The newly released film, Pogaru, has not gone down well with a section of the Brahmin community who have taken umbrage over the way the community has been depicted. Following this, film’s director, Nanda Kishor, who held a meeting with members of the Karnataka Brahmin Development Board and Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce, apologised over hurting the sentiments of the community and agreed to delete “objectionable” dialogues. As many as 14 clips in the film are claimed to be “objectionable”. Meanwhile, Shodhan Kumar, a resident of Kanakapura Road, has filed a complaint with Talaghattapura police seeking legal action against the director and the producer. In his complaint filed on Tuesday, Mr. Kumar alleged that the film depicted the Brahmin community and priests “in bad light” and “defamed” their customs and prayers. The police said they have taken up a non-cognisable complaint.