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Double French success at 2023 World Long Course Champs as Ja
Double French success at 2023 World Long Course Champs as Ja
Double French success at 2023 World Long Course Champs as James Teagle is best of British
James Teagle finishes seventh in men’s race as Mignon and Pierre flew the tricolore, but Joe Skipper was off the pace and Kat Matthews and Ruth Astle DNFd
Related Keywords
Sweden ,
United Kingdom ,
France ,
Australia ,
Spain ,
London ,
City Of ,
British ,
French ,
Camilla Pedersen ,
Sara Svensk ,
Josh Amberger ,
James Teagle ,
Jesper Svensson ,
Kat Matthews ,
Richard Varga ,
Gurutze Frades Larralde ,
Tim Heming ,
Ruth Astle ,
Ondrej Kubo ,
Benito Lopez ,
Helene Alberdi Sololuze ,
Netherland Tristan Olij ,
Antonio Benito Lopez ,
Marjolaine Pierre ,
Clement Mignon ,
Triathlon Long Distance Champs ,
Double French ,
World Long Course ,
World Triathlon Long Course Championship ,
Antonio Benito ,
Joe Skipper ,
Liam Lloyd ,
World Long Distance Champs ,
Ironman Bahrain ,
Ironman Texas ,
Rio Olympics ,
Rico Bogen ,
South African Trautman ,