101 OKINAWA, JAPAN – On Feb. 17, 2021, Marines and Sailors of 1st Battalion, 2d Marine Regiment (1/2), 2d Marine Division returned from a paradigm shifting deployment in the vast and exotic training areas of Japan. During a year marred by the effects of COVID-19, the battalion successfully deployed to Okinawa, Japan in the Fall of 2020, as part of the Unit Deployment Program (UDP). After arriving in Japan, the battalion adhered to a strict two-week restriction of movement plan. Upon release from isolation, Marines continued to abide by the standard COVID guidelines and other considerations by the host nation, with strict supervision. “We went in with the intent of paying the cost upfront,” said Maj. Dennis Graziosi, operations officer, 1/2. “It hurt that Marines were sitting in tough restrictions, but after the two weeks of restriction we were able to begin training while adhering to protocol. Bottom line is, heavy restrictions allowed us to do more at the end of the day.”