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Dispatches from Douglas County: Is your state part of the Mi
Dispatches from Douglas County: Is your state part of the Mi
Dispatches from Douglas County: Is your state part of the Midwest?
Growing up, I defined the Midwest as Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa (begrudgingly), Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Related Keywords
Illinois ,
United States ,
Nebraska ,
Northland ,
Wisconsin ,
Douglas County ,
Minnesota ,
Iowa ,
Oklahoma ,
Missouri ,
Michigan ,
South Dakota ,
Pennsylvania ,
Ohio ,
Superior High School ,
Lake Superior ,
Canada General ,
Canada ,
Duluth ,
Kansas ,
Texas ,
Colorado ,
Indiana ,
West Virginia ,
Montana ,
North Dakota ,
Kentucky ,
Wyoming ,
Canadian ,
John Myer ,
Ashlyn Sutherland ,
Janigo Tiger ,
Scott Janigo ,
Reagan Hoverman ,
Maria Lockwood ,
Clint Austin ,
Jed Carlson ,
Bob Demeyer ,
High School ,
Canadian Forces Snowbirds ,
Richardi Bong Veterans Historical Center ,
Us Census Bureau ,
File Duluth Media Group ,
Jed Carlson Duluth Media Group ,
Eastern Time Zone ,
Upper Peninsula ,
Central Time ,
Duluth Media Group ,
Canadian Snowbirds ,
Duluth Airshow ,
Duluth Media ,
Twin Ports ,
News Tribune ,
Veterans Historical Center Wednesday ,