Disaster Risk Reduction in Bhutan: Status Report 2020 Format Bhutan’s Response to COVID-19 and Disaster Risk Reduction Bhutan confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on March 6, 2020. A nationwide lockdown was announced with immediate effect to contain the community spread of the virus. The RGoB put in place every measure necessary to safeguard the people of Bhutan from the pandemic and their response to the pandemic was recognized internationally. Until July 30, 2020, active cases had flattened, with no evidence of community transmission and no deaths. However, on August 11, 2020 the RGoB announced its first nationwide lockdown, following report of a COVID-19 positive case in a traveller who had been released from quarantine. Bhutan is currently at Level 3 (Orange) stage which indicates that there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 but there is no local transmission of the virus.