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Duke is Inventive: A Century of Innovation at Duke Universit
Duke is Inventive: A Century of Innovation at Duke Universit
Duke is Inventive: A Century of Innovation at Duke University — Duke OTC
A new Centennial physical and digital exhibit from OTC collects innovations, inventors, and companies spinning out of Duke University.
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Christopher Monroe ,
Priya Kishnani ,
Isolere Bio ,
David Smith ,
Richard Stack ,
Ashutosh Chilkoti ,
Kelli Luginbuhl ,
Michael Hershfield ,
Jungsang Kim ,
Howard Clark ,
Smita Nairand ,
Harold Judson Humm ,
Celia Bonaventura ,
Fedor Kossakovski ,
Research Innovation Week ,
Duke University Centennial ,
Duke Human Vaccine Institute ,
Duke Human Vaccine Institute Bartonf Haynes ,
Marine Lab ,
School Of Medicine ,
Trent Semans Center ,
Duke University ,
A Century Of Innovation At Duke University ,
Office For Translation Commercialization ,
Duke Art Museum ,
Innovation Week ,
Penn Pavilion ,
Trent Semans ,
North Carolina Based ,
Computer Engineering Christopher Monroe ,
Biomedical Engineering Ashutosh Chilkoti ,
Duke Medicine ,
Dorothy Beard ,
Argos Therapeutics ,
Duke Magazine ,
Biomedical Engineering ,
Materials Science ,
Computer Engineering David Smith ,