DLSA Ganderbal observes 'International Bio-Diversity Day' -

DLSA Ganderbal observes 'International Bio-Diversity Day' - Scoop News Jammu Kashmir

Ganderbal, May 22 (Scoop News)- The District Legal Services Authority, (DLSA) Ganderbal today observed “International Biodiversity Day '' at Legal Literacy club, Faculty of Forestry SKAUST-K Benhama Ganderbal.
The programme was held under the supervision of Chairman DLSA Ganderbal, Ritesh Kumar Dubey and under the guidance of Secretary DLSA Ganderbal, Nusrat Ali Hakak.
The ‘International Biodiversity Day’ was observed with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of preserving and protecting our planet's biological diversity.
Chairman DLSA, Ganderbal & Secretary DLSA, Ganderbal, highlighted that small gestures, such as planting trees, avoiding plastic, and conserving water, could have a significant impact on conserving biodiversity. They also added that the observation of biodiversity day, plantation drive, made a significant impact in promoting awareness about the importance of biodiversity and ecology and underscored the need for all stakeholders to take necessary measures for its conservation.
Earlier, the event started with opening remarks by Dr. Sabeena.
The programme was spearheaded by Advocate Abid Jeelani, who emphasized the importance of preserving biodiversity for future generations and urged participants to take steps towards conserving the environment and threw light on the pressing need to conserve biodiversity as a means to preserve the planet's ecological balance.
He highlighted the challenges faced in biodiversity conservation and the role of communities in ensuring its protection.
The participants were also enlightened on the legal framework for biodiversity conservation and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard biodiversity and move towards sustainable development.
The seminar featured a series of insightful presentations and speeches by students discussing the current status, challenges, and solutions in preserving the biodiversity of the local environment/ country/ world. The speakers provided enlightening perspectives and knowledge on the importance of biodiversity in mitigating climate change and maintaining ecological balance.
On the occasion, Farhana Manzoor, Shah Saud and Arzoo, students of Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K, Benhama, Abrar Ahmad Lone, Madiha and Mehvish Rasool, students of Sheikh Ul Alam School, Kangan, and Sheikh Dua Fayaz, Miftahul Jannat and Muhib Ullah, Students of Public Higher Secondary School Wutlar, delivered lectures on the relevant topic.
After the seminar, appreciation certificates were also given to the students who excelled in speech competition.
Later, a plantation drive was carried out by Chairman DLSA (Principal & Sessions Judge) Ganderbal and Sub-Judge/ Secretary DLSA Ganderbal, Nusrat Ali Hakak by planting saplings of forest plants to promote ecological balance and maintain biodiversity.
The drive was a significant initiative on the part of DLSA Ganderbal and Faculty of Forestry SKAUST-K Benhama Ganderbal, towards inspiring green habits in the community.
The event was also attended by Professor P.A Khan, Prof. Akhlaq Amin Wani, Prof. GM Bhat, Dr. S. N Zaffar, and other Faculty Members of Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K, Benhama, Gulafroz Khan, Legal Assistant DLSA Ganderbal, Advocate Abid Jeelani, Staff Of DLSA Ganderbal, PLVs of District Ganderbal, students of Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K, Benhama, students of Sheikh Ul Alam School, Kangan, Students of Public Higher Secondary School Wutlar.

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Kangan , Jammu And Kashmir , India , Sheikh Dua Fayaz , Shah Saud , Abid Jeelani , Mehvish Rasool , Ritesh Kumar Dubey , Miftahul Jannat , Skaustk Benhama Ganderbal , Gulafroz Khan , Nusrat Ali Hakak , Farhana Manzoor , Muhib Ullah , Sheikh Ul Alam School , International Biodiversity Day , International Biodiversity Day At Legal Literacy , District Legal Services Authority , International Bio , Students Of Public Higher Secondary School Wutlar , International Bio Diversity , Scoop News , Biodiversity Day , Legal Literacy , Nusrat Ali , Advocate Abid Jeelani , Abrar Ahmad Lone , Public Higher Secondary School Wutlar , Sessions Judge , Akhlaq Amin Wani , Faculty Members , Legal Assistant , District Ganderbal , Public Higher Secondary School , Ganderbal , Ay 22 Scoop News The District Legal Services Authority , Lsa Ganderbal Today Observed International Biodiversity Day 39 At Legal Literacy Club , Aculty Of Forestry Skaustk Benhama Ganderbal The Programme Was Held Under Supervision Chairman Dlsa , Itesh Kumar Dubey And Under The Guidance Of Secretary Dlsa Ganderbal , Usrat Ali Hakak The International Biodiversity Day Was Observed With Aim Of Raising Awareness About Importance Preserving And Protecting Our Planet 39s Biological Diversity Chairman Dlsa , Anderbal Amp Secretary Dlsa , Ighlighted That Small Gestures , Uch As Planting Trees , Avoiding Plastic , Nd Conserving Water , Ould Havea Significant Impact On Conserving Biodiversity They Also Added That The Observation Of Day , Plantation Drive , Adea Significant Impact In Promoting Awareness About The Importance Of Biodiversity And Ecology Underscored Need For All Stakeholders To Take Necessary Measures Its Conservation Earlier , He Event Started With Opening Remarks By Dr Sabeena The Programme Was Spearheaded Advocate Abid Jeelani , Ho Emphasized The Importance Of Preserving Biodiversity For Future Generations And Urged Participants To Take Steps Towards Conserving Environment Threw Light On Pressing Need Conserve Asa Means Preserve Planet 39s Ecological Balance He Highlighted Challenges Faced In Conservation Role Communities Ensuring Its Protection Were Also Enlightened Legal Framework Interdisciplinary Collaboration Safeguard Move Sustainable Development Seminar Featureda Series Insightful Presentations Speeches By Students Discussing Current Status , Challenges , Nd Solutions In Preserving The Biodiversity Of Local Environment Country World Speakers Provided Enlightening Perspectives And Knowledge On Importance Mitigating Climate Change Maintaining Ecological Balance Occasion , Hah Saud And Arzoo , Tudents Of Faculty Forestry , Skuast K , Benhama , Adiha And Mehvish Rasool , Tudents Of Sheikh Ul Alam School , Nd Sheikh Dua Fayaz , Iftahul Jannat And Muhib Ullah , Elivered Lectures On The Relevant Topic After Seminar , Ppreciation Certificates Were Also Given To The Students Who Excelled In Speech Competition Later , A Plantation Drive Was Carried Out By Chairman Dlsa Principal Amp Sessions Judge Ganderbal And Sub Secretary , Usrat Ali Hakak By Planting Saplings Of Forest Plants To Promote Ecological Balance And Maintain Biodiversity The Drive Wasa Significant Initiative On Part Dlsa Ganderbal Faculty Forestry Skaustk Benhama , Owards Inspiring Green Habits In The Community Event Was Also Attended By Professor Pa Khan , Prof Akhlaq Amin Wani , Rof Gm Bhat , R Sn Zaffar , Nd Other Faculty Members Of Forestry , Egal Assistant Dlsa Ganderbal , Taff Of Dlsa Ganderbal , Lvs Of District Ganderbal ,

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