Digital Sales Specialist, London/ Remote-working £35,000 - £50,000 basic pay + bonus (once the business achieves £300,000 net revenue and that can be mutually agreed figure. The DSS (Digital Sales Specialist) : A progressive, creative thinker who can conceptualize, execute, and close revenue producing ideas that connect our advertiser's goals to our multicultural digital properties, including, but not limited to, the station websites, apps, social media, off-site partners, and agency. We offer a collaborative work setting that gives candidates an opportunity to contribute to a variety of projects. Ethniconline Network has been offering its services in UK since 2012 and have already established relationships with many mainstream agencies and we are registered vendor with a no of mainstream agencies in UK. We offer a competitive environment and aggressive reward structure. We inculcate independence and teamwork culture whereby team members are able to come up with their independent thoughts, brainstorm and implement, as we value and recognize every team member’s ability to think out of the box and contribute in implementing the same. Within our group we endeavors with various strategies to grow and retain our talent. Career mapping is something we emphasize on to ensure right talents progress within the group fast.