CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236 TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH BY KEITH ROACH, M.D. --- DEAR DR. ROACH: Many years ago, I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and then was on medication for 10+ years. I eventually had an ablation done, and I am finally back in normal rhythm. I have been off all meds for AFib for over a year. Two of my family members have had strokes due to AFib, so I am very concerned. I brought these events up to my cardiac doctor recently, and he has suggested a micro-sized cardiac device. I've read up on this device, but I was wondering whether one can continue to record if outside of the country, or would it stop recording and transmitting info to one health care provider. After the pandemic I have plans to go to the Holy Lands for two or three weeks. I also hope to visit a week or two each in Ireland and England. -- K.K.