rights my name is the matter of the home and i war thats hes a. Movement. The fall of the berlin wall began long before november 989. Revisit the heroes of eastern europe. We talked to those who began the struggle for freedom and those who showed personal courage. The fall of the wall didnt surprise me you should go 1