Coming up germanys s. P. D. Takes the lead in a vote in lower saxony an unexpected turn after a dismal showing in National Elections well bring you the latest and what they mean for chancellor Angela Merkel as she tries to form a new Coalition Government. And devastation in the somali capital mogadishu where more than two hundred people were killed in a massive bomb blast. Waiter thank you for joining us austria is getting a new chancellor as conservative sebastian curts claims victory after snap elections the thirty one year old took the reins of the Peoples Party just a few months ago hes campaigned heavily on promises to clamp down on immigration courts doesnt have a governing majority so probably have to form a Coalition Government one a likely partner is the far right Freedom Party which also made strong gains. They cool him divert see the whiz kid of thirty one the conservative. Sebastian cortes becomes europes youngest head of government promising a new kind of politics. Today we have a strong mandate to change this country and i thank you for making that possible. That it was. The far right Freedom Party led by Hans Christian strata achieved close to the best results in its history and looks most likely to form a coalition with the conservatives both parties that campaigned against immigration and islam the will for change in austria is widespread and strong a series of scandals hammered the social democrats of outgoing chancellor christian can hes now facing a spell in opposition. Its about defending modern diverse and democratic austria that will be needed more than ever in the next five years. Yet another surprise came for the greens their vote fell by nearly two thirds making even their presence in the next parliament uncertain. Wrangling over the shape of the next coalition can now begin the far rights likely return to governments in wealthy austria will worry a European Union already unsettled by brics it and rising extremism. Joining us now from vienna is date of your correspondent max hoffman the young conservative leaders of austin kratz has declared victory and he says changes are coming what kind of changes can the world expect. Of course it depends on the coalition that he will have but if we try to grasp something from the persons of us and courts and the way he had his campaign its not that easy maya because he took things from the left he took things from the middle but mainly he had his campaign that was oriented to the right so we know he wants to reduce immigration he might want tax relief for the lower and middle income brackets he said he was against same sex marriage but there is still not a lot of detail to what he actually wants he always talks about a new political style but now he will have to fill this up with some meat and potatoes so a swing to the right but not a lot of details forthcoming right now and hell need a party to govern with and is there any doubt right now that that will be the far right Freedom Party. He said that this evening again he said i dont exclude anything so he didnt want to make a clear commitment to the Freedom Party the right wing Freedom Party and of course if you do the math there are other options that are possible may need to continue the grand coalition with the social democrats but taking into account that he basically ended that grand coalition it doesnt seem very likely at this point so yes most people here are the experts the journalists the politicians do believe that we will have the right Wing Coalition between the austrian Peoples Party and the Freedom Party in the end but of course itll take some to go shit. So we saw that migration and the refugee crisis were some of the key issues of this election and what are the results say about the voters attitudes. Thats true the migration issue got the most publicized the and its probably the one thing where most parties were very detailed about so for examples of busting courts wants to close the mediterranean route where you have a lot of migrants coming from africa to australia he wants to cut down benefits for migrants that are in the country those kind of things but its too early to say this was really the decisive issue one things for certain this was a very personalized campaign and it was also a campaign where just that youthful appearance of course had his effect and what do you also talks about the change in political style austrians were fed up with the bickering of the grand coalition with the lack of reforms and he promises a new beginning a new style very much like him on remarkable in france and that might have won him the vote as well. In vienna thank you very much. And its a night of nailbiting after a Regional Election in the german state of lower saxony the governing coalition there is waiting to find out whether it has enough votes to stay in power the result could have a big influence on Coalition Talks here in berlin what certain is that it has been a bad night for chancellor Angela Merkel and her christian democrats the c. D. U. But its been a good night for the social democrats lets take a look at the preliminary official results the c. D. U. Is in second with thirty three point six percent of the vote the social democrats are s. P. D. Have made big gains coming out on top with thirty six point nine percent the green party is in third with eight point seven percent the probusiness f. D. P. Party take seven point five percent the left party takes four point six percent which is not enough to clear the five percent hurdle for seats in parliament and the far right alternative for germany has six point two percent of the vote which puts them in the state parliament in lower saxony for the first time. There are one hundred and thirty seven seats up for grabs in the state parliament and hand over based on the preliminary official results the christian democrats will take about fifty of those seats the social democrats will have the largest share with fifty five the green party will have twelve seats in the house the liberal f. D. P. Will get eleven and the alternative for germany it will have nine of those one hundred thirty seven seats that means the Current Coalition of the greens and social democrats all just short of a governing majority. And the social democrat Strong Performance in lower saxony comes at a critical time when the party was sorely in need of some good news the but the social democrats havent forgotten how to party just three weeks after their worst Election Results in modern german history the s. P. D. Years back coming out as the Strongest Party in lower saxony for the first time in nearly twenty years. As a fitting you know this is a great evening for the s. P. D. In lower saxony and for me many thanks to the voters but also to my Party Members who fought passionately he lied and it came from. Its a remarkable turnaround in the summer the s. P. D. Was far behind in polling the victory in lower saxony was badly needed after party leader Martin Shultz his historic defeat in the bonus talk elections. I think you know sing in austin and he does what the social democrats achieved in lower saxony is unique in the history of election campaigns in germany and were not i mean thankful but were also very proud and very happy about this Great Success i think and what the isnt close enough or pretty is pretty bleak candidate bound altus mounted his conservative c. D. U. Party last two percent scoring their lowest results in almost twenty years. He said that to me or not to english as a person really i would have wished for a better result for the c. D. U. Party in lower saxony. But let me be absolutely clear about this we do not have to be ashamed about tonights results misson via hopes that. The result weakens chancellor merkel who is facing a difficult time at the negotiating table. Another party got a big bump out of the results the far right alternative for germany won seats in the Regional Parliament for the first time that means its now represented in fourteen federal states of germany. Our correspondent michelle the questioner is standing by for us in hanover. Weve seen the results now as they are what does this mean for the National Political scene is this bad news for chancellor merkel and the upcoming Coalition Talks well it is bad news for her in the sense that she did see her c. D. U. Party here beaten by the social democrats and the c. D. U. Until a couple of weeks ago here in lower saxony looked like they could take this state back and like they could actually maintain that lead well that didnt happen and the social democrats now have a new hero after that experience in the last general elections also were already hearing from voices here within the c. D. U. Which are blaming the german chancellor in part for these bad results here. Her message just after those elections that she won but it certainly was not a victory because there were some heavy losses for her c. D. U. Party as well while she basically said that she didnt really know what she should have done differently well this certainly didnt help matters here with the christian democrats in lower saxony having said that the issues here were very much regional issues there were the question of education policy that was very high up on the agenda of migration migration issue didnt feature that large and stefan via from the social democrats was very popular here in lower saxony to begin with so a lot of retail politics playing a big role. And the sale of the day the alternative for germany is now entering its fourteenth Regional Parliament will this change the Political Landscape again. Well certainly there will be this. Aggressive voice that can be expected here in lower saxony as well as in the german bunds talk in berlin once the Parliament Convenes there for the first time so they will certainly change the tone they themselves of the result of having a safe safely passing that five percent threshold thats we what i heard from if Tea Party Leader york morton earlier when i had the chance to speak to him but one thing has to be said this is less than half of what they got nationally so yes it is a success for the a. F. D. But this meteoric rise that the if he has seen in the general elections by no means was a given here in lower saxony so that dynamic too could change. For us and hand over thank you very much moving now to somalia where the countrys president has declared three days of mourning after a devastating attack on the somali capital mogadishu the massive truck bomb blast left more than two hundred seventy people dead and hundreds more wounded many are still fighting for their lives the explosion took place on a busy street near key government ministries the president has blamed the alshabaab Extremist Group for the attack but no one has claimed responsibility yet. The first blast tore apart a busy street in central mogadishu. It said cars on fire and flattened buildings. Offices restaurants and kiosks that once stood at this intersection on no more a popular who was reduced to rubble not far from the somali foreign ministry. Security forces had been trailing this truck when it suddenly blew up. Locals describe the explosion as the most powerful theyd seen. Its really terrible with a heavy heart i would say this is the worst attack ive ever witnessed a lot of people died and Many Properties were lost. And this is whats really devastating millicents such a scene before. A lot of buildings disappeared completely became probably. A lot of dead bodies at the scene a lot of it bodies i myself only counted more than twenty five bodies on the scene after that there was a second blast. Another bomb more date casualties from the second blast in the medina district brought to a local hospital. Some people are now recovering but they lost limbs at this are still fighting for their lives. So. What happened yesterday was incredible ive never seen anything like it. Its impossible to carve the number of dead many bodies were burned so badly that no one could recognize them. At the size families was still searching for loved ones among the debris. Somalias president has to cage three days of mourning as mogadishu grieves those it has lost. And moving to lighter topics the bundesliga show follows after the break with all the big talking points from the weekend that of roman striker even classics as our guest and his former team are one of the four in action on sunday bremen hoping for their first win of the season oh bring you all of the goals and see if alexander norway can help ease the pressure. Youre watching news from berlin more coming up at the top of the hour thanks for joining us. Every journey begins with the first step and every language but the first word for word from the. Rico is in germany to learn german why not learn a simple online on your own

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