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Mother potter is a showcase city it reflects everything that i would like to be efficient clean and safe. It was built by investors with the promise of rapid growth and a new prosperity. Start cities like this one are now planned for areas all over the country its hoped they will bring the kind of progress india is looking for. So. Weve come to shankar modest home. His telling his two grandchildren how life suddenly changed when the city was built. It was a dramatic transformation. Look this was our old house. Was right next to it. Thats where we kept our livestock the family owned thirty five hectares of land they turned it over to investors who know run the new city. By the law and as a farmer i only had one set of clothes. They arrest me i would watch my clothes in the evening and leave them out to dry so that i could wear them again the next day to the market. Thats what life was like back then. That i might get up and. India is looking to modernize. New cities are to be built between the capital new delhi and the Financial Hub mumbai. The first one will be dilemma dubbed the dream city by plan his dilemma is to be the epitome of efficiency and luxury. Its a dream that indias Prime Minister in a renter modi is committed to turning into reality. Dilemma is also said to be a smart city a Perfect World with a perfect design as highlighted in this promotional video. In your head going to. One of the board of large this conference really mark i did a. Millionth of all. The government wants to build one hundred smart cities throughout india in some cases existing cities will be retrofitted with modern Technology Well others will be built from scratch. For the first time were going to run a competition in india to determine where the smart cities will be built. These intelligent urban centers come with all the latest Technology Energy will come from Renewable Resources security is an absolute top priority and a Network Traffic control system is designed to avoid congestion on the road. These indian cities are to compete with the worlds most advanced urban centers. Weve joined two Real Estate Agents who want to show us the land with a needle eritreans city is to be built. In three to four years the investment will have paid off the government is planning huge projects. The entrance to the residential area has already been built. The farmer who owns this land once a share of the ten billion euro project. Has divided his land into individual plants. One of the agents tells us theres an Industrial Park just four kilometers from here where there will be eight hundred thousand new jobs. Hes convinced in three or four years time this will be a top location. They tell us the price will learn to set to soar in the coming years and that most plots of land in this area have already been sold. Let me show you on the map. Opposite here will be delay or International Airport serving both passengers and freight ninety two hectors are reserved for that. A road sign is so far the only evidence of the planned airport but in just two years time its all supposed to be ready thats when the first residents are set to move in. The government is expecting a rapid economic miracle in just fifteen years time the needle era is said to house two million people. India is looking to reinvent itself here at high speed. Right now the land with a new dilemma smart city is to be built is still home to farmers and their families. The state of gujarat is booming it recently recorded the greatest Economic Growth in india. But most people in good spirit still live in Rural Communities like here in des lera. They struggle to imagine what life will be like when their village disappears and is replaced by a huge modern city. Its not actually possible for the government to simply seize peoples land the law stipulates that seventy percent of the land owners must approve the sale before the new city can be built. Right so the residents have begun Holding Regular Meetings at the local temple. When the government is keen to move ahead and has promised compensation if the villagers agree to leave their land but theyre refusing to go i believe they are even if the government stacks up money from the ground to the sky were not going to harm. Ninety five thousand people in twenty two villages are required to leave their homes to make way for the delay or dream city. They suppose to move elsewhere and give up their ancestral lands. But what they actually want to do is continue farming for generations its the only life these families have know and the next generation is not prepared for modern life in the city now i am getting on my children here can only go to school until eighth grade or if the government is really interested in promoting our development they should first set of classes going to twelfth grade. Or neighbor if we have no land left to farm we wont be able to find wives for our sons who would want to marry into a family that has no land for them if. The government has made the farm is an offer it would by fifty percent of their land and replace the remaining fifty percent with a plot of land in another location. Just have hunted by is the Third Generation of his family to work as a cotton farmer. He owns forty had his of land when theres not much rain he grows wheat past when theres plenty of rain he plants cost and as it brings in more money. During the harvest him ploys up to twenty day laborers for the time consuming task of gathering in the cart and these workers include children thats not unusual in india for many families in rural areas harvest time is the one opportunity to earn money. Modern cured all of my pharmacy cant do anything else but. We didnt have a good School Education growing crops is the only thing we know how to do the companies that want to move here wont benefit us they wont employ people like me where no man ever said. They say they need help to ensure the next generation can make the leap into modernity without that all they can do is continue their traditional lifestyle of foaming the land. Some farm has made the mistake of selling their land to real estate speculators. Taliban bang mumbai is one of them he turned his ten hectares of land into cash he didnt want to do it it was his three brothers who talked him into selling the family estate. Now his farming days are over a new city will soon be built on his land. Are you going to live become a day laborer im dependent on others to give me work. Life was better when i had my own land now the land is gone and so was the money. As i are we got money for the land and now weve used it all up. If i still had my land i could plant wheat and millet and we could live well off that. Thats all why doggie robert and. Pham is like a child on bottom and by will not share in the profit made by the speculators the economic boom that everyone here is expecting will pass him by. Those who simply sell their land as he did lose the means of earning an income both for themselves and for future generations its others who then stand to make a profit from their land. In the past or the model smart city things turned out exactly as many critics said they would. Indias first smart city has been designed exclusively for the financial elite. Those less well off have simply been overlooked. By local residents have made a good life for themselves in this small world the workers who do all the low paid jobs are forced to live outside the city. But one thing does make this model City Different the investor has turned the formula and onus into shareholders. Satish magara is the man in charge here it was his idea to encourage International Firms to come to pass or. Seventy Farming Families have given their land so that the city could be built in return they received shares proportionate to the size of their land by giving them a share in the profits he was able to win their support. Soon or we would have been in india its across the country not only. Has three regions things to do to spend his money. He has been waiting for him to build up because everything was in. Line pulling the garment and giving doesnt make sense the. Difference between the government. You want everything for yourself and you can do it and that is what the government was we are developer also and they want to have the guinea did too difficult. To form a sugarcane farm mission karmakar sicily approves of this new urban life only his clothing reveals that he was originally a farmer. Actually become businessmen i have income through my shares in the city. I benefit from the profits. Today i own a restaurant near the cyber city two restaurants in the season small and one in the phoenix more. On this little baker meant that. We also have a construction company. My sons look after the business. I look after them. This. Is the first private he administered township in the country. People dont just come here to work some choose to live in our past because they appreciate the benefits of a well run city managed by a business executive. The City Administration also provides for leisure activities. There are four committees who sold tons is to plan his social life. Priyanka has lived in six years the station rarely strays outside the closely guarded city she spends most of her free time here in a radius of four kilometers from her workplace. As long as she stays here she feels safe my husband travels quite a bit. Hes mostly out of the town hes out and i am living here alone i dont have to worry about the safety or security or even the loneliness because there is so much to do outside the health clubs jogging track them was there. Do whatever i want it doesnt affect me this is what i would call freedom living in india without having the back of my head or somebody is going to leave me or that im saver that im secure here theres no that kind of void in my home when im on. The mother part or enclave and its fifty thousand residents are guarded by a private security service. The International Firms who work here also want safeguards against crime and terrorist attacks. Managing director gar has designed the security concept to be all encompassing. We have real. Lives including the. Banners the. For security reasons. We have more than eight hundred fifty dollars. Monitoring every moment there is a command center where twenty four seven people watching. That. We have know. That hes not willing to show us the command center. Another pastor is the private property of the company that built it and as the director of that company he gets to make the rules. That have passed has been so successful that hes now planning to build two more subsidies. We do same for much of the residential areas that experience. More than all the services. Lets all be in building all. The privately run city is considered a model for the future one that can work anywhere in the world a number of other Asian Countries have also experimented with the concept. But some people find the regulations too restrictive and move away again Priyanka Kadam spent six years living and working in indias first smart city after that shed had enough. She looked for another place to live in a newly developed area outside market pattaya. The guard would not lead someone even dropping your wallet if its a guy youre going to come to your building and drop you he s. Really were good im cool and that it would not have restrictions and you have to have you are a guard on you all again because you can enter your building so it has they have these i mean where there is a reason for everything they want to maintain going of really good on things that i saw they moved in order and we dont have anything like the other. In our minority we havent used fiction percentage. Now Priyanka Kadam can have friends over whenever she likes whether there are men or women in here outside the Smart City Management rules no longer apply the. Weve now come to the indian capital new delhi where were meeting with social the just preety some parts she has done research into indias smart cities and points to the dangers of these privately governed entities. She says theres a risk that society can become overly conformity of residence sacrifice some of their democratic rights in exchange for greater security. What we seen in the creation of these months of our citizen subjects who are consumers who are necessarily adding to this kind of an Economic Growth agenda of private corporations and are living under private Government Systems which cannot necessarily be held accountable in the same we as the government the state that you have elected into power. By many names smart city and township but one thing is clear capitalism rules and residents are first and foremost consumers. The poor people live outside the small city. They were here before the investors came now the two sides live in a symbiotic relationship. For the poor living close to the city means the chance of earning an income for residents inside not our pastor the poor are a source of cheap labor. While the perfectly planned city prosperous and its residents enjoy a better life the rest of the country is left behind. Less than half of all city dwellers in india have access to Running Water and one third does not have their own toilet. Were going to put down others put why you dont use out of there were gas but im dead by more than p. P. Sixtys most of them bookers and these are the people who thought of those people did their work in their houses they are very theyre one room who are windows and so do our logs and things like that so you. Dont get into this theyd be have created and everything that was good for them to reach and we didnt get that walk up will be good system and they can set a way that classes go only because theyre Poor Community sort of them so there is already early lucians you know the poor people are not staying in margaret what about what were going to put there because of the poor people out on. Canterbury and on day came here fifty years ago when margaret passed it was just a mass of sugarcane fields. Together with her husband she runs a small mobile kiosk. Neither of them are allowed to enter the small city they would need a special permit which they dont have the management dont want street traders. Breitbart they know you dont like them we dont know what will happen in the future we built a house here it stands on land belonging to the authorities if they decide to expand the city we have nowhere else to go. The land on which they live has become more and more desirable as time goes by developers are already interested. Canterbury london and has been pushed there stand along the road each day to get to the busiest area. They sell dried fish junk food as well as individual cigarettes which sell for the equivalent of fourteen cents each. So they are at least able to earn a living from their wealthy neighbors. But the New Buildings have now almost reached their small village thanks so long a lot of them its easier for my two sons than for us one is working as a Security Guard and i dont want them to have such a hard life as i did i hope they have a better life. And so she stands here every evening hoping that the money making city wont one day swallow up her home. Inside the city life is good. For younger by his story and her husband come to this club regularly with their friends. And. A glass of beer cost the equivalent a full year. The only people in india who can afford these prices are the ones who work for an international company. The average wage in india otherwise is one hundred thirty euros a month. The Software Developers and managers here have become almost a cost of their. They sealed themselves off from the perceived threat outside the city walls. I can get drunk and walk away all thought of what he. Did. It just because i was movie and only mother would have walked home im talking about walking over in the night i dont know how many people do that and yeah my. This is i met about indias seventh largest city it was founded over six hundred years ago and is steeped in history. It was once home to Mahatma Gandhi it was from here that gandhi started his famous song much in the drive for independence from britain. Here at the design shop is passing around buying provisions as they have done for centuries. And have a son is an urban planner in ahmedabad he too has studied the smart city concept so naturally people like this kind of migrants leave but in a more controlled fashion so it will be like a mall which pretends to be a bazaar so good to be. Returned to have all the compliments at the end of a bazaar you can have a temple you can have a charm but then you get one be like this so you will have to bring out turns to an image that you love to create the vase artificially because it needed in terms of the. Intensity the density of the inclusiveness you dont know if its going to have you love talking straight to you or me to make the citizens feel that they are not nice why bring players. We return to dilemma and the cotton farmers in the state of goods are at. Their villages one of the. Standing in the way of the worlds biggest infrastructure project. They too are afraid of losing their home forever. Almost half the population of india lives from farming. And yet i agree culture only accounts for around twelve percent of Indias Economic output. The government wants to redress that imbalance less agriculture and more industry is the goal. In may have had some kind of an introductory meeting with farmers from the twenty two religions that are affected by the. Project and because they signed their presence in that meeting their attendance in that meeting that was taken to be consent. So the families have all this weve been very upset about this form of you know showing consent whereas in reality the consent was never really taken. To the cotton farmers want to show us the area that they are to be reassigned to once a city is built on their land. But first they stopped by one of their existing fields view authorities have placed a road market there and they worried about what it could mean i can oh of course i was over there theres already a road with four lanes for learners and the government wants to expand it to six lanes. Why do they need a two hundred fifty metre wide road here. If they take away this land to expand the road what will happen to our farmland. Theyve placed this marker here so they can take away our land from us in the future. Half an hour later we reach our destination. We are now near the coast the salt water has penetrated the substrata of the soil. The firmest say they learned is totally unsuitable for growing anything. They were told they could irrigate the land and then cotton or wheat would grow here. The two farmers feel that the government is not taking them seriously at all their farms are simply to be sacrificed in the name of Economic Growth. Their core i mean look this is the land that were supposed to get what can we do with this. Sea water is totally saturated the ground. And then you can see round about theres green. When the really high tides come this ground will be under water and a farmer do with land like this not only not take the fall village is destroyed to make way for the city were finished if the village is integrated into the new city it wont be able to survive. All fertile land would be gone wed have nothing left to live from. Indias smart cities arent attempt to create a utopia they catapult their residents into maternity by leaving the rest of the country behind. These new cities built from scratch are seen by many as the way forward india could just be the start. You know max presents the joys of winter with all that stuff. If you spend all your time on the slopes then you must not have heard about

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