2021-04-16 14:27:14 Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. At the initiative of the Chairman of the State Great Hural, Mr.G.Zandanshatar, an online deliberative discussion on “Constitution Amendment Mongolia's Development Model” was held on April 14, 2021. The attendees to the discussion included Member of Parliament, Minister of Education and Science, Mr. L.Enkh-Amgalan, Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science Mr. G.Damdinnyam, Chief Representative at the JICA Mongolia Office Mrs.Tamura Eriko, Senior Specialist of Infrastructure and Private Sector at the JICA Mongolia Office Mr. Koizumi Taiga, Leading Specialist of the Institute of International Studies at the Academy of Science Dr. Prof. B.Serjav, President of the New Mongolia Academy Mr. J.Galbadrakh and Head of the Oyuntulkhuur Foundation Mrs. D.Oyuntulkhuur and others.