Discovery Foundation invests R24.5m in training and research of public sector doctors for 2020 Discovery Foundation has invested more than R261m in grants to support 473 medical specialists and institutions 07 December 2020 Discovery Foundation NC The 2020 Discovery Foundation awarded research and training grants to SA’s most talented future health-care leaders and experts. Image: 123RF/Anna Tolipova The Discovery Foundation, an independent trust that invests in human resources for SA’s health-care sector, has again awarded research and training grants to SA’s most talented future health-care leaders and experts. The R24.5m in grants, including R16.6m for 28 recipients towards their fellowships and R11.1m approved to 14 institutions, will be used to boost academic, specialist and rural medicine in areas of critical need, including paediatrics, psychiatry, oncology and many more areas of need.