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Dispute over carbon credits goes to court, Lawsuit pits thre
Dispute over carbon credits goes to court, Lawsuit pits thre
Dispute over carbon credits goes to court, Lawsuit pits three Native corporations against others in timber revenue case
A new lawsuit threatens to upend a landmark, four-decade-old revenue sharing pact that’s guided the distribution of more than $2 billion among Alaska’s Native corporations.
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California ,
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Craig Richards ,
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Anchorage Superior Court ,
Calista Corp ,
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Bering Straits Native Corp ,
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University Of Washington ,
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Copper River Valley Based Ahtna ,
Alaska Area Chugach ,
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ,
Nome Based Bering Straits Native Corp ,
Bethel Based Calista ,
Anchorage Superior Court Judge Jack Mckenna ,
Arctic Slope Regional ,
Alaska Attorney General Craig Richards ,
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Northern Journal ,
Creative Commons ,