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Carnival and take some very special pastries. Royal jubilees beatrix a former clean up the netherlands celebrates her immediately birthday. And old fashion sebastian shot up with a technique of a bygone era. Well its that time of year again in venice where the serious streets and canals are filled with a masked revelers an elaborate costumes carnival or kind of volley as the nations call it is in full swing for the next two weeks for visitors its a feast for the eyes and for their taste buds as well special pastries big just for this occasion are on offer all over town and of course your own max was on hand for the Opening Ceremony is that with a view of the action from the water. One of the worlds most famous water parangs the historic boat procession on the rio de connick jr officially opened the carnival in venice around one hundred twenty boats and gondolas flown to deal on the kind of. Every year thousands of visitors from italy and abroad come to see the waterborne spectacle. And its a sample of venice is just always beautiful we come here often more so colorful the picture rested vibrant. Colors so warm hearted and at least. A day of phoenician khan of all can demand a launch from the visitors but the venetians know how to party own antartica. And sweetly. One of the town pastry shops and cafes are selling for ten italian carnival fritters. Even if it was the same for you someone would go for it but its a very busy pastry shop when everything revolves around these last accountable treats during the last the a carnival at its peak we turn out to ten thousand feet per day that would be totally gutted about it. Tony. Runs one of the citys best known pastry shops he also makes another kind of old favorites donny angel wings ribbons of dough twisted deep fried into. Start with counted sugar critelli are said to have originated in venice you can have a plane all filled for instance with chocolate bars out by your name on light custard. Only pastore people mean yes i did know its similar to what. It contains lots of eggs and pops out when baked so theres a fellow space inside. Is what it looks like inside. It up. And that is much want to be when withheld its creed it will. Like i leave that to to these objects and after a not for calorie counters after a long day of dancing and carousing revelers can get a big package. That is Something Sweet is always good and when its cold out it tastes even better. One of the highlights of the Opening Weekend is the nighttime carnival water parade of the rio de cannot achieve. This is perception is inspired by a circus the floating parades number among the cannibals oldest traditions. Mr nation kamma from i think year before pinsent story where divination decided to make this fire a day to celebrate their lives but it did wane in the bottle of left until. It was quite been put in but anyway symbolic in a way and so we decided yes they go to reaper because like a lot of thinking we do indeed can imagine a driver constructed a want to rid of any family of the past. And people who just couldnt get enough an evening. Can come back for more the next morning the water parades go on for two days. Antonio salvador said also enjoys the Opening Festivities even if hes hardly got time for. Her for the letter to deposit fortunately our big shop is working at full tilt i must get back and see the golani and three delay turned out well in the cities bakeries and cafes are braced for an onslaught of sweet tooth revelers and. Free telly are just as much a part of con. Well here is the costumes and the box. And when you smile its when you taste it its carnival its not carnival without. The sea entered and its conical last for seventeen days anderson usually its a feast for censors. It certainly looks like a fun party there in venice in the mean time the dutch royal family is also in a cellar retore mood as Queen Beatrix gets ready to mark a milestone birthday shes turning eighty and can boast a lifetime of experience beatrix retired from her royal duties as queen five years ago passing the torch on to her son villa but that doesnt mean she has disappeared from the hearts and minds of her fellow dutch citizens. The food chain of the netherlands is hugely popular with the dutch a reputation as very disciplined and dedicated means she still held in high regard. The atrix was born general thirty first nine hundred thirty eight the first daughter of queen you leon of the netherlands and prince bandar a childhood in canadian exile during the war and that home was happy we knew yana gave her and her Three Sisters the freedom to be children and im criticizing other royal houses talk some of condescendingly of the bicycle monarchy they see Queen Beatrix as mother riding around on a bike the worlds were very touchy i very close to the people. Even as Crown Princess beatrix made it clear that she had her own ideas and the will to act on them for example with her choice of a husband in one thousand nine hundred sixty five she got engaged to german diplomatic clouds from. Day married the following year nap sedan. But dutch popular sentiment. Against welcoming a german into the royal house the festivities were overshadowed by street protests but in time prince klaus became a real favorite with the dutch the couple had three sons in one thousand eight hundred bit trixs mother queen yana became. The. Beatrix reigning the queen for thirty three years at first she wielded political influence and responsibility for forming new governments later these power was worker tailed by parliament. In the beginning of her reign people found that she was meddlesome just didnt just watching every detail everything on politics along and they didnt like that too much because and she looked a bit at a distance you know dots there which come too near to me but that changed over the tauren when especially with her. Personal tragedies and her lawyer. The first personal tragedy came in october two thousand and two when her husband prince klaus of the netherlands died after a long battle with unless this was a severe blow to the queen. She suffered another tragedy in twenty twelve when her second son freezone was buried in an avalanche while skiing and spent months in a coma you know because twenty thirteen the royal house announced prince freeserve died it was a difficult time for the royal family. The accident prince freezer was admired go to people in the netherlands she stood and we resort to tragedy in iraq calls but she hold all. And she when going to work and be just as folks that she was. Before. It wasnt long before beatrix had resumed her fishel duties in full. In twenty thirteen at the age of seventy five be a trix past the crown on to her eldest son much as she had received it from her mother in one thousand nine hundred eighty it is at its quote with complete confidence i shall be handing the sovereigns office over to my son prince Villa Alexander on april thirtieth its from one year. For the first time in over a century a man ascended the dutch throat King Alexander will go to europe its a great honor to succeed my mother and for us to serve our country with most of these are many of the most since up to hating princes beatrix has been helping out the royal couple at official appearance since. She had a daughter in law queen maxima another most popular members of the dutch loyal family does it cost us whats characteristic of beatrix is this great love she had for her husband and has her family in this country among the steadfastness she has shes always been a great personality on the part of president s cut. Above old princess beatrix is enjoying her retirement and spending more time with her family. And speaking of royalty really a show Prince William and his wife kate are in sweden bidders visiting their swedish counterparts and taking in some sport also trees in warsaw are experiencing their fifteen minutes of fame plus quite a gem has been found in russia more on those stories coming up in todays express. On tuesday Prince William and his wife catherine the duchess of cambridge through just sweetens capital stalk her right away they took in a game of sandy similar to hoping the royal couple took the. But unity to try it out for themselves. Even though catherines expecting her third child in April William and catherine will spend a total of four times travelling around sweden and norway. In polands capital warsaw a sculptor who has created a fairy tale square from tree trunks to figures were inspired by a childrens t. V. Show called nice shot tech or teddy floppy ear the series has run since the one nine hundred fifty s. And its chief cult status among poles m shes about ski carved out several familiar characters with a chain saw so you some of you are so many amazing emotions of joy expressed by the inhabitants really emotional wow moments what. Someone finally thought of soup or how beautiful Something Like that remains in my memory you dont know but its. The trunks are from trees that had been damaged in a storm last year and were due to be cut down. An enormous emerald has been discovered in russias Ural Mountains the un called gemstone by use over one and a half kilos that is fourteen centimeters in length its the largest stone on earth stood the mine and it decay. We immediately realized the size of the stone wall shows the world its estimated to be worth nearly sixty thousand euros a year old mark the border between asia and europe known for the high concentration of gems arms. The german painter sebastian shridhar is attracting more and more attention on the International Art scene and as one gallery director puts it schrader as works are firmly set in the inbetween transition meaning his figures are captured. Both the before and after while the berlin artist paints with or oil on canvas and his subjects are mostly men informatic poses we met up with him in a studio in berlin to talk more about his style. Sebastian scada is searching for the secrets of painting using to follow the latest trends the young artist works like an old master he has faith in the power of painting. The painting should stand on its i have no concept in a message i dont think something up and then follow that through. Fool instead i supply one part and then try to get another part to come on its something i can figure out which. I leave things to chance. And secretly i hope that the pictures are smarter than i am but more goes into them that id never even thought of doing. For him is like an adventure a journey taken with paint and canvas Sebastian Scott has often surprised himself with how his works turned out but hes a master with brushes and paint and retains a close connection to the history of the. Early work was cold spots or black square. This is a convenient wooden midges of things combined at the bottom of his figure in a melancholy pose which has a tinge of you know about him too good might say it was in part the melancholy attitude towards modernism produced some tired of. Defying convention taking everything to end things that make no sense scotus pictures are counter images to todays hectic world their images of rebellion. For me it was important and there be a kind of refusal implicit in those a questioning of why people are always so faggotry of these days why theres no alternative and almost to just start to not be a part of it all but to stick with what is important to you as one body and blood. Ironically these pictures of denial are especially popular and places of prosperity felix robbins is a wealthy entrepreneur based in london and a collector of sebastian charters works. There is a link between what weve got from the past of today and. So we kind of need to. Work contemporary works of today that reflect today and sebastian falls right in back of your of message and quality and. Its in with the rest german painting is enjoying a boom abroad especially works from whats become known as the new light six school sebastien child has also benefiting from this success even though he studied art and berlin not like his pictures are always set in closed undefinable spaces like figures of baroque painting the men to be good in them are painted in intense light. Dozens not use guns boost i consciously avoid using the illusion of space there are always two dimensional kind which will never see the german forest apparent as a background in my works its the avoidance of telling a story and shrinking things somehow but as much as it is creating a theatrical stage and concentrating on human existence. Idle people in the poses is a bastard spot as new as works they begin to disintegrate instead of illustration these works porter an abstraction. Of the artist as a chronicler and an age of uncertainty wandering between painting traditions between representation and abstraction for soaring but one passion play with shape and color and accepting the result whatever it turns out to be. Every week we bring you five fun facts and our series high five and today we are going to take a look at some of the more unexpected activities that can be enjoyed underwater so grab your wetsuit and snorkel and lets dive in here are. Five activities you probably never thought could be done underwater. For some musicians performing in front of an audience is like taking a plunge into cold water but thats literally the case for a danish group between music creators of the uk or sonic project number five in our list of unusual underwater activities is playing music. Each musician occupies his or her own tongue hear they hold their breath and move as if in slow motion their instruments are all custom made for metals but i am prone to rust. Watching fish swim around an aquarium isnt the most exciting and stamens but looking at plants in an aquarium is really plumbing the depths of number four in our list of activities that can also be performed on the water is gardening. Actress caving is the name of this is leisure activity in which fish only get in the way to go just to create beautiful underwater landscapes in an aquarium. Most people get dressed for dinner not undress but then this restaurant in brussels is no ordinary establishment. The third spot in a ranking of unusual underwater activities its going out to eat the pearl is a restaurant located five meters under water in this round capsule only food is served by waves inditing course yes. These works of art are enough to take your breath away especially if your forgotten your oxygen tank in second place and a visit to an underwater museum. The Museum Atlantico lights off the coast of the Spanish Island of lands or rolls of. Its europes only underwater Sculpture Museum the brainchild of produced artist jason they can tailor the art works change with time and create an artificial reef that attracts marine like. This couple is ready to take the plunge but weeks after they come to already own number one activity you probably never thought could be done under water is getting married exchanging vows on the water has become a worldwide trend. This company is getting heat as an aquarium in london though the minister and the guests remain on dry land the benefits of marrying in water the groom can easily sweep his bride of her feet but there are drawbacks to. This couple had to fend off an attack from a jealous or perhaps just hungry on the come. All right and finally isnt it the case that you always lose something when you go on vacation and if its your camera then its especially heartbreaking because you lose all of those fantastic moments that you documented well last september a ten year old boy lost his camera while on vacation with his parents on the british coast but thanks to the efforts of the german maritime search and rescue service and with a little help on the internet this story. Has a very happy ending. This is the moment ten year old william has been waiting for hes travelled all the way from a small town in Eastern England to the wagner sea in northern germany. After flying to germany and taking a ferry to the island of. He and his family are walking seven kilometers through the mud flats to their destination the Little Island or holiday of the hawk and all this just to retrieve a camera and pass it for a special now but. Last year the migraine burned out so its very special to. Last September William and his parents were visiting a bay on the eastern coast of england while playing william sent his action cam down on a stone and forgot it. It got washed away and embarked on a journey across the north sea the german maritime search and rescue service reconstructed its route they figured the camera had traveled some one hundred kilometers before washing up on suit of august two months later because the memory card was still intact local residents were able to post the video material on the internet and a search for the owner of the gap german and English Media began reporting on the find which is how a friend of williams parents heard about it is something to remember because you know he can do it all our friends at work and his friends at school and his teaches theyre all very interested so he can take this back. And the memories and of course the video from the program so he can share when hes older he can say this is the adventure i was all here. For the week you sleep at night. I. Hope the day i took part in the whole despair the hawks residence but williams camera was found by holders fall down a hole and who was on the island helping out. Thank you. Thank you. This is good. Thanks to all and william and im teasing action cam have been reunited. With her. Because they. Really didnt have to help me but they did so. Its a happy ending to a real life adventure for william and his camera rescued from the fallen city. What a great story and photos we have received lots from you thanks to a contest we have running this week or in the spirit of carnival we wanted to know what your favorite costume is lots of you send in photos i think from your hollowing outfits while this contest is still going on so you have a chance to send us in your answer to our website and if you do so you can win a euro max watch and there it is. And with that it is time to say good bye from me and of course from the rest of the crew here at your own acts as always thanks for tuning in and we will see you right back here again tomorrow. On the next edition of here on max you might think contemporary art is all fresh and new but many works are already suffering where in terror especially those made in Synthetic Materials art restorers are rushing to preserve them art getting treatment tomorrow on your own masts. For. The few. Mahatma gandhi. He fought against violence his whole life. Only to die for his convictions. That the beating of the modern muslim this was up to please his bottom. And he sought to wind down. Dying for freedom my heart must gandhi fifteen minutes. Climate change. Sustainability. Environmental projects. Give globalisation effect biodiversity Species Conservation exploitation be quality. Human rights displacement to. Be sure the global and current of local actually. Global three thousand. Dollars to one official estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. Already at all ive returned a vast whaler. Visit friends i dont think id ever go back there to live you know when i lived there again i dont know so im not sure. Witness global news that matters. Made for mines. So instead of using pesticides which kills all the animals all the instruction in the field one can use pheromones to control insects you know for a natural way pheromones or chemicals that end sex used to communicate with each other the males fly around until a smell less and they find a female and they make it and then the female lays eggs on the fruit and causes all the problems so what the farmer can do it is to use pheromones to spread all over the field you then produce hundreds of trails colors of the field so the male can find people theres insect pests globally they all operate by using pheromones and so if we can can develop it cheap enough and broadly enough and it is just will be used by the form. This is. From berlin tonight the most anticipated speech by u. S. President donald trump since he took office his first state of the Union Address the president of America First and make America Great again is expected to celebrate a robust economy and a roaring stock market and hes expected to call for congress to act on immigration well bring you a preview from washington also coming up kenyas president ial power today the Opposition Leader staged his own president ial inauguration

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