Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Video Assistance - Does It Mak

Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Video Assistance - Does It Make Football Fairer 20171130

video assistance this season marked the launch of its international trial face. search. for referees in the grand to you in the review area together they're making football bear. but it's not perfect dubious decisions game interruption and questions over its competence. video assistants doesn't have the all forty to overturn my decision that's mine and mine alone the decision of the referee video assistants have come under a lot of criticism from fines players and officials we take a look behind the scenes to find out how it all works welcome to kick off. marco company got to want to shake our system is. nothing short of such a sick sick sick sick sick. video assistance the sign of greater fairness in football interior it's a master stroke it was designed originally not to interrupt the flow of the game but to interfere in four key not situations only when a goal is scored it has relays any potential offside convolve or other infringement in the build up. straight red card decisions can be reviewed and unseen incidents of unsporting behavior reported to the referee. with penalties it clarifies whether the right call was made and whether a justified playing was overlooked. video it's also true that cases of mistaken identity with any carving offense. the video assistant referee analyzes the footage and communicates his view to his on field colleagues. the referee can stand by his initial judgment amended accordingly check the incident in the review area the final decision rests with him. it's really the most significant innovation in professional football for the past fifty years and for the german game. to be at the forefront shows once again that we are a prime mover when it comes to innovation. the lone headquarters were an intensive training program from the start of the twenty sixteen twenty seventeen season the german league the d.f.l. and the football association the d.f.t. aim to immerse the referees in the particulars of video assist is involves looking at things in a very different way. now there's a new aspect making decisions based on t.v. images that's a skill in its own right it's not three dimensional how do i approach it what do i have to look out for in a t.v. analysis that's on you for the referees. it's a different perspective quite literally out on the pitch like it's an instant impression of the situation the decision making is partly instinctive as a video assistant referee i have to evaluate all the material at my disposal in a very short space of time. training begins offline but with the games playing out life and pictures coming in from up to seventeen different cameras at the stadium. would put a focus. on. six hundred forty four. i'm sure the video assistant referee is going to be under an awful lot of pressure as well checking a colleague's decision and crossing that threshold correcting a referee's decision but it's also a pressure situation. and it's not about ultimate truth but watching a replay obviously gives me the option of making a better cool in some situations than when i just see it wants at high speed on the pitch. with the t.v. a high tech accessories dissecting all the material to reach the right conclusion but without losing sight of the bigger picture of. the future of football the introduction of technology to make the game fairer by reducing the number of incorrect decisions a team of operators and a video assistant referee are tasked with identifying and reporting errors. was. the innovative measure requires ongoing coordination with the international football association board which determines the laws of the game in march twenty eighth seen i.f.a.b. will rule on whether to continue with video assist video assistant or v.a. or isn't only being tested in the bundesliga other leagues have been running their own trials. at the d.f.l. headquarters in frankfurt the project steering committee prepares to get down to work. it's a process of regular top level exchange referees representatives broadcast and communications specialist and senior management trash the details of the plan to get things off and running for. the season just a train up the referee's first. nail down the parameters that work within and use friendlies to start trying it all out for a lot of tests as it were. it's not just about the refereeing obviously there's the technology that needs to work properly to start and then you've got marketing and various other areas to consider as an overall package it's an interesting and exciting project. and. the d.f.l. has invested one point eight million euros in the project this season for a long time it was against the use of video evidence but reversed its decision to be part of its development. goal line technology was something else what we said at the start we'll do it we're up for that and it worked out well it's now reliable elements of the game. where they exist the next logical step was to take on this development and get proactive with it rather than waiting to see what anyone else with the. january twenty seventh team at frankfurt's come it's bank arena the d.f.l. and d.s.p. have all the latest on how the test phases progress and. among those on the podium . the first current german the referee to publicly address the subject. he is one of the twenty three bonus nigger referees to undertake video assistance training. the scans concentrators are but it's a very focused job than the absolutely dependent on teamwork rest is between yourself and the reply operator there's a special training for that as well of the communication but it's all constantly going for. the referees manager helmet crew has been there from day one monitoring the introduction of video assist a key question he's faced from day one is how much time should be allowed for the video assistant in the. the speed of the decision maker has also improved considerably. we were getting times of up to ninety seconds in some cases and a bit longer now it's between ten and forty seconds after getting inside of ten seconds so we're seeing progress at the moment we're very satisfied with how it's going in every department. heading into the twenty seventeen summer break the best part of the year into the deal with this trial it's been hard work and now a real sense of anticipation is growing. but. at the start i found it very very difficult you're in a totally different role but i've done it six seven times now and every time you feel a bit confidence and you start to get the knack of working with all the video material you already know roughly where to look which camera angle to select. and. varia the d.f.t. referees are working up a sweat in preparation for the new bundesliga season it's business as usual in that regard in another of course the times they are changing. the imminence deployment of video as there's calls perhaps above all for an equally radical shift in mind. at any rate the mood of the referees camp is overwhelming. it won't be long before everyone accepts it as a useful resource the referee on the pitch and the teams involved i think it's going to be a success. i don't. think you know the other training course before the under twenty world cup demonstrated that everything we tested practiced and learned here beforehand was a really good foundation also for the referees who haven't had any previous experience with it. to make a clear decision. often in the space of a fraction of a second. in the thick of a highly emotional atmosphere. you know. we always have to worry or the concern of making a match defining mistake and that's not something any referee or assistant that wants i want his head knowing there's someone sitting in cologne who can correct any potential mistake takes a little bit of the pressure off of us out on the pitch. is exciting because it's a change and for me change is always kind of interesting getting to grips with it making it happen and i'm looking forward to it. they formed off. back to the theory defining the precise scope of the video assistance role it's a fine tuning process of internal and external communication. i visit. with feeling very confident in working intensively for a year now the referees are all highly motivated and i think it's safe to say. that. at the video as a center in cologne everything's gearing up for the big kickoff. preparing conscientiously and constructively for the past year obviously a dry run is never quite the same as the real thing. the real deal is roll day said the twenty seventeen super cup cup holders dortmund against champions by and i'm focused twenty seventy. five and his on field assistants are not unknown. in cologne to base stealer and his replay operators are also raring to go and their services are soon requires. less buying people either off site. it's a question for the video assistant referee. technology to check to check. sometimes i will stand. next up for the video assistant referee a spot of foul play. i guess. i will be down sees yellow backed up by the view from cologne the foul was not intentional so it doesn't have to be a red card if it's whole picture. that . is that i had a long phase of preparation and try to train for every eventuality but actual competition is different again especially when you have to make decisions that are going to be met with universal approval. by. anyone that's a new element now that maybe hadn't been quite so anticipated or used to have the referee making the decision on the pitch obviously a subjective decision. now we have a video system offering a second opinion which is also subjective and open to criticism not the objective a second instance some people might have expected with human elements in the equation no decisions ever going to be fully objective. three hundred i don't. buy and again flavor comes in the campaign opener with the first big call for the video assistant referee to be a console's with his back up in cologne and towards the home side a penalty. on much a tree this pile from fireworks here we grab they are marcel smeltzer of dortmund leads to the first video assisted sending off in the bundesliga. all set for their heavyweights meeting with brian. michael fritz is the man in the middle for this one. the tension is palpable more than sixty thousand packed into the stadium alone it will soon be all systems go at the video center. of the open arena and mines money will pay for and his colleagues are in for a busy shift under the floodlights. first one lights on the interplay between money was great for his touchline colleagues on video assistant referee giving sun and cologne. so i. don't want to leave it for you the feels good just to make any comments false was not. the biggest challenge a referee markel for it because to standing it on juicy at the video assist the target here just cutting the two. ashoka breakaway. never upsets the. stick. and minutes later fritz has another call to make and this time it will be referred back to cologne. everything looks fine. onto the next tough call. to check on spear. comment to shake this one spear comment oh man shaking his head . as in now much of. the ball goes to hand but was it intentional sometimes being. done sometimes on one's own guns i'm so so fickle some times i can see. the responsibility. as a staunch the hunt the hunt is fired from poke fun on him now is a hunch the earth made fun of you made up. loose this new one so to say in a common con there need to be ready for that kind of situation on place you can anticipate on someone slides in like that near the goal line as video assistance to your post right spike so meet it. well that's what it feels like then you've obviously got to find the camera angle that shows you that in this case that it was a handball penalty. and honda's made. the shot i'm. going to. keep at it but to me i had to have a little bit when. i saw him play a choice across from the goal line now those slides in the hand movements natural his arms away i reset and the ball strikes hand which is stretched out wide above his head on the vide i was just like you had in court for this in that. the analysis continues from more than a dozen camera angles my robot heaven down stay put away the penalty was. was in november the rules which tweaked now the v.a.r. can intervene whenever it believes the referee has made a mistake no longer wear the four key areas the only opportunity for consultation. moments of which. to hook to which a hook gets here. is you can. also look at. it ok the. store's model. the final word always goes to the referee i was on the pitch. last fall with. the well. i am well. aware when in the second half shot because daniele county jury goes down in the. box anything suspicious. six dollars below the opens us. for many small men to get a check going to stick to. stick shift so as long as on the safety net provided by the video assistant is already proving a bit into the officials at the heart of the action in this case michael fritz. sake take up sides been throughout his life to see. what is ok and. the decision on brian's current goal can be reviewed in a matter of seconds oh. oh and so to minds for the host taken or neat even as the ball nestles in the mess the girls being checked for offsides as many wildlife unknowns. ticos was. playing it. as. is ok. ok. the action continues. nori moto handled the ball here it's a question of vital importance once the japanese international puts minds to know. what's the verdict in cologne. for. the. bottom of your home in seven of those people that i. know to a collector like you know that's the stuff for a few one hundred. dollars at noma. there's no evidence there's no fear about it on the face of it. and also about a ban on a stick of i know. this is our weakness in the stomach i'm going to tumble. so in a shut up from here we don't tell you follow. the cultural. got it this time this time. ok fellow talk like most of. us. up. close. on average video assistance helps avoid one or two potentially pivotal mistakes making to every match day. for. the case. for case. no revision needed a great fans game at minds. hoffenheim pull a gold box and before halftime things really start to he's off. the ref signals for a corner i think is to hold a bunch of the must on. its way in the case it is ok to equalize if the hof and hines sandro wagner with a header after a slight push with his mark a. mum. you don't want to look at us and then spanish those us like us boys ok. the goals goods the header itself very good too online to see into the second half. and if the you. are sick sick sick sick sick sick. at home the most. women are not told to. get flushed. if they don't. read the o.t. . the opening. a mano a mano who is linking that money is thinking as escape that's why when they see us get one of us one of us has. smiled and said yes. and i mean for our. money when i spoke for forty five minutes today i decided we would give exact accounts of what we see if i saw it together we can make the correct school is in the home and it's making a good new school. adding another layer of security i'm not supervisor today it's mine advancement the game has one more goal and as for hoffenheim three to. the folks who take one thing i'll take sconce not afford afford a four it's what cost that's. so yes. but a lot of us might i like to lie to her. the sex on up was awful to the tricks ok. ok so the whole night that's all it is now. is into buying. seat of the dolls holds. on to monticello. has a very full of bullshit c.d.'s and i have one here for you here for the fun of you for the much money but for the whole thing it was. the talk of a. body not go. despite video assistance dubious calls remain part of the game like on match day thirteen during breaks clash with evolves brick maximillian arnold was booked for a harmless styled after consulting v.a.r. it was switched to grads the technology came under heavy criticism when first of all i was very confident this current test phase will have a positive conclusion for and maybe i will be among those blazing a trail for defining feature of football over the next ten twenty thirty forty years like the physio on. the bone display again on video assistance it won't end all discussion but it is making football topic fair. delicate. the harpsichord makes a comeback. thanks to the young. make the rock music. innovations magazine. every week. looking to the future. science and research for asia. i'm a mother like two billion other mothers around the world i have one wish the best for my child. but in this is science here in which breastfeeding is often frowned upon and god's will for me to abound with profits is more important than my baby's well being how do i know how to make the right decisions mostly busy listening to you know all these parenting blosser to be attrition or lead to conflict and i forgot to listen to him. man starting to sim annoying on t.w. . no one like. they know what we think. and soon they'll even know how we feel i'm not a real person i'm still just a piece of. scientists around the world are working to measure our emotions. so hopefully i can be a helpful piece of software. the fortunate person as a therapist. or a robot as a teacher. neither would have human empathy. what does a machine need to do to create empathy and a medical context that i disclose more information to earth and or to a computer in this case. a few years and let's finish the instrument healings on the instruments that's. algorithms instead of feelings measuring emotion starting december sixteenth on d w. the e.u. on the african union have agreed on a plan to dismantle people smuggling networks and repatriate stranded migrants in libya the plan was drawn up during a summit in ivory coast under.

Related Keywords

Germany , Japan , Spain , Frankfurt , Brandenburg , Spanish , Japanese , German , Germans , Michael Fritz , Brian Michael Fritz ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Video Assistance - Does It Make Football Fairer 20171130 :

Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Video Assistance - Does It Make Football Fairer 20171130

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video assistance this season marked the launch of its international trial face. search. for referees in the grand to you in the review area together they're making football bear. but it's not perfect dubious decisions game interruption and questions over its competence. video assistants doesn't have the all forty to overturn my decision that's mine and mine alone the decision of the referee video assistants have come under a lot of criticism from fines players and officials we take a look behind the scenes to find out how it all works welcome to kick off. marco company got to want to shake our system is. nothing short of such a sick sick sick sick sick. video assistance the sign of greater fairness in football interior it's a master stroke it was designed originally not to interrupt the flow of the game but to interfere in four key not situations only when a goal is scored it has relays any potential offside convolve or other infringement in the build up. straight red card decisions can be reviewed and unseen incidents of unsporting behavior reported to the referee. with penalties it clarifies whether the right call was made and whether a justified playing was overlooked. video it's also true that cases of mistaken identity with any carving offense. the video assistant referee analyzes the footage and communicates his view to his on field colleagues. the referee can stand by his initial judgment amended accordingly check the incident in the review area the final decision rests with him. it's really the most significant innovation in professional football for the past fifty years and for the german game. to be at the forefront shows once again that we are a prime mover when it comes to innovation. the lone headquarters were an intensive training program from the start of the twenty sixteen twenty seventeen season the german league the d.f.l. and the football association the d.f.t. aim to immerse the referees in the particulars of video assist is involves looking at things in a very different way. now there's a new aspect making decisions based on t.v. images that's a skill in its own right it's not three dimensional how do i approach it what do i have to look out for in a t.v. analysis that's on you for the referees. it's a different perspective quite literally out on the pitch like it's an instant impression of the situation the decision making is partly instinctive as a video assistant referee i have to evaluate all the material at my disposal in a very short space of time. training begins offline but with the games playing out life and pictures coming in from up to seventeen different cameras at the stadium. would put a focus. on. six hundred forty four. i'm sure the video assistant referee is going to be under an awful lot of pressure as well checking a colleague's decision and crossing that threshold correcting a referee's decision but it's also a pressure situation. and it's not about ultimate truth but watching a replay obviously gives me the option of making a better cool in some situations than when i just see it wants at high speed on the pitch. with the t.v. a high tech accessories dissecting all the material to reach the right conclusion but without losing sight of the bigger picture of. the future of football the introduction of technology to make the game fairer by reducing the number of incorrect decisions a team of operators and a video assistant referee are tasked with identifying and reporting errors. was. the innovative measure requires ongoing coordination with the international football association board which determines the laws of the game in march twenty eighth seen i.f.a.b. will rule on whether to continue with video assist video assistant or v.a. or isn't only being tested in the bundesliga other leagues have been running their own trials. at the d.f.l. headquarters in frankfurt the project steering committee prepares to get down to work. it's a process of regular top level exchange referees representatives broadcast and communications specialist and senior management trash the details of the plan to get things off and running for. the season just a train up the referee's first. nail down the parameters that work within and use friendlies to start trying it all out for a lot of tests as it were. it's not just about the refereeing obviously there's the technology that needs to work properly to start and then you've got marketing and various other areas to consider as an overall package it's an interesting and exciting project. and. the d.f.l. has invested one point eight million euros in the project this season for a long time it was against the use of video evidence but reversed its decision to be part of its development. goal line technology was something else what we said at the start we'll do it we're up for that and it worked out well it's now reliable elements of the game. where they exist the next logical step was to take on this development and get proactive with it rather than waiting to see what anyone else with the. january twenty seventh team at frankfurt's come it's bank arena the d.f.l. and d.s.p. have all the latest on how the test phases progress and. among those on the podium . the first current german the referee to publicly address the subject. he is one of the twenty three bonus nigger referees to undertake video assistance training. the scans concentrators are but it's a very focused job than the absolutely dependent on teamwork rest is between yourself and the reply operator there's a special training for that as well of the communication but it's all constantly going for. the referees manager helmet crew has been there from day one monitoring the introduction of video assist a key question he's faced from day one is how much time should be allowed for the video assistant in the. the speed of the decision maker has also improved considerably. we were getting times of up to ninety seconds in some cases and a bit longer now it's between ten and forty seconds after getting inside of ten seconds so we're seeing progress at the moment we're very satisfied with how it's going in every department. heading into the twenty seventeen summer break the best part of the year into the deal with this trial it's been hard work and now a real sense of anticipation is growing. but. at the start i found it very very difficult you're in a totally different role but i've done it six seven times now and every time you feel a bit confidence and you start to get the knack of working with all the video material you already know roughly where to look which camera angle to select. and. varia the d.f.t. referees are working up a sweat in preparation for the new bundesliga season it's business as usual in that regard in another of course the times they are changing. the imminence deployment of video as there's calls perhaps above all for an equally radical shift in mind. at any rate the mood of the referees camp is overwhelming. it won't be long before everyone accepts it as a useful resource the referee on the pitch and the teams involved i think it's going to be a success. i don't. think you know the other training course before the under twenty world cup demonstrated that everything we tested practiced and learned here beforehand was a really good foundation also for the referees who haven't had any previous experience with it. to make a clear decision. often in the space of a fraction of a second. in the thick of a highly emotional atmosphere. you know. we always have to worry or the concern of making a match defining mistake and that's not something any referee or assistant that wants i want his head knowing there's someone sitting in cologne who can correct any potential mistake takes a little bit of the pressure off of us out on the pitch. is exciting because it's a change and for me change is always kind of interesting getting to grips with it making it happen and i'm looking forward to it. they formed off. back to the theory defining the precise scope of the video assistance role it's a fine tuning process of internal and external communication. i visit. with feeling very confident in working intensively for a year now the referees are all highly motivated and i think it's safe to say. that. at the video as a center in cologne everything's gearing up for the big kickoff. preparing conscientiously and constructively for the past year obviously a dry run is never quite the same as the real thing. the real deal is roll day said the twenty seventeen super cup cup holders dortmund against champions by and i'm focused twenty seventy. five and his on field assistants are not unknown. in cologne to base stealer and his replay operators are also raring to go and their services are soon requires. less buying people either off site. it's a question for the video assistant referee. technology to check to check. sometimes i will stand. next up for the video assistant referee a spot of foul play. i guess. i will be down sees yellow backed up by the view from cologne the foul was not intentional so it doesn't have to be a red card if it's whole picture. that . is that i had a long phase of preparation and try to train for every eventuality but actual competition is different again especially when you have to make decisions that are going to be met with universal approval. by. anyone that's a new element now that maybe hadn't been quite so anticipated or used to have the referee making the decision on the pitch obviously a subjective decision. now we have a video system offering a second opinion which is also subjective and open to criticism not the objective a second instance some people might have expected with human elements in the equation no decisions ever going to be fully objective. three hundred i don't. buy and again flavor comes in the campaign opener with the first big call for the video assistant referee to be a console's with his back up in cologne and towards the home side a penalty. on much a tree this pile from fireworks here we grab they are marcel smeltzer of dortmund leads to the first video assisted sending off in the bundesliga. all set for their heavyweights meeting with brian. michael fritz is the man in the middle for this one. the tension is palpable more than sixty thousand packed into the stadium alone it will soon be all systems go at the video center. of the open arena and mines money will pay for and his colleagues are in for a busy shift under the floodlights. first one lights on the interplay between money was great for his touchline colleagues on video assistant referee giving sun and cologne. so i. don't want to leave it for you the feels good just to make any comments false was not. the biggest challenge a referee markel for it because to standing it on juicy at the video assist the target here just cutting the two. ashoka breakaway. never upsets the. stick. and minutes later fritz has another call to make and this time it will be referred back to cologne. everything looks fine. onto the next tough call. to check on spear. comment to shake this one spear comment oh man shaking his head . as in now much of. the ball goes to hand but was it intentional sometimes being. done sometimes on one's own guns i'm so so fickle some times i can see. the responsibility. as a staunch the hunt the hunt is fired from poke fun on him now is a hunch the earth made fun of you made up. loose this new one so to say in a common con there need to be ready for that kind of situation on place you can anticipate on someone slides in like that near the goal line as video assistance to your post right spike so meet it. well that's what it feels like then you've obviously got to find the camera angle that shows you that in this case that it was a handball penalty. and honda's made. the shot i'm. going to. keep at it but to me i had to have a little bit when. i saw him play a choice across from the goal line now those slides in the hand movements natural his arms away i reset and the ball strikes hand which is stretched out wide above his head on the vide i was just like you had in court for this in that. the analysis continues from more than a dozen camera angles my robot heaven down stay put away the penalty was. was in november the rules which tweaked now the v.a.r. can intervene whenever it believes the referee has made a mistake no longer wear the four key areas the only opportunity for consultation. moments of which. to hook to which a hook gets here. is you can. also look at. it ok the. store's model. the final word always goes to the referee i was on the pitch. last fall with. the well. i am well. aware when in the second half shot because daniele county jury goes down in the. box anything suspicious. six dollars below the opens us. for many small men to get a check going to stick to. stick shift so as long as on the safety net provided by the video assistant is already proving a bit into the officials at the heart of the action in this case michael fritz. sake take up sides been throughout his life to see. what is ok and. the decision on brian's current goal can be reviewed in a matter of seconds oh. oh and so to minds for the host taken or neat even as the ball nestles in the mess the girls being checked for offsides as many wildlife unknowns. ticos was. playing it. as. is ok. ok. the action continues. nori moto handled the ball here it's a question of vital importance once the japanese international puts minds to know. what's the verdict in cologne. for. the. bottom of your home in seven of those people that i. know to a collector like you know that's the stuff for a few one hundred. dollars at noma. there's no evidence there's no fear about it on the face of it. and also about a ban on a stick of i know. this is our weakness in the stomach i'm going to tumble. so in a shut up from here we don't tell you follow. the cultural. got it this time this time. ok fellow talk like most of. us. up. close. on average video assistance helps avoid one or two potentially pivotal mistakes making to every match day. for. the case. for case. no revision needed a great fans game at minds. hoffenheim pull a gold box and before halftime things really start to he's off. the ref signals for a corner i think is to hold a bunch of the must on. its way in the case it is ok to equalize if the hof and hines sandro wagner with a header after a slight push with his mark a. mum. you don't want to look at us and then spanish those us like us boys ok. the goals goods the header itself very good too online to see into the second half. and if the you. are sick sick sick sick sick sick. at home the most. women are not told to. get flushed. if they don't. read the o.t. . the opening. a mano a mano who is linking that money is thinking as escape that's why when they see us get one of us one of us has. smiled and said yes. and i mean for our. money when i spoke for forty five minutes today i decided we would give exact accounts of what we see if i saw it together we can make the correct school is in the home and it's making a good new school. adding another layer of security i'm not supervisor today it's mine advancement the game has one more goal and as for hoffenheim three to. the folks who take one thing i'll take sconce not afford afford a four it's what cost that's. so yes. but a lot of us might i like to lie to her. the sex on up was awful to the tricks ok. ok so the whole night that's all it is now. is into buying. seat of the dolls holds. on to monticello. has a very full of bullshit c.d.'s and i have one here for you here for the fun of you for the much money but for the whole thing it was. the talk of a. body not go. despite video assistance dubious calls remain part of the game like on match day thirteen during breaks clash with evolves brick maximillian arnold was booked for a harmless styled after consulting v.a.r. it was switched to grads the technology came under heavy criticism when first of all i was very confident this current test phase will have a positive conclusion for and maybe i will be among those blazing a trail for defining feature of football over the next ten twenty thirty forty years like the physio on. the bone display again on video assistance it won't end all discussion but it is making football topic fair. delicate. the harpsichord makes a comeback. thanks to the young. make the rock music. innovations magazine. every week. looking to the future. science and research for asia. i'm a mother like two billion other mothers around the world i have one wish the best for my child. but in this is science here in which breastfeeding is often frowned upon and god's will for me to abound with profits is more important than my baby's well being how do i know how to make the right decisions mostly busy listening to you know all these parenting blosser to be attrition or lead to conflict and i forgot to listen to him. man starting to sim annoying on t.w. . no one like. they know what we think. and soon they'll even know how we feel i'm not a real person i'm still just a piece of. scientists around the world are working to measure our emotions. so hopefully i can be a helpful piece of software. the fortunate person as a therapist. or a robot as a teacher. neither would have human empathy. what does a machine need to do to create empathy and a medical context that i disclose more information to earth and or to a computer in this case. a few years and let's finish the instrument healings on the instruments that's. algorithms instead of feelings measuring emotion starting december sixteenth on d w. the e.u. on the african union have agreed on a plan to dismantle people smuggling networks and repatriate stranded migrants in libya the plan was drawn up during a summit in ivory coast under.

Related Keywords

Germany , Japan , Spain , Frankfurt , Brandenburg , Spanish , Japanese , German , Germans , Michael Fritz , Brian Michael Fritz ,

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