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Divided Loyalties :
Divided Loyalties :
Divided Loyalties
James Cobb admirably assesses the loyalties of C. Vann Woodward, one of the most influential historians of the 20th century, whose best-known books explored the rise of the New South and the emergence of the Jim Crow regime.
Related Keywords
Arkansas ,
United States ,
University Of Georgia ,
Georgia ,
Henry Ford ,
Tennessee ,
Vanns ,
Alabama ,
Old South ,
Mississippi ,
Nashville ,
Emory University ,
Chapel Hill ,
South Carolina ,
America ,
American ,
Howardk Beale ,
Ben Tillman ,
William Faulkner ,
Tom Watson ,
Thomas Wolfe ,
Vann Woodward ,
Howard Odom ,
J Thomas Heflin ,
C Vann Woodward ,
John Herbert Roper ,
Robert Penn Warren ,
Jamesc Cobb ,
Henry James ,
Henry Grady ,
Rupert Vance ,
Robert Toombs ,
Rutherfordb Hayes ,
Robertl Dabney ,
Arthur Schlesinger Jr ,
Thomase Watson ,
James Cobb ,
Donald Davidson ,
Justice Thurgood Marshall ,
James Vardaman ,
Andrew Johnson ,
Charles Beard ,
Charles Colcock Jones ,
Frankl Owsley ,
Confederate Army ,
Farmers Alliance ,
C Vann Woodward Oxford University ,
Democratic Party ,
Southern Historical Society ,
Legal Defense Fund ,
University Of North Carolina ,
North Carolina ,
Comer Vann Woodward ,
New South ,
Jim Crow ,
Southern Methodism ,
Populist Party ,
Louisiana Governor Huey Long ,
South Carolina Governor Ben Tillman ,
Mississippi Governor James Vardaman ,
Georgia Senator Thomas ,
Civil War ,
Republican Rutherford ,
Lost Cause ,
Critical Year ,
Agrarian Rebel ,
Nashville Agrarian Frank ,
Plain Folk ,
Civil Rights ,
Strange Career ,
University Press ,
Defense Fund ,
Fourteenth Amendment ,
Agrarian Donald Davidson ,
Robert Penn ,
Arthur Schlesinger ,