5 A 2014 Government Accounting Office (GAO) review of the Services’ supply chain management revealed a need to better manage excess material. As a result, GAO recommended that the Navy incorporate a management review of excess items on order and document reasons for maintaining those items. To satisfy this finding, developers at Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) designed an automated Terminations Dashboard, to track termination actions. “The Termination Dashboard was designed for planners and their managers to work potential terminations recommended by NERP (Navy Enterprise Resource Planning),” said John Cardillo, NAVSUP WSS, Supervisory Operations Research Analyst. “Data from the NERP termination module is imported to an easy-to-use SAS (Statistical Analysis System ) dashboard where planners can record the action taken for a given termination recommendation. The managers are then able to approve or disapprove their planner’s decisions.”