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Favor of independence. Of the over two million catalans have managed to cast their ballot on sunday Authorities Say only seven point eight percent voted no to independence people across the region are cheering but spain remains firm in rejecting the referendum as in constitutional and illegal spanish Prime Minister mariano hoyer denied it even happened or you know ill be dont need it but it was no selfdetermination referendum in catalonia. Today the spanish people saw that the rule of law in spain is strong and valid and that it answers those who try to attack it and it acts within the boundaries of the law against any provocation. And the people they provoke a few. But the Prime Minister came under criticism as images like these began circulating on sunday tensions escalated as police tried to prevent catalans from casting ballots the authorities smashed their way into polling stations to seize ballot boxes later catalonian authorities declared independence is at hand. But im sure we i dont this isnt a of hope and suffering cut alone as citizens have earned the right to have an independent state in the form of a republic. And this my government in the next few days will send the results of todays vote to the Catalan Parliament where the sovereignty of our people lies so that it can act in accordance with the law of the referendum. Do you know. Where you got offended them Catalan Independence supporters celebrate a vote that has no official meaning in the rest of spain. Lets get the latest now from barcelona journalist Stephen Bergen is standing by for us there stephen we saw some really disturbing scenes there by lance in barcelona as the referendum was being carried out how are people there responding to that. Well i think if Mariano Rajoy and his government wanted to encourage independence he couldnt have done better. I personally know many people who have been opposed to independence until yesterday the violence was unprecedented i think. And a member of the European Community you know i think it extraordinary to see this sort of unbridled violence dragging people by their easy in them tear gas rubber bullets when no one was it was entirely possible systems noam was fighting the police and so i think for the for madrid its been a p. R. Disaster whatever they care to say that it didnt happen or its the rule of law the fact is the worlds media have they have one image of spain which is beijing defense is people who are trying to vote ok what lets look at the referendum itself what has been accomplished with this illegal referendum it must be said it was not it had not been approved by the government the government massively resisted it before it was carried out warning the catalans not to do it what has been accomplished with this with this referendum. Well i think you know we need to clear all along theres about worst people in catalonia split about half and half in favor or against independents and basically the ninety percent. Yes voters represent the half of the people who do want independence voted and the other house stayed home which is exactly what happened three years ago however i think because of the circumstances because of the Police Repression and actually what i think was you know heroic behavior on. Behalf of the public in managing to vote toll this is a huge moral victory for the independence movement. And the fact that it was illegal. Yes it was illegal it has no standing in International Lord spanish law but it will give the impetus to i suspect they can claim government either calling elections or. Announcing a unilateral declaration of independence ok so you say that this this independence referendum even though was it legal the Police Violence ended up boosting the sentiment for independence in catalonia where does this go from here. Well its difficult to say because you know we have both sides we have a very intransigent catalan president who is patient basically has made independence his lifes mission and then we have an equally intransigent spanish Prime Minister who refuses to acknowledge that as a political issue it was treated this entirely as a legal issue so is that we cant have a referendum because its not in the constitution and roy speaks of the constitution as though it was handed down mount sinai by moses and not simply the documents. And until he is prepared says actually discuss what is a political or not a legal issue were pretty stark. Ok steven good after leave it there thank you so much for talking with us today stephen Stephen Bergen there a journalist in barcelona. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today so called Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a deadly knife attack in france on sunday the attackers stabbed two women to death at the main train station in the Southern City of mar say french soldiers shot the assailant dead Canadian Police say they have arrested a Somali National for deliberately ramming a rented ban into pedestrians during a high speed chase in edmonton alberta that after he allegedly stabbed a Police Officer forty say the man has Refugee Status in canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has described the incident as a terrorist attack. Now a murder mystery that stunned the world on feb thirteenth kim jong il the strange happy rather of north Korean Leader kim jong un was killed in the middle of kuala lumpur airport the weapon poisoned today the two women accused of his murder sold their trial begin in malaysia the suspects were ushered into Court Earlier today amid tight security as expected they pleaded not guilty to the attack with the deadly nerve agent the pair say they were tricked into believing that they were part of a prank for a reality t. V. Show they face the Death Penalty if convicted. As you can imagine there are still many Unanswered Questions surrounding the murder u. S. And south korean Officials Say it was a cold war style assassination orchestrated by north korea a charge denies lets take a look at what we actually know at this point the last images of king john now alive on february the eighteenth two women robbed a liquid into his face and kuala lumpur airport he reported the incident to airport stuff saying he felt unwell he was taken to the clinic and died on the way to hospital. King jong nam was the older half brother of north korean dictator kim jong un they shared the same father former Supreme Leader kim jong il. The charges fathers first marriage and should have succeeded him as leader but by the early two thousand hed fallen out of favor from exile in macau he criticized his half brothers rule and called for reforms reason enough to have him killed according to south korean and u. S. Officials who blame the north korean regime for his murder pyongyang denies all involvement but tried unsuccessfully to prevent malaysian authorities conducting an autopsy the results showed that kim jong nam was killed with a nerve agent v. X. The murder sparked a diplomatic crisis between the two countries in the jong nam his body was returned to north korea in march part of a deal securing the release of malaysian citizens from the reclusive state. Sports and reigning bonus leah champions by munich have started life without coach Carlo Ancelotti who was sacked on thursday former player will all took the reins as by and travelled to berlin to face how to side notoriously hard to beat at home. The big guns are back and Robin Thomas Frank rebury jerome and mats hummels were on the pitch right from the start and fans will be sad you know had corrected his previous ss mistake to good effect. Taking to homos by and in front after ten minutes a strong start for sanyo i never made it to nil almost immediately after half time after he held off nicklaus stock the game looked to be decided but had has gained key how good she danced past but saying then passed what was and made it impossible for andre duda to miss. Just five minutes later this free kick from the impact and hard went straight past aliso and landed at the feet of a grateful salomon kalou. I think if. Were all very disappointed and frustrated that its the second time in a row that we havent been able to win after being two nil up and seek to end its opening for by and things got even worse when front rebury had to be taken off with a knee injury he could be out for a long time. The pressure is on the buy and buses to speed up the search for and to nazis permanent replacement. And forgo just a reminder of our top story today that attack in las vegas of course a gunman has killed at least twenty people and wounded more than one hundred others thats after he opened fire with an automatic weapon concert at a model a base seen. Police say officers have killed a gunman on the thirty second floor of the hotel across from the outdoor concert venue authorities dont believe there are any more active shooters but they are searching for a woman they say is the gunmans companion. And eyewitness had this account. Well because it was going on. The artist was up on stage playing obviously and we heard it sounded like firecrackers the first the artists kept singing the firecrackers kept coming and then he just stopped and then people started panicking i mean it was just a pandemic i mean people got down cops reality there i mean people are just scattered everywhere. We hunkered in place its until most a crowd was gone and police pretty much had the area cleared of people and we were able to make it to my truck at that point and as soon as we manage my truck there were a couple of people one hundred i cars with injuries who need to transport to hospital so a lot of them in the back of the truck and we made it out to the boulevard and a mystery mans lotteries full of art there is an officer there was. This an astute. As well as to the hospital with the wounded. Not you know im not the only got to do this with a truck theres lots of other people trucks there that. But the same thing. It was just. I have no words for it. That was devon gray there an eyewitness to the los Vegas Shooting he was at the concert venue when someone opened fire with an automatic weapon well have more details for that but just to recap the top points more than one hundred people have been injured in over twenty People Killed in las vegas at a Country Music outdoor festival well bring you more details on that story as they become available thanks for watching. Telling it then the mans hop into the ladle its ok but this time and. Im looking forward to the fun rights and party tents and of course i want to try typical october first beer journey into the festivals history. And see what its like to welcome on the mat listed. As. He risked everything for democracy. His reputation his career even his life. One of the greatest statesmen of the final republic. A committed democrats with great. Gustaf strays a man on the vine a republican in forty five minutes on. As you can see im in munich but why well yes its off tobar fest time and the Worlds Largest folk festival is just a must also for our show check in. This year i will be one of at least five million visitors to the october fest in munich im looking forward to the fun rights and party tents and of course i want to try the typical october fest beer. This will be a long day thats for sure. Also on todays show a glimpse of the clips of more from all of your david lonely. Hour globetrotter stevie initial visit at yas ancient desert town in iran. And of course we show you how to celebrate in the Biggest Party tent at the october fest. Of course when you go to the october first if you want to look the part traditional costumes are really popular during october fest. Women have dirt. Yes and the men head for leather pants who was. In the lead a little holes is special of course so do you only see them at october first or will you see them at the office to water. That in the. Well in this region later hose and are just worn for special events. Of interest like to wear them to get into the swing of things that are fast. But the but for us theyre just a pair of trousers would wear on an ordinary day that. Alex likes i think its too tight theyre supposed to be yeah isnt it too small and he took you know its not too small and you just have to get used to the feeling of it in leather is a material that has some give to keep he does it so i think now if you cant fasten a second button it isnt a problem because the nato has or doesnt have a large seat section. So it first in the curve of the seat it tends to pull the whole thing towards the back. And but i have to pull in my stomach so that it will fit. All of it can hit it we can fasten this button and yeah look its no problem at all. Right. You. Get. Very nice do i look like a real the variable it just to do. That thanks alex. So now im ready to go check out the festival one tip if you. Come here take Public Transportation its much faster. But before i start my adventure here is some information for you regarding this you would share what is the october fest actually and how did it start this is our last seen. With the fact that it all started in one thousand and ten with the wedding feast for crown prince rude big and princess to raise of xuxa hilberg thousand a spectacle of festivities and horse races. But the feast was repeated every year until by the late one nine hundred century it had evolved into an enormous beer festival on the two days in visa with rides and huge Festival Hall just. A ritual practiced since one nine hundred fifty is the tapping of the first cake by munichs mayor. The first time it took the mayor seventeen whacks to get the tap in place. But every guest drink as much as they can always. But usually two waxes enough. Some people think october fest of years past was more easygoing not so crowded or loud but footage from the one nine hundred fifty s. Shows that it was packed back then too. Even back then festival goers knew how to accessorize in decades past fashions varied widely to the very end full costumes were by no means obligatory dress ranged from james dean cool. And fiftys casual. To sunday best. About fifteen years ago though locals and out of towners started turning a top professed into a showcase for traditional costumes. Some attractions have stood the test of time and fashion. The bird whistler for instance. So it got a green woodpecker laughing valley bonded to their neighborhood hope of not a bird of prey. Katie she isnt a dog. But overall little has changed then as now october fest is the place to let your hair down. Its still all about the brass bands. And of course the beer. But october fest has grown more international in recent decades these days it draws visitors from far and wide including italy the United States japan and even australia. Since two thousand and sixteen but theres been a fence put up around october fest safety precautions half increased if you cant bring bottles in of course bags and backpacks are checked if. You know youll see plenty of Security Forces about but it all seems quite relaxed. And there is a lot going on here early in the morning so let me talk to a few visitors bot. Well you from the imam musa in texas all right then why are you here so celebrations over its the first time youre here yet this time. Were just going to go this is how the germans dress it up yes actually we do. What do you like about october fest you know just the atmosphere we like to look around. Just want to work on it because were doing october first thats our first time ok. Whats special about october fest. The beer the product worst of the crowd. You know its the whole october fest culture its great. Its on our bucket list the bucket list ok. Everything here is about having fun but that doesnt mean its only about beer the october fest is a real fun fair with the rights and games and some of them have a long tradition for example throwing at cans. For this right here its called howdy nuke us hit the lucas of course ive got to try it. But what do i need to do not to look like a fool oh yes position yourself right have you ever held a hammer for a small one and same principle to take them or keep them back and loose and whack a flat right in the middle thats the most important fact that the rest is easy ok ive got one but this is the future. Yeah right. Here on. Born here or laughingstocks so this bond fair is also a place where you can really let at someone elses misfortune. Its like a tumble drier for people amusements like this rolling barrel of long been a staple of fun fairs and beer festival. And then theres the devils well. Do another october first tradition. For the audience watching people make fools of themselves is all in good fun. Do you know ive been coming here since i was four and it still makes me get this on the list to get the. Amusement at someone elses expense the german language even has a word for it shot for. The devils wheel has been part of the october fest since one thousand and ten the announcer offers a satirical running commentary on the audience im set up. By. The departing has been an oct first regular since one nine hundred thirty three. Only a handful make it to the top on their feet. Yeah yeah it is fun as long as i dont have to do it myself. Theres always a show off of course but as the saying goes pride comes before the fall. Not particularly elegant or dignified but anyone who does manage to scramble back to his feet is a hero. Then there goes another one. Of the. Moments later hes back on the Conveyor Belt stuck like a beetle on his back. No worries maybe its just his dignity thats taken into. I think its fascinating i didnt i just like him now its watching is probably more fun than joy. But the spectators at the debacle miss out on the reward. Its a trip down the big slide so how was it hard to find a low yes yes. Another classic is the house of mirrors. The harder you try the more last you get in music. Its my truck thats my brother in law and theyre the students ill never get out of the all the stuff in. This. Family he makes it to a warm welcome. Florida of the very best sort. Heres another classic fun right but burke cars these small electric cars arent easy to steer but there are lots of fun even or maybe a specially when you cringe bumper cars have stayed true to their roots not like other fun rides which keep getting higher and faster but theyre very popular. The distal family has operated these bumper cars at the october face for years. It is the midst of this to do you remember your first october first. Oh yeah my first october first i was still a boy and we loved it. It was quieter than home not as hectic as it is now take disability its just going to if youre a showman here thats Something Special what does it take to be part of a fun fair like this. And if i do if its a family tradition. You know weve been operating a bumper car since nineteen thirty six my spines on my son is here to the right hes in the fourth Generation Zone its a classic in every front fair and at the october fest and thats really cool off as. Its definitely a classic bumper cars have been around for about one hundred years so why are they still popular. Gotta since. There are a few things that make bumper cars special. First of all you drive them yourself so you can go wild or be nice and tame whatever you like. Thats my divorce and second two people can ride in a single car at the same time as the divine so you can invite someone along any time you want to feel well done and then theres the element of seeing and being seen on flirting and all that. Is and all together thats part of the bumper car tradition. I think that still flirting is part of it of course you can flirt by ramming someone elses car on purpose so the on the floor you can just take your sweetheart in your car with you its most definitely an element of flirting. With people so are there rules or is it a free for all. I think its kind of a well there arent really any rules but we do allow alcohol but of course we keep an eye out to make sure nothing happens. Don not me we also get a lot of children i hate to. I mean parents with kids so we have to make sure nothing happens but yet every now and then you have to jump in and Say Something but in the evening things tend to get in the business side of the ok ok thank you mr this stood up. And here comes the second most important topic at the october fest food im hungry ive heard that along with the traditional pork knuckle and Roast Chicken october fest is also known for a grilled fish on a stick the fish is freshly smoked or cooked over charcoal thats where the name grilled fish on a stick comes from a german stick out fish. And guys. Where are you from knowing all right into the house that this was. It doesnt look good ill try some mackerel. But ill have a small one. That has just. While i eat that fish its time for you to check out a new episode from our globe trotters the finished during his trip to iran he visited the desert town of yasser which by the way has belonged to unescos World Heritage sites since two thousand and seventeen. Welcome to this that we just arrived yes and its ever so explosive and theres a lot of folks first start with some tea and lunch and a traditional story thats its. One of the first things you should do is walk through the old town. And just discovered this maze of the desert city. I. Was i had. A when. I was i was. The next steve jam a mosque which dates back to the fourteenth century and has the highest minarets in all of iran by a. Wave. Thank. You all wondering why those minerals are so high it is because they were used to kind of like lighthouses so people were using them to never get their way through the desert just ahead if youre searching for green spots to visit india asked then you should check out this three hundred year old old adage about garden. Vosh. You can see those structures all over yes they are so called wind towers they catch the wind and bring it down into the building to cool it its basically like an air conditioner system pretty clever i have. Are going. To have check out the sunset in the last cap is a good spot to go check out this. In case the our house cafe is too crowded we should have to put that restaurant another place in town where you have an amazing view of the sunset or hue. So we made it is that. This is our driver. Good luck to him and i still you would come to this at. The time he. Sunset pictures hopefully. Meanwhile its evening and october fest to get a birds eye view ill go up on the ferris wheel this ferris wheel has been here since one thousand nine hundred seventy nine. And it takes you up almost fifty meters and its something of a landmark here at the october fest. And now our weekly v mail as you know you can send us your travel videos and we show the most beautiful ones here on our show this time we head to the west coast of ireland david aloni has sent us some nice footage of the cliffs of lower they are the countrys most famous cliffs and they rise up to two hundred meters out of the atlantic. Young good. People. Who missed. My. Fingers for. Smell the smell and feel the scab. That your soul and spirit. With that. Will be coming. You know when to fall home. I want. To live. A day at the october fest all force wouldnt be complete without a visit to one of the many pavilions there are fourteen big tents in all which can hold up to one hundred thousand people im in the hot tents one of the largest at october fest. Youll always find a free spot during the day but in the even thing its a real challenge is specially on weekends. For some people october fest is a chance to go a bit crazy. If youre here for the first time remember the beer at october fest is a bit stronger than your regular lager otherwise the party might be over sooner than youd like. So whats my impression of the october fest theres a reason this is called the worlds Biggest Party its quite something. I mean its an entire day at the october fair that meant for me one liter of beer walking several kilometers and a scratchy war yes its astonishing how great this event can be and now i can understand why so many people come here every here again and again. His career even his life. One of the greatest statesmen of the republican. Committee democrats we write. Gustafsson a. Republican fifteen minutes long. Family. From. The best. And international. Shared passion. F c bar. To understand. History. Me as some young. Your son. Can see coyote can touch of refining the sun by an. Exclusive journey into the sun of wyoming. Yes i mean its a kind of culture walk we are we are in accept us for what we are were a family i believe in. The me a son mia phenomenon starting october fifteenth on d w. Imagine being born as. Your ally the compromise makes. You want to look at the new school and think you want to be useful but on allowed to. When youre sick the doctor knows when you fall in love they wont make you dont have children for fear theyll be invisible to. You assure. You have no human rights. When you die and theres nobody who ever exist. Every ten minutes. Ten Million People in the world this think they have no nationality and told made up along and. That everyone has the right. Everyone has the right to say. And. This is the tip of your news live from berlin a deadly shooting on the las vegas strip. A gunman opens fire at a concert

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