How am i looking today. How can we live sustainably. Is the a good. Is there something we have to fear and what comes after. Such questions the trivial as well as the existential of ok by people throughout Human History today diverse on sister questions from also fears of life and from all continents and evokes can be found under the roof of a unique Institution Initially founded to preserve the cultural legacy of the. German states of prussia the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation preserves more than 5000000 objects in 19 museums libraries all cards and research institutions. It is one of the worlds 5 major universal collections and its a place of innumerable stories bulletins treasure trove. Of. Meaning. The cultural forum. After Museum Island it is the 2nd center of the ins museum scene. Skaters have made the plans are there. Observing them raises questions. What exactly our Museum Objects want belongs in the museum. For some skateboard will be the most important thing in life. Is it not also worthy of being exhibited as a witness to our everyday reality. We all hold our own personal treasures. Whats special about my life what distinguishes me. Its amazing how much accumulates over the years. We surround ourselves with objects because theyre useful because we think them beautiful because they reflect our self image. Who am i in the early 17th century gayo gies of a rich merchant asked himself that very question. His image went down in art history. Today it can be viewed in the kamil the galaxy of billions couture full berlins 2nd importance on summer of museums alongside Museum Island. Money down television your fall and there become just full. Of mark on to school beard or take a medical or the import this call from unskilled visa from the household and you havent. Finished so will not find i. C. This is a list its a not for a list the docs there. Its i think the citizen limited jesus or support and still uncorked live for me to the point when i was in the womb in form and a home it was a will to. Do you didnt use the conduct of these even zoltan i dont get them from holy bible i know that it is not truly stephon. To cull from on the left or at least a few in shifts before. I think of all of them just like the enough to should take. The subdominant for moving across that some should have given its last was even fights when it is absolutely high tech get it then decline it. When these and not god. In other words. Heard himself depicted amongst precious decorative objects like those that can be admired next door in the museum of decorative arts. In the holes. Of the one to show all of this movie are you as you think you do 50 of them communes might as well you know understand. 50000 seems. To me its not a human. Oh i ask if i just see dots here from 2 to 3 this is the. Spend of 2 crafters here the scans of the snake and that and what it doesnt have 1000 that say go to 50 percent as one person uses you know the hemel for to do this without an intimate look up because were. On such book because find a few instances dont know who or what i am type of all those kinds of plot helmet or i think i had contemn an insight a pleasant but im a hunt documents into not want to shift your burden of meant for safety up food condiment off with an bassist under its heart if i was foolish noises it was my hobby more thorough v 5 the dozen or so i formed. Justice quince confabs im especially extend for a few of us the women had kind was the in the soup policy not me gob so much dressed up as with the monk of beard on the skies of our new quantum and my god im going. To take your boy mckeon on and. Started metrix tears in the move byrne which the turn mccloy stomach part ceylon wont do that its your own old skin time via this armor. And precious goods would do for keys as in which. No contemporary Advertising Agency could showcase products more effectively than portraitist hands hold by. With his almost photo realistic depiction of the luxury as carpet holbein practically branded it with his name. Finding under him from border. Up at random from border angles. To move the. Women to madame often commander from kaufman. Dead or dead in with some women. As absolutely dentists and t. D. Baca d. Physics food in october. And they have one border ive. Had interviews and. 2 pools often get made fun who competed as. If. Its an enclave he doesnt mind us. D. Were going to bed now toward a. Nice dont borders us but daughter does manteca here dotty it off a shine and. Theyre called monkeys is for instance by and i see them art the sizes and were going to push on the fia insisting to you know not to teens. A coveted and its only an import in holbeins time it is now one of the treasures in the museum of islamic art. What kind of man might merchant giza have been who gazes at us from holbeins portrayed as if he were advertising Luxury Products of his time. Doesnt anyone from a symbol of does any of us disputed begin to see the glass vase isnt there to dispute the daughter not us. Zonen finding. The form. That you can do the glass was almost called into. It was not such a shock of a his beard fans that his image wish to go use a year which is emitted harbor askance its just and given to spirit and at the present thats your wantons will be as the scene were going to tell the view as if the invalid is going to have gate x. And Kaufman Allah is evil guy stick up mench they were to be of easy. Everything has its price even freedom self realisation and happiness. But does it have to be that way. Could we imagine a world that functions differently. A freely determinable life without the compulsion to consume. Creativity instead of commerce. Couldnt we all be much happier and more productive in such a world. How can i realise my full potential. What kind of a society do i want to live in. And is money really the most important resource we have to base that society upon. The search for ideas for a Better Society leads us to humbug or bahnhof lins largest exhibition space for contemporary art. Then that either the conflict is based on mention doesnt. Need to start 2000. Obama doesnt seem to prove the need to mention. The feeling on all sides. This idea permeates many of yours of boys works including capitana how. Thanks to aunts collected and patron at each mocks this keyword is now exhibit in berlin. Acquired it in 2015. Along with many other works in his collection from borehole to kiefer in trust it to the prussians and Cultural Heritage foundation as a permanent loved. Under from the boys to the mint he had emma and boys in us fairly often ahmadi paid their cones but i dont know how hose i was panos oafish lessons on us here at us hans now as is now gone is that it probably us you mention uk on here have a as i said if so these are out on file as a fish that there had the most. Sound get a and know. It is in and in vax in time a consequence of higher functions are tough and aunties or she fucked off and into next. Year is on staff who decide can and when i was their only visit here inside me to farm and lee as it seemed on my orders i include will not buy and sunanda your off be im sure home aunt delia my stuff in death leah matisyahu folk at the continent is to god. This is an act you know took it transmits for feeling feeling ya can cause you to speak. But. Those are. Just as i think another loud saga of was. Shot from the heart and i am now back to zombie and on a bus ride us here d e d does doesnt bother copy tell even the guy stick shift focus or feel t. V. Did know you know very much an efficient 8 is just that heaven boys they flashed on the bed they need 1st day. Dust under zuckerberg arrived does he. Deserve it it was all shit for shit copy time he could. In going through for its importance you are done is just feel like d. Always saugor through to stunt was not good stuff. Is idea would have appeared familiar to the founders of the berlin collections the history of Berlins Museum landscape dates back to the const come of the prussians kings a collection of pieces of art and natural artefacts full representation or as well as educational purposes. It included not just the originals but also copies of masterpieces so that viewers could educate themselves with the very best the art history had to offer the replica workshop is the oldest institute of all the Berlin State Museum yemen is because of the im told that the picked them was the most guns of that and that isnt in museums i see for of that under the vine put a few notes of the name a list of your bones of those from time going to the preferred. Coming. Up. If you consider that doesnt appear in the hilly woods had horns on its moms. Was a sure thing so my ism is that i didnt can be true for the human lives in these ive encountered the forms for the smaller car on. Some of these moments preserve works that are now destroyed and works that have been damaged by environmental factors so paradoxically the copies might be closer to the original than the original itself. It is a fact the challenges our notions of the unique or of the original and the inferiority of copies. It is thanks to this attention to detail that is still home. Its most famous landmarks. Im going to look out for in that mean embodied outside sounds on point but for the sake of all the constant open so it finally does not so i can get out of. The crowd you got to be focused on and not ill try to guess and think they have to stop it is fun shadow a little not want to go by and i guess that you know you said i think if that. Makes me a little cocky will be answered by just about the nuts and the freedom seekers not going to be ready to colon cancer yet. The 2nd good they can often dont fit in and i think that was that you know i just got found probably 5 minutes theres nothing to get up and on about the next 24 i think from gets in but thats no use to can i do this now to. The war time destruction of by then and its museums as well as the post war confusion all responsible for the fact that some objects can only be admired as call peace. The soviet union claims important collections as part of war reparations for one part single president s of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation this socalled deleted aunt is an issue that demonstrative primacy and tact. Do some good to appropriate tradition also quick to open to them to nazis and has over 200 foot on this kind of this i know from the underground train station i took from and from so you can often from see what is open to in your own undies. Fun circuits michaelmas from from your own. And some of from 3 to one so you can get sober at the pentagon when i talk. To have to be tosh in peters book. As was washington theme was tied to not enough clicks and the body would freeze over to a new in the tune of one i mentioned produced the as a off and on and it was against it as most of the consequences are there no feeling of a piece or dirt circa i mean your own uncouth spirit doesnt even get pushed around so going to boy did. These objects some still with their old german inscriptions to be found here in nice russian that pose with the relocation of artworks to russia but they have been far from the public gaze for a long time moreover important knowledge about the objects has been lost. A chance find in the depo housing 18th century sculptures astonished even experts. Its up to the to a different culture to a new to me as mogas in on before sr it is my identity of detroit uncertainty and problems with couture and in the antique example of somebody in one whos the neat beauties of to. Exist yet. The wings of the sculpture were elaborated in the 19th century over the course of restoration work because of these modern details the entire statute was falsely dated incent petersburg to the 18th century and promptly disappeared into the corresponding depo. But the victoria of culver tony actually in originates from the roman empire in the 2nd century a. D. To optimally restore the precious piece german and russian scientists are working together to explore the insides of the sculpture and uncover traces of the different pox. Through Research Corporation and joint exhibitions. And these works to the public consciousness. But they cannot be exhibited in germany given the legal situation they would be confiscated as looted art. Just give it to a different color torn or invented easier to interrupt i long for mr peter school to work as an officer in your own words into proctor and ave Taj Convention through to marcus who taught as a so i knew your leadership saw those. Coming for talking. To me talk to from prosciutto visits us producers or be a good image to mind our fortunes entrepreneur wish there were as i need meet up or to consent to most persons i knew i was in under d. V. D. And mr everett on a high to not so one of the tarts after. 0 enters a mob biotin because for tolerated its nautical x. News is ears or dozens does esteem our guns guns in that underpinned it. Is able to bridge cultural boundaries but only if it creates dialogue. Lunch break into days multicultural cities its a time of day often buzzing with a babylonian mix of languages. Where are you from and what are you doing here is a common question. The question of origins is also relevant for Museum Objects. The official term sounds dry and some Provenance Research. While this simple question can make for interesting conversation starters. In museums it can trigger important cultural discourse. After all why do we need museums. Museums or. Tremendous instruments for creating knowledge the way we present the objects in museums speaks volumes about the way in which we understand ourselves other people the past the present and our hopes for the future. Jonathan fine arts curator of the west african collections at the Ethnological Museum and spokesman of the Provenance Research work group ponders these critical questions every day. How did germany take advantage of its position of power during the colonial period to enrich its collections. How should we handle that legacy today. These questions gain a particular relevance with the 2019 opening of the homebuilt forum. Alongside the collections from the outskirts in daraa that are moving into the reconstructed pearl in palace and some with problematic provenance. One of the most spectacular objects at the Ethnological Museum has frequently been a subject in fact controversy the throne of kings and joy from cameroon. The throne monday in who is exceptional in every respect it is vastly larger than other thrones from the area it is vastly more opulent the symbolism of the throne is also extraordinary it embodies in one object many of the most central visual symbols of the bomb a monarchy. The double heads of the serpent refer to the incredible military prowess. The spiders mediate between the world of the dead and the world of the living. Along the front of the bench you see a number of figures that are. Sort of parading in front of the throne probably conquered kings. The twin figures that rise from the back of the seat refer to the magical powers of twins. The money throne is from the kingdom of domination in the cameroon highlands. In 1900 german colonial rule extended into king joy is removed kingdom. The german colonial system in cameroon was violent and characterized back to seat trickery and manipulation as well as the use of military and Political Force because king offered an alliance to the germans the situation in the bum kingdom was comparatively peaceful. Formed up the capital of the kingdom from. One of the things that confronts Ethnological Museums today is the need to understand the way in which our pasts are and bedded in colonial history. That. Within the borders of the modern day republic of coverage there are still traditional kings of those in which a throne is not only a Museum Object but also a relevant symbol of political power. That. Is an honest construct the sultan of oman enjoy the legitimacy and rightful of the munda you know thrown him a leg. He is the grandson of king joya who sat on the throne during the german colonial era and also ordered the building of the palace in spotted by german colonial architecture. The kingdom of the moment on german colonial history are ubiquitously into talk. Can enjoy was one of the most skilled political actors that ive had the chance to study he tirelessly sought to preserve his own autonomy within the very difficult political situation that was presented by the colonial era so to enjoy not only shares his grandfathers name the colonial legacy from the era of his grandfathers rule continues to influence the cultural policies of this day. King joyous throne were not in berlin it would be here in the throne room of the palace among the thrones of his predecessors and successors. Bombings director of Cultural Affairs and also of Palace Administration is a close associate of the sultan. The missing throne is a sensitive issue. Shock which we keep both who some. Badly needed to talk or to hes getting if he knew theists do poorly kiss your susu talk scoot on there was a bum fish they have a headache you do things that humala is all for you you talk. A common proving a point i suggest you. In your point your reports. Here. You pass you more look you think decaff in need of more q. C. Case. No mine down for do suit. Me is not no one. Even says you see dead cat do you enjoy here. Now. Youll fear to know my. Heart for 33000 years did i meet on 3 it is that. A truly king gift. The entirety of the throne is embroidered with the most extraordinary designs in glass beads that came from venice as well as from the Czech Republic in the 1900 centuries they were incredibly appreciated for their brilliant colors one shouldnt forget how incredibly precious these objects were. The. Glass embroidery is still a speciality of bomb artists and their works are in demand. The artist or the mamma embroidered the most recent throne for the palace and works as a restorer at the palace museum. Well because. By them. Last year morning last year morning on that ship there for my view in the room when the i think there are 4 wonders actually there are 4 i saw you do this i dont. I feel i share every electric