Transcripts For DW DW News 20240714

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Our circuit magnificently ended in a rush and now with european ports has condemned moscow and is down. And a major ruling on americas Opioid Crisis of court in oklahoma orders drug maker johnson and johnson to pay more than 500000000. 00 for fueling the epidemic that killed thousands in the u. S. Every year. Im sumi so misconducts good to have you with us brazilian president are both sonora has rejected an offer of aid from g 7 countries to fight the fires in the amazon the group said it would give brazil 20 1000000. 00 to help contain the blaze those but both n. R. O. Question their motives earlier he accused the g 7 host french president in monaco of treating brazil like a colony more than 80000. 00 fires are burning in the amazon many are out of control. The air is thick with smoke and its hard to bring him in a tree and now on the ground in the state of brown tonia which has been hardest hit by the blazes as soon as one fires under control the next one breaks out huge areas now resemble under no landscape. Will fall if there are as one or 2 big fires we could deal with them better than all the small ones. Money shot was a cool since there have been widespread protests since the fire started on friday under International Pressure brazils president both narrowed deployed soldiers to the region to fight the blazes brazil has said it will accept aid from israel and argentina but also now responded shoppy to a pledge of 20000000. 00 from d 7 leaders on twitter he accuses french president among them all my call of having a colonialist attitude towards brazil. Oh you know it will go to someone gives money without wanting something in return saying you get born why do they have their eye on the amazon what if it was law to give this kid a lab since entering office false narrow has slashed Environmental Protection in the amazon in a bid to open up the area to industry and spur Economic Growth through landowners have reportedly been lighting many of the fires trying to clear forests for cattle ranching and agriculture something president also naro has supported in the past we spoke to our correspondent daniel cole in porto value brazil and asked him if he also narrow could change his approach. Well i personally dont think that this is going to change because also these farmers are some of this big supporters they have been saying that in the past former brazilian president never really paid attention to the interest of those farmers now they are seeing that president. You know having this difference a strategy that he has been you know supporting basically that those you know farmers you know which a burn their land in order you know if you have more space there for for their animals so i dont really think that this situation is at the end going to change because these groups are you know his voters that he will need also in the future irans president has an rouhani says there will be no talks with the us until sanctions are lifted he was speaking a day after u. S. President donald trump open the possibility of a meeting with rouhani if the conditions were right now trump made those remarks at the end of the g. 7 summit in france with host president in my own. No on the topic of iran french president to manual mckown said the 2 leaders had 2 things in common thank you for an addition there are 2 very clear things which are important to understand where you are on must never have a Nuclear Weapon and this situation should not upset the stability of the region the man you might call in the new and reports that he had not informed the u. S. President before inviting irans foreign minister to the summit in an effort to save the 2015 year kola deal that i decided to invite as friends. Mrs aris so i informed before making it i informed president front that it was my idea not to involve the United States not to see this is on behalf of you of everybody but you see my friends i think it would be a good idea to ask him to go back and try to negotiate something separately. Before meeting when pressed on whether he would be prepared to meet irans President Trump indicated he would but only when the time was right if the circumstances were correct were the right i would certainly agree to that but in the meantime. They have to be good players you understand what that means and they cant do what they were saying theyre going to do because if they do that theyre going to be met with really very violent force we have no choice yet. So despite the hugs and handshakes its unclear whether g 7 host mccaughan succeeded in calming tensions between iran and the u. S. Or whether the summit will ease any war it was on the worlds financial markets. Lets take a look at some other stories making news around the world prosecutors have filed a new indictments against disgraced Film Producer Harvey Weinstein effectively postponing his Sexual Assault trial until january the indictment will allow testimony by actor and a shura whose allegations of rape cannot be prosecuted because of an old statute of limitations law. The spanish capital madrid has been hit by flash flooding as heavy rain swept across the country streets look like rivers and several metro stations had to be closed after the sudden downpour on monday in some areas residents have to clear away huge piles of hail stones that have built up along the street. On kong leader kerry land size the escalation of violence in the chinese territories of antigovernment protests is becoming more serious lamb was speaking publicly for the 1st time since police used water cannon and fired live ammunition during last weeks demonstrations the protests in hong kong have been continuing for 12 weeks. And a chinese australian writer how for 7 months in china has been formally arrested for spying there a charge punishable by death young june was originally detained in the Southern City of january the Australian Government says it does have serious concerns for his welfare. The European Court of human rights has condemned russia for multiple violations against the late surrogate magnitsky a russian corruption whistleblower who died in detention in 2009 but that skis death came after expose widespread tax fraud that implicated russian officials the European Court determined he had been ill treated and denied medical assistance in prison following his arrest for a legit tax evasion now his death resulted in the us Congress Passing the magnitsky act which allows the government to freeze assets and banned visas of human rights violators around the world. Lets get more on the story from moscow we have. A researcher at Human Rights Watch with us thank you for joining us on d w 1st of all what do you think of this verdict from the European Court of justice no it isnt due to very important judgment by the open court of human rights all confirming on occasions made by need ski surviving family his wife hugh spouse and his mother are the fault ill treatment to begin with because he was subject to being poor child with tension. Political perspective investigation into circumstances no hes down like go off here trial going to see his post humorous trial and conviction and swell and extensive and reasonably long period of detention and. Resulted in his death i want to ask you know i can understand that this ruling does carry significance for the family but what about any consequences for russia i mean nobody has actually been convicted of anything here and russia has also said the russian government that this case is all about boosting anti russian sentiment. Ah well i home on the one hand the case agreed to rates already existing body of jurisprudence by European Court of human rights concerning conditions in detention generally and pretrial detention in particular that have existed prior to needs good case so it is right to rates those findings as well as in particular in relation to health you know into detention in russia but also it is very significant in terms of radiation concerns risk with respect to. Trial guarantees in russian judicial system but this particular case obviously gained a huge global importance in relation to what it needs act so it carries both in t. V. Today and more. Global impact so to see what about the timing of this ruling and Sergei Magnitsky he died in detention 2009 and the us already passed the congress theyre already passed the magnitsky act back in 2012 so why do you think its important to make this ruling now. Well its been it will soon be 10 years since my new skete that he died in november of 2009. Unfortunately due to backlog of the European Court of human rights our it is not unusual for proceedings to take that long but it is essential that justice is delivered in every in each and ever seen dont case so irrespective of the arms so to say lots of times since his actual death it is important especially considering length of our access to effective remedies to are effective in this to geisha and fair judicial proceedings inside of the country itself that the this pronunciation is done at the International Level now there is a separate question related to implement patient of this judgment. Russia unfortunately is rather than the tories for its lack of intimidation it tends to be the monetary compensation as prescribed by the court but. Russia does have the are. Varying so to say record in terms of implementation of our individual in more general measures aimed at addressing. The situation and preventing similar situations in the future well have to leave it there. A researcher at Human Rights Watch and joining us from moscow thank you for sharing your insights with us today thank you turning to Northern Nigeria now where the boko haram Islamist Insurgency and attacks by armed gangs are causing thousands of people to flee their homes in borno state many are seeking refuge at a military base outside the town of one group but aid agencies say the situation at the base is becoming difficult did he was able to access mangano by helicopter to get a glimpse of life in the middle at a boko haram territory. Mangano one of the few towns in the vicinity of lake chad that promises a shelter from boko her arms Violent Attacks but the camps here are overcrowded and overstretched things have reached a critical level theres not enough food not enough shelter more than 600 people share a single toilet nor does the town of a Real Security even know the regions main military base has been built next to mangano attack still regularly occur. Just a few days before we arrived members of the socalled Islamic State of west africa stormed into the town leading 5 civilians dead and several others injured. 2 miles and her family were at the market when the attack happened there was no way to escape she explains as mongolia has only one entry and exit point they were praying that the attackers would leave soon such incidents leave them feeling vulnerable. But the mother of sevens biggest worry is not having enough food for her children often all she has is maize pirates to offer them. No good cloths not enough food and no real shelter how should anyone find peace of mind here. Even our rooms when it rained on us. She came to mongolia to escape hunger and violence but life here is anything but relaxed and safe. And for many children too the future looks bleak most of them dont receive any education when basic essential food are in short supply schooling is low on the priority list. For us how our mohammed puts it when youre hungry you cant know. Shes 70 years old and arrived in mongolia just a couple of months ago she was shocked about the situation in the village. Thinking. Im worried that if the children dont go to school that instead join armed groups and grow up stealing. How i used to live as official woman in the far North Eastern port town of baka. Massacres by poker her rum and Food Shortages made her flee as. The man used to return around one at night from the lake and way to prepare the fish for them in the morning. But now there are no more fish. She fled to mongolia only to discover that things here on much better. People depend on dozens of n. G. O. S to feed them. And because thats not enough they look for other solutions some go into the bush to fell trees and risk falling into the hands of boko haram who if theres no food to eat and no water to drink people go into the bush and collect firewood they want to sell. All thats why firewood is becoming scarce the hot weather be deviled us. Cutting down trees is also excel or racing the process of turning the region into arid wasteland thats a challenge n. G. O. S tied up in Emergency Response and shortage of Food Supplies cant even begin to focus on. Currently theres no room for long term strategies though thats exactly whats needed in the greenroom without urgent change the conflict is likely to simply escalate further. Youre watching news still to come on our show car levers around the world and the Auto Industry didnt fare well to 39. 00 pm and now were turned around. And made it one of the worlds top heart makers looking at his legacy. The 1st thing called a watershed moment in americas Opioid Crisis a court in oklahoma has ordered drug maker johnson and johnson to pay more than half a 1000000000. 00 for its role in an epidemic that has killed thousands of people it is the 1st case of its kind to go to trial and could be a model for litigation elsewhere in the u. S. The judge says the company was motivated by greed johnson and johnson denies any wrongdoing. Hes probably needed boxes son austin is one of 6000 oklahomans believed to have died from an opioid overdose since the start of the millennium a promising american footballer he died in his prime. Austin was living a nightmare then nightmare at Prescription Drug abuse now the 1st of thousands of lawsuits aimed at Holding Manufacturers and distributors to account has made it through trial Cleveland County district judge that borkman said prosecutors had proven johnson and johnson create a public nuisance that would take decades to repair so. Today judge walkmen has affirmed or position that johnson and johnson motivated by greed and avarice is responsible for the Opioid Epidemic in our spirit johnson and johnson will finally be held accountable for thousands of deaths and addiction caused by their activities. The company was accused of flooding the market with painkillers and deceptively marketing them denies wrongdoing saying its sales claims were backed by science it plans to appeal against the oklahoma courts decision. We have sympathy. For all who suffer. From substance abuse. But johnson and johnson. Did not cause the opioid abuse crisis here in oklahoma. Or anywhere in this country. So many more claimants disagree with the company with 2000 planning to go to court in ohio later this year. Lets get more on this story with our reporter rob watts hes with us here in our studio hi rob this really is a landmark case but remind us of the background here this opioid apa demick that really has been ravaging american towns and cities for years now you know is thought 130 americans die from opioid overdoses every single day i mean the cases are looking at figures like 400000 americans dying from overdoses of opioids between 1999207600 extension 0 of those are thought to have been in oklahoma and its in oklahoma that weve had this very 1st occasion on which one of the Drugs Companies has made it to trial and in this instance its been found against them what its said is that johnson and johnson by the oklahoma prosecutes is that they were using marketing techniques that both played down the addictiveness of the painkillers but also played up the safety of them and played out of the benefits of them to the point where doctors overprescribing them there was more addiction and so there were more deaths johnson and johnson for their part deny thats the case they say that their painkillers and he made up for a small proportion of those that were prescribed by him during the period before going about but nevertheless they are facing these are his accusations of thousands of cases which is the judge saying the ruling well townsfolk when it came down very heavily on them he says the phrase used was false misleading and dangerous Marketing Campaigns were used by the company he says that they exponentially increased rates of addiction and Overdose Deaths he also said they had increased the number of babies being born already addicted to opioids so some. Damning statements from the judge in this case rather creatively used oklahomas public nuisance laws to find a way to prosecute johnson and johnson in this is ordered them to pay as we mentioned 572000000 dollars thats going to go towards a years worth of trying to recover from this Opioid Crisis so were talking about things like a m t addiction clinics for example he described the situation in oklahoma as an imminent danger and a menace to lives rob you touched on this but how is johnson and johnson a reacting to this case they have immediately said that they are going to appeal against it theyve said that they didnt use aggressive or misleading Marketing Campaigns instead of the complains were all backfires science theyve also said that. The these this finding isnt supported by the facts in the case what might surprise you is that shares in johnson and johnson today are up Something Like 3 percent because there theyve been essentially find this hard 1000000000 the prosecutors and im always seeking 17000000000 so investors have clearly felt relieved by that but theres likely to be more of these on the way with some 2000 more cases yet to be heard all right our reporter rob whats bringing us the story thank you very much rob thank you now he was one of the most ingenious pioneers in the global Auto Industry 49 ph has died at the age of 82 as head of the w. He is credited with reviving the companys fortunes and turning and turning it into one of the worlds biggest car makers. He had v. W. In his d. N. A. 13 and was a man practically born in the drivers seat p. S. Grandfather was Ferdinand Porsche the man who designed the iconic folks frog and beetle. Discovered his passion for cars and technology at an early age he studied Mechanical Engineering and after climbing the corporate ladder became c. E. O. Of the v. W. Group which was then nearly insolvent transformed the company. Scooped him up you do nothing for you you are always winners and losers. And with our partners which v. W. Has across the whole world i intend to be the winner. Within a few years v. W. Was again making a profit that laid the cornerstone for his reputation as a visionary car executive when v. W. Acquired porsche p. F. Was already Group Chairman the merger was a long time ambition of his the father of 12 children believed v. W. And pushup belongs together. That in 2015 p. S. Found himself in a power struggle with the w. s then c. E. O. Martin venter cornered it was a struggle p. S. Lost and he resigned an abrupt end to a story to korea. There are big Regional Elections taking place in the german state of saxony this weekend and one of the local football clubs has also gotten into the campaigning mood honestly getting rb lives that have chosen this time to put up their own banners calling for tolerance and harmony in stadiums and in society but the club which is backed by Energy Drinks giant red bull insists they have no political motives. Party election posters have been filling up the streets in saxony for weeks the far right a. F. P. Are expected to do well in sundays election. But some of the plaque cards look slightly out of place theyre not from a Political Party but from his legal football club. Posters featuring the coach and star players have been plastered around lights beyond proudly declaring the clubs drive for diversity and openness its nothing to do with Party Politics they say these are just basic principles. And its not about Party Politics its about the values that we stand for in society respect tolerance openness diversity with proudly in favor of an open society weve got 40 nationalities playing in our team our players live diversity we live it as a club the decision to take a stand is a recent development on the street as on social media not everyone has got the message. Its a bit confusing i wasnt sure what it was about i thought it was about football though the club is keen to avoid indorsing any party the timing is no coincidence everyone has something to say had an election why shouldnt be. There are more than 300. 00 of the posters hanging across the state but its at the polling booth and not the stadium that sex in these near future will be determined. The last tennis grand slam tournament of the year the u. S. Open has gotten underway Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic reached the 2nd round the match of the day saucer in a williams crash for a long time rival Maria Sharapova williams won 6161 in just 59 minutes as she looks to equal the record for her for a grand slam singles titles thats 24 championships the american lost in last years final. A spacecraft carrying a humanoid robot has successfully docked at the International Space station the russian soyuz spacecraft had to make a new attempt for reaching the space station after failed to dock on saturday the robot onboard named copies schuman movement and will help the 6 astronauts onboard by carrying out half remotely fit or will spend 10 days on the i asked after. The corps automated rendezvous system operating all right lets get a reminder now for our top story that were following for you here on day w. Brazilian president has rejected an offer of 20000000 dollars in aid from g 7 countries to fight the fires in the amazon more than 80000 fires are burning in the amazon many out of control but both are now is that he suspected the 8 came with strings attached. Coming up next a documentary looking at the dark side of the op a condo and other trendy foods thats in just a few minutes right here dont go away. Salmon man damo condos theyre delicious theyre delicacies. Very dangerous because the price paying to produce them is highly contaminated water meat forced deforestation and even organized crime and the dark side of trendy foods. Close up next on the. Kick off. Screen is the magic number said the Bundesliga Club secured loans of 3 points with a trio of gulnaz coleman think im gonna come home again for a minute david goes in and does a little lad back in minds try book out of on postcode in berlin and buy unleavened on steam of his own country again shall see. 60 minutes. S. O. S. Europe. Is in crisis. Its to have a future champion of young champions. Activists from florida countries. They are full of the dream of a. Truth is your start september 2nd d. W. Avocados and salmon are in high demand in europe right now. Avocados shipped all the way from mexico they bring people their prosperity but can also bring death. Balkanize crime gangs are waging a war against small scale farmers and they are fighting for survival

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