Dreams Come True of Louisiana receives $20K donation Dreams Come True receives $20K donation and last updated 2021-04-09 19:54:48-04 LAFAYETTE, La. - Dreams Come True of Louisiana, an organization dedicated to making dreams a reality for Louisiana children with life-threatening illnesses, received a $20,000 donation from Giles Automotive and Subaru of America. The donation by Giles and Subaru is an annual contribution to help Dreams Come True of Louisiana continue granting dreams for more and more kids in Louisiana. As a part of The Subaru Share the Love Event, started in 2008, Subaru of America donated $250 per car purchased or leased from November 19, 2020, through January 4, 2021, to hometown charities in their dealership's communities as well as major charitable organizations across the country. Giles Automotive matches the amount collected by Subaru, and each year a donation is made to Dreams Come True of Louisiana. The amount being donated this year is $20,000 which is the highest amount ever collected.