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This is due to the news life from berlin a make or break moment for im going to america for the social democrats now opens a Coalition Talks the german chancellor rejects the idea of fresh elections and says she wants a new government as soon as possible also coming up. As a must hardliners turn up the hes on pakistans government with calls for a general strike after six people are killed in violent clashes. On his pope francis travels to myanmar aid agencies say theyre concerned about the safety of range of muslims the set to return under an agreement reached earlier this week many of the refugees dont want to go back. Home. Im on i was on a welcome to the program of germany. Postelection deadlock may be nearing an end with signs another grand coalition could be in the works chancellor Angela Merkel has been meeting with leaders of her c. D. U. Party in berlin to discuss their options after Coalition Talks with the greens and the probusiness f. T. P. Collapsed she says a new decision must be made quickly and is expected to call on the second Largest Party the social democrats to form a new grand coalition thats something the s. P. D. Has repeatedly ruled us angular merkle c. D. U. Party aims to create a sense of urgency as a new grand coalition begins to look more likely what they dont want is to try to govern without a majority. I am skeptical about a minority government germany is a big player in european politics we need to show stability. Of the city use parliamentary friction chairman for culture called on the social democrats to put aside their reservations and begin talks for years if you have to partner up with one or even two other parties whenever you want to pass a new law in the bundestag that might turn out even more nerve wrecking than forging a new coalition thats why i suggest we build a coalition with the s. P. D. One and asked me to a speedy but for the social democrats in new grand coalition with the c. D. U. Is far from a done deal. The s. P. D. Hopes a stable government can be formed thats why were putting forward the idea of a minority government were convinced it can work out even if it requires some courage. We need this country to take a big step forward germany cannot afford to simply carry on like this. Many in the s. P. D. Fear what could happen if they join you to another grand coalition. Well meanwhile chancellor Angela Merkel has urged members of her own party to back a new grand coalition she said a new government with the social democrats would be vastly preferable to the alternative of new elections. Going back to voters and telling them that they have to vote again i dont agree with that at all. We work well together so now we need to talk about the things that didnt work and try to do them even better. Well that was a strong statement there from mark joined by d. W. Correspondent hans brands to weigh opar options as it were. The c. D. U. Is aiming for a grand coalition would that be a good option for germany you know some might say its another four years with a part of entry opposition how is that a healthy thing for the country or you can say that its a healthy thing in the sense that its a sign of stability which is very important for germany and i think probably even more important for germanys neighbors and for the world at large where are people waiting at the moment for something to be decided in germany this kind of limbo this fluidity in the german situation is not really welcomed by german his neighbors and by its partners in the world within germany obviously it also means ability but of course the problem that we have at the moment is a different problem and with the alternative for germany the right wing populist being the second largest well they would be the Largest Opposition Party if the social democrats were to join the government that would change the character of Parliament Quite significantly thats one of the reasons why the social democrats have said theyre not so eager to go into another grand coalition its going to be a very Different Event with a grand coalition is going to be very different set up and ending germanys political deadlock is definitely what all parties want to live in favor of a grand coalition as you know are there any significant voices from within the c. D. U. Against the us not really strong voices there are many voices within the c. D. U. At the moment who are saying if coalition discussions coalitions negotiations should start with the social democrats then the christian democrats to conserve should not make too many concessions in other words theyre concerned that in this situation of pressure on the situation of need you might say for germany that the conservatives might give up too much of their political issues of their political. A in order to bring such a coalition into existence so thats really where the risk resistance within the party is but in essence i think everyone in the party is hoping that such a general such a grand coalition will come to come come to be again what can marco offer the social democrats what can she offer them to convince them to go back into a grand coalition well the social democrats obviously have various demands some of these are already being made at the moment they are demands in the social sphere. Democrats for instance want a change in the way german medical aid is organized they want further investment by the state in things such as schools they want a change in the way the Pension System is organized all these kinds of issues which have been in the political sphere for a long time have been discussed between conservatives and social democrats for a long time the conservatives will have to make concessions on some of these points and the social democrats will be interested in setting that hard to their voters telling the voters that this is really social democratic content that is coming out of a grand coalition thats really their interest in order to defend of the fact that they are going into this after all definitely Interesting Times ahead thank you very much for joining us in studio in pakistan is a most hardliners have called for a general strike following new clashes with Security Forces violence over the weekend left six people dead and almost two hundred injures the demonstrators have been rallying on the outskirts of the capital islamabad theyre demanding the resignation of a government minister they accuse of blasphemy for changing the wording of a religious oath. What began as a small city in on the outskirts of islamabad has turned into a massive headache for pakistans government on sunday the protests spread around the country. The religious hardliners behind the rallies said they will continue until pakistans law minister stands down. This sit in and protests all over the country are not going to end unless our talks prove successful and our demands are met. Only then will we decide whether to end the siege in protest. Until that time there will be no into the protests in any city anywhere in the country. Terry bike year us all are known by the acronym t l y also called for a general strike on monday to further push their case the government has already abandoned the amendment that sparked the groups fury but why has linked to the move to blasphemy a highly sensitive charge thats led to deadly violence in pakistan in the past blasphemy has been one of the rallying cries for this relatively small Political Group which grew out of a movement that venerates moment qadri qadri was a one time bodyguard to the former governor of punjab zalman to see in twenty eleven cowdrey assassinated to see over his perceived liberal stance towards blasphemy. Qadri was executed for the murder sparking widespread protests among religious conservatives and extremists groups like tio why he has become a mob. For now the standoff with the government is likely to go on but whatever happens it probably wont be the last time the group enters the spotlight deal why has it sides firmly set on next years general elections to further their political aims especially the strengthening of sharia or islamic law. And to some of the stories making news around the world voters in one door us are going to the polls and president ial and parliamentary elections surveys point to a clear lead for incumbent president twan Armando Hernandez his first term crackdown on Gang Violence is seen as having helped bring down the countrys murder rate which is one of the highest in the world. A Monitoring Group says at least fifty seven people have been killed in airstrikes by russian and Government Forces in syria russia said its bombers hit targets links with the Islamic State group the Syrian Military pounded sites in rebel held eastern goes near damascus this despite the area falling within a socalled deescalation zone. Pope francis is on his way to meon mar for a historic visit its also one thats going to test his diplomatic skills their own catholic had left a short while ago from rome will be the first ever visit to myanmar by a pope is also due to stop in bangladesh as part of the six day trip but the mission has been overshadowed by the ongoing crisis over myanmars persecution of the Muslim Minority all eyes will be watching to see how pope francis handles the issue. Yes gone is pulling out all the stops for the popes first ever visit to myanmar but its a buddhist majority nation only some four percent of people here call themselves christians and they do so despite considerable resistance myanmars military and radical buddhists consider many of the countrys religious minorities to be foreigners now many christians are hoping the popes visit will help change that perception i will be very happy if i can see the pope thats why ive traveled here meantime along i think the pope could lead us to peace or gives advice about dealing with these religious tensions. But pope francis must tread carefully in myanmar the fate of the countries or hinges a Muslim Minority group has been overshadowing his visit and all thora hes in myanmar are concerned that the outspoken Catholic Leader could draw more International Attention to their plight pope francis has been advised to avoid using the word raheja since the countrys rulers dont recognize them as such he needs heroes. Tonight i will start my op a stalwart journey to me and mar and bangladesh. But i ask you to accompany me with your prayers so that my presence for those people can be a sign of closeness and hope. More than six hundred thousand ranger have fled from me to bangladesh since august they live in massive refugee camps like this one in coffs is bizarre but bangladesh is a poor country it doesnt have the resources to care for so many refugees last week it struck a deal with me to return the refugees hard but for many thats a thinkable after the horrors they witnessed in the end this woman acts out how she says the military through their children into fire is. I cannot trust the man our government if the International Community promises to keep us safe and if there are people there to protect us we will go back but if they send us back without this guarantee will be persecuted again. Theyre in jail want the same thing is that christian counterparts who are poor into yangon for the popes visit both minority groups hope for their safety and peace in myanmar. At least two people have been killed and thirty injured after a powerful explosion and china brought down buildings and flattened cars the blast took place at a factory in the ports of i one hundred kilometers south of shanghai and so far the cause remains on care. The aftermath of a massive blast investigators are trying to figure out what caused these buildings to collapse and to send smoke rising over the city of. At least two people died in the explosion the badly injured were taken to hospital. But it could have been much worse the building seemed to have been previously evacuated as police say they were already slated for demolition this footage from Chinese State Television Shows the extent of the damage. The force of the blast shattered windows as far as a kilometer away cars were flattened and holes were punched into the sides of buildings. Loosened for cement of safety regulations means accidents like this are common in china but the government has promised to step up its enforcement efforts taking things a little more slowly now he is the most famous residents of the remote Atlantic Island of same tomato maize jonathan the giants torch toys and now hes set to become a tourist attraction as the british territory opens its very first airport jonathan is the worlds oldest known living land animal and he is at least one hundred and eighty five i. Think you. Are about. Twenty thats a new draft for nick coming up next. Well have all the goals from sundays bundesliga soccer action can homburg on cologne turn around their nightmare seasons or will they descend deeper into relegation danger. And just one minute to do same with us

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