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Dining naked to empower yourself: This New York event wants
Dining naked to empower yourself: This New York event wants
Dining naked to empower yourself: This New York event wants to tear down our prejudices
The creator of the Füde Dinner Experience says that her initiative helps combat the toxicity of a culture dominated by negative body image
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Barcelona ,
Comunidad Autonoma De Cataluna ,
Spain ,
India ,
United States ,
Ireland ,
Finland ,
New York ,
Madrid ,
Germany ,
Irish ,
American ,
German ,
Kristina Roth ,
Claudia Salazar ,
Kann Max ,
Arranz Lozano ,
Los Angeles ,
Serena Delle Donne ,
Magdalena Su ,
Pamela Paul ,
Charlie Ann Max ,
Complutense University Of Madrid ,
New York Times ,
Virginia Woolf ,
Political Science ,
Complutense University ,
Gender Equality Unit ,