Transcripts For DW Quadriga 20240714 :

Transcripts For DW Quadriga 20240714

A green so our question this week on quadriga is the greens germanys new number one to discuss that question im joined here in the studio by professor boyce going back home from the Berlin Social Science Center who says the green silva policy of the privileged and the such that natural limits may be touch thats 20 percent also with us is prominent business journalist and commentator goes on a viking fans who believes no other policy has struggled as much as the greens to accept the spirits of the locals call them any interesting and a very warm welcome to city w. So maximillian akashic who is a Political Correspondent for those who go to keeps a close eye on the greens and maxie argues that the greens must choose between purity and the brands to think on planes and for the want and shia interest free elections and we see that in especially the states elections the last couple years weve seen that in the very last year where the greens have to come 2nd biggest both and that demand parliament which. Was traditionally very conservative and reigned by merkel sister party the van conservatives weve seen that also and has the one of the other comes after strongholds where the grains gain significantly theyre getting a foothold in almost every of german states the question is how ready are they going to be governing the states how willing are they going to be governing states and is this still a debate we only see in the west because well have a couple lessons coming up in east germany and the greens havent gained quite of that they are going for the reason im asking about how green is germanys because you will know that there are people outside germany who are always asking whether theyre very aware that germany has a long environmentalist green tradition and i wonder whether you believe that that image of germany still stands up and still valid yes of course it is Climate Change protection that has moved in the middle and into the mainstream within the last month and that i think that the green Party Success is in some kind you cant you cant understand it as the movement off Climate Change protections within the families virgin. A Broader Society we have. Professor malcolm. Va question is i suppose the success of the greens that has now been on the very been on the rise as marx he was pointing out for quite some time is it here to stay because theyve been there theyve been here before and faded back to becoming a 1015 Percent Party they had to stay this time as one of germanys leading forces i mean im a bit more cautious about these polls reading and present polls are polls elections are elections and by the way european elections are different from National Elections in National Elections of people milled vote more for party where theyre not only have trust and have sympathy but they must think that they are able to govern and if we are looking to 2 people at the top of the corrientes me would immediately say they do not have any experience in governing and to tramp from the top of the party into the main offices of the country its a long way to go and this will be in the perception of the voters as well ok i want to talk about those 2 percent who are leaders in a minute but just to you you characterized the greens is a policy of privilege that sounds very dismissive no its not and its simply empirical the sissy empirical truth we know the koreans have the electorate where you find most of the formally very good at your k 2 people and this is one reason why im also skeptical that the koreans will really jump at the top of our party system they draw extensively on the voters in metropolitan urban cities and where you find well educated middle class and this is a limited electorate they. Do not have any crush on the walters of the lower 3rd of societal programs acts as there is a new dynamic in german politics he says the parts of german politics is training and he says the greens can harness that dynamic can create become a broader based polls yes and they will of just just 11. 00 sentence yes they will try to do it and we cannot explain the rise of the queens with out the steep decline of the to catch all parties the c. D. U. And the s b d they are to some extent blocked dulness to understand to the crean i think that what 11 of one explanation is that people are fed up with the 2 government parties say experience them for 101214 years now on the 2 plans that make up im going to be coalitions of the grand coalition and people are fed up with that on one to the 11 part of voters turn to the greens and the other all the pot turns to the right wing i think exactly the way we have to look kindly where the electorate is moving is going to give us an indication as to say how the greens can develop because as much as theyre taking bloods if you quoted from the center left and right conservative and doesnt have a cut of parties theyre also letting blots to the left so what weve seen in the National Election 2017 is that as much as the greens had gained votes there also lost a couple of votes to the left especially in these metropolitan areas and in these state elections where we have a much more Rural Community but we also see the greens of seeding we can feel it get a bit of a feeling for the potential they can have with a lesser elitist part of the german electorate and i think that is why the Upcoming Elections in the east of germany were especially interesting because there we will have the least of this classic green electorate and this is where they need to start their actual convincing of a broader electorate and if they will succeed. But the time of big parties is strolling to an end and europe we would love to find these for its part time i think youre searching there for the german word youre looking for the because catch this is a bit sort of sad more its negative event very much of a connotation we used to have for the fights at tion and this time is more or less all were you do not find very many in europe anymore and the greens will not become the new catch all party in germany which is all time lets get some pictures 1st of all americans elect so that thieves concerns weve seen the greens go right back to the 1980 s. Them for many of those one moment in particular when they really established themselves on the National Radar here it is. White sneakers its an unforgettable image yashica fischer taking his oath of office as the green partys 1st ever minister he was making a provocative statement with the shoes for many it was proof that the greens want to be taken seriously. But no one is saying that anymore while the party has enjoyed successes in the past its now more popular than ever mainly thanks to its likeable leaders on Alaina Babcock yeah and all that hot young feisty and trustworthy their politicians who arent afraid of taking on responsibility to members off from entrepreneurs to the unemployed from young to old people are voting for the greens for us that means its our duty to communicate and operationalize our policies or develop when we were in a minority position so that they find broad public support stimulative here magnified in climate protection the greens fundamental issue is now a hot topic for people from all walks of life so are the former eco warriors on their way to becoming germanys next major party. Thats the question the next major party that soaking about what you were talking about come back in about these folks thoughts and i just give us another idea so that our viewers really understand how elementary that has been from german politics and explain why is the greens cannot be in your estimation of folks thoughts i have big tent policy flex time. Played a major role in the 2nd top of the 20th century but till then we see a steep decline and they are important for head to rich societies to keep them to keep it together on a political level and they can only do it if they try all voters across all social classes across all age cohorts. And all cultural milieu and this is not what the koreans are prepared to do they may exploit more and more this milieu of course will politan this be find an urban area they will gain a lot of world from the younger people but they learn not get so many votes from the people above 60 which is a matrix share of our electorate with you so to all of us i think that what america has right we have from millions of somewhere else living in germany and not only anywhere else in the green party is is addressing so i think we do have a deep do whiten society sort of you are a woman difference between a somewhere and then you are not away she turns him into serving the person because well educated to come live everybody around the world who is mo bile and who is quite open to any forms of living on the social state some things like that some well people who are in most time live live on the countryside to africa job have a family and want to stay there they want to stay somewhere around have their home somewhere so. Their millions of somebody else living in germany and they are not as attracted by the green party as be anywhere else and i think that this is 11 problem the other one is that the society is divided even in germany and in a different divided society you wont find Political Parties which cover the whole of the whole electorate next you say in the quota thats up for the show the greens must choose between purity and bretts tell me a little bit more about that because weve seen how the greens have been trying to branch out in the last couple of years theyve been trying to get to the somewhere as of most consider they have to a certain extent been successfully lived in some other age groups they have made moved into other areas of society lower income areas its it is possible. No sorra bus driver to be you to be a green voter surely interesting thing is if we look especially on the german state level like if we dont try to see it in the saddle and the broader germans perspective but on the regional perspectives how they learn to kates thats a different needs and different german regions so again coming back so the spectacular example of last years election and the various weve seen that the conservative party the sea is you in the barrier and the so stomach thats for both going very heavy on the immigration issue they were both majorly putting their campaign on that card and they failed miserably both the greens but broadening out their campaign much more they were complaining a lot of different issues that not of not nationally green issues theyre complaining also on the challenge of agriculture which you would think they would normally do with organic angle they didnt they were talking a lot about the issues of conventional agriculture something you have not heard commercial constantly of the kind of politicians so if they are on the state level green the green party does turn to crime soft of issues preservation off of creation and things like that and addressing christians addressing people who are quite conservative and in their mind i think despite the fact theyre very according to you have struggles to embrace intellectually that markets in common really struggled more than any of the party you say yeah but but but but this is the economic part of green politicians they as a as an Opposition Party they just chose and picked small issues like fireworks on new new new new years eve or the sugar in limits and the end seems lebec and just went on these issues only to fight too much sugar too much things are for everything and that does and contrary to the understanding of social market economy youre only. Frame economy and the market and not do not go for special issues and the green party is the party which is most keen on into winning in small topics and not just giving a frame and let the market go within this framework american. Mentioned an important point the koreans are in the opposition and if a part of a party is in a position it can claim some purity of its stance of its program if you if they have to go into government they have to make tradeoffs tradeoffs between the environmentalists events in places like heston in places like boston what theres a clear why different thing because to start somewhere in the state they do not decide about economic policies not about tax policies not very much about labor market policies but these are the areas where the tradeoffs will come up between clear environmental policy and these kind of policy some a beverage for 7 years and government. From mine tonight incidentally wary much that you are right that they were not punished this guessing and interest for these topics that especially fiscal policy i thought was quite interesting to see that on the Us Government on the federal level the greens have now prepares to attack one of the holy principles of the grand coalition the black 0 i mean weve seen a policy proposal thats an interesting line of agree and this is something we would have expected from the social democrats by the brains to say we need to. Address the investment gap we need to go away from the black 0 policy and we need to think about structural investments in our infrastructure in our Telecommunications Networks and we need to find a different policy for this and i mean for that policy is deficit spending gas that is and that is it came from the european level down to a trickle down to the to the german level and i think that the fiscal competence of the green party mainly is on the european level and not so much on the german level but on the other hand it is the only party which is. Just prepared to stop the black 0 and im not so sure whether this is something many people in germany would agree to but the social democrats already recognize that this flex year or never have been a traditional social democratic policy yet theyre fighting as my doctor has its called the factory id like to try that has been research but i believe this is not social democrat not social democratic policy but it is still the social democratic finance right there who is defined by they will recognize that this starts harm to the party and they will change in these issues hopefully because they react to the other main competitors and im pretty much sure that this plex euro which has never been very well come among the rank and file is and the functionaries of the party will be one of the 1st sec refuses of the sort of democratic parties to catch up again if but that wont be an argument to to go forward for the isp and use them so it would be an argument for the left party or for for for for the for the fact i think i remember her saying bigger now to address these issues to not shy away theyre not shying away from dish issues of Security Policy either their Security Policy speaker on the federal level in the German Parliament and. She is being very outspoken off like challenging the ideas the greens have been thinking about Security Policy it used to be of our pacifist approach and they kind of left tradition and theyre now becoming much more realistic theyre still staying and this is this is the point i think it will be interesting to see where on these hot issues that define as you say german politics will they make a decision for their principles versus their broader appeal or can they make their principles broader appeal and you can omit policies and social policy is just mainly storytelling it is not as detailed and as reliable as you told it for for the interiors and so Security Policies nevertheless a solution said that the greens have a very impressive skillful well briefed knowledgeable leadership do you. Yeah. I do but neither of them had to have have to govern a state or. City or whatever so we dont know how they would deliver if they were in responsibility and all the topics that will we have to deliver know now and he has to prove that it is attainable to do the right offs begins and this will do or harm to some war for talks and purists among their voters absolute let me just come back to my point i didnt assume that when i listed the qualifications for leadership of the jim green terms of the you were going to say yes of course but professor mapper. To do that soon green coleader of all the chancellorship material. This is not say all right so its about whos as potential dangers of the here now from the studios that do not have experiences and they should have some experiences i kind of think about one building this in our history which who did not have experiences in directing. Executives and they have now been the top of of law in germany and even this is seeing which is so different from governing in the federal system so im doubtful and i would say both have to collect experiences as well but on the other hand i do not think that they become the Strongest Party in the next and i think you have to admit that one has counselors the job you just you know with the positions that if you look at time would call im going to markland you have a lot of 1st year but but in the 1st years it was not model not every time joy just to watch them to experience that kind of leadership the question is even if these 2 candidates are these 2 possibly to us are going to be the actual candidates because i mean will be seen now theyve always been leading the Party Leaders have been leading these campaigns but obviously never with the intention of one of them becoming a lead candidate for an actual job because its 2 people and there cant compel him to get now the National Someone is that robot hollaback the charismatic male leader but the comment and theres already been talks about well sudden maybe the woman on the in a babel becoming the candidate i think its quite interesting the more intelligent and. I mean i dont know which of the conversation was entirely more intelligent quantifies unwise to choose for example academically qualified she studied International Law he has studied. Liberal arts and just to talk about these things there is fine distinctions but the question is does it even have to be one of the 2 of them they have now a significant amount of members hiring can quite popular members that have executive experience on the european or on behalf of the most of the federal or state of the most popula

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