Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 2017123

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20171231

a look at what is coming up. illusionary odds versus cowardly is a monster vision deception. star entertainer meet the doctor paying off the look i'm groping over. and it was a well to chill out an exciting and venture parking fine print. first up but let me on ask what do you do when you take a train. kwacha movie on a tablet or stereo fired well how about watching a live performance any of us here passengers on a thirty day moment a journey were entertained by locals and volunteers from pawson towns ira thousand people performs different show of sketches beside the track as each train went by and not only does it keep the passengers busy it also brought the local community together. hunted up being chased by his lookout post. a family who suddenly gets water. and a truck entrees in a field the famous car from the former east germany trying to keep up with a modern v.w. all part of a not project stage but people on passing trains local residents pulled out all the stops to keep the passengers on the thirty kilometer train ride between non-book and nina entertained the for. those months when what's so good not to just stare at your phone all the time but to look outside the countryside here is amazing and of course the individual pieces of drama that are on show a quite unique downs and show and spits it puts you in a good mood. a few kilometers further on residents are still preparing their props disguised as bush if they take up their positions they stay just the peeled their performance will last just a few seconds. keeping the audience guessing is a key idea in the performances where the passengers sometimes wonder what's real and what staged this tree seems to be on fire then people from the stone age stopped me appear on the scene. of a shock surprises a couple of fishing. the whole thing was the brainchild of un himself and young go poof now media artists and professors for experimental television. for. little ones. fifteen years ago you couldn't have imagined doing and each search online and scanning an average of fifteen thousand pictures a day as thumbnail so that has an effect on you in a train journey is similar it's like a parallel to modern media you pass by all these things really fast you can't look at them properly so it's like looking over thumbnail pictures or by. a lot of assumptions of the model by. the trains passed through nine stations along the route here too there was plenty of action. in now on board quiet santa passengers. then rocco began his race against the train there were actually twenty five runners all wearing identical outfits giving the impression that one man was out running out peddling the machine. for the moment it was a chance to have some fun and for at least one resident it was a way of getting to know her new neighbors. it just seemed like something fun to do as a group and then also i'm really interested in getting more involved in the culture so for me as a foreigner it was really exciting. the train of course had no chance against the racing roll call. all together the actor's performance the twenty four train loads of passengers over two days. for the moving bush's that meant running across the field twice an hour. if your country we didn't know each other beforehand it's really interesting but you get to know nice people and have some fun. and i think it's all part of the project to do things together with other people and without. performances passing trains on the projects that inspired local residents and some police entertain the passengers. while talking about all projects have you heard about the movie called loving vince and it's the world's first feature film that was fully painted yes to all the work of vincent van gogh artists from all around the world one hired to paint thousands of frames from the maybe i can tell you firsthand it is a must see i was in or the whole way through it and you'll soon see why. this is the world as vincent van gogh saw it or at least how the makers of the film loving vincent imagine he did. they've created this animated feature as in a march to the dutch artist it's comprised of around sixty five thousand frames each painted in oil by hand. the film had its world premiere in very picturesque surroundings in south eastern france loving vincent was shown as a part of the renowned international animation film festival. when you put these paintings together and to gather that almost create like you know storyboard so. so that was their main reason and also he fascinated me as an artist with his incredible bravery and their passion. you know still briefs life into what we doing. the film storyline is based on around eight hundred letters that vincent van gogh wrote to his brother tito it covers the last year of the artist's life including his struggles with mental illness and his eventual suicide. in concert with a girl who i reckon was out of his league in the next go. around one hundred paintings provided the basis for the film's hard work. ethic challenge for us to be unified. team of painters because they're very different people with their artistic background but also different style. and all of sudden they all had to just leave their air leave all of that behind first the scenes were filmed using actors these images served as templates for the painters who recreated them frame by frame. own signature style the trick. i know that. the artists worked at three different locations most painted their works in done poland some five thousand people from around the world had applied to take part in the project around one hundred may degrade to make the artist's work easier these special studios were set up each one is equipped with a monitor and a projector. when required the template can be projected onto the screen. from ukraine specializes in fortress. vince vaughn god is one of her idols. i use his experience for my work and from my life and now i. do. i think it's. important and he. would call us about styles about working landscape it's my for him. every painting was photographed and pieced together to create a film sequence it took twelve paintings to produce just one second to film their style how to remain as close as possible to yvonne goss but at times they had to get creative. various camera sizes you know sometimes we had to invent a little bit to the rider to the left sometimes for the reasons the other there of reasons we actually had the trains of the season so we had to change a little bit the color scheme and some of the paintings are better but you know we tried to show most of the paintings as true to the original at some point in the film as we can. at the animation film festival in all see the film found its audience. that everything is animated and that they're all paintings is just i can hardly believe it and the play of light and shadow and that everything is painted an impression. styles. you were really caught up in the paintings of its time called this film was very touching and poetic and you had the impression of being caught up in the artist's emotional torment. the film rights to loving vincent were sold to twenty countries even before it premiered and it recently won the european film award for best animated feature. it's also just been nominated for the golden globes so i predict that they'll be more what's to come in twenty this though is a great platform for a new talent as well it's always good to recognize new skills and that's what i want to do now i want to introduce you to howard lee a british artist whose name is painting illusions of real objects and then forwarding his there is by putting them among the real thing so that you can tell the difference save you can guess the object from the image now. which of these objects is real and which is a drawing. these internet videos are about everyday objects but not all of them are as real as they look. perfect drawings that of fooling our senses and a few seconds of time lapse video solve the riddle of the optical illusions. the works of british artist howard lee are showing us the limitations of our perception of. what makes a video great is the moment at which it becomes something you didn't expect it to be whether it's that you were looking at a drawing and you didn't realize it was a drawing or whether you were looking at a drawing that then started moving and becomes an animation and mixes with reality it's the single point at which something unexpected happens that's the sort of magic moment and that's for me what really makes it the drawing is only the beginning of lee's work he films the hours long creative process of drawing the actual artwork is the finished video. prefers to exhibit his works on the internet. it's not elitist in any way it doesn't require somebody to endorse it or to put money behind it it doesn't matter how old you are or how experienced you are how qualified you are anybody can draw video painting an artwork or a video creation or anything online and it's judged purely on its own merits lee has a growing community of fans on social networks the artist now earns a living selling prints and working for advertising clients. is also seeking out new challenges in addition to still lifes he's trying his hand at the animation. and using live action footage. but you can only achieve this sort of hyper realistic look under the right conditions. you've got the lighting which needs to be not so far into the picture that it's going to make the colors too too faint to grade out. you've got the media so you need the intensity of what you're using to match the color intensity on the screen you need different media so you know you need things like a kind of white gel pain which are going to they're going to give you the highlight that you need. that's going to be the same is the intensity of the reflection of the objects. lives and works in the northern english city of newcastle he started making internet videos in two thousand and fifteen before that he taught art. he had started on to university but most of the techniques he uses today he didn't learn there. has been learned through other people demonstrating in their videos on instagram or on you tube into toils if i need to learn something the first place i goes you tube to try and find somebody to teach me how to do it normally i can. lead chooses his subjects from everyday life he's constantly experimenting with different colors and materials to create the perfect illusion. often a few seconds of video take days to make. and in the future the production process could even get more complex. i'd like to make more videos which maybe have more of a sense of story maybe bring some of the followers into the videos and so i can combine drawing and reality on the same plane salgado i've got a hundred thousand ideas that i'd like to try out so yeah it's just finding the time to do the mini is it real or an illusion howard leese succeeds however briefly in making us call reality into question. now time for some go it and go llama we visited does a violinist on today who are otherwise known as the king of well it's not only does he only cost zero but he also runs the world's largest private orchestra if estimated that his sold more concert tickets than be on say and although some people find it shows kitschy and pomponius is extravagance is definitely part of the attraction. i'm slightly you placed to adoring audiences the world over but this performance was in his home city of mass taste featuring opulent costumes and lavish backdrops his concerts are always good for a few surprises at all can contact us very good every concert we put on as a fresh beginning we can never just go autopilot with the mark we always get out and that's what lends us energy that's good you know after the concert then we can boskone our success that we need lots of red wine to come back down to earth again . his colleagues describe him a strict that say he has a good sense of humor and he's not only if i list he's also the founder and conductor of the world's largest private orchestra the u. hunched house orchestra which has about fifty musicians. at the listen or is it a trumpet sounds different this time let's hear the other one the one the towards the end sort of sweet. you would. yes like the other one some more italian brought it all down for. the first violinist funk stein's about twenty five years ago the orchestra thrives on a spirit of teamwork and collaboration. in auckland i remember once when we were in auckland new zealand we were in a hotel and it was raining without end i went to andres room which had a piano and we started playing on me on the piano and him on the violin. or if you haven't we compose four or five waltzes in a single day which we later recorded the video i was in these i'm. playing of the year it was born in one nine hundred forty nine in mast next to a musical family he began learning violin at the age of five and went on to play in a number of dutch ensembles the turning point of his career came in one thousand nine hundred five when he performed during halftime at the champions league final between buying munich and i had amsterdam afterwards his album sales sort. only years. later the newly anointed king of the waltz moved into a fifteenth century castle and must least. i always wanted to live in a car song i was always my dream. i read tintin as a boy and in one of the books he and the professor sold an invention and bought a castle with income. even then i thought oh how lovely i want to do that too. doesn't work the money well you have a dream you should make it reality. it's the best thing in life and i try to make my dreams a reality every day. let us know you found out dreams can go right in two thousand and eight he had a replica at the end as shouldn't one palace as a backdrop for a global tour it took more than two hundred containers to ship it to australia. that's what we start with it was too much it cost too much and i went bankrupt. later i was here in this very room with a bang guns who are saying. one else can we take away with us but one of them said no let him keep performing that's the only way we'll ever get our money back. i promised my wife i'd never overdo things again name a pride. today the u.s. operation is back on its feet again over the past few years he's toured on five continents that's meant hiring four separate teams each in charge of their own stage backdrop to your designs his own costumes which are then made to measure in multiple copies until you has turned his passion for music into a multi-million euro business the king of the waltz and his true life fairytale kareen. i. now we finished the show on a high and i mean that quite literally as off of the water well the venture box and fight press people have been enjoying the nonstop trail than i in office since the mid ninety's it's wanna travel is choice award and for just thirty eight year is a day it's a nothing for gentlemen seekers when visiting. its waters light is not for the faint of heart in just seconds zeus' thunder bolt sends visitors at lightning speed from an eighteen metre high tower down into the pool below. the slightest located it water world in i.e. enough a resort on the southeast coast of cyprus. as the largest themed water park in europe waterworld is beloved by tourists and locals alike. i felt the come on the water park on my first time it was nine fifty so i am a customer for more about putting you on the view of. your parking lot i promptly locked. really my wife i like the slide the most because all four if you can go together and it's really quick. she's referring to the chariot chase one of the water parks. for people on this seventy meter long slide at once the first to reach the pool below is the winner. and then there's the fall of an inflatable tubes two people slide down and then reach for the sun before falling back down again. thirty five attractions in all over an area of around one hundred thousand square meters. for those behind the scenes keeping visitors happy and safe is a balancing act. the right stop the ride stop the ride out to troops. having the rides ride so making sure all these poor things are all the time the safety of occurred to see if we should see the show that's a big challenge and so so you have read every day so it's bringing this team together to bring some live. water world is a theme park based on greek mythology. with its snake like. the quest of paris lees pays homage to the greek hero. a nine headed water but. then there's the trojan horse themed children's. and there are plenty of ornate columns to serve as reminders of ancient greece. cyprus is going to greek history. and that's the most prominent history that we have. and we have all over the island different. different ancient findings all. over greece. when people come here they think oh the greek history. the waterpark attracts people from around the globe for many it's an action packed alternative to a day at the beach. because there's a lot of variety so even if you don't want to go in the sizes that the wave pool and just relax in a lazy river. but there's also it's just. you something to do for the whole day. then you're right he has made water world a splashing success the water park has already received thirty one international awards and it could soon be in line for more with four new attractions planned for the future. well no doubt we'll keep you informed when they open to the public for now though we are out of time so i wish you all a wonderful rest of your day and from myself and all of the team harry miramax the bike. the first time i saw the northern lights something in my brain changed to visitors from all over come to new sweden to experience the spectacle of nature. such an aspersion move something that can triumph sky a fascinating winter journey to the northern lights solar storms at midnight magic in fifteen minutes on d w. the stumbling dice foreign buyers counterterrorism are dealing with an economic killed many civilians i mean the irish coming including my father was a physician and i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself. my life became knowledge kind of. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for minds. they live to serve. danger lurks in the longer we were that polio alone surfing waste and and polluted water. basically the safety of all as well as the backup of only a shameful i was on a shelf. is only decent it's sad to go somewhere every day and see more and more proficient each time or the sea gives me everything from waves the wind i have to give something back so i feel obliged to look at it as lucinda really got in there with us are. white waves surfers fighting against one single the sea starting january seventh on g.w. . everyone everything knows it the child needs food the food can do nothing before maybe israelis can reset a lot of programs they drop out of the school because they really do nothing when coming from home that could have easily been us. at any one of the stolen. a wave of spontaneous protests are very ron's weak economy have swept into the capital tehran despite the government's warning to avoid what it calls illegal gatherings the third day of demonstrations came as hardliners have.

Related Keywords

Auckland , New Zealand , Australia , Munich , Bayern , Germany , United Kingdom , Ukraine , Amsterdam , Noord Holland , Netherlands , Israel , Tehran , Iran , Italy , Ireland , France , Cyprus , Greece , Italian , East Germany , Israelis , Dutch , British , Greek , Irish , Harry Miramax , Yvonne Goss , Howard Lee , Paris Lees , Tintin Asa , Dari Pashto , Vincent Van Gogh ,

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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20171231 :

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20171231

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a look at what is coming up. illusionary odds versus cowardly is a monster vision deception. star entertainer meet the doctor paying off the look i'm groping over. and it was a well to chill out an exciting and venture parking fine print. first up but let me on ask what do you do when you take a train. kwacha movie on a tablet or stereo fired well how about watching a live performance any of us here passengers on a thirty day moment a journey were entertained by locals and volunteers from pawson towns ira thousand people performs different show of sketches beside the track as each train went by and not only does it keep the passengers busy it also brought the local community together. hunted up being chased by his lookout post. a family who suddenly gets water. and a truck entrees in a field the famous car from the former east germany trying to keep up with a modern v.w. all part of a not project stage but people on passing trains local residents pulled out all the stops to keep the passengers on the thirty kilometer train ride between non-book and nina entertained the for. those months when what's so good not to just stare at your phone all the time but to look outside the countryside here is amazing and of course the individual pieces of drama that are on show a quite unique downs and show and spits it puts you in a good mood. a few kilometers further on residents are still preparing their props disguised as bush if they take up their positions they stay just the peeled their performance will last just a few seconds. keeping the audience guessing is a key idea in the performances where the passengers sometimes wonder what's real and what staged this tree seems to be on fire then people from the stone age stopped me appear on the scene. of a shock surprises a couple of fishing. the whole thing was the brainchild of un himself and young go poof now media artists and professors for experimental television. for. little ones. fifteen years ago you couldn't have imagined doing and each search online and scanning an average of fifteen thousand pictures a day as thumbnail so that has an effect on you in a train journey is similar it's like a parallel to modern media you pass by all these things really fast you can't look at them properly so it's like looking over thumbnail pictures or by. a lot of assumptions of the model by. the trains passed through nine stations along the route here too there was plenty of action. in now on board quiet santa passengers. then rocco began his race against the train there were actually twenty five runners all wearing identical outfits giving the impression that one man was out running out peddling the machine. for the moment it was a chance to have some fun and for at least one resident it was a way of getting to know her new neighbors. it just seemed like something fun to do as a group and then also i'm really interested in getting more involved in the culture so for me as a foreigner it was really exciting. the train of course had no chance against the racing roll call. all together the actor's performance the twenty four train loads of passengers over two days. for the moving bush's that meant running across the field twice an hour. if your country we didn't know each other beforehand it's really interesting but you get to know nice people and have some fun. and i think it's all part of the project to do things together with other people and without. performances passing trains on the projects that inspired local residents and some police entertain the passengers. while talking about all projects have you heard about the movie called loving vince and it's the world's first feature film that was fully painted yes to all the work of vincent van gogh artists from all around the world one hired to paint thousands of frames from the maybe i can tell you firsthand it is a must see i was in or the whole way through it and you'll soon see why. this is the world as vincent van gogh saw it or at least how the makers of the film loving vincent imagine he did. they've created this animated feature as in a march to the dutch artist it's comprised of around sixty five thousand frames each painted in oil by hand. the film had its world premiere in very picturesque surroundings in south eastern france loving vincent was shown as a part of the renowned international animation film festival. when you put these paintings together and to gather that almost create like you know storyboard so. so that was their main reason and also he fascinated me as an artist with his incredible bravery and their passion. you know still briefs life into what we doing. the film storyline is based on around eight hundred letters that vincent van gogh wrote to his brother tito it covers the last year of the artist's life including his struggles with mental illness and his eventual suicide. in concert with a girl who i reckon was out of his league in the next go. around one hundred paintings provided the basis for the film's hard work. ethic challenge for us to be unified. team of painters because they're very different people with their artistic background but also different style. and all of sudden they all had to just leave their air leave all of that behind first the scenes were filmed using actors these images served as templates for the painters who recreated them frame by frame. own signature style the trick. i know that. the artists worked at three different locations most painted their works in done poland some five thousand people from around the world had applied to take part in the project around one hundred may degrade to make the artist's work easier these special studios were set up each one is equipped with a monitor and a projector. when required the template can be projected onto the screen. from ukraine specializes in fortress. vince vaughn god is one of her idols. i use his experience for my work and from my life and now i. do. i think it's. important and he. would call us about styles about working landscape it's my for him. every painting was photographed and pieced together to create a film sequence it took twelve paintings to produce just one second to film their style how to remain as close as possible to yvonne goss but at times they had to get creative. various camera sizes you know sometimes we had to invent a little bit to the rider to the left sometimes for the reasons the other there of reasons we actually had the trains of the season so we had to change a little bit the color scheme and some of the paintings are better but you know we tried to show most of the paintings as true to the original at some point in the film as we can. at the animation film festival in all see the film found its audience. that everything is animated and that they're all paintings is just i can hardly believe it and the play of light and shadow and that everything is painted an impression. styles. you were really caught up in the paintings of its time called this film was very touching and poetic and you had the impression of being caught up in the artist's emotional torment. the film rights to loving vincent were sold to twenty countries even before it premiered and it recently won the european film award for best animated feature. it's also just been nominated for the golden globes so i predict that they'll be more what's to come in twenty this though is a great platform for a new talent as well it's always good to recognize new skills and that's what i want to do now i want to introduce you to howard lee a british artist whose name is painting illusions of real objects and then forwarding his there is by putting them among the real thing so that you can tell the difference save you can guess the object from the image now. which of these objects is real and which is a drawing. these internet videos are about everyday objects but not all of them are as real as they look. perfect drawings that of fooling our senses and a few seconds of time lapse video solve the riddle of the optical illusions. the works of british artist howard lee are showing us the limitations of our perception of. what makes a video great is the moment at which it becomes something you didn't expect it to be whether it's that you were looking at a drawing and you didn't realize it was a drawing or whether you were looking at a drawing that then started moving and becomes an animation and mixes with reality it's the single point at which something unexpected happens that's the sort of magic moment and that's for me what really makes it the drawing is only the beginning of lee's work he films the hours long creative process of drawing the actual artwork is the finished video. prefers to exhibit his works on the internet. it's not elitist in any way it doesn't require somebody to endorse it or to put money behind it it doesn't matter how old you are or how experienced you are how qualified you are anybody can draw video painting an artwork or a video creation or anything online and it's judged purely on its own merits lee has a growing community of fans on social networks the artist now earns a living selling prints and working for advertising clients. is also seeking out new challenges in addition to still lifes he's trying his hand at the animation. and using live action footage. but you can only achieve this sort of hyper realistic look under the right conditions. you've got the lighting which needs to be not so far into the picture that it's going to make the colors too too faint to grade out. you've got the media so you need the intensity of what you're using to match the color intensity on the screen you need different media so you know you need things like a kind of white gel pain which are going to they're going to give you the highlight that you need. that's going to be the same is the intensity of the reflection of the objects. lives and works in the northern english city of newcastle he started making internet videos in two thousand and fifteen before that he taught art. he had started on to university but most of the techniques he uses today he didn't learn there. has been learned through other people demonstrating in their videos on instagram or on you tube into toils if i need to learn something the first place i goes you tube to try and find somebody to teach me how to do it normally i can. lead chooses his subjects from everyday life he's constantly experimenting with different colors and materials to create the perfect illusion. often a few seconds of video take days to make. and in the future the production process could even get more complex. i'd like to make more videos which maybe have more of a sense of story maybe bring some of the followers into the videos and so i can combine drawing and reality on the same plane salgado i've got a hundred thousand ideas that i'd like to try out so yeah it's just finding the time to do the mini is it real or an illusion howard leese succeeds however briefly in making us call reality into question. now time for some go it and go llama we visited does a violinist on today who are otherwise known as the king of well it's not only does he only cost zero but he also runs the world's largest private orchestra if estimated that his sold more concert tickets than be on say and although some people find it shows kitschy and pomponius is extravagance is definitely part of the attraction. i'm slightly you placed to adoring audiences the world over but this performance was in his home city of mass taste featuring opulent costumes and lavish backdrops his concerts are always good for a few surprises at all can contact us very good every concert we put on as a fresh beginning we can never just go autopilot with the mark we always get out and that's what lends us energy that's good you know after the concert then we can boskone our success that we need lots of red wine to come back down to earth again . his colleagues describe him a strict that say he has a good sense of humor and he's not only if i list he's also the founder and conductor of the world's largest private orchestra the u. hunched house orchestra which has about fifty musicians. at the listen or is it a trumpet sounds different this time let's hear the other one the one the towards the end sort of sweet. you would. yes like the other one some more italian brought it all down for. the first violinist funk stein's about twenty five years ago the orchestra thrives on a spirit of teamwork and collaboration. in auckland i remember once when we were in auckland new zealand we were in a hotel and it was raining without end i went to andres room which had a piano and we started playing on me on the piano and him on the violin. or if you haven't we compose four or five waltzes in a single day which we later recorded the video i was in these i'm. playing of the year it was born in one nine hundred forty nine in mast next to a musical family he began learning violin at the age of five and went on to play in a number of dutch ensembles the turning point of his career came in one thousand nine hundred five when he performed during halftime at the champions league final between buying munich and i had amsterdam afterwards his album sales sort. only years. later the newly anointed king of the waltz moved into a fifteenth century castle and must least. i always wanted to live in a car song i was always my dream. i read tintin as a boy and in one of the books he and the professor sold an invention and bought a castle with income. even then i thought oh how lovely i want to do that too. doesn't work the money well you have a dream you should make it reality. it's the best thing in life and i try to make my dreams a reality every day. let us know you found out dreams can go right in two thousand and eight he had a replica at the end as shouldn't one palace as a backdrop for a global tour it took more than two hundred containers to ship it to australia. that's what we start with it was too much it cost too much and i went bankrupt. later i was here in this very room with a bang guns who are saying. one else can we take away with us but one of them said no let him keep performing that's the only way we'll ever get our money back. i promised my wife i'd never overdo things again name a pride. today the u.s. operation is back on its feet again over the past few years he's toured on five continents that's meant hiring four separate teams each in charge of their own stage backdrop to your designs his own costumes which are then made to measure in multiple copies until you has turned his passion for music into a multi-million euro business the king of the waltz and his true life fairytale kareen. i. now we finished the show on a high and i mean that quite literally as off of the water well the venture box and fight press people have been enjoying the nonstop trail than i in office since the mid ninety's it's wanna travel is choice award and for just thirty eight year is a day it's a nothing for gentlemen seekers when visiting. its waters light is not for the faint of heart in just seconds zeus' thunder bolt sends visitors at lightning speed from an eighteen metre high tower down into the pool below. the slightest located it water world in i.e. enough a resort on the southeast coast of cyprus. as the largest themed water park in europe waterworld is beloved by tourists and locals alike. i felt the come on the water park on my first time it was nine fifty so i am a customer for more about putting you on the view of. your parking lot i promptly locked. really my wife i like the slide the most because all four if you can go together and it's really quick. she's referring to the chariot chase one of the water parks. for people on this seventy meter long slide at once the first to reach the pool below is the winner. and then there's the fall of an inflatable tubes two people slide down and then reach for the sun before falling back down again. thirty five attractions in all over an area of around one hundred thousand square meters. for those behind the scenes keeping visitors happy and safe is a balancing act. the right stop the ride stop the ride out to troops. having the rides ride so making sure all these poor things are all the time the safety of occurred to see if we should see the show that's a big challenge and so so you have read every day so it's bringing this team together to bring some live. water world is a theme park based on greek mythology. with its snake like. the quest of paris lees pays homage to the greek hero. a nine headed water but. then there's the trojan horse themed children's. and there are plenty of ornate columns to serve as reminders of ancient greece. cyprus is going to greek history. and that's the most prominent history that we have. and we have all over the island different. different ancient findings all. over greece. when people come here they think oh the greek history. the waterpark attracts people from around the globe for many it's an action packed alternative to a day at the beach. because there's a lot of variety so even if you don't want to go in the sizes that the wave pool and just relax in a lazy river. but there's also it's just. you something to do for the whole day. then you're right he has made water world a splashing success the water park has already received thirty one international awards and it could soon be in line for more with four new attractions planned for the future. well no doubt we'll keep you informed when they open to the public for now though we are out of time so i wish you all a wonderful rest of your day and from myself and all of the team harry miramax the bike. the first time i saw the northern lights something in my brain changed to visitors from all over come to new sweden to experience the spectacle of nature. such an aspersion move something that can triumph sky a fascinating winter journey to the northern lights solar storms at midnight magic in fifteen minutes on d w. the stumbling dice foreign buyers counterterrorism are dealing with an economic killed many civilians i mean the irish coming including my father was a physician and i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself. my life became knowledge kind of. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for minds. they live to serve. danger lurks in the longer we were that polio alone surfing waste and and polluted water. basically the safety of all as well as the backup of only a shameful i was on a shelf. is only decent it's sad to go somewhere every day and see more and more proficient each time or the sea gives me everything from waves the wind i have to give something back so i feel obliged to look at it as lucinda really got in there with us are. white waves surfers fighting against one single the sea starting january seventh on g.w. . everyone everything knows it the child needs food the food can do nothing before maybe israelis can reset a lot of programs they drop out of the school because they really do nothing when coming from home that could have easily been us. at any one of the stolen. a wave of spontaneous protests are very ron's weak economy have swept into the capital tehran despite the government's warning to avoid what it calls illegal gatherings the third day of demonstrations came as hardliners have.

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Auckland , New Zealand , Australia , Munich , Bayern , Germany , United Kingdom , Ukraine , Amsterdam , Noord Holland , Netherlands , Israel , Tehran , Iran , Italy , Ireland , France , Cyprus , Greece , Italian , East Germany , Israelis , Dutch , British , Greek , Irish , Harry Miramax , Yvonne Goss , Howard Lee , Paris Lees , Tintin Asa , Dari Pashto , Vincent Van Gogh ,

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