Feb 24, 2021, 12:18 IST Actor Allari Naresh's Naandhi is hitting the headlines for all good reasons. The film has set the box office on fire. It has not only impressed the audience and fans but the film also won the heart of Telugu top producer Dil Raju. Yes, what you read is right. Dil Raju has arranged an appreciation meet for Allari Naresh's Naandhi. The event was held last night in Hyderabad. Dil Raju has appreciated the whole team for their outstanding work. If you may recall, Warangal Srinu made some allegations against Dil Raju during the KRACK release. According to sources, Warangal Srinu had bagged the Nizam rights of Naandhi. People are wondering how they both sorted their difference, some of them are thinking that Dil Raju could have forgiven Srinu. Looks like the difference between Dil Raju and Warangal Srinu seems to be sorted out. We don't know whether they both are really on good terms or not. Dil Raju appreciating Naandhi film has become a hot topic on social media. If sources are to be believed, Dil Raju seems to have bought the entire remake rights of the film.